My Falling Wife

By dianalovesdiane

572K 17.2K 650

Gabriel is a combination of sexy, handsome and rich but a total womanizer. He's never been into relationship... More

Chapter one - My life
Chapter two - Fun
Chapter three - stalker
Chapter four - Family trip
chapter five - Kidnap
Chapter six - Falling angel
Chapter seven - who are you?
Chapter eight - Act
Chapter nine - Home
Chapter ten - Talk
Chapter Eleven - Dinner
Twelve - Breakfast
Fourteen - Meeting My Family
Chaoter Fifteen - swimming
Chapter sixteenth - My girl
Chapter seventeen - He's Worried
Chapter eighteenth - Sorry
Chapter nineteenth - Can we go out?
Chapter twenty - Face time
Chapter twenty one - My friends
Chapter twenty two - Out
Chapter twenty three - Shocking News
chapter twenty four - Moving out
Chapter twenty five - I miss you
Chapter twenty six - Explanation
Chapter twenty seven - Scared
Chapter twenty eight - Candice
chapter twenty nine - You lied again
Chapter thirty - Surprised Visit
Chapter thirty one - Jerk
chapter thirty two - Gabe side
Chapter thirty three - Magic Word
Chapter thirty four - Marry me
Chapter thirty five - My boyfriend
Chapter thirty six - Her family
Chapter thirty seven - Her Dad
Chapter thirty eight - shopping
Chapter thirty nine - Baby shower
Chapter forty - Tonight?
Chapter forty one - My stalker
Chapter forty two - don't take it back
Chapter forty three - Work
Chapter forty four - Are you serious?
Chapter forty Five - My Morning with her
Chapter forty six - Working again
Chapter forty seven - Office
Chapter forty eight - Jealous
Chapter forty nine - I love you

thirteenth - Picnic Date

10K 337 12
By dianalovesdiane

Abigail POV

Gabe whose in his drive seat driving us to nowhere only he knows. Even I try to convince him to tell me where are we going but he never budge at all. My God, I just love this guy his very clingy and sweet always. I mean does a guy really usually do this to their girlfriend?

Every time when we were together he never failed to remind me how much he loves me. He's doesn't have onze of shame even when theirs Molly looking at us. He keeps flirting at me and saying those sweet words that I cringed sometimes but deep down I feel touch and happy. I may not remember him but I'm glad his my boyfriend because he never leave my side and helps me all through out.

" Babe stop staring at me like that or else I stop my car in the middle o f the road and attack you, right here right now!" He said making my eyes turn wide.

"What are you talking about!" I asked him in confusion

"Don't you dare pull the act Missy. I saw you how you stared at me like I am a piece to f meat!" He said and scowled at me.

"Of course not! I did not do such a thing!" I said defensively.

"Yes you are don't try to deny it!" Urh fine he caught me staring at me like checking him out. Hahaha..

"Fine!" I said finally I surrender this guy is annoying I swear.

The he leans quickly and took a pick of my lips making me gasped at him.

"Gabe Fucos on driving your going to get us killed!" I told him.

"Don't worry babe you safety is my first priority in life. I love you so much and I don't want to see get hurt. Remember that!" That made my heart melted into puddle again. How can this guy possibly do this in just one swift moment.

"Yeah I believe you!" I said smiling to him. For couple days being with him I am now more comfortable around him. He's warm and always accommodating. He never failed to make me happy and that's something I am so grateful to have. A boyfriend who can swift off your feet and makes you float in the air.

"We're here!" He announced and I was totally shocked.

My bad! I didn't pay attention to the road and surrounding. I keep on glancing or staring at my so handsome boyfriend. Sorry but I am not feel sorry at all. How can I ? When he's very attractive and handsome I can't tear off my eyes of him.

He unbuckle my seatbelt after he opened the door in the passenger side. His sweet gestures always melted me. He offered his hand to me for support and I quickly took it. As I climbed out from the car, I look at the surrounding. I don't care I look like a child whose getting her precious candies but it's really I am feeling right now.

My eyes mentally glued at the sight before me. It's everything green and flowery. You can hear a water running somewhere and air is so clean that you want to breath in and out. As I recover from momentary daze I look into Gabe.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"I bought this place when one of my investor told me that he and his wife selling this. It's their secret garden he said, they usually went here when they're children are small but right now they are big enough so they didn't have the time to look after this and they are moving from another place. He showed me this place and one look I know you will going to love it. The fact that I keep seeing you talking to the plants and flowers in the backyard, yeah yeah I saw it. Your beautiful and awesome.

So back to the garden, I assume you will love this and bought this then I made some changes before I invited you here!" He said and I can't help my tears to slip in my eyes. That moment when he saw my tears. He looks at me worried.

"Hey hey you ok? Are you hurt? Why are crying? Did I done something wrong babe?", Oh silly how he say such thing like that.

I flung my arms into his neck making him gasp in surprised. I know it's bold for me to do but I can't help it. I hugged him and lay my head on his broad chest. He smells so nice and manly. I pull back and smile taking a pick kiss on him which makes him surprised more.

"Thank you I can't help but to feel touch. Your one amazing, thoughtful and sweet boyfriend. I don't know how I got you but I am glad. Thank you!" I said truthfully making him smile so wide that it reaches to his ears.

"If I known this would make you feel this way I will gladly bought you or even build another garden just to make me see you like this and especially for that kiss!" He said teasingly and I bite my lips for embarrassment.

"Come let's go and I still have surprise install for you!" He said and I can't help but to feel excited.

"What are these?" As I saw some baskets full of foods and blankets lay on the ground. It's like a picnic.

"Do you like it!" He asked me

"I don't just like it, I love it!" I said to him

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.

He carefully make me sit in the blanket and pull off the stuff in the baskets. Wow! It has so many yummy food and I can't help but to be surprised.

"How?" I asked him

"Hahaha.. if you asking about the food no I didn't made this. Actually I asked help from my mom and sister. You know I don't know how to cook. Hehehe.. but I as an idiot I like to take you in a picnic so I asked my mom and sister to cook. I hope you will love it!" He said and I can't help but to feel happy.  As I said this guy will be the death of me.

"I wish I can personally thank them for this. This is delicious!" I said as I start munching the food. " Is your mom a professional Baker? " I asked him

"Why?" He asked as he keeps staring at me. I don't care if I like an idiot now whose eating like a child but I can't help it, it's so addicting and yummy.

"It's so delicious please tell them and say thank you for me!" I said then munch again making him laughed

"You can thank them personally, they invited you to come to their house. They love to meet you and wants to meets the girl who swift off their son heart! That's my parents words not mine babe!" He said and I don't know how to feel now.

Honestly I am happy to be able to meet them but the memories of mine has not been recover yet and I don't know how to act in front of them.

"Are you sure they want to meet me?" I asked him

"Of course and please don't give me that look. Your incredible as you are babe. You have nothing to worry about. Your perfect and I bet my family will going to love you with or without your memories I can promise you that!" He said and that's makes me at ease.

"Thank you! You don't know how it means to me. Thank Gabe!" I said and kiss me gently and lovingly. Do I still have to resist this guy charm?

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