Tatsuya x Mayumi

By kiahtrance

55.2K 1.1K 126

Every day life at Magic High. Everyone ships them in school as well and Tatsuyas friends as well as some stud... More

chp 1- Constant whispers
chp 2- Lie detector
chp 3- The tutor and the tests
chp 4- Outside exposure
chp 5- PE day
chp6- The schools repair man
chp7- School Gardens
chp8- Lights out
chp9.1- Butler + Presenter
chp9.2- Mayumis Butler
chp9.3- Presenter+4 man attack
chp10- Tests.
chp11- Do I like her?
chp12- Preparations for the dance
chp13- Decorating
chp14- Saturday out
chp15- The dance
chp16-Mayumis+Mari graduation
chp21-Hotel meetings
chp22- Hot springs
chp17-Sneaking into college
chp23- Shopping
chp24- Night time visits
chp18- Journey to college
chp25-Hidden behind her smile
chp26- Treasure hunt
chp19- Yotsuba and Saegusa
chp28- Tatsuyas Birthday!
chp20- The sleepover
Chp29-Sick day
chp30- Choices

Chp31-Cafe discussions

1.4K 28 3
By kiahtrance

"Mayumi!" Tatsuya yelled.

"Yes, come in!" Mayumi yelled back.

Tatsuya entered her shower room which is where she was. "Sorry for disturbing you but, Miyuki and Masaki want to meet up in a near by cafe. I believe they want to talk about the marridge conditions" Tatsuya informed.

Mayumi got out of the shower and dried off. She then said "That's fine. We needed to do it sooner or later. What time are we going to meet?"

"5pm. It's currently 3pm so we have loads of time" Tatsuya explained.

At 5pm both Mayumi and Tatsuya were ready.

They arrived at the cafe and we shown to a modern room. The room was massive, it had a table for four in the middle and had a sofa closer towards the entrance. The view they had from the windows was amazing. The sky was clear and dark.

"Pretty" Mayumi mumbled.

As well as the sky Tatsuya also analysed the people below them.

"We are on the highest floor" Tatsuya stated.

Before Mayumi could reply Masaki and Miyuki arrived. They all hugged and exchanged greetings.

"You look like you are doing better now" Tatsuya whispered to Masaki.

"What could I say? The meeting was intense. I also want to speak to you privately after we have the group discussion. Sorry about that" Masaki said with a slight chuckle

"Its fine, I'm sure the girl want to have there own discussion as well" Tatsuya reassured.

The girls then encouraged Tatsuya and Masaki to hurry up and sit down.

Once they were all sat they ordered there food and drinks and began there serious discussion.

"Brother, what did you think of your marriage conditions?" Miyuki asked.

"Me and Mayumi have spoken about it and we are most likely going to agree with the terms. How about you?" Tatauya returned.

"Same however, I just wanted to know some of your conditions since our relationship will effect each others" Mayumi strongly stated.

"I agree. Let's talk about the conditions about kids first" Mayumi jumped in.

"Well we need to have at least 3 kids and 1 will have the Ichijou name. The child we pick will be random, so we will decide which kid it will be before they are all born" Masaki informed.

"We have to have at least 2 kids. They may take the Yotsuba name but it is up to Tatsuya" Mayumi explained.

"And you dont have a problem that only Tatsuya gets to choose?" Miyuki questioned.

"Of course not! I will discipline him so that any choice he makes will be a choice choice made by us where I also get to have a say regardless" Mayumi proudly replied as she pulled Tatsuyas cheek.

"I'm not a child." Tatsuya reminded.

Mayumi smiled "yeah yeah"

"Should we move to the sofa? We can come back to the table once the food arrives" Masaki recommended.

Tatsuya nodded and then all 4 of them sat in the sofa.

"Did you get a lecture on how we are not supposed to distract the girls from there duties?" Masaki asked Tatsuya with a sigh.

Tatsuya smiled and said "of course"

"Not to mention we will announce our engagement to the public at the same time" Mayumi added.

"I hate being recorded" Miyuki quickly responded.

"The live interview is going to be even more of a challenge. The questions they ask catch me off guard sometimes" Masaki admitted.

"Some reporters are so persistent. It is a bother" Tatsuya discussed.

"They try to catch you off guard that's why" Miyuki explained as she punched Masakis nose.

"What do you think of the divorce rule?" Tatsuya asked everyone.

"Its a bit of a risk" Miyuki replied quickly.

"I agree" Tatsuya said with a nod of approval

As Tatsuya and Miyuki debated ways to convince there families to allow them to all to divorce even when officially married, Mayumi and Masaki exchange the same look of disappointment and tiredness. They then looked at the partners and smiled evily.

Mayumi jumped onto Tatsuyas lap and said "idiot, we wont need a divorce so don't worry"

Masaki hugged Miyuki from behind and agreed "yes a divorce wont be needed, we can talk any problem out"

Tatsuya held Mayumi in his lap and Miyuki accepted Masakis embrace but still exchanged a doubtful look, before they could debate again the waitresses and waiters came to serve there food.

They all took a seat and began to talk about a place travel to.

Once they finished "Tatsuya, I need to make a phone call. Do you want to join me?" Masaki asked.

Tatsuya nodded and then him and Masaki went outside.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Mayumi curiously asked.

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me but I'm glad he is able to talk to brother about it" Miyuki gently said.

Mayuni nodded and then said "is there anything worrying you?"

Suddenly Miyukis face went blank,a tear came out from out of her eye and gently fell down her face. Her face went more pale and she started to shake slightly. "I'm scared of many things...This is going to change my life completely.  But what can I say to Mayumi?"

Miyuki then slowly announced whilst staring into space. "I'm scared that half way through our relationship Masaki will lose interest in me and leave"

Mayumi sighed "I know the feeling but Masaki is way too head over heels for you for that to happen"

"Well I hope so." Miyuki quietly said.

"Even if he did do that, Tatsuya would kill him and make him apologise to you during his last breathe" Mayumi dramatically and violently described.

Miyuki laughed and hugged Mayumi. They cuddled each other and then Miyuki asked "do you not have any worries?"

Mayumi giggled weakly and said "I'm scared to get pregnant"

Miyuki looked at her confused. "But you said you would accept the condition to have 2 kids?"

Mayumi sighed and said "yes but that's when me and Tatsuya plan to have them. I'm scared I will get pregnant unintentionally and he will leave me. Not to mention if my body gets uglier he might not find me attractive"

Miyuki grabbed mayumis face, "if brother ever leaves you because of that, I will kill him. Or at least make him suffer" Miyuki confidently said.

"That's reassuring. Now that we have explained our worries let's talk about something more joyous" Mayumi quickly suggested

They then did so.

To when Tatsuya and Masaki left:

Tatsuya and Masaki went to a secluded side of the road. Tatsuya stood whilst Masaki sat on the bench. The road was a peaceful quiet and the stars blessed them with there presence.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Tatsuya asked.

Masaki took a deep breathe and said "I dont know if I can get married to miyuki"

"What?" Tatsuya quickly snapped back.

"I don't know if I can accept the Yotsuba name" Masaki explained.

"Why? You are more then capable" Tatsuya calmly justified.

"Maybe but your thinking about it wrong. The reason I dont know if i can is because.... if I get married to Miyuki I will no longer be the Ichijou heir. It will be passed on to my sister but she does want to be it....... I dont want her to be unhappy for my sake" Masaki slowly said, releasing tears towards the ends.

"I see" Tatsuya gently said. He patted Masaki on his head. "To be honest I knew about this already. I spoke to your sister in advance. She sure is a tough one to convince but she said she would accept the opportunity if her farther gave it to her. Your a good brother for remembering her feelings though" Tatsuya explained chuckling slightly.

Masaki looked up and said "really? You spoke to her?"

"Of course. Here is a letter of her even admitting it. I have a digital copy as well" Tatsuya displayed

Masaki read it. "Thank God. Thank God. She will also be happy." Masaki cried.

Tatsuya smiled and asked "so now will you marry Miyuki?"

Masaki quickly nodded.

They then stared up in the sky and admired the stars. Masaki broke the silence by saying "Tatsuya, sometimes I wish I was more like you. You never panic or worry about anything."

Tatsuya looked at him blankly and questioned him by saying "who said I wasnt worried about this? This is a very import thing that is going to change our lives"

"So you are worried about something. What is it?" Masaki seriously asked.

"I'm worried that.............nevermind"  Tatsuya quickly said

"No, wait, tell me, it's fine. I'm not going to use this against you. Your like my brother now" masaki insisted.

"Fine, I'm worried that once Mayumi finds out more about me, she will hate me." Tatsuya explained.

Masaki smiled and said "Mayumi is so in love with you to the point that if you killed her family she would still love you, so I dont think you have to worry about that. Relationships should be built on honesty and trust after all"

Tatsuya smiled "look who has become the love expert now" he teased.

"Let's go inside now, I'll race you to the top" Masaki announced before sprinting away.

Tatsuya accepted the challenge and ran after him.

They were neck and neck until "Bang!"

They ran in at the same time which caused the door to bang open. Masaki was about to fall but Tatsuya grabbed his jacket and caught him.

Once Tatsuya pulled him up Masaki thaked him and then they both acknowledged Mayumi and Miyukis laugh.

"What are you 2 laughing at?" Masaki asked whilst adding his own laugh to the mix.

The girls energetically got up and then they all went downstairs.

"So we all agree to the terms of the marriage?" Miyuki asked to summarise

Everyone nodded and then Mayumi announced "Then in 3 days time let's go on a trip to the place we were discussing over dinner."

They all agreed and then left. It was 12pm so Masaki, Mayumi and Miyuki got in trouble for returning late.

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