chp 2- Lie detector

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All of Tatsuya and his friends are in the student council room with the student council students as they are all revising for the upcoming tests and the libary is full.

"Are you not going to study?" Miyuki asks Tatsuya who is reading a book about ice cream and cheese production. (Random...I know).

"Not yet, I only like revising at home" Tatsuya explained.

After about half an hour Miki walks around the room to stretch his legs and finds a strange device.

He places it gently on the the table and says to Tatsuya "do you know what this is?".

Tatsuya smiled and said "that's a very old lie detector" he looked at Mayumi and Mari and asked "why do you have a lie detector?"

Mayumi smiled and Mari explained that the old student council used it on students.

"Cool" Leo said admiring it.

"I'd say we studied enough, let's play a game with it" Erika said enthusiastically.

In the end she managed to convince everyone to play.

"We can use this bottle" Mizuki suggested.

Erika grabbed the bottle and thanked her.

They were going to spin the bottle and whoever it landed on had to be attached to the machine and answer the question they ask.

They spinned the bottle and it landed on Miki. Tatsuya attached him to the machine and they asked him "have you ever brought yourself a children's toy that obviously wasnt for your age?"

Miki blushed and said yes. The lie detector showed truth.

Next it landed on Miyuki, they asked "what was the last text you sent?".

Miyuki looked down to her phone, she blushed and said "I texted Masaki I'd see him soon"

Tatsuya grinned and said "good luck"

Miyuki blushed and said, "thanks"

Tatsuya smiled and they spun the bottle again. This time it landed on Mizuki. Her question was

"What bra size are you?" She blushed and all the boys avoided eye contact with her.

She answered and the boys tried not to react in any way.

They span the bottle again and it went on Leo. They asked him "what's the worst date you have been on?".

He explains that he has only been on 2 dates but on one of them he walked into the girls bathroom that the girl was in and the girl kicked him in the stomach really hard eventhough he apologized.

Everyone facepalmed.

It then landed on Mari. They asked her "have you said 'I love you' yet to the person you are dating?"

"Uhm, not yet" Mari managed to say since she was a big embarrassed

Then it landed on Mayumi. "Have you ever lied to your dad about a boy or sneaking out?"

"I havent needed to lie to him about a boy yet, but I have snuck out of the house with out his permission" mayumi said with a wink.

Soon it landed on Erika and they asked her "is your hair pink down there as well?"

.... the boys had to leave the room whilst she answered.

Finally they tried to get it to land on Tatsuya. Tatsuya smiled at there failed attempts and soon Erika and Mari had enough and said "THAT IS IT!! TATSUYA WE ARE FORCING YOU TO ANSWER OUR QUESTION!"

Once they finished yelling Tatsuya agreed. They asked him "have you ever thought about dating any of the girls that have asked you out?"

Tatsuya simply replied "yes, but in the end no."

Finally the game was finished and after bullying Leo about his failed date, they went home.

All apart from Tatsuya and Mayumi.

Tatsuya had to speak to a teacher and Mayumi needed to rearrange some files.

Tatsuya saw her leave and he quietly snuck up to her and covered her eyes.

Mayumi reacted by pulling out her CAD and attempting to kick him.

Tatsuya dodged and laughed a little.

Mayumi stared and then let out a sigh of relief.

"Isnt your house in the other direction? Dont tell me your going to lie to your dad about your duties at school or about a boy" Tatsuya said in mocking tone.

Mayumi laughed and said "I wanted to go to the new ice cream shop. Do you want to come with me?"

"There is a new ice cream shop? Of course I will come" Tatsuya said a bit enthusiastically.

Mayumi linked arms with him which made him confused. She then said "I'll lead the way."

"Yes ma'am" Tatsuya responded with a smile.

Once they got there Mayumi got the rocky road flavour whilst Tatsuya tried the birthday cake flavour.

He really liked it and mayumi also liked hers. They sat at a booth relaxing whilst eating. "Do you want to try some?" Mayumi offered.

Tatsuya refused but in the end agreed. Mayumi brought the ice cream closer to his face and he stuck his tongue out to try some. In the process of that she managed to get some of his nose and she began to laugh.

Tatsuya cleaned himself up and then rubbed his ice cream against her cheek. She shivered at the coldness and looked at him confused. Before she could ask anything Tatsuya came really close and licked her cheek where he placed the ice cream.

"Warm" she thought as Tatsuya was close to her. Without knowing it she put her arm around his waist keeping him from moving. She was about to let go once she realised but then Tatsuya put his arm around her shoulders which shocked her.

He whispered in her ear in a gentle tone "I hope you forgive me but now we are even".

Mayumi felt her skin burn as he said it.

Once they finished they said good byes to each other. Mayumi hid her head in her hands blushing from what just happened the whole drive home which made her driver laugh.

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