chp 3- The tutor and the tests

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Tatsuya was at the libary. He was sitting down reading a book until he noticed lots of course 2 students around him.

He looks up and one asks him "Tatsuya, if you couldnt beat someone with magic or physically, what would you do?"

Tatsuya replys saying " I would beat them mentally"

"So we just need to beat them mentally?" One student said.

"How do we do that?" Another asked.

All the course 2 students began to talk amongst themselves. Tatsuya knew they were talking about the course 1 students and debated whether or not he should join in.

He then said "I would break there egos, the test is tomorrow you know"

Hinting at them to get higher than the course 1 students in the upcoming test.

"Easy for you to say. Your always no.1" a students says

"I see, since this is important to you lot I will offer to tutor you all" Tatsuya said as he got up.

"Really!?" The students yelled.

Tatsuya noddd and brought out a large white board. The students all sat down and awaited his instructions.

As Tatsuya started, the word got around that Tatsuya was tutoring the course 2 students. The course 1 students secretly started to get nervous.

"Intresting, I never pictured brother as a teacher" Miyuki said

"Let's go have a look" Mayumi said full of excitement.

"Even I'm intrested" Mari claimed as they all went.

When they entered they saw many formulas and there uses underneath them written on the very large white board.

Tatsuya had arranged the group. He had one person yelling out a question and the others answer it by throwing a dart on to the dart boards that Tatsuya hanged up which had formalas on them so the active learners wouldn't get board.

Tatsuya taught some girls in a more seductive way. He put his hand on the hand they were using to write and whispered the method into there ears. He even went through some questions with them.

Tatsuya also went around and told people individually what they needed to improve on.

Miyuki, Mari and Mayumi watched in amazement as Tatsuya had complete control over the students.

"I dont know how I feel about his play boy methods but they seem to be working. I guess we will have to wait for the results." Juumonji said as he observed

"Miki, Erika and Mizuki you need to improve more in this part of the work. Leo and kirihara you 2 focus on this bit" Tatsuya explained to them.

When it was 7:30 pm Tatauya announced "alright everybody quickly get these notes down and then you are free to go home. Thank you for all your efforts and best of luck for tomorrow."

By 8pm everyone was out and thanked him.

2 days after the test the results were posted.

The top 50 results were all course 2 students.

As the day went by Tatsuya recieved more and more gifts which ended up in him having to get his to friends to hold some since he couldn't carry them all.

At the end of the day Tatsuya was called into the student council room.

He saw Mayumi and Juumonji there.

"Good work with Tutoring your fellow students" Juumonji said.

"Yes, we appreciate your work with even the students who were originally at the bottom" Mayumi explained.

"Keep it up" Juumonji said before leaving.

Tatsuya bowed to Mayumi and was about to leave as well until Mayumi grabbed his hand and said in a jelous tone"whilst it is great that you helped the students, was it really necessary for you to teach some of the girls like the way you did"

Tatsuya smiled and asked her "you have a test coming up soon as well right? Want me to tutor you?"

Mayumi laughed and said "thanks but I dont think you could do my work"

Tatsuya raised an eyebrow and Mayumi showed him the stuff she needed to revise.

"This is easy, I have already studied this. Sit down" Tatsuya demanded.

Mayumi sat down and got her pencil case out.

"Are you ready?" Tatsuya asked.

Mayumi nodded and Tatsuya gently placed his hand on top of hers which had her pen in it. He then moved her hand gracefully like it was his own  and whispered the method and explained it into her ear.

She felt like she was in a daze. All she could concentrate on was his voice. She felt a tingling sensation as he spoke seductively into her ear.

Without knowing it she rested her head on Tatsuya and though Tatsuya was surprised he continued.

As he did this to her Mayumi left out a soft moan. She was so absorbed in him. She hated it and loved it. She felt as if she was drooling and Tatsuya wrapped his other arm gently around her waist. Mayumi used her free hand to hold his hand which was around her waist.

"Its weird, I want him to do more" she though.

She heard Tatsuya gulp and it was true.

"Usually I'm good at controlling myself, but this is harder than usual" Tatsuya thought.

He regained his composure and then let go of her. Mayumi was shocked and looked at him quickly. He smiled and said "try the other questions".

She did so and realised that it almost came naturally to her. She completed the questions quicker and found it a lot easier than before.

He messed up her hair slightly and said "well done, you got them correct".

"Thank you for your help sensei" she said in a joking way.

They walked home and said there goodbyes to each other.

2 days later her test results were shown. "I got 99%!" She thought in shock. "I got all the questions right I just forgot to put the last answer in the answer box" Mayumi thought with a disappointed manner.

"Maybe I'll get him to tutor me again" she thought giggling to herself.

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