chp8- Lights out

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Leo, Miki and Kirihara have recently been watching a new show that starts at 11pm and finishes at 1am. They have also been playing a new game which they never put down until at least 5am everyday. They get up for school at 7am.

"Tatsuya,come on you really need to watch it!" Kirihara yelled.

"Yes! it was amazing. You will really like it." Miki explained

"Yesterdays episode was the best. The shows has a mix of like every genre" Leo stated.

"Maybe but, look at the dark circles around your eyes. You lot have been like this for 3 weeks now. When does this thing end?" Tatsuya asked.

"The last episode is today" leo said sadly.

"I wonder when season 2 will be out" Miki added.

Throughout the day Tatsuya had to constantly wake them up and give them sweets to boost there energy.

At the end of school as they are hanging out, Tatsuya realises they were getting really tired. The sun was out and it was warm today.

Tatsuya stretched his legs out and places Leos head on his left thigh just behind his knee and did the same for Miki but on his right thigh. He grabbed kirihara and wrapped his legs around his waist so that Kiriharas legs were at the top of his thighs and wrapped Kiriharas arms around his shoulders. Tatsuya had the lean down slightly so that kirihara want sliding off his back. "He looks like a sloth" Tatsuya thought to himself as he began to read a book about racing cars.

The girls saw them and took a picture.

"Why dont you just wake them up Tatsuya?" Mari asked.

"How long have you been here?" Erika asked.

"About an hour but I will let them sleep for another 2 hours" Tatsuya said calmly.

"2 hours!!" They yell.

"Well if you let them sleep for 2 more hours that would mean they will already have a 3 hours sleep. Today is the last episode of there show and they told me they sleep for 2 hours at night. This means they will have a 5 hours sleep in total. This will be enough for them to survive school" Tatsuya explained.

"Aw that's nice of you Tatsuya" Mizuki said gently.

"Nice of you to show your nice side every once in a while" Mari said.

"Make sure you dont hurt your back brother" Miyuki said messing up his hair.

"Tatsuya you look like your enjoying there company" Mayumi said pulling his cheeks.

"You look like a dad with 3 little boys" Erika teased.

They continued to tease him until they finally said there goodbyes.

Mayumi sat under the tree opposite them and stared at Tatsuya for at least half an hour.

"Are you not going to go home?" Tatsuya asked.

"Not yet, no one is home yet so I'd get bored" mayumi explained.

"What are you reading?" Mayumi asked.

"A book about race cars" Tatsuya replied.

"I cant wait to drive. I only need to get a car now" Mayumi said excited.

"I can drive a motorbike right now, I think I would prefer it over driving a car" Tatsuya stated.

"Maybe, I guess you will find out when your 18" Mayumi said .

Tatsuya nodded and then Mayumi said "maybe I'll drive you around one day"

"Maybe, but I don't know if I would trust you driving me" Tatsuya said in his normal voice.

"I think you will be surprised" Mayumi said with a laugh.

She got her phone and earphones out and began to listen to music. "What type of music do you listen to Tatsuya kun?"

"Let me show you" Tatsuya said.

Tatsuya was going to play her a really inappropriate song that Kirihara showed him once.

It had sexual noises in the background with lots of sexual references in the song and lots of swear words

Mayumi passed her phone to him and also gave him one of the earphones. Tatsuya typed in the song name and played it.

As they listened Mayumi got redder and redder. Just to make it worse Tatsuya put the volume up.

Once the song ended she was as red as her eyes.

Tatsuya laughed and said "what do you think?"

"It was quite a surprise, I um it was something new to listen to" mayumi said gently.

"Good, there is a whole album I want to show you!" Tatsuya explained

Mayumis eyes widened. Tatsuya flicked her forehead and said "idiot, I was just joking. Do you really think I listen to things like that?"

"I mean I dont know. I can imagine it" Mayumi explained.

"I actually dont really listen to music" Tatsuya said returning back to his book.

"What!" Mayumi yelled.

She grabbed his face and said "one day I will make you listen to lots of different kinds of music with me"

Tatsuya stared at her with his usual stare and said in his usual voice  "sure".

"I'm going to wake them up now so can you give them room?" Tatsuya asked.

Mayumi nodded and went back under the tree.

"Guys, time to wake up now" Tatsuya said gently as he woke then up one by one.

They all got up and looked at Tatsuya. Tatsuya gave them some sweets once they all sat in front of him.

"How long were we asleep for?" Kirihara asked.

"3 hours" Tatsuya replied calmly whilst fixing there hair once by one.

"Woah, I'm sorry for troubling you for that long" Miki said

"Yeah, you could've woken us up" leo said.

"Its ok, now are we all ready to go?" Tatsuya asked.

"Yes!" The boys yelled.

Tatsuya offered Mayumi a hand up which she took and then they all went home.

The next school day:

In the morning Tatsuya was given chocolate, flowers and a nice pen by his boy friends.

In the student council room the boys announced "Tatsuya guess what!!"

"What?" Tatsuya asked

"The NEW SEASON  of the show we LOVE is STARTING NEXT MONTH!!!" They all continued.

"Yay" Tatsuya said unenthusiastically whilst drinking his coffee.

The girls laughed as the boys showed him a trailer.

Tatsuya x MayumiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora