chp12- Preparations for the dance

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The student council announces in the assembly hall that they will be holding a dance for this years graduate students.

The students were given different types of bracelets, you then exchange bracelets with the person you are going to the dance with. Tatsuya got a dark blue butterfly one and mayumi got light pink rose one. These colours are also the colours they have to wear.

Tatsuya, Leo and Miki walk down the corridor helping each other put there bracelet on.

"Do you want to help out with decorating brother?" Miyuki asks but also demands at the same time.

Tatsuya nods and sighs the form with Leo and Miki.

"Oh, tat~su~ya kun, you got dark blue?" Mayumi curiously said

"Yes" Tatsuya replied looking at her wrists for her bracelet.

Mayumi put her bracelet right in front oh his eyes and said "right here, I got light pink... I'd say blue and pink go well together."

"I agree" Tatsuya said calmly and then left.

The next day:

Tatsuya finds letters on his desks and in his lockers which he gently places into his  bag. His friends are confused by his gentle manner towards the letters.

Lunch time:

"Have you opened any of your letters yet?" Erika asked.

"No" Tatsuya replied.

"We can help you" Leo said involving Miki.

"Count me in!" Kirihara added

"Miyuki and Mayumi, you 2 also got a lot of letters so we will help open yours." Mari declared.

They all got there bags of cards and invites out and began to go through them.

Tatsuya, Miki, Kirihara and Leo were banished from the table and sent to the corner.

After a bit of opening up letters as Miki opened one he blushed a lot. Leo and Tatsuya looked inside, Leo let out a nervous chuckle whilst blushing slightly and Tatsuya also lightly blushed. Kirihara just stared.

The girls walked over to see quite a big sized bra and panties. They were both white.

The girls confiscated it and went back.

About 5 minutes after that the girls blushed. In one of Mayumis letters were a medium condom and a sock.

The boys laugh and took it from them.

As a dare from Kirihara,Tatsuya whispered to mayumi "I'm larger than a medium"

Mayumi blushed and the boys went back.

Miyuki and Mayumi finished soon but Tatsuya pulled out another bag.

"You have more!" They yelled.

"Yes but these are all from other schools" Tatsuya says

"That's fine, you said you didnt want to go with someone from another school" Mizuki said with relief.

"Yeah but I still need to read them, it would be rude not to. I will do it at home though" Tatsuya said.

"I have to go now, I have plans with Mibu. Good bye" Kirihara said before leaving.

The boys went into one corner and the girls went to the other.

The boys discussion:

"Are you going to accept any of these?" Miki asks.

"No" Tatsuya responds.

"So who are you going to ask out? Leo asked.

"I want to ask out Mayumi. What about you 2?" Tatsuya wondered.

"Mizuki" Miki says

"Erika" Leo says

"Good so its decided. We have a week. When are you going to ask them out?" Tatsuya questioned.

"I just want to do it ASAP" Miki Expressed

The other 2 agreed.

"How do we ask them out?" Leo asked

"Maybe we should invite them to somewhere and then ask them out" Tatsuya suggests.

"That's a good idea" leo agreed.

"Where should we take them?" Miki asked.

"I would take Mayumi to a nice dessert place that has a pretty  scenery" Tatsuya said.

"Amusement park!" Leo says enthusiastically.

"I guess I'd take Mizuki to the aquarium" Miki said

"Good, it is currently Thursday, on friday ask the girl you want to go with you. Once your ready, ask them out" Tatsuya informed.

"We should do it on saturday so that if they say no we still have time to go with someone else." Leo suggests.

They all agreed.

In the girls corner:

"Right so I will attend with my boyfriend, but what about you lot? Who do you lot want to go with?" Mari asked

"I want to go with Masaki but I don't know if he will come to our school with me since his school is also doing it" miyuki said with worry.

"I guess I wouldn't mind going with Leo" Erika said blushing whilst looking away.

"Tsundere" Mizuki says teasing Erika.

"I want to go with Tatsuya" mayumi said casually.

"I would like to go with Miki" Mizuki said blushing.

"Well are you going to wait for them to make the first move?" Mari questioned.

"There is a week till the dance so I'd give him the weekend, but if he hasnt asked and is still available, I will make the first move" Mayumi said confidently.

They all agreed and then went home.

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