Don't Want To Leave This Play...

By taylaxauffray

71.1K 1.9K 88

The Silver Surfer, an intergalactic herald serving Galactus, plans to destroy the Earth for his master. Howev... More

• Prologue •
• Cast •
• Chapter One •
• Chapter Two •
• Chapter Three •
• Chapter Four •
• Chapter Five •
• Chapter Six •
• Chapter Seven •
• Chapter Eight •
• Chapter Nine •
• Chapter Ten •
• Chapter Twelve •
• Chapter Thirteen •
• Chapter Fourteen •
• Chapter Fifteen •
• Chapter Sixteen •
• Chapter Seventeen •
• Chapter Eighteen •
• Chapter Nineteen •
• Chapter Twenty •
• Chapter Twenty-One •
• Chapter Twenty-Two •

• Chapter Eleven •

2.6K 79 3
By taylaxauffray

Not wasting any more time, the Fantastic Five and the General were on a helicopter heading towards the London Eye.

As they approached, Reed looked down at the attraction, glancing towards his team every so often. "When he surfaces, you've got to move the fight away from the crowd." He instructed.

"No, he's too fast to be contained." Johnny argued, glancing over his shoulder towards the rest of the team from his position up front with the pilot. The remaining four were seated in the back, opposite General Hagar. "When I see silver, I'm hitting him."

"Johnny, you can't!" Kayla exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at him dangerously for his reckless behaviour, worry evident in her tone of voice.

Johnny twisted in his seat to look at her. He was a bit surprised that she was speaking to him again and was about to reassure her that he'd be fine until Reed stepped in.

"You can't do that." The scientist said seriously. "We've got to stick to the plan and work as a team."

"Oh, so we're a team now?" The blonde male said with a loud scoff. "That's news to me."

Reed frowned as did Kayla and Susan.

"What are you talking about?" The oldest Richards sibling questioned, not understanding what Johnny had meant by his comment.

"You know what I'm talking about." The younger male backfired and that's when it clicked, both Reed and Susan realising what had happened.

Johnny must have overheard their discussion back in the living room, about them wanting to have normal lives once this crisis with the Silver Surfer had been averted.

Kayla looked between the four with confusion written all over her face. They all seemed to know what was happening, even Ben. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" She demanded, noticing Johnny and Ben's peeved expressions along with Reed and Susan's hesistant ones.

Ben turned to the brunette. "Your brother and Susie are leaving the team once this mess is over." He explained and looked towards Johnny whose eyes were focused on the 5'2" woman. "You didn't tell her?"

Johnny went to open his mouth to respond when Kayla beat him to it.

"Wait, what?" She questioned in shock and looked at her brother. "Reed?"

Reed sighed heavily. "Look, we were going to tell you guys." He said apollogetically.

"When were you going to tell us?" Johnny retorted, the emotions of hurt and anger that he had felt earlier, quickly coming back to him. "When you move all our stuff out of the Baxter Building?"

Susan decided to step in to try and diffuse the situation. "Johnny, this really isn't a good time." She said, almost as if she was scolding him.

Kayla shook her head in disbelief as she turned her head to look out of the window of the aircraft.

"The kid's got a point, Reed." Ben said as he looked at his best friend with hurt in his blue eyes. "You should've told us."

"Alright, alright! That's enough!" The scientist exclaimed, beginning to get fed up with the back and forth arguing. It really wasn't the time or the place to start fighting one another. They had to work as a team right now. "We'll talk about this later."

General Hagar's head had been bouncing back and forth between the five heroes as they argued. He was beginning to get a little pissed off that they didn't seem to be taking this mission seriously and instead were fighting amongst themselves.

This was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!" He exclaimed, looking between them with a heated glare.

The team of heroes fell silent as the helicopter began its descent.

The helicopter landed to the side of the London Eye, the heroes immediately disembarking as a whirlpool formed in the middled of the River Thames.

The underwater crater rapidly increased in size as the water began cascading in on itself - almost appearing like a sink being drained of water.

At the edge of the river by the brick barrier, residents as well as tourists rushed over to marvel at the sight. They seemed to have found a fascination in it, thinking that it was maybe a display of some sort but it was far from it.

Civilians in the London Eye were gazing down at this phenomenon but some were beginning to grow worried as the crater continued to grow.

All of a sudden, a massive ripple had struck which sent a high wave of water out from every side of the crater. The waves struck the side of the barrier which formed large cracks alongside it as well as the ground.

Panic ensued as the ground shook, causing several civilians to loose their footing.

The London Eye faced a much worse reaction from the wave. The attrction creaked and wobbled as several of the cables that kept the wheel in place, snapped loose.

From inside the carts, people screamed in terror as the wheel began falling forward towards the River Thames with a loud rumble as a few more cables had snapped.

This caused everyone to fall to their knees as their bodies slid across the floor towards the water below, with the glass windows being their only protection of them falling right out.

Suddenly, they felt themselves as well as the wheel stop before they looked towards the ground where they saw the familiar heroine known as Aquamarine.

Kayla used her powers and glided a great amount of water from the river below her to form a protective barrier around the London Eye. She let out a grunt and pushed through to hold the heavy wheel in place.

The wheel began to creak as Ben stepped in to lift it up, the rocky man letting out a strained grunt as he tried to lift it off the ground as much as he possibly could. He managed to rest the abnormally heavy object on the back of his shoulders and awaited for Reed to do his bit.

Not even a split second later, Reed had weaved his elastic body throughout the wheel's metal bars and made sure that he had a good grip on it before he attached himself to the post.

Sue quickly helped the civilians on the lower carts out before she moved towards the rest on the higher carts, creating an invisible slide with her powers for them to get down safely.

Johnny watched on anxiously as his job was to weld the wheel once it was put back into place. He couldn't do much to help his teammates because if he were to touch one of them, the switching of their powers would be inevitable and would cost them this entire mission.

A loud rumble sounded as the crater was at least bigger than half the width of the River Thames.

As the water poured into the crater, towards the Earth's core, something had quickly darted outwards..

The Silver Surfer.

Johnny's eyes narrowed instantly at the sight of the silver creature. He was the cause of everything going wrong in his life at the moment.

Kayla heard the familiar humming sound from the wedding and looked over to her boyfriend with a bead of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. She noticed the same reckless look on Johnny's face that he wore moments prior on the helicopter.

"Johnny no!" She screamed as she watched him ignite his body and take off to the sky before she let out a strangled cry as the wheel creaked loudly.

As Johnny flew threw the middle of the wheel in order to catch up to the Surfer, he narrowly avoided a cable that had snapped which caused him to tumble very close to Reed's overly stretched arms.

"No, Johnny!" Reed shouted but all the scientist could do was watch as Johnny's body collided with his elasticated arm.

Immediately, he felt a shift as his arms and legs quickly began to unravel with fire quickly taking over his body. He hovered in the air, completely covered in flames with a bewildered expression.

Johnny, however, fell straight to the ground with a flop, looking like a flattened pancake after his body had collided with Reed's powers.

The shifting of powers between the two men had ultimately pushed more weight onto Kayla's barrier. Her body cried and ached with exhaustion.

This had also caused the very few civilians left in the carts, to tumble back towards the River Thames as the glass began to shatter.

The 5'2" brunette tried to prevent the wheel from falling further but the weight was beginning to become too much for her. Her head was pounding and she could feel liquid trickling down from her nose to her top lip.

"Guys!" She screamed desparately as her feet shifted backwards to the point where she wouldn't be standing on solid ground. "What are you doing?!"

Seeing that her best friend was about to loose her footing and fall into the River Thames, Susan flung her hand out and created an invisible barrier to hold Kayla up all while she tried to get the rest of the civilians off the carts.

From the sky above, Reed saw that his little sister wouldn't able to hold on for much longer through her struggle. The poor girl was about to collapse at any given second.

"Ben!" He yelled towards the rocky man. "Lift it higher!"

"I'll try!" Ben grunted loudly and used his upper body strength to lift the wheel higher and off his shoulders. He gave it one last push and got the wheel up to the point where Reed could do Johnny's original job.

Once the wheel had touched the post, Reed immediatedly welded it back into place with hot flames, melting the wheel and the metal together.

Within seconds, the London Eye was secured once again.

Kayla felt an immediate pressure release and fell onto her knees in exhaustion as she stared up at the attraction.

"Kayla!" Susan called out with worry, moving her barrier, that held the brunette, over to the ledge where she dropped it. Once she had done so, she quickly ran over to the exhausted brunette who tried to lift herself off the ground. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Kayla replied as her best friend tried to help her up.

"Kayla!" The distressed voice of the oldest Richards sibling called out, catching the attention of both women.

Reed ran towards them and passed Johnny but before he completely passed by the blonde male, he placed his hand on his shoulder and switched their powers back. He then proceeded to run up to his younger sister and assessed her condition like any big brother would.

"I'm fine, Reed." The brunette protested with a weak voice but had reluctanly let him help her as he took her from Susan.

Kayla let out a soft groan as her feet began to give out from under her, causing Reed to tighten his hold around her.

Johnny saw this and moved closer to help only to stop when Reed held his hand out to him.

"Stay back before you get somebody killed." Reed instructed with a hard tone, making Kayla frown and looked towards Johnny with widened eyes that held nothing but worry despite the current bump in their relationship.

Johnny glanced from the oldest Richard's sibling and let his blue gaze fall to the youngest. He frowned deeply; it was his fault. If he hadn't been so reckless and insisted on going after the Silver Surfer, none of this would have happened..

Kayla wouldn't be hurt.

"Oh my God.." Ben's shocked voice caught the remaining four's attention only for them to see the rocky man looking at what once used to be the River Thames.

There was no water in sight, the river bed was completely molded and stoney - almost lifeless even - with a massive gaping crater in the centre.

Around the crater were lied boats that had tipped over with probable dead life occupying the inside of the vessles.

The team stepped forward and stood beside Ben as they took in the scene before them, nothing but shock filling their bodies. It looked catastrophic, almost apocalyptic.

Kayla wiped under her nose with the back of her hand to try and get rid of the blood that trickled down moments prior, as she leaned into her brother for support.

Fear took over her body as she stared at the sight.

If this was just the beginning of their fight, what would become of the end?

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