Married To My Private School...

By SarahRWriting

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1st December '19
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue Part 2

Chapter 54

105 4 4
By SarahRWriting

(A/N: Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well! So, I posted the other day something that wasn't a new chapter, I wanted to get your opinion on something I have been thinking about, and that is (if you haven't read it) creating an Instagram account for my wattpad, it would pretty much be about my stories, posting on there about when I post a new chapter on whichever story, also posting about any new stories, and also a way for us all to interact a little more about the stories/chapters, I haven't decided yet because I don't want it to be a pointless effort, if the account will only have 10-20 or 30 followers, there's not much point, but if it has a decent amount, then fair enough, also, I'm not sure how many of you readers are on instagram.. I just want it to be worthwhile.. what do you think? On to another note, this chapter, the last one ended on a cliffhanger, Stan telling Stefan and Addi that he's dating Megan, and that she's discovered she's pregnant, this chapter carries on from that, and I hope you like it! See you soon for the next chapter! Stay safe, be happy. Laters :P)

"Megan's.. pregnant?" I ask, extremely surprised to hear those words come from Stan's mouth.

My half-sister is pregnant, by Stan, I hope.

"Stan, are you sure?" Stefan questions, just as surprised as I am.

"I-It all happened quite fast, she just told me and showed me several pregnancy tests, I don't think she even believed it at first" He answers.

"You've not been together for long, were you not using contraception?" Stefan asks.

"Of course we have been, that's why we're all surprised and freaking out" Stan answers. He lets out a sigh. "Condoms are a 98% protection, obviously we are in the 2% that managed to conceive" He explains.

"My sister is pregnant" I say, trying to let the news sink in. "How far along is she?" I ask as the question poops into my mind.

"I dunno, I think she said maybe 4 or 5 weeks, I'm not even sure she knows" Stan shrugs. "She's not far, I know that much" He adds.

I hear Scarlett wanting some attention, so I go over to her and see that she is wide awake.

"Hello sweet-pea" I grin as I pick her up and hold her. I can't believe she's been in this world for almost a month. I carry her to rejoin Stefan and Stan.

"This is what you've wanted for a long time, brother" Stefan reminds him.

"I know it is, it's just, unexpected and.. it's a shock" He admits. He puts his head in his hands. "I know I've got Bella, but, now I'm like, over-thinking things, can I be a Dad all over again?" He questions.

"You're the best Dad to Bella, she's your world, I don't understand why you're doubting yourself when you've been doing a great job for the last 15 years" Stefan says.

"There's also the thing of her twin brother, I have to admit, I'm a little uneasy about how he will take the news, he doesn't even know we're seeing each other, let alone her being pregnant, I mean, nobody does" He says nervously.

"Well, we're happy for you, everyone else would be silly to not be happy for you, you deserve to be happy" I tell him.

"Thanks, it's all just happening rather fast" He chuckles as he nods, he smiles as he watches me cradling Scarlett. "She's such a beautiful girl" He says.

"Want to hold her?" I offer. He nods and I place her into his arms.

"She's getting big" Stefan says as we watch Stan cradling our daughter.

"She is for being almost 4 weeks old" Stan chuckles. "I'm gonna have a new little one later this year" He smiles. I think he's freaking out less now, warming to the idea of being a Father again.

"A new little one?" Stefan questions.

"What?" Stan questions, confused. Stefan looks over at me.

"Have you caught on?" He asks me. 'A new little one'. Stan is thinking that there will be just one baby. I can't help let out a little laugh.

"What?" Stan questions again. Stefan begins laughing with me. "Guys, what's so funny?" He asks.

Stan doesn't appear to know about the twin line in the family, Megan and Oliver's side.

I manage to calm myself down enough to put a sentence together.

"Well, erm, there's this thing-" I can't contain myself as I chuckle.

"Will you just tell me already, either of you?!" Stan demands as he looks nervous. I get myself together again.

"Ok, so, there's this thing in Megan's family, obviously she's a twin" I point out. He nods, listening. "Well, most of the time it's a boy and girl" I tell him. He looks confused for a moment, I give him some time to figure out what I am telling him. I think the penny drops when his eyes suddenly go wide open.

"You're telling me that the little one, could actually be.. two little ones?" He questions. Stefan and I nod in unison. "Take the baby" He orders. Stefan quickly steps forward and takes Scarlett into his arms.

"You ok, man?" Stefan asks as we witness Stan freaking out again.

"TWINS?!" He questions.

"Yes, Stan, twins, two babies" Stefan answers.

"But it might not be, it's just possible, I mean, look at Oliver, he has two kids and they're not twins" I tell him.

"Stan, you're a good Dad, you've got this, whatever happens" Stefan assures him.

"Megan needs you, I assume this is the first time she's been pregnant, she needs your support" I say.

"Yes, it is her first pregnancy, I know that for sure" He says.

"She told you that?" I ask.

"No, but, as unbelievable as it may sound, the beautiful, amazing woman that she is, I am her first sexual partner" He answers.

I was not expecting that, Megan is 28 years old, and Stan is her first sexual partner. Wow.

"That's quite a surprise" I say.

"I know, men must have been throwing themselves at her, and she was always just, not interested in them if they only wanted her for sex, she wanted to wait until she found someone to be with and settle down with, she was waiting for me" He explains.

"So, you really do love her, don't you?" Stefan asks.

"I've fallen deeply for her, I wish I had met her sooner, I want her to be my forever" He admits. "I'm completely in love with her" He smiles. She makes him happy, you can see that.

"What happened this morning, when she told you about being pregnant?" I ask out of curiosity.

"She came over, I was concerned that she seemed panicked, or like she had seen a ghost of something, she was freaked out, I asked her what was going on, if she was ok, she said she had something to tell me and I told her that she could tell me anything, she grabbed a small bag from her bag and revealed them to be pregnancy tests, I questioned what was going on, again, she told me she took them just over an hour ago and that they were all positive, she's pregnant" He explains.

"Ok, then what?" Stefan asks. What was his reaction?

"Then I just said 'Oh, I need to get somewhere, stay here and I'll be back soon', I grabbed my keys and phone and came here" He answers.

He did what? He left her at his place, after just telling him that she's pregnant? He left her alone?!

"Stan, please do not tell me that you've left Megan at yours by herself having just found out and told you that she's pregnant" I say as I sigh.

"I just, I freaked out and got into my car, I drove in a random direction at first, then got lost in my train of thought about what she had told me and found myself here" He explains. You can tell that he doesn't know what to think at the moment.

"You freaked out? Stan, you're a Dad, this is the first anything for Megan" Stefan quietly yells at him as Scarlett is drifting off to sleep in his arms.

"Stan, you need to go back home to hope Megan is still there and talk to her, it takes two to tango, it's your baby, or babies, too, you need to do the right thing and be there to support her" I tell him.

He looks down in shame, realising now that what he did, walking out on her, was a bad move and doesn't make him look good.

"She'll be mad at me if she's silly enough to still be there" He says.

"If she's silly enough to still love you after you leaving her like that, then she'll still be there" Stefan assures him.

"Gosh, I've been an idiot" Stan says as he rubs his face, "I need to go and get back to her, we've got a pregnancy to talk about" He says as he stands up.

"Get outta here" Stefan smiles. Stan drinks his glass of water that he hadn't touched the entire time.

"Good water, thanks" He says quickly, then furrows his eyebrows when he realises what he said, 'good water', I can't help but chuckle.

We see him out and put Scarlett down while she sleeps for a bit.

"Sometimes I wonder about that guy" Stefan says as he sighs.

"He's got a heart of gold really" I chuckle.

"It makes me wonder if he behaved anything like this when his ex-wife told him she was pregnant" He says.

"Probably not, but, it wouldn't surprise me, it's only because he cares" I say. I go over to the counter where Stefan put our post earlier today and notice one that looks important. "Stefan, did you look at this post when you grabbed it all?" I ask as I look at the important looking one.

"Not really, why?" He asks. I show him the one I've picked up.

"Looks important" I say. I open the envelope and unfold the paper. "It's from the adoption agency we applied for" I tell him.

"Oh, what does it say?" He asks as he stands behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders, reading it from over my shoulder.

"It says we've been accepted" I read with a huge grin spreading across my face. I turn to face him. "We've been accepted to become adoptive parents when we're ready" I scream in excitement as I throw my arms around his neck in a hug.

"That's great news, love, really great" He says as we hug. "I'm so proud of us" He says as we let go.

"I can't believe it, we can adopt a child whenever we want to" I cheer. I press my lips against his passionately.

"Lets get used to the child we've got now, there's plenty of time to adopt, when we're ready to" He says.

"You're right, there is plenty of time, and I love that we get to enjoy raising Scarlett for a little bit first, and we're getting to the point of being exhausted with the night feeds and nappy changes" I smile. We get on with it because we're her parents and it's the job we have taken on, she's our responsibility, but there's no denying that she's got us both knackered. But we wouldn't change anything.

"Yes, we certainly are" He chuckles, his arms go around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck again and we share another kiss.

Stanley's POV

I drive home, thinking about all that has happened this morning. I'm rather grateful that Bella stayed over at Shania's for the night with another friend she has made from school, Vicky, for a sleepover.

I've been a muppet this morning, Stefan and Addi were right, Megan must be terrified of this, and I just left her, in the moment that she really needed me. If I was her, I would have left and never speak to me again.

I hope she hasn't left though. I love her.

I arrive back at mine and rush in through the front door and I'm relieved to discover Megan is still here, she is in the living room watching the TV.

"I'm back" I say as I approach her on the sofa, I notice her eyes are red and puffy, has she been crying?

"And I never left, just bawled my eyes out a few times" She says, clearly not happy with my behaviour. I have a lot of explaining and making up to do.

"I am so sorry for what I did, Megan" I say, feeling extremely guilty as I sit next to her. "I just, freaked out and I.. didn't know what to do" I say.

"You think I'm not freaked out? Or that I know what to do? Because I am, and I don't" She yells at me. Good, she should yell at me, I deserve it.

"I'm honestly surprised that you stayed here, and relieved too" I tell her. I take her hand in mine, unsure if it's the right move, but she doesn't reject me. "It's just a big shock for me, as it is for you, we've only been in a relationship for about 3 months, we haven't even made us public yet, it's unexpected and rather early in our relationship" I tell her honestly.

"Do you want this pregnancy?" She asks, looking at me in the eyes. She's looking for reassurance.

"For such a long time, I've wanted to have another child, and fall in love with the woman of my dreams, ask Stefan and Addi if you think I'm lying, but I've wanted a family for a long time, and I never thought it was going to happen, I started to think that Bella would be the only girl, and child to have my heart, part of me accepted that, the other part still had hope, and then you came along and you took a piece of my heart, it's been yours ever since, and now that you're pregnant, my heart will be shared again" I tell her. "Yes, I want this pregnancy, and I want you too, I'm truly sorry for the way I was earlier, I hope that you can forgive me" I beg.

She looks away from me and looks down at her tummy, then looks back up at me.

"We can forgive you" She nods. I smile as I release a breath that I feel I was holding. I lean in to her and kiss her lips.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Just, don't let me down again, you're the first man I've let truly love me, because I truly love you, I mean think about it, I saved myself for you, for us" She says.

"Well, I can't promise I won't screw up again, but I can promise that I am all yours and my kids and that I'll always love you guys with my whole heart" I tell her.

"Good" She smiles. "So, where did you end up going?" She asks curiously.

"I didn't know at first, I was just driving, and not even paying much attention, I have pretty much no memory of the drive itself, but I found myself at Stefan and Addi's, I was freaking out and told them about us, our relationship, and that you just found out that you're pregnant, they talked to me and put some sense into my head, they weren't pleased with me when I told them of how I left you, I'm not pleased with myself either" I answer.

"So, cats out of the bag, they know everything, you told them everything and not even my own twin brother knows any of this yet" She jokes.

"Sorry, although they're happy for us, and apparently they were secretly wishing for us to be together, and, I must admit, I'm a little nervous about how Oliver will take the news of us and the pregnancy" I say.

"He'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about, he already likes you anyway, although I can't guarantee that he won't have a chat with you, but if he sees that I'm happy, he'll be happy" She assures me. I nod, feeling somewhat better.

"Just another thing, that Stefan and Addi mentioned" I start.

"What was that?" She asks.

"Twins in your family" I say. "Why didn't you tell me that you come from a line of twins?" I ask.

"I don't know really, I guess it never got spoken about because you never asked, it never came up in conversation" She answers.

"But you told Addi, and Stefan" I point out.

"Addi and Stefan know because she asked, and because they're family" She answers. I nod, understanding her point.

"They also said that due to your family line of twins-" I start but stop myself. Let me rephrase this. "I know that we could have twins" I tell her. She stays silent for a moment.

"Yeah, it's a pretty big possibility" She nods.

"I want you to know that whether we're having just the one baby, or two, or three, or however many, that I am still in, I will be the best Dad that I can" I assure her.

"Good, cause I can't do this on my own" She smiles.

"You'll never do this on your own, Megan, I promise" I vow as I smile back.

"I've never been so happy in my life than now, and any time that I am with you" She smiles. I smile and nod.

"You make me the happiest boyfriend on earth" I tell her. She leans in and kisses my lips, I love kissing those lips. "Now, we should probably call and make a doctor's appointment to check on the pregnancy, see how far along we actually are, and possibly see how many are in there" I suggest.

"I have already done that, while you were with Stefan and Addi, I called for an appointment, and to our luck, they had a cancellation for later today, our appointment is in a couple of hours" She informs me.

"You, are, amazing" I grin, I lean in and passionately kiss her lips. I deepen the kiss and roll her onto her back as we begin to get more intimate. "Enough time for us to have a moment" I point out as I move my lips down to her neck.

"Is Bella due back home soon?" She asks.

"Not until after dinner, unless she says otherwise" I answer. I stop kissing her neck as I unbutton my shirt and remove it while Megan removes her top.

"I love you so much" She says as I smash my lips against hers again. God knows how much I love you, Megan Dean.

We lay together naked on the sofa, catching our breaths. Making love to Megan is mind-blowing every single time.

"What is the time?" She asks. I grab my phone from my trouser pocket, as our clothes lay on the floor.

"Coming up 2 now" I answer.

"We should probably get ourselves sorted, the appointment is at 3" She suggests.

"I don't know about you, but that great exercise has got me all sweaty and probably smelling of sex, I should go and shower real quick" I point out.

"I need to shower too" She nods. Ooh, I like the sound of that! "I know what you're thinking, and no, otherwise we'll miss the appointment, and I'm not going to miss it" She says. Fair enough.

We wait in the waiting room, for Megan's name to be called. I can see that she's quite tense, I take her hand in mine and raise it to my lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand.

"You look nervous" I point out. She nods, bouncing her leg up and down.

"What if something is wrong? Or what if the tests were false positives?" She.

"Well, if there is something wrong, we'll face it" I answer. "And you took like 6 tests and all were positive, I'm pretty sure you have at least one little human growing in there" I answer the second question.

"What if I can't do it? What if I'm a terrible Mum?" She questions more. She is really nervous.

"You can it, you're not alone, ever.. and you'll be a great Mum, you'll be the best" I assure her.

There's a moment of silence between us both, I see a Mother and her son walking out of the doctors corridor, he's a toddler and looks a little unwell.

"But-" Megan starts, but is interrupted by the TV calling the next appointment.

"Megan Dean, Room 4, please" It calls. That's us.

I stand up and look down at her as she takes a deep breath.

"It'll be alright, I'm right here with you" I assure her as I hold my hand out for her. She takes it and stands up.

"I'm glad you're with me" She says. Always, my love.

We walk down the corridor and find room 4, I knock on the doctor and hear the lady call us in. I open the door and follow Megan into the room.

"Hello, how are you?" The doctor asks. Her name is Doctor Vanesh.

"I'm fine" Megan answers shyly.

"She's nervous, as you can tell" I chuckle. We both take a seat opposite Doctor Vanesh.

"What can I do for you today?" She asks with a smile. Megan looks at me and nods.

"Ok then" I chuckle. "This morning, Megan surprised me with 6 positive pregnancy tests" I explain.

"Oh right, so, you're both here for confirmation and a check-up" She says. I nod. "Right, so, firstly, how far along do you think you might be?" She asks.

"Um, I'm not sure, a few weeks or so, maybe 4 weeks" Megan answers. "We have been using contraception which, obviously didn't work at some point, so it's kinda hard to tell" She explains.

"No worries, I'll have a look and should be able to answer any questions, I'll also refer you to maternity so that you can speak with a midwife and go from there" She says. "That is unless, you are here for something else?" She questions. I look over at Megan.

"No, I'm not looking into termination, I mean, the thought may have briefly gone through my mind, but that was before Stan and I talked" Megan answers. Was she doubting the pregnancy because of my behaviour earlier? Or was she doubting it before she told me?

"Great, wonderful, lets have a look and see what's happening" Doctor Vanesh smiles.

She guides Megan over to the patient bed and goes to grab the ultrasound machine, once she is back and sets it up, Megan lifts up her top and Doctor Vanesh does her thing.

"It's all becoming a bit more real now" I say nervously as I'm sat next to Megan, holding her hand for support.

"Ah, there we are" The doctor smiles. "See this" She says as she points at the screen.

"Is that, what it looks like it is?" Megan asks.

"Two blobs, meaning, two babies" She smiles as she answers.

"Twins" I conclude.

"Twins" She nods. "And judging by what I can see, I'd say you're about 6 weeks" She adds.

"6 weeks? Are you sure?" I ask, surprised.

"Why? Is that an issue?" Doctor Vanesh asks.

"No, not at all, we just didn't think we were that far along, maybe a month" I answer.

"Is everything ok with.. the babies?" Megan asks, still nervous.

"I am happy with everything I have seen, you are only 6 weeks, so there's not much to say, obviously we don't know any genders yet, and unfortunately there's always the risk of miscarriage, but like I said, I'm happy with what I have seen, so any issues or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us" Vanesh explains. "Your due date for being 6 weeks now and also being that it's twins is looking to be around late October, but you'll be able to get a lot more answers to questions at your next scan" She adds.

"Thank you" Megan smiles as she nods.

"I'll get some pictures printed for you to take home" Vanesh says.

"Much appreciated, thanks" I smile.

"So, have you two been together long? Onto the next chapter?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Well, onto the next chapter, yes" I chuckle.

"We've only been together for about 3 months, so this pregnancy has come as a huge shock for us both, our relationship isn't even public to my twin brother, actually, only two people know, and they found out today" Megan answers.

I know that we haven't been together for long, but now that she's pregnant with our twins, they're going to be here in around 6 or 7 months. Megan and I don't even live together, it's going to be awkward if we're living in two different homes and we're a couple raising twins, it'll be difficult. Maybe, seeing as we're moving faster than we thought, it could be a good idea to move in together.

"Oh right, wow! And you're a twin too?" She asks.

"I'm from a long line of twins, so it's less of a surprise that I'm having twins than it is that I'm pregnant" She answers.

"So, who else knows, your Mum and Dad?" She asks, half assuming that Megan told her parents.

"Actually no, my half-sister and her Husband, because of Stan" Megan says, rolling her eyes at me sarcastically. Doctor Vanesh looks at us confused.

"Her half-sister and the Husband are my best friends, we sort of met through them, it's a long story, but when Megan took the tests and then told me, I freaked out and went to theirs and spilled the beans about us and the pregnancy" I explain a little.

"Oh, right, I see" Doctor Vanesh says as she catches on. She passes Megan the pictures from the ultrasound.

"My babies" Megan smiles. She looks up at me and a grin forms on her face. "Our babies" She tells me.

It's all real, I'm going to be a Dad again, to twins this time. This is something I've wished for, for so long.

The next thing is to break the news to Bella, she's going to be a big sister, again, to my kids this time. I'm sure, well, I hope she'll be happy.

We finish the appointment and I begin driving us back to mine, Megan can't stop looking at the pictures, which is rather cute.

"How are you feeling now?" I ask, she was very nervous at the appointment.

"Scared, excited, I'm not looking forward to everything that comes with being pregnant, and the labour and delivery itself" She answers.

"I know, I don't think many pregnancy women overly enjoy all of that, but you've got me, and I'm not going anywhere" I assure her.

"I know, and I'm not going anywhere either" She smiles. Maybe I should talk to her about living together.

"Hey, I was thinking, when we were in the appointment, in around 6 or 7 months we're going to be welcoming twins, and so, us taking this relationship slow, isn't really working out now, I was wondering how you feel about, living together, maybe you move into mine, with me and Bella?" I ask. She looks out of her window, not saying a word. Have I said something wrong? Does she not want to move in with me?

"I think it's a good idea" She says at last. I breathe out with relief. "I rent my place, so I can give it up, and move my things into your place" She says.

"Really? That's great, how soon can you do that?" I ask, feeling even more excited.

"I think around 2 months, I can tell my landlord that I won't be renting his place anymore and he can find a new tenant and I can clear the place out" She says. "Is that ok?" She asks.

"Y-Yeah, of course, the sooner the better" I grin.

"Really?" She questions.

"Yeah, really, you've spent how many nights at my place, and it feels amazing to have you there, sleeping next to me and everything, I want you to move in as soon as you can" I tell her.

"Great" She grins and nods. I guess that's settled then.

We make it back to my place, soon to be our place. Our home. We go inside and I see that I've had a delivery.

"What's this? I don't think I've ordered anything" I question to myself as I look at the package. I open it and it dawns on me what it is. I turn to face Megan, suddenly afraid of what she's going to think, or say next.

"What? What is it?" She asks, concerned.

"I have done something, and I really hope you don't hate me for it" I tell her. She furrows her eyebrows at me. "Your story that you let me read when we first got together, it was literally amazing, and that's not me being biased because you're my girlfriend, it is genuinely an amazing story" I begin.

"Ok, thanks, I think" She says, still confused.

"I may have sent it to a publisher and, this is the very first copy, I've turned your story into a book" I explain more. Her face goes serious, very serious.

"You're joking, right? There's no way you did that, I told you I was no good, that it's a hobby" She says, trying not to yell.

"Megan, hear me out, please" I request. She crosses her arms and glares at me. "The publisher has read it and has said it has a lot of potential, said that you have a lot of potential, you work as a hairdresser, but if you want to, you could be an author instead, the publisher reckons you could be a big hit with your writing" I tell her. She has calmed down and seems nervous.

"Are you.. serious?" She asks.

"This is the first printed book, if you want, this could be the first of thousands, if not millions of books, your books, all you have to do is say yes, and you are an author" I say as I take the book out of the packaging and show it to her.

"Ok, I'm not going to deny that this is amazing, a probably a dream come true, but what if this book is just a one of good book, what if I can't be a consistently good writer, what if being an author doesn't actually work out for me?" She asks.

"You are a natural, this writing is not something that takes you a lot of effort, you are naturally a brilliant writer, like I said, even the publisher, who doesn't know you, has said that you as a writer have a lot of potential, and I completely agree" I say.

She takes the book from my hand and has a flick through it, a smile starts forming on her face and she looks back up at me.

"Thank you, so much" She says. "I didn't have the confidence before, but I want now to see how this writing thing goes, I've always wanted to hold my own story in my hands, and you've made it happen, thank you" She says, giving my a quick kiss.

"You are very welcome" I grin. "Next thing for me to do is break the news to Bella that she is going to have twin siblings" I say, a little worried about how she'll take it.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she loves you, and we get on great, she'll be happy for us" SHe assures me. The table has turned, I've spent the afternoon reassuring her, now she's trying to assure me.

"I hope so" I nod.

An hour or so goes by, Megan is looking over her book, grinning as she reads through her work. I'm proud of her. She notices me watching her and puts the book down, joining me on the sofa.

"I'm excited for our future together" She says as she cuddles up to me. Me too.

"I'm glad, I'm excited for it too" I smile as I kiss her forehead.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, I was thinking about it earlier, and I'm a little unsure of what you'll say about it" She says.

"What is it, what's on your mind, babe?" I ask as she repositions herself to face me, I move some of her hair from her face.

"Well, ever since I was a child, I always imagined being married before I had kids, and obviously I thought about being married to you, the question of if I could see you being my Husband, but I didn't think it would happen for a couple of years maybe, but then again, I didn't think I'd fall pregnant so soon into this relationship either" She says.

"Ok, can you see me being your Husband?" I ask. I've literally dreamt about her being my wife. But like she said, marriage and kids probably wouldn't have happened for a couple of years, but that's not how our relationship is going.

"I can see a future with you, Stan, I've always seen a future with you, that's why I gave myself to you so quickly and easily, I just, always knew you were going to be the one for me" She says.

"So, you want get to married?" I question.

"Well, yeah, at some point, but- I don't know, our thing of taking things slow isn't really going to plan, a lot has happened today, finding out that I'm pregnant, finding our that we're having twins, deciding that I'm going to move in to this house soon" She points out.

"Yeah, I understand" I nod.

"But, we could wait, have these kids first and settle as a family, I just, thought I'd share with you that little thing" She says as she cuddles me again.

"I don't want to wait, Megan" I say. She lifts herself off me again.

"What?" She questions.

"You're right, this isn't going as slow as we planned, but, there's one thing I've been sure of for a while now, and that is that I want to spend my life with you, I am head over heels in love with you, and it's scary how fast I've fallen for you, but it's the truth, and I can't wait to raise these twins with you, we're good for each other" I tell her. I slide off the sofa, down onto one knee, taking her left hand in my hands. "Megan, this has been one shocking day for us, but I wouldn't want any other woman to be right here, right now, by my side, pregnant with my kids.. I love you so much, and I'm sorry that I don't have a ring right now, but, will you marry me?" I ask. She looks at me, grinning from ear to ear, tears in her eyes.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you, Stanley Thompson" She answers. I grin as I lean into her and give her a passionate kiss. "If we were freaking out about this pregnancy, Bella really will freak out when we tell her everything that has happened in the last 24 hours" She points out, making me laugh.

"As long as we're all happy, that's all that matters to me" I tell her as I sit back onto the sofa. This has been a big day, finding out that I'm going to be a Dad, to twins, arranging for the Mother of my kids to move in with me, and getting engaged.


"Just, one thing" She says. "What about the wedding? Wedding plans? When will we get married? How are we going to make it work?" She asks.

"We will get married as soon as we want, whether that be tomorrow, a few months from now, or a couple of years" I answer. Firstly, I want to get her an engagement ring.

"I want, if we can, to marry before the twins are born, and they'll be here in like, 6 or 7 months" She says.

"Then we'll marry before they're born, I'll make you my Wife whenever you want to make me your Husband" I say. "Trust me, we'll figure it all out" I wink. 

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