Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.12 Cain
3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Vince Vincente
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"

Alt. Sam and Alt. dean

525 18 2
By Gerlithequeen

A few days later. At the bunker. Control room. 

Sam "Any sign of him?"

Dean "No, nothing yet. Chuck's probably trashing a few dozen universes outside of CNN's range."

We heard a noise. 

I stood up and followed the noise. 

The boys followed me. 

Light came out of the room #28.

Suddenly we heard music. 

I opened the door and there was there was a shiny, new, mint green Fiat 500 in the room, with Kansas plate 403 S9T.

Behind the car was a rift that was closing. 

Whoever was in the car got out. 

My jaw hit the ground when i saw Sam and Dean stepping out of the car. but it they weren't my Sam and Dean - i mean, they were Sam and Dean but...oh hell no. 

They were dressed really off. like wow. 

AU Sam was dressed in a dark magenta top and blazer, with scarf and matching pocket handkerchief, and boasting a man bun. oh hell, the man  bun. 

AU Dean was in a light brown swede jacket, and prestine white collared shirt. 

AU Sam looked at AU Dean ""Bro. We did it." 

Then they bumped fists over the very small car.

They turned to us and looked at us confused. 

Sam "Dean?"

Alt. Dean "Sam?"

Dean "Sam?"

Alt. Sam "Dean?"

I asked shocked "what the actually hell ?"

Alt. Sam and Alt. Dean looked at me shocked "Elena?"

Me "boys?"

Suddenly the rift opened again. 

Alt. Dean groaned annoyed "Aw, nuts."

it sucked Alt Sam and Alt Dean back in. 

control room. 

Sam " So, this rift is open in the middle of the armory, and the-- and these two guys climb out of a car, and they look just like us..."

Dean "Except not, and don't even get me started about the car."

Cass shook his head "Okay, I am not understanding."

Dean " Yeah, well, welcome to the club."

Sam "It's like they were us, but I guess from another world?"

Dean "But how did they get here?"

Billie showed up "They were running. Because God was destroying their reality. He's almost done wrapping up those other worlds. And when he is..."

Sam " It's our turn?"

Billie "Looks like. So we need to be prepared. I have the next step. For Jack."

Jack came in eating a sandwich"I'm ready. Feeling, um, good about it."

Billie "The first quest was meant to strengthen Jack's body. Step two is more spiritual in nature."

Castiel " Can you be more specific?"

Bilie " Jack needs to find the Occultum."

Sam " The Occultum? Occultum, that's, uh, Latin for "hidden." Where do we find it?"

Billie " I don't know, it's hidden. Missing for centuries. Sacred, potent."

Dean "Is it a weapon? Uh, how does it work?"

Billie shook her head " Not a weapon per se. But it's powerful."

Dean nodded after a while "Okay. Thanks. Big help."

Billie asked Jack "So, are you ready? Truly?

Jack nodded " I am."

Billie "Good to hear. Because we need to be ready and vigilant... and not stupid. God -- if he catches on to what we're doing, everything comes crashing down."


Sam looked through a book "The Occultum --there's barely even a mention of this thing. And nothing on where to find it."

Dean was playing with a rubber band " Mm-hmm."

Sam "And what's this thing supposed to even do? It's "spiritual"? What does that even mean? Dean? "

no responding. 

I kicked his shin " Dean."

Dean "mhmm"

Sam "What are you doing?"

Dean " I'm just thinking. I mean, this whole thing is crazy, right? I mean, uh, Death is our Obi-Wan, and you and me, we're the -- the "messengers of God's destruction --" whatever the Hell that means -- and Jack is supposed to kill God. But if he does... that still leaves you know who."

Sam "Amara."

Dean "So I'm thinking maybe he kills her, too."

Sam scoffed. 

Dean "Seriously. 'Cause listen, if we just take Chuck off the board, that still leaves her, okay? That throws things out of balance, and if things are out of balance, then the world pretty much explodes"

Sam "Yeah, ends. Right."

Dean "But if Jack kills her... Kind of a family plan. Then there's no God, there's no Darkness. Nothing out of balance. World saved."

I nodded "Okay, yeah, but then who takes over? Uh, Jack?"

Jack walked in, chewing gum. 

 He blew a bubble and popped it. 

Then he smirked proudly " I just learned how to do that."

Dean looked at us  "Probably not."

i smiled. 

Sam " Jack, listen, uh, about Billie's plan, uh, she hasn't been real specific on the details."

Dean nodded "Yeah, when you -- when you go up against Chuck, uh, you're gonna what, bob and weave? Or do you go straight in for the full smite?"

Jack "Yeah, you know, um, something like that."

Cas walked in  " Well, I have information on the Occultum from the shaman Sergei."

Dean froze  "Him? Are we that desperate?"

Castiel nodded " I think so."

Sam " So, what did he say?"

Castiel " The Occultum is divine in its origin. It was housed for hundreds of years in an ancient temple before it was --"

Dean "Plundered by pirates."

Cas shook his head "No."

Dean "It was dug up by tomb raiders."

Castiel shook his head "No."

Dean "It was seized by the King of the Dead and his warlords. Am I close?"

Castiel looked at him annoyed " Looted by invading Mongol hordes for trade on the --"

Dean "Black market. Yeah, that's what -- I was gonna say that next. That was the next one."

I rolled my eyes, amused "So, uh, where is it now?"

Castiel "Until a few years ago, it was owned by the Jacobson family, until Hyram Jacobson's son fell gravely ill. And he was told nothing could be done. And in desperation, he turned to a faith healer. She saved the child, but she would only accept the Occultum in payment."

Dean " Do we have a name?"

Castiel shook his head "No, just a description. She was attractive. And she healed the child by laying on hands. Which glowed."

We all looked at each other annoyed. 



The boys had left to talk to Jo while i stayed back with Jack. 

I took a bite of my burger.

Jack walked in with a bucket of chicken wings " you know what's good about being dead?"

Me " very little."

Jack" Well, when you come back, you -- you really get into all that life is. Hot, cold, sweet, spicy, funny, scary."

Me "and are you into it?"

Jack " I want to be. But I don't... feel things the way I used to. Before I lost my..."

Me "Your soul."

Jack " I used to feel things. In my bones. It was glorious, and sometimes unbearable. But I felt them. Now, I understand joy or sadness, but... I know those things aren't in me. I understand why Sam and Dean were angered by what happened to Mary and you..."

Me "By what you did to us."

Jack nodded " Yes. I see that I've caused them pain. And it's clear that things have changed. Especially with -- with Dean. Will he ever forgive me? you were able to do that"

I nodded, sighing "You know, Dean, he -- he feels things more acutely than anyone I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on."

Jack" How long will that take?"

I shrugged "I don't know."


I walked into the control room .

Dean " Let's do this. Elena, hey, good news. We sorta know where the Occultum is. Sorta. What? What's wrong?"

I froze. 

Dean "baby, what's wrong?"

Me " Come with me."

I walked back into the armory with the boys. 

Then i opened the door. 

Alt. Sam and Alt. Dean were stuck int he wall like holograms, playing Rochambeau.

Dean " Elena, what are we doing? Whoa. What the Hell?"

Cas "They can't see us or hear us."

Sam "What happened? Where are they?"

I shrugged. 

Cass " I don't know. I -- I think, if Chuck tried to destroy them as their world's rift was closing, it's  theoretically possible that the blast could've trapped them between dimensions. I mean, they're... they're here and yet not."

Dean "Are they in pain?"

Cas shook his head " I don't think so."

Dean nodded " Good."

Then he started to walk away. 

Sam " Wait. Well, hold up, Dean. You -- Will..."

Dean "We'll handle it, okay? We'll deal with them, but right now, you and me, we got to go to Hell."

My eyes widened " Whoa. You do?"

Sam "Jo said that's where Ruby stashed the Occultum."

My eyes widened "Ruby? That little whore?"

Sam "The demon you were sexually intimate with?"

Dean asked confused " "Sexually intimate"?"

Sam nodded "Yes."

Dean looked at him disgusted. 

Castiel "And you trust Jo now?"

Dean "Well, Jo did help you out."

Castiel "Yes, but Hell is a big place. You could be searching forever. We need more information, Dean."

Dean "From who?"

Castiel "What about Ruby?"

Dean " Ruby's dead, Cas. We have to work with what we have. So we'll go to Hell, you stay topside and keep that spell alive so we get back, alright?"


the boys were in Hell, again. 

Jack walked to me "So? They made it? Sam and Dean are in Hell?"

I nodded " Yeah."

Jack "But?"

Cas "But there are just so many holes in Jo's story. Who was Ruby gonna sell the Occultum to? Why didn't Jo try to get it back?"

Jack " So you think she's lying."

Castiel " I think we need to ask Ruby."

Jack "Who's dead."

Castiel nodded "Yeah. In the Empty. I need your assistance."

Jack " Uh, sure. Anything."

Castiel nodded " I need you to kill me. Almost."

Jack " Can someone be almost dead?"

Castiel took out a flask"Well, in theory... Aha. ...if I'm brought to death's brink, I should be able to put one foot in the afterlife and contact Ruby."

Jack "Cas, the Empty doesn't exactly like you, remember?"

Castiel "I need you draw out most of my life force, store it in here, and then keep a close watch. If it seems like I'm --"

Jack "Really dying, not almost dying?"

Castiel "Then bring me back."

Jack " Cas, I-I may not have a soul, but, uh, I know killing you is wrong. What if I screw up?"

Castiel "Well, then I'll be lost forever. But I think you'll do fine. Oh, um, you need to feed the spell bowl to keep the rift open for Sam and Dean, or they'll be lost forever. Let's do it."

Jack "Are you sure?"

Castiel shook his head "Not at all. Give me one hour. Then bring me back."

Jack opened the flask, laid his hand on Cas's forehead and extracted his life force into the flask.

 The light went out of Cas's eyes and he slumped over, mostly dead. 

Jack sealed up the flask and looked at me.  


Sam and Dean appeared back in the bunker. 

Me "Guys. You're back."

Dean looked at the unconscious Cas "Elena? Jack? What the Hell?"

Jack " He's dead. "

Me "Kind of. For now."

They looked perplexed. 

Sam asked confused "What?"

Jack "Cas went to the Empty. Hopefully. To find Ruby, hopefully, to find out where this Occultum thing is located. Hopefully."

Sam grimaced "That's way too many "hopefully's.""

Dean "Bring him back now!"

Jack looked at me. 

I nodded. 

Jack tried to bring Cas back. 

Dean "Come on, wake up, pal."

Cas wasn't waking up. 

Dean " Come on, Cas. Come on."

Cas woke up coughing. 

Then he looked at the brothers "Oh. You made it back."

Dean nodded "Yeah. And so did you. You're an idiot, by the way."

Sam "What if this hadn't worked?"

Cas nodded " But it did. The Occultum was never in Hell."

San nodded " Yeah, we get that."

Castiel " The Occultum is apparently the safest place in the world. Jo was never gonna give that up."

Dean asked confused " It's a "place"? So you saw Ruby."

Casitel nodded "And I got the location. Am I still an idiot?"

Dean  nodded "Well, yeah."

Sam nodded "Let's go, then."

Jack "Wait. What if Chuck checks in on us and sees what we're doing. Isn't it pretty much over?"

Sam nodded "Yeah, it would be."

Dean grimaced " Uh... I have a dumb idea."

I chuckled "me too"

In the armory. 

Dean " If Chuck comes back and checks in on us, he's gonna look for us here in the bunker."

Sam "We don't know that."

Dean " Well, we don't know that. So Chuck would need to see us here in the bunker."

Castiel " Wait. So you want them to be you?"

Dean " Well, it's not that hard. Me and Sam do it every day. So I'm thinking we open up a rift with a spell, kind of like we did with Apocalypse World. But we don't need archangel juice 'cause we're just trying to get them out of this in-between. I'm thinking Cas' grace would be enough."

Sam " Or it'll blast them away to another world."

Dean "Maybe. But it's better than leaving them here. "

Alt. Sam and Alt. Dean were playing playing rock, paper, scissors.


Sam emptied herbs out of a jar into a glowing, smoking bowl.

He stepped back.

The smoke spilled out of the bowl and started to glow, spreading, seeming to 'grab' AU Sam's and AU Dean's shapes. 


Alt. Sam and Alt. Dean sat across from us with a beer on the table. it was untouched though. 

Alt. Sam was uncomfortable with the awkwardness whilst Alt. Dean looked back with confidence. 

Sam "So, uh, back home, you're -- you're Hunters?"

Alt. Sam " We were Hunters."

Alt Dean " The family business. But our world's probably gone. We made it out just before the explosion."

Dean "That's God."

Alt. Dean " God?"

Sam nodded "Yeah. You're gonna need another beer."

Alt. Dean "We actually don't drink much of this stuff."

Alt Sam "Dad won't keep it in the house. He only likes his "private-label Scotch." He spoils us."

Sam froze "Wait, your dad is... still around?"

Dean asked irritated "And he "spoils" you?"

Alt Sam " Well, he did. We don't know where he is now. Uh, we all went through the rift together, but, uh, guess we got separated."

Alt Dena nodded " Mm. To Dad."

Alt Sam nodded "Best guy ever."

my aw dropped. 

They clink their bottles together. They drank, and put their bottles down after making stinky faces at the beer.

Alt Sam "So, this is where you live."

Sam nodded "Yeah, yeah."

Alt Sam " And this is where your Hunting operation is based?"

Sam " Uh, I mean,  it's not really much of an operation."

Dean "No, no, no. No, no, we -- we -- we do just fine. We, uh -- We hunt monsters all over the country."

Alt Dean " It's exhausting, isn't it?"

Dena nodded "Mm."

Alt Dean "But we -- we do it worldwide. We have to keep two sets of pilots on standby."

Sam asked shocked "You guys have your own plane?"

Alt. Dean nodded, smirking. 

Alt. Sam asked confused " You don't? Oh, dear. How do you manage?"

Sam "How do you afford it?"

Alt Dean "We get paid."

Dean looked at him confused. 

Alt. Dean " For Hunting monsters."

Dean asked shocked " You what?"

Alt Sam nodded " Yes. HunterCorp does very well."

Sam asked confused "HunterCorp?"

Alt Dean "Yeah. Well, got to hand it to the old man, huh? Pretty much built up an entire empire from scratch."

Alt Sam nodded"To Dad."

Alt Dean "Smartest guy ever. . Alright. Uh, well, look, fellas, thanks again for the, uh -- for the rescue."

Dean " Oh, uh, glad you brought that up. See, we got ourselves a bit of a situation here."

Alt Dean nodded "Oh."

Dean "God smashed your world like we said and..."

Sam "And now he's gonna take out this one."

Dean "And we're gonna stop him."

Sam "But he may be checking in on us here."

Alt Sam asked confused  "Wait. God "checks in" on you?"

Dean nodded "Yeah. Uh, we kind of have a... relationship. So if he decides to look in on us, we don't want him to know what we're doing. So you two are gonna be here, pretending to be us."

Alt Dean "And how do we do that?"

Sam " Well, first off, I'm sorry, you're gonna have to lose the man bun".

Alt!Sam and Alt Dean were mortified at the suggestion.

Alt Sam shook his head, offended " I will not."

Dean " Right. Uh, and then, uh..."

He clicked his tongue as he regarded the posh way Alt!Dean was dressed and tugs at the collar of his own shirt to indicate a wardrobe change-

Alt!Dean looked less than enthused.


I was stuck in the bunker with the Alt. boys. oh lord. 

They were dressed in flannels. 

Alt Dean " They said lose the man bun, Samuel."

Alt Sam "Look, hillbilly clothes are bad enough. I have to draw the line somewhere, and my hair... is sacred. So, what do we do now?"

Alt Dean "This is it. They said be authentic, drink beer in front of a computer screen."

Alt Sam "That's their lives?"

Alt Dean nodded "Mm-hmm."

Alt Sam took a sip of the beer and frowned disgusted " Oh, my God."

Alt Dean "You get used to it."

Alt Sam scoffed. 

Alt Dean " I got to tell you, Sammy, this Sam and Dean, you know, sure they're simple, but they've got this place of their own. There's no quarterly reports, there's no investor calls, there's just -- there's nothing to do but hunt monsters, drink beer, and watch porn."

Alt Sam nodded " Yeah!"

Alt Dean "They've got it made."

I grimaced " i wouldn't call it that but yeah"

Alt Dean looked at me. 

Me "you've been looking at me since you got here. What is it?"

Alt Dean shrugged "Just, you just look like her"

I looked at him confused.

Alt Sam "Elena. The Elena of our wold."

Alt Dean "my Elena"

Me "what happened to her?"

Alt Dean downed the beer, grimacing before standing up "i need another beer"

then he walked away. 

I looked at Alt Sam confused "did- did i say something wrong?"

Alt Sam shook his head "forgive my brother. He's-. Well, they were going to marry."

Me "what happened?"

Alt Sam  "she chose the dark side over him"

I looked at him confused. 

Alt Sam "she became Queen of Hell. Her human side loved him more than anything. but her demon side loved the dark side more."

I looked down. 

Alt Sam "it didn't surprise my brother since she told him that Crowley went see her and told her that the time would come where-"

Me "where she would beg to take her soul and turn into a demon"

Alt Sam looked at me surprised. 

I nodded "yeah, Crowley, said the same thing to me. "

Alt Sam "but you didn't choose the demon life over Dean"

I shook my head "no"

Alt Sam "He never got to say goodbye to her. And now he may never be able to because our world is destroyed. "

I nodded "i am sorry about  your loss."

Alt Sam nodded. 


Everyone was back. 

Alt. Sam and Alt Dena were dressed in their formal clothes again. 

Dean "Alright, fellas. Well, thanks for your help. Now it's, uh, time to go."

Alt Dean " You know, we, uh -- we could just all live here together."

Alt Sam " Like a club."

Dean "That would just be weird."

Alt Dean "It wouldn't be so weird."

Dean "Trust me, where you want to be is Brazil, okay? It's far away, and there's nothing but beaches, babes, carnival."

Alt Dean "Oh, uh, you think we could keep the flannel shirts?"

I smiled. 

Dean shook his head,amused  "No."

They Alt. brothers meant it. 

Dean " Okay."

Alt Dean looked at me "can i talk to you for a sec?"

I nodded "sure"

We walked to the side. 

Me "your Sam told me what happened with your Elena"

Alt Dean "yeah, i just- i don't know-"

Me "Say it. Even thought it's not me you lost. just go ahead and say it"

Alt Dean put a hand on my cheek "i love you, princess. I've always loved you. and i am sorry that i wasn't strong enough to convince you to stay. i am sorry that i wasn't strong enough to save you from God. i love you so much, pretty girl, you can't even imagine. "

Then he put a kiss on my cheek. 

A tear was rolling down my cheek. 

I nodded "I'm sure I - she - your Elena loves you too"

Alt Dean "of course she did, i mean, look at me, i am adorable"

I chuckled. 

Dean walked to us and put a hand on my lower back "alright, it's time"

Alt Dean looked at him "no need to get jealous. "

Dean shook his head "i could never be jealous of myself. Especially not when i am around her. "

Alt Dean "it's pretty hard to keep our hands off her"

Dean nodded "yes, it is"

I smiled and we walked to the stairs. 

Alt Dean stepped onto the stairs before turning to us  "Oh, uh, when we were looking around, we, uh -- we saw it."

Dean froze " "It"?"

Alt Dean "The car."

Alt Sam wiggled his eyebrows.

Dean froze " You didn't touch it."

Alt Sam chuckled " Oh. We drove in it."

The Alt brother smiled. 

Dean asked angrily "I'm sorry, you what?"

Their smiles faded. 

Alt Dean looked away. 

Dean looked at him. 

Alt Dean " And we're leaving."

Then he hit Alt Sam on the back "go go"

Alt Sam " Ow! My arm -"

Alt Dean pushed him again.

Alt Sam whined "'re hurting it."

Alt Dean "Sam."

Dean called after them pissed off " Have fun in Rio!"

We heard the front door close. 

I turned to Dean and put my arms around his neck. 

He put his hands on my hips.

Me "don't be mad, okay"

Dean "they drove my baby"

Me "it could've gotten worse"

Dean "well, if they had damaged her i would have damaged them"

I grimaced "that's not what i meant"

Dena "what are you talking about?"

Me "well, imagine Alt Dean pretending to be you around me. imagine him tricking me into believing he was you which end up with him and i having amazing rough-animalistic  sex"

Dean's face darkened. I shouldn't have said. 

I asked confused "would that have been cheating? i mean, he is you but he is also not-"

Dean shook his head, dangerously "The only guy you are having amazing rough - animalistic sex with is me! you hear me? with me, okay? because i guarantee you that no versions of me out there can make you feel the way only i can make you feel "

His eyes turned dark green - nearly black. 

My jaw dropped and my voice broke "not gonna lie, i'm pretty turned on right now"

Dean clenched his jaw smirked "good"

I rolled my eyes. 


We walked over to Sam. Cas was examining Jack. He hate the Occultum. 

Me " Is the kid okay?"

Sam "I don't know."

Cas looked to us "He seems to have recovered."

Dean "So, Jack's back?"

Castiel nodded "Yeah, he is. But, um, something's different. Jack is, uh -- well, he's been to the Garden. That's the crossroads of divinity and humanity. No one's been there since the exile till now. Till Jack."

We walked in. 

Jack was sitting at the kitchen table, hands together, looking down. 

I asked worried " Hey, Jack. How you doing?"

Jack " I... I'm so sorry."

Dean asked confused "You what?"

Jack "Why didn't I get it? I mean, my mother died, too. Why didn't I understand? It was my fault."

Dean sighed " Jack..."

Castiel "His soul is back."

Jack sobbed out " Please. Just please forgive me."

Sam sighed, in pain. 

Dean looked at Jack, sad and with a little relief. 

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