Mr. Right Or Ms. Right

By Breezybossbae

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Amour Denise Weathers is your average Virginia girl who has a twin sister name Aurora . Both Capricorn girls... More

16 part 2


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By Breezybossbae

My name is Amour Denise Weathers and I am 22 years old. I have dark chocolate smooth skin, big curly kinky afro, iron silver eyes, and slim thick body. I attended college to study music. I love music and fashion with passion so I did everything to my ability to get myself out there . Anything to social media on  Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. My numbers are at 600. Plus I sing at clubs, coffee shops, churches, and join my school choirs and sang national anthem world wide. Anyways, I saw my bestie Harmony  coming out her fashion class squeaking saying," Girl guess what!" " What girl?" I asked as we left the school heading to the cafeteria restaurants of Chick fil A , A&W, Little Caesar's, Dominos, Olive Garden, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Subway, Wendy's , Dunkin Donuts/ Baskin Robbins and TCBY yogurt. " Girl you know rumors spreading that celebrities are coming down to our fashion , music , art and creative writing and drama acting classes. Here in Virginia sis! " " No way!" I said shockingly. " Yes way! "  As we in line to get us Domino's lots of people screaming as they were reading the big bulletin board . We got out of line and saw a big banner saying," Celebrities of Hollywood Life! Are Coming to Teach and Express their experiences of life in music, fashion, art drawings and paintings, authors , dancing, sports and acting.They will be training you as well ! It is starting this Spring and Summer on Monday's, Wednesday's,  and Saturday's at 11AM to 6:50 PM. Cost is $30.00! If interested call Entertainment industry of University of Virginia by phone and email. They list the famous people and I was shock to see all the names that were listed. We signed up and paid our fee and Mr. Martinez thank us and we head back to cafeteria to order our Domino's. We order us a medium cheese pizza and three meat pizza. Then to McDonald's to order us large fries and both a Sprite. We totally forgot we are neighbors with Chris and Trey. Best friends with them too. So it would be a thrill to see them to represent us Virginians.  Cause they are born and raised in Virginia. I was heading to my parent's home and ate for a bit, did school work and then get ready for my job.  I am a waitress at Destiny's Diner. It was hectic as hell there! Glad I came in earlier cause Jesus fix it! So I helped Leanne and Donovan with table duty and I went table to table giving people their foods and taking orders. It died down around nine pm, until we saw Trey Songz and Chris Brown. They even more fine as fuck. I miss them guys. Anyways I went up to them and said," Hi Trey! Hi Chris!Remember me?" I ask as they look at me saying," You look familiar ? But can't remember your name . " Chris scratch his head and was like," Yo you Amour right? Always singing and helping my mom and aunt cook , bake , and go shopping with them. Your best friend is Harmony since babies. Your favorite colors is pink purple and gold. Favorite snacks is Doritos Ranch, Skittles and  Honeybuns. You hate reptiles and mosquitos and dumb folks. I can go on if you want?"He wink. I blush and laughed in surprise. " Wow you do remember me! Can't say for Tresmaine. " I snickered. Trey roll his eyes saying," I know you girl!We miss you and Harmony!" " Naw y'all don't. Y'all too busy partying, getting high and be with them fast ass fake ass and titty bitches and whores. I bet they got gonorrhea , chlamydia, and other stuff. " " Naw we get tested and they do too. We gotta protect ourselves." " Pfft ok if you say so. So what can I get y'all two. " " I want extra fries with salt , hot  wings , and an Oreo milkshake and Sprite light on ice ." Chris spoke. " Ok and you Trey. " " I want cheese burger bacon with extra bacon , extra fries no salt, chocolate fudge cake, and water with ice. " " Ok I'll be back with your drinks and the food should be done in about twenty minutes. " " Thanks baby girl." They wink and I blush hard . God help me! I hand them their drinks and I hand them their foods and desserts. Then I went to clean til they left the money on table getting ready to leave. " Bye Trey and Chris! I will definitely let Harmony know I seen y'all. " " Please do beautiful!Wait let us give us our new numbers. We let our old ones go. " They wrote their numbers and names down. I gave them mines. " " Nice seeing y'all back. I love y'all and miss y'all so much. Hope to see you two again!" " Same here. " Chris smirk at me and Trey wink at me as they left out the restaurant.

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