Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

1.3K 142 209

With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

chapter nine

29 3 7
By honeysympathy

By the time that her father arrived back home with only fifteen minutes to spare, June was sat pleasantly on the edge of the couch with a large unusual grin on her red lips that instantly put him on edge .

Pausing by the door as he ran his eyes over her small frame , a sharp intake of breath was all that could be heard as he looked at what she had chosen to wear that night .

A large, white button up shirt that she had borrowed from Jett was tucked into a high waited black skirt that she had brought with her from her school days . She had even put on her favourite red kitten heels that stood out against her white lace socks .

Her hair was down in her usual messy curls but she had somewhat made it tamer by clipping small plastic butterflies throughout , her eyes wide and expectant as she looked back over at her father while fighting off a smirk .

She looked like a schoolgirl , a innocent small girl who could do no harm . The perfect first impression , she was sure .

Sighing in relief he smiled small. "You look ... better." he approved , having already changed into a clean white shirt that almost matched his daughters and dark blue denim jeans in the car .

Humming softly , she didn't respond as she watched him hurry around the house for things he would need . Finally bringing a brand new bottle of wine out of the fridge .

"Come on , come on -" he motioned for her to hurry , grabbing his long black coat from the hook and quickly pulling it on .

She was still silent she bent down to pick the hidden blazer up from the floor , slowly siding it over her arms while taking her sweet time . Another thing she had 'borrowed' from jett .

It had been his own perfect idea , though she knew a rather large part of him had offered it to her out of a primal instinct .

He hadn't liked the thought of her having dinner with another boy , so he had given her two items of clothing that smelled like him . As if to say , this one is mine .

Breathing in the calming wood and vanilla musk scent , she could faintly smell a hint of smoke too and wondered if he had worn this to somewhere important where he had smoked and smoked to relieve the stress .

It made her smile .

The blazer was far too big for her small body , it hung down her arms and almost hit her knees . Rolling up the sleeves just enough so they would cover her wrists .

She walked over to her father , her heels clicking against the wooden floor making him look up from the buttons of his own coat .

His eyes widening at the sight of her . "where the hell did you get that from?!" he almost shouted taking in the masculine jacket and collared shirt that was seen through it .

It clearly belonged to a man, a very large man , and he had never once seen her wear anything like it before . It was a strange look on his girl , he almost wished she had kept one of her silly dresses on .

Opening the door she ignored his look of disapproval and stepped out , walking slowly over to their car .

"Oh this?" she fingered the colour of it with a secret grin.

"It's new." was all she said before climbing into her seat and slamming the door shut , hard behind her .

Hearing his muffled curses through the window and knowing he hated it when she slammed the doors like that , it only pleased her more .

So far everything was going just the way she wanted it to , so she couldn't complain but her father sure could .

Getting in and inhaling sharply at the time, he quickly started the car and reversed out of there driveway , looking over at her for a moment before returning his attention to the road .

"I don't like it June." he stated his cheeks flushing with a nervous type of anger , unsettled by the strange air of satisfied calmness she carried with her .

He would rather her be shouting and screaming , snarling and grinding her teeth . At least then he would then know what and how she was feeling .

"We need to make a good impression , that means treating them with respect and kindness-" he started to lecture her as though she was a five year old who didn't know how to behave .

Getting comfortable in her seat she watched him , almost fascinated with the anxiousness he radiated , and knowing that she was only adding to it with her sweet smile only made her happier.

"And please , please just be nice June . Just for tonight at least . This is our chance to fit in like a normal and happy family . We need this." he rambled , exhaling shakily as he pulled up to the address .

Eyeing the two story modern looking house sceptically , she then looked back at Leon who was seconds away from breaking into a nervous sweat from her odd silence .

She always had something to say , so why wasn't she saying something?

"Happy family?" she hummed amused before leaning over to kiss her father softly on the cheek making him freeze.


Pulling away with a smile she opened her door and stepped out of the car , breathing deeply and looking up at the slowly darkening sky wondering what the night would bring .

Leon was still in his seat for another moment before pulling down the mirror and wiping away the red lipstick stain she had left on his skin , nodding to himself as he got out .

Good , this was good .

Walking up the steps he gave June one last warning look before ringing the bell besides the door , heels clicking loudly before the door swung open to reveal a blonde woman with a pink lipped grin .

"Leon! my husband has told me so much about you ." she praised him leaning forwards to kiss his cheek making him blush lightly .

Waving his hand back and forth as though to clear her words away .

"All good things I hope?" he laughed before settling a hand on June's back and bringing her closer to him just as a man stepped up beside the woman .

He was smaller than her father yet that did nothing to dampen his confidence , a wide Cheshire grin on his face as he clapped Leon on the back happily.

"And who may this lovely lady be?" he drawled curiously , tilting his head to the side as he looked over at June with a smile.

Looking at his straight blinding white teeth she held back a grimace , already hating the happy go lucky vibe that they seemed to radiate . Knowing that none of it was real .

Nobody was this happy . Anyone with a smile as bright as that was surely only hiding something .

her father's smiled dimmed slightly though they didn't seem to notice

"This is June , my daughter." he told them , nervously turning to see how she would react and hoping with everything in him that she would listen to him just this once and behave .

Playing with the sleeve of her jacket she sighed.

"Hello." was all she said , peering between the small gap between there two bodies and catching sight of what looked to be a large chandelier in the hallway above them .

How lovely and pretentious.

The woman almost cooed, hand pressed to her chest as she peered over at her.

"Well aren't you precious! Look at your eyes and your hair!... You look like an angel! Doesn't she Riley?" Sarah exclaimed marvelling over her looks .

Riley nodded in agreement while Leon fought back a incredulous laugh . Angel? She was the farthest thing from it .

Side eyeing his daughter suspiciously as they were ushered into the house , inhaling the warm scent of food that drifted towards them .

"It smells amazing." he commented making Sarah flush , waving her hand in front of her with a modest laugh .

"I've made spaghetti. Is that all right?" she asked them hopefully just as a tall figure made there way down the stairs .

Her attention then falling onto him and if it was even possible her smile widened even further.

"Matthew!" she exclaimed taking a hold of his arm and pulling him over to them .

The boys eyes turned to June and she saw them widen in surprise clearly having not expected a pretty girl to be in his home .

"This is Leon and his daughter June , there having dinner with us ." she told him happily before running off into the kitchen with a quick 'excuse me'.

Matthew snapped his jaw shut as he realised that he had been gaping at June for almost a minute , plastering on a perfect smile as he extended his hand to Leon .

"Nice to meet you ." he politely said gaining a grin off approval from her father who nudged June in the side not so discreetly . Clearing wishing she would do the same.

He then offered his hand to June who stared at it blankly for a minute before returning her eyes up to his . Flinching minutely as her father nudged her a little too harshly this time , his smile almost slipping.

"Don't be rude June." he hissed quietly. Embarrassed , he sent Matthew a apologetical glance.

Rolling her eyes , she sighed heavily before barely letting her fingers touch his hand , shaking it quickly before letting go .

"Pleasure." she shortly said, before walking past him and over to the dining table that had been set up beautifully with a three tiered candle in the middle .

Choosing the seat at the far end of the table she sat down just as the rest followed suit , her father next to her and Matthew opposite her .

She felt annoyed yet somehow still peaceful and calm , like a candle in the night. Gently flickering from side to side , briefly admired in passing as each person tried to blow it out.

Alas this candle would not dwindle or fade.

Yet seeing how tense her father was made her fight back a grin . How marvellous the human emotions were , how exhausting too.

Riley took a seat next to his son and clapped his hands together " so ... how's this town been treating ya Leon? I bet its a lot different from where you're from right?" he said conversationally.

Her father nodded just as Sarah came out the kitchen and placed the plates of steaming spaghetti in front of them all , taking the bottle of wine from Leon with a grateful smile .

Pouring the adults a glass , June fought back a frown would having preferred a glass herself just to get her through this hell.

And to think ... she could be spending her time with Jett right now . Instead she was sat at a overpriced dinner table with a family who's teeth looked like they cost more than their rickety house all together .

What kind bastardy was this ?

She wondered what there reaction would be if they happened to lose a few . Maybe a molar or there canines ? Would they scream or cry? Or would they fall in silent agony?

"It's going great !" Leon answered , half telling the truth.

"It's definitely a reset but sometimes change is for the best . " he repeated almost to himself making her hold back a bitter scoff.

Riley agreed , lifting his glass and tapping it against his .

"To a new start !" he cheered making her cringe to herself .

"This looks wonderful Sarah ." Leon complemented her, making the woman giggle happily as she thanked him .

Twiddling her fork in her hand , she twirled a piece of spaghetti around it before carelessly shovelling it into her mouth deciding that Jett was right about one thing ,

It was free food and who was she to turn down free food?

They continued to talk between themselves about something she didn't care to listen to and June let her mind wander away , cheek in the palm of her hand as she continued to eat the spaghetti absentmindedly .

She wondered what Jett was doing , he had told her that he was going to be finishing off a custom table that someone had ordered .

Imagining him shirtless and sweaty as he sawed into the thick pieces of wood made her fidget in her seat.

She would much rather be sat out on his backdoor patio watching him , maybe she could lick the sweat off his-

"What're you thinking about ?" Matthews whisper broke her train of thoughts , her eyes snapping over to him as she fought back a vicious growl of discontentment .

Swallowing her spoonful of food she licked her lips slowly , tilting her head as though she was thinking about it .

"I'm thinking about homicide and chocolate cake , the real messy kind." she said making the rest of the chatter at the table abruptly stop .

Slowly turning her head to see three sets of eyes looking at her in shock .

"June!" her father admonished , his cheeks flushing red in mortification as he glared at her angrily .

She only shrugged , smirking softly in amusement .

"kidding of course." she muttered before setting her fork back on the now empty plate .

Sarah glanced uneasily at her husband before plastering her smile back on and turning to look at her .

"So June...have you made any new friends here? I'm sure it was hard leaving everything behind." she tried to change the subject .

June just sighed and looked back at her , taking in the pink lips and heavily lined eyes that were wide and expectant and looking right at her .

"It wasn't anything to cry about." she finally settled on saying , just as her father started to relax she then smiled and tilted her head.

"-although I do miss the fantastic sex that I used to have with this guy . He really knew how to make a girl-" she started to speak dreamily only for Leon to gasp loudly and speak over her .

"June! Dear god I'm sorry ! She isn't always like this." he pleaded to them , humiliated by the way she was behaving in front of his boss and family .

He should have known she would do something like this .

June frowned back at him , offended , but riley just shook his head with a grin , waving it off .

"Ah don't worry . Teenagers am I right? Sarah honey why don't you bring out the cake . You said you wanted cake didn't you June?" he looked over at her with a second chance smile , ever the polite man .

She also said homicide. She thought disappointed. Bur cake would have to do .

Not even moments later a beautiful slice of double chocolate cake was plated in front of her and she wasted no time in digging in .

Shrugging off the blazer , she hovered the spoon in-between her lips reaching for her glass of sparkling orange that had been set out for her .

Before pausing as her eyes settled on the candles in front of her , right next to her glass .

Seeing Matthew leer at her from across the table , his eyes stuck to the cleavage that was visible through the few buttons that she had left open through Jett's shirt.

Narrowing her eyes at him just as he looked back up at her with a slimy smile on his lips, his gelled black hair and grey eyes doing absolutely nothing for her .

And then he did something he would later come to regret . He winked at her with a perverted smirk tugging at his mouth and June had no second guessing over what she did next .

Reaching across the table as though she was going to pick up her glass , she let her fingers hit against the thin metal candle holder , watching almost in slow motion as it fell straight into Matthews lap .

The candles quickly catching onto his pants and the bottom of his shirt and lighting them on fire , his screaming filling her ears as his father quickly leapt out of the way of the flames .

His mother gasping and screeching as Riley grabbed a tea towel and started hitting him with it as he struggled to get out of his trousers .

Ripping off his burning shirt as he gasped for his breath , his father finally managing to put out the flames with his shoe and towel .

The air was only filled with tense , shocked silence and the heavy breathing of Matthew as he stood in the middle of the room in only his yellow duck boxers , the smell of smoke filling the room .

June's father was stood stock still looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief , his hand covering his mouth as he slowly turned his head to look at her .

His eyes were wide and horrified , she only looked at Matthew blankly before sliding her blazer back on and standing up .

"Dear ! Are you alright?" Sarah babied over him , rushing over and running her hands over him in attempt to look for any injuries .

But it was only his pride that had been mangled , luckily for him .

"June..." Leon breathed out tensely , his eye twitching as Riley glared over at him furiously .

"What was that?!" he bellowed turning to look at the innocent looking blonde girl in his home, who looked calm and steady as though nothing had even happened .

Looking at Riley's angry and pale face she simply shrugged, unfazed.

"Accident" she simply said.

"Maybe next time you have a social dinner I would advise you skip the flammable candles sir . "she told him casually and that was all it took for her father to take a strong hold of her arm and drag her out of there .

Apologising to them profusely on there way out , shoving her into the car roughly she finally allowed herself to finally smile, giggling hysterically to herself .

Jett would be so proud of her . She thought gleefully .

She couldn't wait to tell him what she had done.

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