Luna - Beasts of Beauty Serie...

By CalamitousLove

29.6K 1.1K 189

Evelyn has lived in fear and hiding for her whole life; she yearns to one day live in peace, comfort, and hap... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Beasts of Beauty Series
(Bonus) Chapter One

Chapter Twenty-Four

500 28 3
By CalamitousLove

"Alright, the plan, one more time." 

I look up at Sam, seeing the stress on his face. I glance at Connor, who looks ready to pass out on the table. Penelope is asleep, curled in an arm chair in the corner of the library. She was never going to participate in the attack, so I'm not sure why she sat in on the meeting. I'm sure it had something to do with Connor. 

Asher is the only one that looks remotely awake and invested in the conversation. 

"I go ahead with four warriors," he announces, the only one seemingly ready for the playback. "And make sure that they aren't suspecting anything," Asher announces and then looks to Connor expectantly. 

"He links me when he knows we're clear," he pipes up, trying to muster just a little bit of energy. He yawns and his eyelids droop. Sam clears his throat, causing him to jump in his seat slightly. 

I'm going to make some coffee, I link to him. He immediately perks up. 

I stand from my seat next to Sam and walk to the drink station to brew some coffee for us as Connor continues with the plan. 

"I link Evelyn when it's time to move; I bring nine warriors with me from the north," he says for, I think, the fifth time. 

"I bring nine warriors from the south. We each have a medic with us for injuries," Sam reminds Connor even though he had said it the last four times. 

"I bring nine warriors from the west," I chirp while pouring milk into two cups. 

"Me and my team begin the infiltration while we wait for you to get there," Asher continues. "Hopefully, luring Darius out for you guys when you do."

I pour coffee into the cups as Sam adds, "According to the scouts, Darius is holed up with around ten men and women; it shouldn't take long to overpower them." I walk over to Connor and set his cup in front of him; he smiles gratefully as I speak next.

"My focus is going into the house with a couple warriors and gathering as much of their shit as we can."


Why is there so much shit in here!? Eliza's frustrated shout rings out in my head. I continue to rummage through the papers that are strewn all over the floor. 

Our attack is well underway. Asher's warriors flushed all of Darius's group out of the house they were hiding in. My warriors are frantically searching the building for anything that could possibly be important. In the background, I hear one of my men kick down a locked door. One glance in and down a flight of stairs tells me that it leads to a basement. 

A couple wolves barrel down the steps as I shove paper after paper into my bag. We can sort through what's important later, for now, I've just instructed everyone to gather as much as they can. 

"There are prisoners in the basement!" 

I snap my head towards the basement door and without another thought, I hop over the table in front of me in one swift movement. As I pass over the threshold to the basement, a familiar scent overloads my senses and stops me in my tracks.

The comforting aroma of sweet and spicy rain washes over me and I bask in the nostalgic feeling.

The moment ends all too soon when someone grabs onto my arms before I can fall down the steps.

"Luna?" one of the warriors asks me, holding my arm to steady me. It's then that I realize that I had lost my balance. I look over at the man, concern and fear are present on his features. I can't focus on him though. I can only focus on my parents' scents.

"Mom!?" I screech, once the burning in my throat becomes bearable. The warrior before me flinches and releases me. "Dad!?"

I run down the stairs, pushing him to the side as fast as I can, and practically fall into the dark basement. I whip my head around, trying to focus on their scents.

"Luna!" someone shouts. I ignore them as another scent fills my senses. I try to ignore it but it is overpowering - important. I turn my head to the side and see a man sitting in a cage on his knees. His arms are tied behind his back, but his dark hazel eyes hold so much power. One of my warriors stands before the cage, staring at it with a blank expression.

The man in the cage looks up at me when another wolf calls from upstairs, "Luna Evelyn!" He continues yelling, but I cannot make out his words. 

"Evelyn?" the man asks from within the cage, shock written all over his features. His grey and white hair is matted with dirt and sweat. It hangs in his face as he struggles to look up at me. The moment my eyes meet his, the realization hits me.

"Samuel," I breathe out as if the wind is knocked out of me. There's no mistake, this man is Sam's grandfather; they have the same eyes. "Oh my god." I rush to the cage, much to his protests, and fumble with the lock. The metal burns my skin as the silver reacts to my touch, but I ignore it, saying a spell to open it. The lock remains shut, a red glow around it - an enchantment. Samuel yells in a panic, trying to get me to stop. I ignore him, picking up a nearby rock and slamming it against the lock.

When he realizes I won't stop trying to break the lock, Samuel eventually just says, "Evelyn, you're alive." With one final hit, the lock is busted and I chuck it across the room. I grab Samuel's hand and carefully help him out of the cage.

"Someone get me a medic, now!" I shout as fast as I can when I need to support most of his weight. I can see the cuts and bruises all over his body and my heart aches wondering just how long he's been stuck like this. "Gods, Samuel. It's you! Everyone thinks you're dead. Sam thought-"

"You found Sam!" Samuel exclaims, cutting me off as his eyes light up at the sound of his grandson's name. "Oh, thank goodness! I'm so glad you found each other." His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he gazes at my neck. "But where is his mark?"

Before I can answer, a warrior takes Samuel off of me, trying to hide the shock on his face. My father's scent hits my nose again and my eyes widen in panic. How did I forget about them? Guilt washes over me as I look back at Samuel, ignoring his question for now. His eyes change as he sees my panic.

"M-my parents," I croak out. He seems to have anticipated my change in thought because his hand is already pointing in another direction. I nod in thanks before sprinting away from him and into another room, following the smell of rain and cinnamon. It's such an odd combination, but it suited my father so well. 

My mother's scent follows, a sweet vanilla with a hint of lemon, suddenly making me realize why I probably love Marianne's citrus-y scent so much. 

I burst through the doorway to see two warriors crouched next to two figures on the floor. The familiar smell of my parents becomes overwhelming as I gaze at them lying unconscious on the floor.

"Mom! Dad!" I shout, rushing to them and collapsing as sobs wrack my body. I can hardly keep my eyes open as every extreme of every emotion I could possibly feel washes over me.

I'm furious, baffled, ecstatic, terrified, morose. So many other emotions I wouldn't even know how to describe. 

I thought they were dead. I saw their bodies in the remnants of our home!

I could have been looking for them all this time? They have just been suffering here with Darius this whole time. 

Are they even okay?

Arms wrap around my waist and pick me up from the floor while I try to process everything I am witnessing. My body continues to shake with cries and tears stream down my face.

"No!" I screech as it registers that they are carrying me away. I begin to thrash and kick involuntarily in an attempt to be put down. "Mom! Dad! No, I need to be with them!"

"Luna, please," my carrier says quietly. His voice is quiet and cracks on his plea. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not leaving them again! Father! No! Momma!" I sob as the room gets more distant. I continue to shout and squirm, my attempts to get free becoming moot. The warrior carrying me continues to try and calm me down but I don't pay attention to his words.

I did this.

The thought comes into my head without warning.

You didn't do anything, Evelyn, stop this. Eliza. Even in the middle of chaos she tries to come to my rescue.

If I hadn't given up so easily, I could have found them sooner.

After a few minutes, I am carried outside the house and set gently on the dry grass out front.

If they die for real, it will be all my fault.

Fuck right on out of here, Eliza snaps at the thought. If they die, it'll be Darius's fault.

"What the hell happened to her!?" I hear someone shout, followed by the pounding of footsteps. I cover my head with my arms, dropping my face into my knees and continue to sob. I don't want to stop at this point. I can't. I don't know how. I'm feeling too many things all at once and this is the only way to let it out. 

I am torn between trying to squeeze myself into the smallest ball possible for some sort of comfort and throwing myself around as much and as far as I can, like a child throwing a tantrum, just hitting any- and everything I can find. I really don't know which one sounds like a better solution.

While I was off being happy with Sam, they were here, suffering and in pain.

"Evelyn?" the same person calls out, their voice is much closer now.

It's Connor, Eliza tells me when my brain doesn't make the connection. He can help.

We did nothing to help mom and dad, though.

"Her parents were down there," the warrior that carried me outside informs Connor. "They were unconscious in a cement closet, but they're alive. The second she saw them she freaked out. We couldn't do anything with her there so I had to bring her out here."

I could have helped them. I can heal them!

"Wait, I'm sorry, just back up. Her parents are dead, so who did she see down there?" Connor asks. "Holy fuck..." Connor's voice seemingly drops an octave as he speaks in shock. I peek out and catch him staring at the house. I glance back to see a warrior helping Samuel out of the house. "Samuel?"

I should have known they were alive.

Warm arms wrap around my body, holding me tightly. The smell of ginger and rain overwhelms my senses and I instantly relax into Connor's embrace.

It's all my fault.

"You're okay, Evelyn, it's okay. Just take a deep breath and relax," he whispers into my ear. "Evander is on his way back and he ca-"


Sam's voice cuts Connor off and within seconds sparks overwhelm my body as I am scooped up into the air.

"Evie! Love, are you hurt? What happened? Why are you crying? Are you okay? Talk to me!'

He throws question after question at me, trying to get me to look at him but all I can do is clutch on to his shirt for dear life.

They were alive the whole time.

They were just suffering the whole time.

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have given up on them so easily? They're going to hate me!

"Evelyn!" Sam shouts, shaking me gently. "Hey," he gently grabs my face and makes me look up at him. "Your thoughts are going crazy, Evie. What's going on? Who's in there? Who's been alive the whole time?" His eyes widen as if he connected the dots. "Evelyn, are your parents in there?" he asks. Somehow, I manage to nod my head.

We need to tell him about Samuel! Eliza exclaims suddenly.

My head jerks up and my wide eyes find Sam's. He stares at me in alarm, impatiently waiting what I have to say.

"Sam," I say breathlessly between cries. "You-" I am cut off by a cough. "Your-" A hiccup this time.

"Woah, Evelyn, hey. Calm down. Take a breath," he instructs. "You can spare one second, it'll go faster in the long run." I nod once and take a breath, as requested.

"You're grandfather," I say. Surprisingly, I manage to keep my voice level. "He was in there, too."

I watch, as if in slow motion as his eyes widen. First, I see confusion; then, extreme happiness; last, guilt. The same guilt that has been chewing me alive since I laid my eyes on my parents' lifeless bodies now shines in my mate's eyes.

"You saw my grandfather in there?" he whispers, holding me tighter, if that's even possible.

"Sam?" someone whispers from my right. It's Samuel.

Sam and I both turn our heads to look at the man beside us. I feel Sam flinch and I instantly knows he is refraining from running into his grandfather's arms.

Evelyn... he trails off into my mind.

Go, Sam, I encourage him.

Slowly, he sets me down on the ground. He presses a soft kiss to my forehead before turning towards his grandfather. I watch Samuel look my mate up and down, admiring the man his grandson grew up to be.

"Grandpa?" Sam whispers. "Is it really you?"

"Sam." Samuel almost chokes on the word. "You found her." Is he talking about me?

"Yeah," Sam responds, too awestruck to speak. He is now standing just a foot from his grandfather. His grandfather, who has been estranged from his beloved grandson for however many decades, is here and the only thing he wants to talk about is me? "More like she found me."

Samuel wastes no more time as he grabs his grandson and pulls him in for a long overdue hug. My eyes tear up as I watch the reunion.

Samuel isn't dead.

The feeling of relief that I feel whenever I realize that Samuel isn't dead confuses me. It's so strong, as if I knew him, as if I loved him. I'm not sure if it's rooted in my bond to Sam or the fact that I've blamed myself for being the reason that the pack lost Samuel in the first place. I have place a lot of guilt on myself because of the pain I've caused by my existence. 

Panicked shouts break me from my thoughts, causing my head to snap towards the house. A crowd of people stand around two bodies - my parents' bodies - on the ground.

"I need a medic!"

"We're losing her!"


My legs move on their own to carry me to the growing crowd. I can hear people shouting and running after me but I ignore them. I didn't realize I had been carried so far away from the house. Anger and irritation rushes over me briefly at the inconvenience in this moment.

Someone's arms wrap around me and, from the smell, I know it's Asher. My legs lift off the ground and I am no longer moving in the direction of my wounded mother. Instead, Asher is carrying me back the way I came. I thrash and kick, screaming for him to put me down.

"Evelyn, calm down. They're doing all they can," he attempts to soothe me. I shake my head with a fervor. I can help. I can heal her. I tell him this but he ignores me. "Evelyn, they need space to work."

"Asher, I can help!" I insist. "Let me go!" I screech when he doesn't listen. "Let me go! I can help!"

"Evie!" Sam's voice calls, this time it does nothing to calm me. "Evie, it's okay." I feel Asher hand me over to Sam as if I were just a doll. That's oddly demeaning, even in this moment. I continue to thrash and scratch and kick, anything that might aid in getting them to put me down.

Sam distracted me once, I'm not letting him do it again.

"No, Sam! Put me Down! I can help! Let me help!" I shout. "I can heal her! I can help her!"

"Evelyn, you need to calm down," Sam tries. Why won't he just listen to me?

"You need to listen to me!" I cry out, desperate for him to hear me. "I can help! Why won't you just let me help!?" My body goes limp and a sob escapes my mouth. "I need to help," I choke out between sobs, suddenly feeling completely useless and defeated. His arms are too strong; there's no getting out of his hold.

She's going to die and it will be all my fault.

"Evelyn," Sam says, his voice now quiet and soft and full of pity.

"Let her go you assholes!" I hear Connor should from a distance. "She can help her! Why won't you listen to her!?" His voice is getting louder, as if he is running closer. "Hurry up! Let her fucking go! Before it's too late and she blames herself for her mother's death for the rest of her damn life! Again!"

"Connor, she's in shock, she's-"

"SHE'S A FUCKING SHIFTER WITH A HEALING POWER DAMMIT. LISTEN TO YOUR MATE AND PUT HER DOWN, EVANDER!" Connor yells in a tone and voice I've never heard from him before. Sam immediately sets me down on the ground and questions Connor. I pay them no mind and sprint towards the crowd again without a second glance. The group instantly parts when they see me. 

At the center of the crowd lays my mother, her body just as lifeless as when I saw her in the basement. She is barely clothed and has cuts and bruises all over her visible skin.

So, most of her skin, Eliza retorts sarcastically.

"Luna," one of the medics gasps once they notice my presence.

"Step aside," I say quietly, my eyes never leaving my mother. I must look like an absolute mess right now. My eyes are definitely red and swollen, my hair is an unkempt mess, my voice is ragged. Despite my wild appearance, the warriors all scramble to take several steps back, leaving only one man kneeling by my mother.

"Her pulse is weak, we're pretty sure there is internal bleeding and head trauma, but without proper equipment, I have no way of running any tests," he informs me. "I have doubts about her surviving the trip."

"I don't," I mumble, ignoring his doubts and kneeling beside my mother. I position my hands over her body and close my eyes. I tune out the whispers of confusion that try to flood my ears, I ignore the doctor trying to tell me about her condition, I hardly even notice the potent smell of lavender incense when it arrives. I begin to feel the distant, yet familiar feeling of my mother's pain being absorbed by my hands. I feel as her body slowly heals itself. I gently urge her tissues to blend back together, keeping her insides where they belong. A shudder runs down my spine when I feel a couple bones click into their proper place. I can't focus on gory details.

You're getting tired, Evie, Eliza points out. She is right. My breathing is getting heavier, black spots are lining my vision, my hands are shaking.

I'm not done yet. I grit my teeth, a couple pained grunts leaving my mouth as I attempt to muster up more energy to pour into my mother's damaged body. My energy can be used to repair her body, I just need to give her enough of it. Her body can use it to replace the blood that she's lost, heal the bruises and cuts along her skin, and produce hormones she was too weak to produce before. She needs every ounce of energy I have.

Evelyn, there will be nothing left for you, Eliza reminds me, her voice laced with panic. She's strong enough to get to the pack house and see a doctor.

She needs every ounce of energy I have or she will die, Eliza! I yell at her, surging my body forward, using my anger to fuel my magic.

Sam is worried about you, she tries. He doesn't want to lose you.

I put a block between us, tuning her out. I need to focus and she's just being distracting and taking precious energy away from my mother. I feel her clawing, trying to get through to me, but I ignore everything.

Through my spotted and tear-blurred vision, I notice the bruises on my mother's face fading, the color coming back to her cheeks. The cut on her lip is gone and I long to just see her smile. More of her bones set into place, the vibration ringing in my palms. My breathing becomes even heavier and I can hardly keep my eyes open.

I won't have enough.

Multiple people are shouting around me, but their voices are faint, distant. Someone tries to touch me but my energy shocks them back. 

I clench my hands into fists and with one final cry, I surge all the energy I can muster into my mother's body. With a heavy breath, I pray it will be enough to save her before I collapse on the ground. 

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