2. Resident Evil: Original Ap...

By Brianna170402

48.5K 1.4K 113

Alice and Hope thought the horror was over but little did they know it was just beginning. Hope is g!p. Secon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

1.6K 51 6
By Brianna170402


  "Why did the vision change suddenly," Klaus asked raising an eyebrow at Freya and Davina. They look confused themselves.
       "Maybe it's showing us the important parts but I don't know," Freya shrugged. Klaus hummed but continued watching.

No One POV:

"Here, give me a hand with this," the soldier asked Alice and Hope while opening the bags. They started putting a device together in the middle of the floor.

The family watched confused on what they are doing. "Get out! Get out! You can't be in here," a British voice rang out making them jump. Kol jumped a little not expecting that making Davina giggle softly. He scowled playfully at her and nudged her softly.

"She's a holographic representation of the Red Queen-You have to get out!- modeled after the head programmer's daughter. She'll try to deceive us, confuse us," the soldier told the girls while still working on the device.

"I wouldn't advise this. Disabling me will result in loss of primary power,"a little red girl said making Alice and Hope look at her and move out of the soldiers way.

"I implore you-Implore away-Please?," she pleaded. They moved away from the device and it powered up. The family watched, curious on what that device will do.

"Please?," she tried again but got ignored. The soldier took out a small remote and pressed a button. The hologram turned and glared at them. "You're all going to die down here!," she spat at them.

The soldier just stared at it and pressed the button making the lights and hologram turn off. The threat made the family's breaths hitch. Klaus and Hayley tightened their grips worried for their daughter.

"That hologram was creepy," Kol said with Marcel agreeing. The others looked at them with amused smiles.


The soldiers are shooting at people. "Let's go!," a different soldier yelled at the group. "Hurry up!," the woman soldier yelled right after him and ran towards a direction.

Alice pushed Hope to go with the soldier before and went to get the man in cuffs. Hope ran after the soldier. All of a sudden one of the metal tanks exploded sending Hope to the ground.

The originals family watched scared for Hope. Hope groaned and got up. She froze seeing two people in front of her. They snarled and lunged at her.

   Something clicked and her eyes started glowing, claws came out replacing her nails and fangs grew in her mouth. She pushed them back and roared them then started fighting them.

  Klaus and Hayley gasped at the sight. The others looked at them. "What is it brother, Hayley," Elijah asked. "She can partially shift," Hayley said staring in awe and worry at her daughter.

   "Okay, can't  all werewolves do that?," Rebekah asked confused by the way their acting. "No they can't, only glow their eyes. Hybrids can but that's because of the vampire side so that doesn't count. It was always a myth that somebody could," Klaus informed them.

   "So what does that mean for Hope," Freya worriedly asked. Klaus and Hayley smiled. "That means she might just be the most powerful being in the world," Klaus said smiling proudly with Hayley at their daughter. The others stared at their niece in surprise.


Hope was sitting down on the floor eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands. She let out a breath and looked up at the soldiers.

  "Kaplan do you think my mom is okay?," she asked  the soldier she helped put together the device with a worried expression.Kaplan looked at the woman soldier then to Hope with sad eyes.

"I-I'm not sure kid. But from what I've seen she loves you very much and she'll fight to come to you, okay?," he reassured her. She nodded and gave him a small smile then looked down.


They are all (including Alice and the man that was in cuffs) in the room the  Red Queen hologram was in. "The T-virus provides a massive jolt both to cellular growth and to those trace electrical impulses. Put quite simply, it reanimates the body," the Red Queen informed them.

   "It brings the dead back to life," the woman soldier asked in disbelief.  The Mikaelsons were confused because those people didn't look alive at all. They don't even know what those people were.

    Four members had an idea of what they could be but didn't believe it. "Not fully. They are driven by the basest of impulses. The most basic of needs," the Red Queen said.

    "Which is?," Kaplan asked. "The need to feed."  'No way' the four thought. "You mean shoot them in the head? And snapping their necks," Hope and the woman soldier said.

   "Oh shit." The four members jaws dropped. The others looked at them confused. "What," Rebekah asked. "I think those people were zombies," Marcel said with Davina, Hayley, and Keelin agreeing. Elijah scoffed, "zombies Marcel? Such things don't exist." Marcel rolled his eyes.

       "Think about it. That thing said the virus or whatever it was called reanimates the bodies. Their only need is to feed and my bet it isn't for food but human meat," Keelin told them trying to help Marcel out.

The others were skeptical. "Babe, Zombies really?," Freya asked her. Keelin shrugged, "vampires, werewolves, and witches exist what's there to say zombies don't."

Freya hummed, "you might be right." Keelin squinted her eyes at her. Freya looked at her with a small smirk. "Wanna bet," she raised an eyebrow. Freya nodded confident that she will win.

   "Okay I bet that their zombies and if I win," she smirked slightly and leaned closer to Freya's ear to whisper, "I top."

     Freya raised an eyebrow then smirked and whispered back, "when I win I get to do anything to you, babygirl." Keelin blushed at the nickname and nodded. They turned back to the vision.


    Hope's dad is staring off in an empty room. Alice stared at him in worry. "Spence," Alice called him. Hope, the woman soldier,and the man stared at him.

    Spence and Alice stared at each other then they both dived for the gun on the table. Spence got to it first and aimed it at the others. Alice moved next to Hope. "What the hell is he doing?," Rebekah asked starring at her niece's adoptive father. Nobody answered.

   "We can still make it out of here. Come with me. You, me, and Hope can have anything we've ever wanted," he told them with a hopeful smile. Hope and Alice looked at him in disbelief.

  "Is that how you thought all our dreams are gonna come true," Alice scoffed. The Mikaelsons family watched confused on what he's doing. They watched the man who was in cuffs go at Spence but stopped when he pointed the gun at him.

   It eased their worry a little when Alice said she was gonna take Hope away from Umbrella. They continued watching. "I don't know what we had," Spence looked at her confused, "but it's over," Alice said.

    The zombie lunged forward biting into his shoulder catching Spence by surprise. He screamed out and aimed the gun to her stomach and fired making it release him. "Ha! I win," Keelin exclaimed a little to happy.

     Freya frowned. She was sure she was gonna win the bet. The others looked at Keelin. She smiled sheepishly, "sorry." The others just looked at her then back to the vision.

   Keelin looked at Freya with a smirk. "Don't worry Frey I'll be gentle," she whispered in her ear making Freya shiver. "I think you forgot babygirl. I like it rough,"Freya kissed her ear.

     Keelin stared at her with lust in her eyes. "Are you gonna watch love?," Freya asked acting all innocent. Keelin took a deep breath and continued watching. Freya smirked to herself.

   Hope grabbed her dad's arm with the gun in it and tried taking it. He punched her in the face. That made the Mikaelson family growl and glare in anger. Spence gripped her shoulder and stared right into her eyes.

   He smirked, "I'm sorry, Hope," then kneed her in between her legs. "AAH!," Hope screamed falling to her knees cupping herself in pain. The family cringed at that. "Poor Hope," Marcel winced knowing it painful when you get hit in the nuts.

   Klaus looked at Spence with a murderous gaze. "If he's still alive. I'm gonna kill him. No torture then kill him," he said out loud. "I'll help," Kol and Hayley said at the same time. They looked at each other and smirked.


They all were walking fast to the train. Alice and Hope stopped upon seeing Spence dead on the floor next to the train.

Disappointment filled the family when they saw Spence dead. "Man I wanted to torture him," Kol whined. Klaus frowned and agreed.

"Well it looks like he had a rough death," Hayley gestured to the bitten, bloody, and slashed Spence on the floor. "Yeah," they sighed sadly.

"I'll get the virus," Alice looked at Hope, "go in honey. I'll get it." Hope hesitated looking from her dad to her mom then nodded and went in the train sitting next to the sick looking woman soldier on the floor.

The woman laid her head on Hope's shoulder and Hope held her hand then leaned her head back against the train, "We're almost out Rain just hold on okay?" Rain nodded weakly on her shoulder.

The family watched Alice inject Rain with a green liquid. Rain gave Alice a watch then put her head down with her eyes closed. Hope and Alice looked at her.

"Rain? Rain," Alice voiced cracked. Hope's eyes got watery as she looked at Rain. Alice tried calling her again but nothing. Alice took a deep breath and grabbed the gun then aimed it at Rain.

Hope got up and moved away not wanting to watch. Hope turned back when she heard her mom gasp. "I'm not dead, yet," Rain told Alice with a hand on the gun.

They looked at her in shock. Rain looked at Alice, "I think I'll have that back," she took the gun. Hope and the man smiled in relief. Alice chuckled and cupped her face, "I could kiss you, you bitch."

Hope and the man laughed. Suddenly big claws came through the side of the train where the man was leaning against. It made everyone jump including the Mikaelsons.

"What the hell was that," Hayley said scared for his daughter. The others shook their head not knowing. "I don't know. But I know damn well that wasn't a zombie,"Marcel said watching with wife eyes.

The monster jumped in the train and snarled at them. "Oh. My. God," Rebekah said staring in horror at the monster. The monster's tongue shot out wrapping around Alice's leg and pulled making her fall down, dropping the gun.

   Hope roared at it when the monster in her direction. Everybody's hands tighten seeing the monster turn towards Hope. They wanted to be there with Hope to save her from that monster.

They watched as the man push a net full of metal pipes against it. The metal pipes crashed into the monster sending it back against the wall.

    It got up and hit Alice in the face with its tongue making her fall. Hope's eyes glowed brighter and she roared at it in rage.

   She ran towards it and clawed at its head. It screeched out in pain and hit her, clawing her chest and stomach sending her fly back against the wall.

   "No!," Hayley and Klaus yelled in horror seeing their daughter get thrown back. The others froze scared for Hope.


   "Freya!," Hayley and Klaus yelled. But she didn't know what happened. "I-I don't know what happened! I don't control what it shows us," Freya frantically told them.

   Hope is on the floor floor screaming with snarls coming in between her screams. She is holding her wounds and her wolf eyes are out. 

   Alice moved to open a case, "you guys are infected. Your gonna be okay. I'm not losing your guys too!" Tears filled the Mikaelsons eyes. They all felt so helpless.

They all watched people in white suits came busting through the door. They picked up Hope and the man and put them in stretchers.

"No! What are you doing, stop!," Alice yelled at them and started fighting them. She moved to her Hope and the man. They grabbed her.

"Hope! Matt!" The people strapped Hope's arms and legs down then ripped open her shirt to check her wounds. Hayley and Klaus stared with tears going down their faces at their daughter's body covered in blood and wounds.

They winced at her screams. "She's mutating but not like the other one more like bonding with it," one of the people said looking at her wounds.

"What's happening to me!," Hope growled out with tears falling face but they ignored her. They started pushing Hope away. "Matt! Hope!" They watched Hope struggle with the restraints, "MOM!"


Hope is in the middle of a room screaming with doctors surrounding her. "Stop! It hurts!" They ignored her and kept cutting into her wounds making Hope scream out in pain.

   She opened her eyes showing red glowing eyes instead of yellow. The family gasped. "T-that's not possible," Klaus said in shock. They watched Hope stab on of them in the neck.

She got out of the restraints and stood up looking at the other doctors. She looked down feeling her wounds heal. She looked up at the other doctors with an evil smile.

"So who's next?" Hope partially changed and roared at them. "Oh my god," Davina said staring at Hope. They watched Hope slaughter all of them. Klaus smirked knowing his daughter can hold his own.

She didn't stop till they were all dead. They saw Hope stop, turning back to normal. Hope looked around in horror and looked at her bloody hands, "what have I done." The door slammed opened and soldiers came in gun raised at Hope.


    Hope is asleep on a bed in a completely white room. "She looks so peaceful when she's asleep," Hayley said admiring her daughter's sleeping face.

Suddenly a loud piercing nose came on making Hope shot up covering her ears screaming in pain. The family winced at the noise but they could tolerate it.

The noise turned off making Hope stop and glare at the camera. She tossed the blanked off of her and stood up revealing her scars. "That monster left her scars. I never heard of werewolves having scars," Elijah said astonished at his nieces scars.

   "My poor baby," Hayley frowned wanting to hold her daughter close and never let her go again. Hope walked to the wall and looked up at the camera with a glare.

    She leaped up grabbing ahold of the wall and started climbing up to the camera with ease. She grabbed it and ripped it out of the wall.

  All of their jaws dropped staring wide eyed at Hope. "Holy crap," Marcel exclaimed. They have never seen anything like that in all of their existence.

   Hope heard a gasp and turned around seeing her mom standing in the doorway. She dropped the camera in shock, "mom."


   Hope is standing in the middle of a street looking around in shock. She looked on edge from hearing growls and snarls. Alice tapped her shoulder handing her a hand gun.

Hope took it and checked if it had ammo. She reloaded it when she saw it was full. Hope stood next to her mom and looked ahead with a determined expression. Her eyes glowed red.


The vision went black. They stood in silence in the spell room. It was Kol and Marcel who broke the silence. "Was there a zombie apocalypse and we didn't know!," they exclaimed seeing the city destroyed.

   The others just looked at them lost for words. "I-I don't know. Possibly from the looks of it but nothing happened here or anywhere else," Elijah told them.

   Hayley checked the time and sighed. "It's already 2 in the morning. Let's finish this tomorrow," she said. They nodded and walked out.

    Elijah and Klaus sighed at seeing all the dead vampire on the floor. Marcel walked over to them staring at them as well. "I can call some vampires to clean this up," he told them gesturing to the mess.

    "Thank you Marcel," Elijah said. Marcel walked away and started calling people he knew on his phone. They are all night walkers anyway so they'll be up.

   Freya walked past them with two water's heading to her and Keelin's room. "Freya,"Klaus called her. She stopped and looked at them.

   "Be sure to spell your room. Don't want us to hear now do you, sister," Klaus said smirking at her. Freya rolled her eyes with a blush and continued walking.

    Elijah shook his head with a chuckle. They started walking to their one rooms. Elijah threw an arm around his brothers shoulder and shook him a little, "you love to tease our sister don't you, Niklaus."

Klaus gave him an innocent smile and shrugged, "I don't know what your talking about. Let's go to bed, the faster we go to sleep and get up. The faster we can see my littlest wolf."

Hope you guys enjoy
Sorry for any mistakes
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Peace out

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