Fallen From Grace | BOOK 1 ✔️

By -S-N-O-

482K 20.4K 3.1K

For years, Pierce dedicated himself to the battlefield, hoping to bring an end to the ongoing war. Despite lo... More

Prologue: Befallen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Two Continued...
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Epilogue: Penance
Chapter: Ending Extra
*Bonus I*
*Bonus II*
*Bonus III*
Author's Note

Chapter Fourteen

11.6K 617 80
By -S-N-O-

Pierce's P.O.V

Kenzie and Tristan were both surprised at my absence the other night. I did not arrive back into our quarters until late morning and it did not go unnoticed. I knew it would be like that, but I couldn't possibly leave my emotionally compromised mate at daybreak. Though, he didn't express it outwardly I knew he wanted me to stay.

I tap my fingers lightly on the oak table splattered with golds and maroons. My eyes stay on the table as I feel their curious glances at my now growing worried face. I haven't seen him since he woke up and saw me about to leave. He was reluctant to see me go, but I know he thought better of it to not bother to ask me. As much as I wanted to stay. . . I was already past due on my shift to be with Isaac.

My lips part to let out a deep sigh which causes Kenzie to whistle and walk over to me. "You seem worried."

"I'm not." I say abruptly and eye her with a 'knock it off expression'. Tristan soon comes over and decides to sit on one of the sides of the table and grab an apple out of the wicker basket. "Unless you're speaking of Isaac that is. I'm more than worried about him. He's been drinking since we got here and today is the day of the feast."

"He's fine. No hangover. He's lucid." Tristan dully notes while biting into the fruit. Kenzie flashes Tristan a look and he just continues to stare into nothing as he rubs his neck tenderly. She goes on to sit down blocking him from my view for a moment.

"Seems like we all seemed to have interesting nights of late." I give them each a knowing look causing Tristan to blush and Kenzie to bite down on her lip suppressing a smile. They must have been with some Northerners despite me telling them to watch over Isaac. Having random Enforcers around him isn't going to keep him safe.

"You said I was reprieved of duty." I shrug my shoulders and begin to shake my head. Honestly, I cannot say anything. I was with a Northerner and if the circumstances seemed doable I would have done what Tristan had done and made it a grand night. The hickies spotting his neck only wrapped up the assumptions I already had.

"I didn't do anything with anyone to that extent." He interjects causing both Kenzie and I to break out into grins. "They're Northerners! We cannot mix with the likes of them." Tristan goes on to shout with a deeper blush coming onto his face.

"Yah? Well, I almost got laid last night~" Kenzie adds in with absolutely no shame causing his mouth to drop and me to break out into a full laugh.

"Goddess, keep that to yourself. I want to hear no more of that." The laughter begins to die down as soon as we feel Isaac's presence near the doorway. We instantly get up to bow.



"Alpha." We all say in unison with our hands across our hearts.

"So glad to see you all in high spirits today." I pick up an edge in his voice that hasn't been present since the day he found out about the death of his father. We continue to keep our heads lowered as he enters the room and sits down.

"The games cease today." His Alpha commands make their late appearance causing all of our eyes to widen with surprise. "Today is the day where we will make our selves clear of who we are and who they are going up against if they choose to begin a war with us again." My stance instantly becomes rigid and tense at this.

Instead of waiting on his command I lift my head up and eye him with a wavering expression. He was a drunkard for the past month and half! Where did this new sentiment of change and ideology come from?

"Isaac, what do you mean by that? We are here for a-"

"Nonsense. I wouldn't have come just to partake in cellabratories of an engagement I could care less about. I came here to demand justice. We all did." I look towards Kenzie and Tristan and see them just as tense as I am. He never once talked to me about his plans.

"While you all were mingling away I was gathering information in my 'drunken' state on the Alpha and these lands. And let me tell you, they were quite interesting indeed."

"War doesn-"

"War is our only option Pierce. Sometimes I wonder if you've grown a rather large soft spot for the likes of these people since your visit. This is the main reason why I did not discuss my plans with you. Archer and Michael are proving to be better advisors than you and you are my Beta." The hairs on my neck begins to bristle at the way he said those last two words.

"Advising is not synonymous with agreeing with you, Alpha," I say trying to hold back the bite in my voice. "It is fine if you do not wish to seek counsel with me, but don't let that be the judge of my sound advice." Isaac shoots me an icy look and I do nothing but look at him with a dull resolve.

"Acting based on emotion will not be a wise decision. Before we assume anything we must make sure they are the ones who killed them. If we begin a war with the wrong territory, the results could be devastating. We lost so many of our people. . .I have only a sister now when I once had a brother, mother, and father. I'm all she has left." His gaze falls for a minute before sighing out waving out Kenzie and Tristan.

As soon as the door shuts Isaac gives me a glare that could melt glaciers if need be. "You dare criticize me in front of them? Is that you showing your position over them? Is that it?"

"I don't want her to be left with no family, Isaac."

"You're already assuming you would die!"

"Because it's a realistic possibility. I am a Beta, but I am not invincible. I can die. It's a cold, hard fact and so can you." He purses his lips for a moment before nodding. I cannot allow him to make decisions based on emotion. It's what got my father killed. He had been so damn complacent. I'm not going to allow him to lead himself into the same situation.

"I am your Beta, Isaac. Your safety, Your life, and the decisions You make are all important to me. I'd give my life for it. Don't ever think otherwise." I stare into his black eyes causing him to scoff and smile at the same time. "Is this your confession of love to me or something?"

I give him a small smile before shaking my head. "Of course not." He laughs softly before staring at his nails. "Of course not indeed. I heard you came back late morning a couple nights passed. If you were not with us then where were you?"

My mouth opens to say something but there is no possible way I can tell him. He is my Alpha and lying to him is close to unthought of. His smile begins to turn into a grin at my silence. "With some Northern female I presume?"

". . ."

"As I said before, you are my Beta. It's fine for everyone else such as Kenzie and Tristan to do something like that, but not you. Having any relations with these people other than the passion to destroy them is close to treasonous Pierce." My jaw tightens as I feel my heart beginning to drop into the pits of my stomach.

"No love, no desire, no friendship should be formed with the likes of these people. Do you understand me ?" I nod my head reluctantly before mumbling, "As you wish. Your will is my desire. . ." All hope of ever convincing Isaac of accepting my mate is out of the question now. Something had happened, that is all I know.

Despite him telling me no, I can't help the insistent desire to see him, to hold him in my arms and smell that intoxicating scent I love. How can my wolf and Isaac want polar opposite things when we were once so in sync people thought we could be twins? I look at Isaac who now is looking at the presentation of fruits.

"You will sit by me during the feast. You will not stray from out of my sight. Do I make myself clear?"

"Alpha, I will abide by all the rules given to me by you however, I am not one to be told where to go like a small child. Telling me and commanding me are not synonymous." I say as respectfully as I possibly can causing him to let out another scoff.

"Very well then. I would like for you to stay near me during that time. Sound better?" I nod and look towards the door before eyeing him suspiciously. His silver hair is combed back showing just how black his eyes truly are. I notice he's wearing a suit for the first time. All black, white dress shirt, and a deep red bow tie, the color of our territory.

Blood of Blood. Blood for Blood.

"You should go on and get ready. The feast should be starting soon and I would hate to leave the King and his attendants waiting." Before I can leave he grabs my hand causing me to halt in my steps. "I know you Pierce." He mumbles and tightens his grip which makes me close my eyes. Soon I pull away from him and continue to head out."Come time, you will learn soon enough they are never meant to be trusted. Eight-hundred years of lies and betrayals has taught us that."


Cassius' P.O.V

I feel like I want to vomit. Ever since that night I spent with Pierce. . .I've been nothing but unsettled. I have this terrible feeling in the pits of my stomach and usually they're never wrong.

I had hoped that I would be able to keep it together, but I broke down as easily as a castle made of sand. Somehow, I wasn't expecting for him to answer me like that or even look at me like that. It held. . .so much warmth and sincerity.

My eyes narrow to the ground as I continue to let my attendants dress me. She fumbles around with my tie instantly reminding me of Pierce which makes me want to keel over and die. I wish he would forget I ever did such a deplorable thing. However. . .soon enough he may want to forget me all together. I'll be nothing but a wretched liar in his eyes.

He's going to loathe me and despise me for even being his mate because of the title I hold. Soon, he may even come to think that I had been using him and placating his emotions. I bite down on my lip in pure horror at the thought.

As much as I wanted to tell him before today I could not. . .Pierce's father. . .he said he would never forgive me. He wants me to let "bygones be bygones" and end it now while I still can. I never wanted him to find out like this. Never.

If I had not agreed with him he said would not let me go as easily. He told me his son is stubborn, so stubborn he would find a way around it and still want to be with me. I found that nothing but endearing ,but his father only found it appalling and destructive. That man. . .I know he must hate me.

"You look magnificent, my liege." A small girl says with freckles covering her cheeks smiles up at me. I give her a forced smile back and sit down on a nearby chair waving her away. I rather just be alone and wallow in my despair.

Pierce was becoming more than important to me and now I have to let him go? I want what is best for him. I do. I really do. But I also want him to be with me. Why can't that be possible?

I still can remember the feel of his hands wrapping around me and the way his body practically caved into mine when a touched a minor part of his skin. I remember the smoothness of his tanned skin and the feel of his muscles flexing under my touch. The sigh that travelled from him into me was the most provocative thing and I'm more than happy he pulled away from me before things could get out of hand.

My emotions were taking over and the Goddess knew I wanted to him. The more I am denied him the more I crave him. He's like an addiction, a fix, I can't possibly ever shake. HIs father makes it sound so simple, like this is merely puppy love, but it's a lot more than just that.

I felt whole before I met him, however he makes me feel. . .happy? No, that's not the word for it. He makes me feel like... My face becomes warmer and warmer by the second. It would have become even hotter if Stevens did not walk in when he did.

"Your Highness." I give him an apathetic glance and allow him to approach. What more does he have to say to me? All I can think of his how much this is going to hurt him.

"The feast begins in five minutes." His eyes go from mine and down to my body before snapping back with a small smile. "You must be delighted." I say dully causing his eyebrows to furrow.

"I hate to see you upset, however, he is an Easterner and that fact will never change. They are not meant to be trusted. Seeing you with your mate will get you and him to see the reality of the situation." My eyes begin to narrow causing him to shake his head. "Don't be upset with me."

"I'm not upset with you." I mumble as I clench my fists then release them over and over again. It's my feast. There is no way I am getting out of this. He's going to see me for who I really am today without any forewarning. He's going to hate me. My eyes water at the thought, but I quickly put myself together and get up.

"Let's go."

As soon as we head out of one of my many chambers I see Grimm standing idly by my door and soon joins in rank as we go down the hallway. "Cecilia, her brother, and the rest of the guards are already attending the feast, my lord."

I nod and continue on trying my best to mentally prepare myself for the worst. I'm a terrible mate. Never once did I mean to hurt him and now I'm going to be doing exactly that. Even after all that he said to me that night. . .it just made the burden I have the bear even heavier.

As soon as we begin approaching the feast hall's doors the palms of my hands become sweaty, my heart beat starts to multiply in less than a minute and I have this aching feeling in my chest about going in there. Both Stevens and Grimm realize my decimating resolve causing Grimm to hold my arm and shoo Stevens onward before us.

"Cassius." I can hear my heart beating out of my chest now and I am sure he can hear it as well. I'm beyond anxious. I'm absolutely terrified of what I'm about to do to the one person that is growing more and more each day in my heart.

"If you don't want to do this...you don't have to."

"But I have to. His father doesn't want..." My eyes fall as my voice becomes shaky. "I don't want to hurt him Grimm, but either way I will."

He looks at me with a stoic expression before pushing my hair back. Soon a smile forms on his lips. "You're doing the right thing. As mates. . .I'm sure he won't hate you for long." That only gets a scoff from me but he continues on.

"You are a King. The last of the direct line of Castilles that has governed us since we were formed. You have the blood of martyrs and champions running through your veins. You can do this." He lifts my chin up and repeats himself. "You can do this. Just keep it together until the feast begins. After that, you may excuse yourself."

I nod bitterly as I look towards the door. Would that night. . .be the last time I see him?

I hear my name being said by Stevens and an uproar of an applause sounds. "Go on." He pushes me through the doors and I am faced with many familiar and just as unfamiliar faces at the gathering. I take one quick breath and let a soft smile cover my face before waving at my fellow people.

Cecilia rises and gives me a very low bow before taking her seat again making me wish I could just close my eyes and disappear. I almost forgot about Cecilia and I. . .

"Welcome my fellow brethren and visitors. My council took it upon themselves to invite you and hold a feast in honor of my engagement and your visit to our humble home. We thank you for coming out here and celebrating with us on this glorious occasion. I hope your stay is as welcoming and nourishing as this feast." I end with a slight courtesy bow before sitting down next to Cecilia.

I willed my eyes not to search for Pierce. No matter the desire of my wolf I cannot bear to see the expression he holds for what just happened. However, like my body has a mind of its own, my eyes instantly find his wide green ones making my entire body want to scream. I feel my hands tightening on the arm of the chair with each passing second.

He turns his head away from me and towards his Alpha, not bothering to look at me again. It causes my heart to tighten and wrench then twist. I know very well what he is thinking and it's nothing like that. He should know I. . .

My eyes fall to his Alpha noticing just how young he looks. He has silver hair as grey as the moon but as bright as the stars in the sky. Dark black pools are his eyes making him look extremely mysterious and dangerous. I realize the way his eyes would linger on Pierce before directing his gaze at something else. I see the way he would laugh loudly to regain Pierce's depleting attention.

He would laugh with fakery and smile forcefully which is causing me nothing but heartache. If only if I can just explain myself. "Cassius." A woman's voice brings me out of my depressing thoughts and soon I'm graced with Cecilia's lovely smile and short laughter.

"You haven't touched a thing! Have you eaten already?" She puts her hand on mine while asking. I only close my eyes and shake my head. I can't do this. Soon enough I see Pierce get up from the table and leave out the room making me feel like my heart just fell out of my chest. I have to explain myself.

I get up abruptly and go out the other way of the feast smiling like everything is all right until I am out the door searching frantically for him. Only a couple of seconds pass before I smell his scent turning around the corner. I quickly round it and find my face planting into his back. My face turns completely, unbelievably red at this.

He jolts away from me until he realizes it's me, but still keeps his distance. Actually, he only furthers it. "Pierce I-"

All I see him do is shake his head and continue walking away from me. I can feel his anger secreting out of him. I'm his mate after all. As much as he is trying to bottle it in, I sense it coming out.

"Pierce!" I plead for him to stop and listen to me.

"You have no right to even utter my name!" He turns around and looks at me with a soul piercing glare, much like the same one he had given me when we first met. I feel my wolf shriveling into a corner at the anger he is directing towards us. She feels guilty and unbelievably sad to have made our mate this angry at us.

"I was-"

"I don't want to hear it. Any of it." He growls before starting his long strides towards the exit, but I continue to follow closely behind him.

"I have to explain myself! It's not. . .It's not what you think." I meekly announce only causing him to turn around and stare at me like I am something disgusting which makes me feel overwrought with heartache. Never once had he looked at me with anything less than warmth and now. . .

"King Cassius, you don't have to explain yourself to me. You are free to do as you please." His voice sounds bitter with large amounts of hurt tracing through it. He starts off again which makes me grab for his arm. "Pierce don't. . ." My eyebrows furrow as I become completely distraught at this turning tide of emotions.

He snatches his arm away from me and eyes me with that same intense stare which is beginning to make me feel like less than nothing. "After everything I said to you that night. Was this all just to win my favor? To make sure I would persuade my Alpha not to do anything rash? Well, you succeeded because I did just that. For You. Congratulations."

My throat feels like there is a large lump stuck in it as my eyes start to swell with tears. "I would never do that to you. You mean-"

"I don't care what I mean to you, King Cassius. I don't care what you meant to do either. You disgust me."

I let out a miserable sigh unable to speak a coherent sentence without sounding like a blubbering mess. My heart is hurting too much for me to care how I look right now. I understand why he's angry with me, but to say something like that after everything. It made me feel an insurmountable amount of pain.

Before he starts to exit the door I move around in front of him and eye him with watery eyes and all. Soon enough nothing but anger begins to boil up from inside of me. "You actually think that low of me? After everything?"

"Think? Not thinking led me into this. I already knew. Northerners are nothing but wretched liars who manipulate those around them. You were no exception. You were the epitome. Just like the rest, you cannot be trusted." He spits before pushing pass me and goes out the door.

I follow him out and notice a lot of my people lingering around the building and takes notice of my presence as quick as ever. His receding back only makes me hesitate chasing after him with all of my pack members around, but I decide to go after him anyway.

I grab his hand and give a hard tug to his arm until he is facing me again. "How can I not be trusted when all I wanted was your trust and your loyalty? I understand I had hidden very important things about me, but tell me you wouldn't have responded badly? Tell me you would still want something to do with me!"

His eyes narrow at me before scoffing. "You knew who I was Cassius, yet you let this cursed relationship blossom into something it never should have become!" He yells furious. "My trust and my loyalty belong to my pack. Not some Northern Alpha." I hear the disgust in his voice again as clear as day making me bite down on my lip and close my eyes.

"You're my mate Pierce," I say completely heartbroken at this point.

"You're wrong. That woman is your mate. I'm more than willing to relinquish all rights to you." My mouth falls open as the words stay stuck in my throat because of how dry it has become.

"Don't bother. I can care less." He eyes me one last time before snatching his arm away from me again. "Your fake tears and sentiments are not going to move me to believe any more of your lies." He turns his back towards me and starts walking off towards the forestry.

I blink a couple times trying not to let the tears fall from my eyes but they do. The hot droplets of water rain down my face before I swipe at them angrily. After a couple seconds I just stop and let them cover me because my heart is aching so much. I never knew words could ever hurt so badly.

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