Ishimondo Oneshots (DISCONTIN...


171K 3.2K 16.8K

Discontinued forever fuck this fandom 😭😭 More

Ishimondo Headcanons
Horror Movies and Jealousy
Horror Movies and Jealousy. Part 2
Horror Movies and Jealousy: part 3 (FINAL PART)
Rain and Cuddles (TW for shaking/trembling!)
Ramen, Arguments, and PDA
Ishimondo Head Canon Scenes
"Detention, Owada!"
"Detention, Owada!" Part 2 <3
Study ZzzZz
Ishimaru's gay sleepover (couldn't think of good title thats all you're gettin)
Reject my love, Hurt my dreams. (Kinda Angst)
'Reject my love, hurt my dreams (part 2)
Reject my love, hurt my dreams (PART 3 AIKBHJFK>KFNV<HBLFIJLAKMNFSKHJFIJE)
Sleepover wit the bros
Confessing Plans
"Do you...wanna go out?"
Cleaning Cuts
Stormy Night
Falling in love is why does it hurt? SHORTANGST
c u m (i'm so sorry for this)
Nightmares (Kinda Angst?)
"Mondo, let me sleep!"
Chaotic Studying (Aka Mondo being jealous and hating Makoto)
Wow I actually wrote something, AND IT'S SWEET SWEET FLUFF
Mondo gets drunk, chaos ensues
Blanket thief
O h N o
Under the weather
Thank you! (A/N) FINAL UPDATE

"Detention, Owada!" Part 3! FINAL PART!!!

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This story has POV's that switch quite often, so sorry if it confuses you, i wanted to do something different! <3

Kiyotaka Ishimarus POV:

As soon as Mondo drove off, I dashed to my porch. Frantically, I grabbed my keys and flew the door open. I stepped inside and re-slammed the door shut. I slide down it, dropping my bag besides me. I felt a violent heat form on my face as I re-thought what wonderful thing had just happened to me. Yes, the bike ride was absolutley terrifying, and Mondo definetly went above the speed limit, but it was so...amazing! I knew I was a red mess the entire time, so i'm thankful he didn't see my face. I felt my hands ach, missing Mondo in them already. I did love holding him and being so close. I felt my heart beat intensify as thoughts ran through my mind. "I wonder what his lips feel like. NO! I-I need to stop having these thoughts! Mondo is my bestfriend, I should not be thinking about a friend like that!" That hurt my chest, my heart ached more. He is my friend but, it always hurt to think that's all he is. I wish I could be so much more to him. I sighed before standing up and heading to my room. I will definetly need to take a shower, I must always be presentable, especially since i'm going on a date with Mondo. NO NOT A DATE JUST A FRIENDLY HANG OUT! I grabbed another uniform out of my closet and tossed it on my bed. I quickly removed my own clothing and jumped into the shower. When I finished, I dried my hair off and looked at the time...4:25. I had been in the shower for almost 30 minutes!? I ran to my room, almost slidding because of my still damp feet. Frantically I got dressed and stood infront of my mirror. I looked like...well, like myself of course! My mind started to wander as I had thoughts about Mondo again. "I wonder what we're doing for dinner...WAIT HE ASKED ME TO DINNER AND TO STAY THE NIGHT!? WAITHEASKEDMETOSTAYTHENIGHTWHYHAVEINOTPACKEDYET!?"

(Authors note, it reads "Wait he asked me to stay the night why have I not packed yet")

I grabbed a duffle bag out of the corner of my room and began to stuff things (rather un-neatley) into it. I packed another uniform, a t-shirt, a pair of pajama pants, boxers, new socks, deodorant, an extra tooth brush, and a book just incase I get bored! Though I doubt I would, Mondo is such an amazing person, I cannot possibly be bored with someone like him acompying me! "Everything he does truley captifies me, as long as It's not breaking the rules! I don't deserve such an amazing person like Mondo. Other's may find him scary, which I don't know how! But, he is such a caring person actually, and he's so helpful! Not to mention he is definetly the most attractive guy anywhere in school! I'm suprised numerous people haven't asked him out yet! I would definetly if I had the chance-No. I-I cannot think such things! Mondo is most DEFINETLY not attracted to me! I-I...I need to stop having these homosexual thoughts about my bro! He's just my bro...that's all! Right?" My gay poundering was disturbed by a firece knock on my front door, it practically shook my whole house! I checked the clock, it was already 5!? I grabbed my duffle bag and basically flew down my stair case to the front door. I opened it to, of course, see Mondo standing there, seemingly startled on how swiftly I opened the door.

(Mondo Owada's POV):

"Hello Mondo! I'm all packed up and ready to go!" Taka yelled. 

"Alright than, let's head back to my place. Dinner don't start till 6 so I figure we can just chill till than."

I climbed onto my bike, Taka right after me. He re-grabbed onto my waist, slightly tighter than before, causing a blush to spread on my face. I started my bike and drove off, going slightly slower than the last time. I need to make this moment last forever, just incase Kiyotaka rejects me tonight. A frown spread across my face. Taka rejecting me was the last damn thing I could ever want, all I hope is that if he does reject me, he will continue to be my kyodai, and we'll just ignore whatever the hell I'm gonna say. I started trying to shove those awful thoughts down into the back of my brain. I need to focus on the road. We arrived at my home quicker than I wanted. I sighed before stepping off my bike.

"Ya Comin?"

I said, holding a hand out to Taka. He grabbed it and swiftly hopped off my bike. His hand feels so nice in mine. I wish I could hold it for fuckin ever.

"A-Alright lets head in."

I unwantingly let go off Taka's hand and walked to my front door. I shuffled my hand around in my pocket before finally finding my key and jabbing them into the key hole. I flung the door opened and walked in, Taka right behind me. I heard him cough as he closed the door.

"Your house smells like smoke Mondo, please tell me you aren't smoking again!?"

"Taka! I promise i'm not smokin' again. The gang was over last night for a bit and one of em started smoking. I put out the cigerrate but well, as you can tell it still smells like shit in here."

"Well i'm certainly glad you haven't fallen back into that habit, Mondo! It's very bad for your health after all!"

(Kiyotaka Ishimaru's POV):

I decided to hold my lecture on Mondo. After all, he said he didn't smoke anything! I took off my boots and set them on the tray Mondo kept his shoes in.

"So, where can I put my bag?"

"Oh um...just in my room. Walk down the hall, it's the last door."

I headed towards the hall. I walked to the end and slowly opened the last door. As soon as I stepped in, my eyes widened. Mondo's was clean. I looked around in awe as I studied the room. He...really had listened to me. I always told Mondo how he should keep his room clean...and he actually listened! He cleaned up so well. I sat my bag at the end of his bed and walked out of the room and back into the living room. Mondo was sitting on the couch, watching some type of horror movie. I sat down next to him.

"Mondo, your room was super clean! It's so nice to know you took my advice on keeping it tidy!"

He looked away, his face turning a bit red.

"Y-Yeah, I decided it would make ya happy."

I paused for a second. Mondo did that just to make me happy? I quickly started another conversation to keep my face from heating up.

"'Where am I going to sleep tonight?"

There was an awkward pause of silence for a bit. Mondo's face seemed to redden.

"Well, I thought you could just um...sleep in the bed with me."

My face heated up, I didn't know how to respond "Jesus Taka, get ahold of yourself! H-He means it in a bro-like way!"


Was all I managed to sputter out. I turned my attention to the cheesy slasher movie on the television. Mondo noticed and looked at it to. After a couple minutes of watching the movie, my skin was crawling. I hated horror movies, they're so unwholesome and violent! Not to mention all the jumpscares freak me out-


I yelled as the killer suddenly jumped out at the final girl behind a wall. I clung onto something for dear life. I pushed my body harder onto whatever I was holding as the killer let out a terrifying laugh. It took me a second to regain myself and losen my grip on Mondo. Wait...Mondo!? I-I I held onto Mondo!? OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS SO EMBARASSING!

(Mondo Owada's POV)


(Author's note, it reads "oh my god he's so fucking adorable i can't please don't fuckin let go oh my god i'm gonna die")

I felt the red of my cheeks spread. Taka is holding onto me, and we aren't even on my damn bike! God I wanna hold him forever. When he started to losen his grip on me, that's when I let my emotions take control. I grabbed back onto him and pulled him closer to me.


"Sorry Taka, i'm just uh...imma bit scared to y'know."

I lied. All I really wanted was for Taka to hold onto me. It was quiet for the next 3 minutes before my alarm went off. I sighed in disapointment before getting up to turn it off.

"It's 5:45 Taka, we should head out now for dinner."

"Ah, okay...let me grab my boots"

Taka speedily slid his boots on and tied them before standing up. Damn, i'm always impressed on how he can tie those things so damn fast. We sat on my bike, Taka putting his arms around me before I drove off.

(Time skip to after dinner because I don't know how to write that scene brought to you by Shuichi Saihara's Hat) (Also Kiyotaka Ishimarus POV):

Mondo parked his motorbike on the drive. I hoped off, almost tripping over a rock. We walked into the house and i immediatley started to take my boots off.

"So was dinner, Taka?"

Mondo said as he closed and locked the front door.

"It was wonderful Mondo! I haven't been out to a resturant in a while so it was truley fun! Thank you so much for taking me!"

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Mondo's torso. I could hear his heart beat racing...hmm I wonder why? I probably startled him by jumping up so quickly, I shouldn't have done that.

"Y-Yeah it was really fun Taka, I'm glad you had a-a good time too!"

Mondo wrapped his arms around me. I could take in his smell, which was of metal and cologne with a hint of peach scent from the resturant. Suddenly, I was lifted up! I was startled, thinking I was going to fall I wrapped my legs around Mondo's waist. He started walking as he carried me down the hall. It took him a sec but he finally opened the door to his room and walked him, kicking it closed behind him. He sat me down on his bedside table before looking up at my face. I was still in shock so I didn't say anything as he started speaking.

(Mondo Owada's POV)

Fuck, I can't believe i'm actually doing this. I looked into Taka's beautiful ruby eyes before I spoke.

"Listen bro...I-I gotta tell ya somethin real damn important."

"O-Okay! Tell me what's on your mind, Mondo!"

I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for rejections. I grabbed Taka's hands and started rubbing his knuckles. They weren't that far from being the same size as mine.


Taka said, confusion beeming out of his voice. I closed my eyes, and started my confession.

"Listen Taka...I know for a fact you don't feel the same bout me but I need to get this off my chest. I-I like ya...alot Taka. Every damn day i'm thinkin bout ya. Everytime i'm with you my heart lights up and I can feel butterflies in my stomach. You make me so fuckin' happy and I-I I LOVE YOU!!"

Shit! I didn't mean to yell that last part so loud. At least Daiya isn't home to make fun of me. I didn't dare look up at him. I was terrified to see his expresion. I felt my eyes water.



My sentence was cut off by Taka's confession, one that suprised me. I looked up at his face to be meet with the biggest and most honest smile he's ever given me. He also had tears running down his face.
"I love you, Mondo."

He repeated. I threw my arms around him. I put one of my hands in his blackberry hair. The other on his back. The tears that had threatened to fall early had finally poured out. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

"Shhh...there's no need to cry Taka. I love you too, I love you soooooooo damn much, more than anything."

I could hear his cracked giggling.

"T-That makes me so happy Mondo, honestly it does."

I pulled away from the hug and got closer to his face. Our noses practically touching. I looked into Taka's ruby tear-filled eyes before pulling him even closer, our lips not even an inch apart.

(Kiyotaka Ishimaru's POV):

As Mondo pulled my face towards his I couldn't help but feel my face flush into reddness. He held my chin with his hand, gentley rubbing my bottom lip while he starred into my eyes. He cleared his throat;

"Taka...c-can I kiss ya?"

I felt the reddnes spread and my heart rate increase. (surely that wasn't healthy!)

"Y-Yes you may, Mondo."

(Warning, this is gonna be *spicy* but probably incredibly cringy also cuz I ain't good at writing this type of shit)

As soon as I finished my sentence, our lips met. It was an awkward second before I kissed back. I felt so happy, more tears spilled down my face. It was a hot minute before Mondo pulled away to catch his breath, but I didn't want this feeling to end! When I felt he had enough air in his lungs, I grabbed the collar of his tank top and pulled him back in. He wrapped his arms around me and gripped the back of my uniform tightly. I knew that would leave some type of wrinkle but I wasn't in the mood to care right now. We contiuned this cycle for a while, one of us pulling away for air before the other would shortly pull them back in. I decided to gain some confidence as I started prying at Mondo's botton lip with my tounge. Surely this kind of behavior wasn't acceptable and it was definetly out of the ordinary for me, but I had no reason to care anymore! After a bit of me poking him with my tounge, he finally opened his mouth and I slide it in. Our tounges were in tangling together, flopping over one another. I could feel drool dripping from both of our mouths. I felt like I was high, or I assume this was what being high felt like. After minutes of what felt like absolute heaven, we both pulled away. There was a string of saliva connected together from both of our mouths.

"Mondo that was...oh my god that was so...amazing!"


Mondo yelled, his face in a red mess. I could tell he was nervous, he always yells when he is. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"Sorry Mondo, I didn't mean to turn you into a blushing mess. Haha"

He hugged me tightly, running his fingers through my hair again. He pulled me into another kiss before picking me up of the table so that I could stand.

"Erh um...maybe we should change and get to sleep."

I nodded in agreement before walking over to my duffle bag. I grabbed out my pants and t-shirt and slipped off my own shirt, somewhat forgetting Mondo was in the same room.

(Mondo Owada's POV):


Those thoughts screamed in my head. I change into some sweatpants and took of my tank top, deciding to sleep shirtless. When I finished, I hear Taka zip open his duffle bag, so I turnedd around and walked over to my bed. I basically threw myself onto it. Taka laid down next me, facing away from me. I didn't like that so I turned him over to face me. He seemed shocked but I pulled him into a cuddle before he could speak.

"I love ya Taka."

"I love you too, Mondo."

He mumbled into my chest. His warm breath against my skin calmed me. I felt my eye lids become heavier as I shut them. This entire night was perfect. I placed one last kiss on the already sleeping Taka's before finally letting myself dooze off.

Who would've thought such a wonderful damn night started from detention.

2845 words! Thank you for reading <3

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