Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x...

By juliaim5

82.8K 2.8K 930

Karin Komei's dream is to be the #1 pro hero and joining U.A High is step one to achieving her goal. Little d... More

Character Info 🖤🖤
Welcome to U.A High!
Battles: Heros vs Villains
Stand Up
Let the Festivities Begin
Karin Komei: Origin
Let's Do Our Best!
The Ultimate Team
Competitive Spirit
Uraraka's Determination
Bakugou vs Komei
Three Bitter Days
Hero Agencies
Back To Normal
Exam Time!
Breaking Point
Shop Till You Drop!
Haruka Air
Let's Get Wild
Pink Lemonade
He's Gone...
Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou
All For One
Welcome To The Dorms
Karin and Katsuki
Together At Last
Do or Die: Survival Training
Licensing Exam
Express Yourself
The Big Three
Work Studies
Crimson Wings
Enter: Hawks
You And Your Golden Eyes
Strong, Fierce and Stunning
Rising Phoenix
Scaredy Cat
School Festival
I Am A Hero Too
First Date?
Sweet Sixteen
Happy Halloween!
Nomu Strikes
♡⭒ Artwork ⭒♡
Louder Than Bombs

Long Distance

874 38 7
By juliaim5

It was now the weekend. What does the weekend mean?? Two beautiful days of relaxation~

After the gruelling first week, the pinkette had time to regain some stamina. 


Katsuki was supposed to come down to Kyushu, but the more they thought about it...the more of a bad idea it became. 

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why he'd want to go to Kyushu in the first place... It would be very out of character for Katsuki.


And the teachers would have to sign off on it. Living in the dorms, being supervised by the heroes... 

It's not like he could just leave without saying anything.

The student that was targeted by the League of Villains??

Pfttt yeah, Like they'd let Katsuki Bakugou out of their sight. 

'Speaking of the devil...' Karin turned to see her phone ringing on the couch cushion next to her

The pinkette was currently watching tv and relaxing on the sofa with a big happy bag of potato chips next to her.

She lifted her legs off the coffee table to pick it up, but someone snatched the bag before she could even grab it.

-Incoming call: From Katsu


 "Who's that chickie?" Pro Hero Hawks stood hovering behind the couch looking at the caller ID sceptically


Komei's eyes widened to the extreme.

"Gimme the phone!!" Komei jumped climbing over the love seat as Hawks outstretched his arm upward comically 

The hero wasn't an idiot. Katsu? Katsuki Bakugou. He put that together fast. The boy that won the spotts festival, his face was plastered everywhere.

"Now, now, what's with that face?" He teased looking down at her reddened expression.

As much as she loved the pro hero, she absolutely hated him right now.

Komei furrowed anger slowly rising. 

Don't poke the bear Keigo, don't poke the bear-

'You know what birdie...' The girl bit her tongue

"I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" She leaped into the air tackling the blonde 

Hawks, obviously surprised by her action, took the hit unwillingly.

"Arghh-" The blonde groaned in slight pain sitting up

He fell on his back, wings bent as the phone slipped out of his fingers.

 "Jeez Komes, you got quite a temper there don't cha?" He went on to tease as the girl pouted walking away with obvious signs of embarrassment 

He let out a smile as he watched her turn around the corner. 

'Oh, what it's like to be young and in love~'


Missing the call from Katsuki, she decided she'd call him back later. There's no way she could talk to him so openly at the agency after that. 

'Gosh, why does everyone have to be like that??' Komei pouted, arms crossed walking down the sidewalk in frustration.

Jeez, it bothered her way too much. Maybe Katsuki's right. Why should she care what people think?

But that's the difference between him and her. 

'Man, I just gotta say fuck it and be like Katsuki...' She huffed before smelling something delicious. Sooner or later her stomach began to growl.

Eyeing the stand, the girl mentally jumped in excitement.

"Takoyaki!!!!" Her eyes beamed as sparkles floated around her head 

It was her favourite after all. 


A few hours later

'I keep getting these wrong I don't get it!!!' Komei raged at her laptop throwing it back lightly onto the couch

The girl was currently trying to get a head start on next week's lessons, so she could get more training time.

'If only Katsuki were here, he'd help me with this stuff...' She pinched the bridge of her nose as a certain winged hero entered the room 

"You having fun there chickie?" Hawks questioned jumping on couch comically putting his feet up on the coffee table in a lax manor watching the tv as Komei frowned

"Yeah. Sure..." She rolled her eyes sarcastically

Slowly, slowly, she was starting to get used to the pro hero's antics. 

"So is that angry little porcupine your man or what?"

The pinkette stiffened as she let out a sigh.

"If I answer, will you drop the subject?" Komei slightly rolled her eyes 



"WHAT?!?" The pro hero was taken back. He wasn't expecting her to be so... up front about it. 

"Well a-ahem--" He stood up clearing his throat

"I hope that little squirt treats my chickie-dee justt right-" He held his chin putting a hand on his hip

"He does... so can we drop it now?" Her eyes darted forward 

"REALLY!?" The blonde headed hero spazzed

"Yeah-" She nodded her head in annoyance

Talking about her love life, obviously wasn't the girl's favourite. No way was she going to talk about Katsuki, to the pro hero she's admired for many years. 

a.k.a her celebrity crush. 

Sensing her agitation, Hawks let it go.

"Hey-" He began

"Hn?" The pinkette turned her head in annoyance thinking the pro hero was still teasing her

"You know something else that's better than an autograph?"

The pinkette only asked Tokoyami for a stupid autograph because she never thought she would have the chance to meet the winged hero... and there she was, sitting across from him. 

Komei's cheeks instantly reddened.

"I'll show ya, come here-"

Obviously embarrassed that Tokoyami told him before she arrived, Hawks now knows the admiration she has for him. 

He grabbed her cell phone with one of his feathers and there it came flying out of her bag landing into the palm of his hand

"H-Hey!!" The girl spazzed

"Say cheese chickie!!" 

His left wing wrapped around the pinkette pulling her closer as he reached out to take a selfie. 

Flushing red by the closeness, Komei instantly calmed down when she saw the reflection of themselves in her phone. Hawks had the biggest pearly white smile with a peace sign up and ready waiting for her to smile.

And when she did, Komei had the toothiest grin as she leaned into him further doing the same pose with a peace sign, cheeks rosy pink.


"Oh, now look at us~" The pro hero teased, showing her the photo as it took Komei everything she had, not to freak out.

"Okay, now--" He grabbed the girls phone fiddling with it 

"...let's do this a-and a little of this-" He stuck his tongue out to the side pressing some buttons

"There!!! Ya see?? It's your lock screen!!" Hawks held up the phone showing the girl her new background as Komei grabbed it from his hands eyeing the adorable photo they've just taken

'Komei, don't scream... don't scream. CONTAIN YOURSELF'

Eyes sparkling, lips quivering. Jeez, she really felt like Midoriya right now...

Hawks smiled watching her excited expression.

'One of a kind aren't ya chicke-dee?'


7:00 p.m

Getting off of her laptop, Karin noticed the evening sky through her balcony. Wow oh wow, it was pretty. Transfixed on the lilac orange clouds swirling in the sky, she ran out of the agency down to the beach.

Plopping down on the sand, letting the wind swirl through her pink locks... She shuffled trying to grab her phone out of her pocket.

She let out a giggle clicking the button revealing the time as well as her new and improved lock screen with her and Hawks.

Unlocking her phone, she went straight to her contacts searching for a specific hot headed blonde

She smiled staring at his profile picture before putting the phone up to her ear.




Komei waited as the ringer ultimately stopped.

"Katsukiiiiii!!~~" She high pitched squealed

"THE HELL PINKY?!?" He pulled the phone away from his ear as his right ear drum was now shot

"Hi to you you too, thank you very much~" She nodded with a smile

"Yeah, whatever..." Katsuki irritated, sat on the edge of his bed scratching the back of his head

"Hey..." He lowered his voice now speaking softly

"Heh-" She scoffed

"What the fuck's got you so happy Sparky?"

Komei smiled as she let her back hit the sand staring at the sky. It had something to do with a specific birdie, but was she going to tell Katsuki that right now?


"This sunset is incredible-" Komei gasped, sitting up, feet dipped under the sand.

Pink purplish clouds surrounded the evening sky. 

"Kyushu is so pretty Katsuki-"


"I bet it's even more fucking beautiful now that you're there-"

Did Komei hit every shade of red in the colour spectrum? Yes, yes she did.

"Wow-" She smiled letting out a small laugh

"I never expected Mr. Katsuki Bakugou to be such a sweet talker-" She teased making his cheeks burn on the other side of the line

"Shut the fuck up-"

"Ah ah, there's my Katsuki!" Karin laughed

"Yours?" He scoffed catching the pinkette off guard 

"Y-Yeah-" She bit her lip stuttering


"Alright-" He devilishly smiled laying on his back, staring at the ceiling

"Ah, shut up!! I know you think I'm smokin'" She joked sitting back up

"Fuck you-"


Jeez, when in god's name did she turn into Hawks all of a sudden? I guess the bird brain was rubbing off on her.

"It's a bit exhausting with all the classes and training, but I feel different Katsuki-- a good different..."

"Yeah?" His eyebrows rose slightly sitting up

"What kind of different sparky?" He clicked his tongue slyly

"Oh be quiet-" The girl rolled her eyes

What a boy he was being.


"My quirk, I'm getting better-"

 "I think... this week Katsuki... I can do it-"

"Control it-"

"I know you can-"

Komei hesitated before she spoke, shocked by his encouraging reply.

"T-Thanks-" She stuttered, twirling her hair

He did have a soft spot for the girl... that, she learned over time.

"So I'll see you in a week then?" 



"Karin... I-"

"What is it Katsuki?"

His tone, it seemed like he had something to say...

"N-Never mind-"

That's very un Bakugou Katsuki like.

"You sure?"


"OKAY!!" The girl spazzed


"H-How's p-provisional license training g-going?" She fumbled on her words after the boy's outburst


"Yeah... I could agree with that..." Komei sighed lazily into the phone

 Here at Hawks' agency, they weren't taking it easy on her either. 

Thank you Mr. Aizawa-

Note the sarcasm?

"H-Hey, you didn't tell me what you wanted!!"

"Wanted?" He repeated

"Yeah!!  A souvenir!!"

"Tch, I told you I didn't want any- "

"Ooo, hold that thought" The girl cut him off turning around

"Thank you! Come again!"

The pinkette eyed the small tiki Beach shop watching a few women exit with some accessories in hand.


"K-Katsuki... I'll call you back-"

"Yeah, how about don't-"

"Rude!" She gasped, puffing out her cheeks

"See ya-"

"Kay, talk to you tomorrow-"





'Hm... that's weird...' She tightened the grip on her smart phone before getting up 

He sounded... like he had something to say...

"O-Okay!" She stretched running over to the tiki shop

They had a variety of trinkets. From keychains to sunglasses, to magnets, you name it. Although, a specific piece of jewelry behind the glass caught the pinkette's attention. 

It was a dark leather bracelet with a bright amber stone in the middle of it. 

'Wow, pretty~' Her eyes sparkled as bright as Aoyama's

"Hey there sweetheart! Is there something I can help you find?" The older man behind the counter questioned

"U-Um... how much?" She pointed 

"Pure amberite with the leather band?" He took the bracelet out of the glass casing analyzing it 

"20,000 yen-"

The pinkette gawked at the price turning pale 

"20,000 YEN?!?!" 

"I-Is t-there a-anything y-you can d-do??" She freaked

The girl only brought 5,000 with her. Saving up all the money she could, with generous donations by her aunt and uncle... that all she had.

"Oh man..." She fiddled through her bag looking for her wallet

'Dang it' The girl huffed remembering where she placed the wallet after her Takoyaki run

"I forgot my wallet, although I don't have a quarter of that much..."

"Is it okay if I go back to the agency really quick??"

"Agency?" The man's eyes widened

"What agency?"

" Uh... Pro hero Hawks'?" Komei said in question 

I mean, this beach was private property owned by the Hawks Agency in the first place...

"You're part of the Hawks Agency!?!"


"Well kid, by all means why didn't you say so!!" His demeanour changed

"Hawks has helped us out numerous amounts of times-"

"Heck, for you-- it'll be on the house!!"

Komei's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Woah, woah, woah are y-you sure?!?" The girl spazzed

"Please, at least let me give you something-" She went searching in her bag again

Loose change, chocolates, anything!!

"Nonsense my girl, here ya go!" He packaged up the bracelet in a small beige pouch 

The pinkette puffed out her cheeks. He was being so nice to her, she felt bad taking the object without paying.

"T-Thank y-you-" The girl took out the bracelet analyzing it, eyes sparking.

"For someone special I presume?" The store owner lazily put his elbows on the counter watching the girls expression 

"Y-Yeah..." She stuttered cheeks red

It was the first thing that caught her eye. Katsuki is going to love it. 

'Or, I hope he will...'

"Tell Hawks to swing by sometime!!!" The man waved off the pinkette

"I will!! Thanks again!!!"


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