Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

1.3K 142 209

With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

chapter three

31 3 0
By honeysympathy

June took extra special care getting ready that next morning , tingles running through her body at the thought of seeing the mysterious man again .

All she knew about him was that he was fucking huge , his name was Jett and the dark empty look in his molten eyes made her want to giggle hysterically till she had no breath left to give.

She had never considered herself a very lucky girl , more... resourceful . She knew how to get her own way without making it obvious , having mastered the certain tilt of her body and the pretty bat of her eyelashes a long time ago .

She was pretty when she smiled , it was the lack of smile on her face that chilled people to there aching bones .

The world was full of living puppets and she held on closely to the red ribbons in her hair imagining them to be there strings as she twirled around her room in a daze , rock music playing faintly in the background .

"Too much? Too much? Or not enough?" she muttered under her breath , contemplating the cute baby pink dress that nearly see through when the sunlight lit up her body .

Pulling out both of her braids with a noisy huff , letting one of the ribbons flutter to the ground in annoyance .

"Never enough." she spat quietly , irritated at the strange slither of uncertainty she was feeling , unable to look away from her own reflection in the dusty mirror .

Finally deciding to keep half of her wavy hair down , instead choosing to braid two perfect plats around her head and tying them together with her ribbon in a bow .

She wondered if jett was currently doing the same thing , fussing over himself in front of a mirror as he got ready to meet her again .

She hoped he was , she hoped he was sweating through his shirt , beading nervous perspiration .

she needed his heart to beat as loudly as her own was . He had to feel it , surely he did .

She was pretty and she was obvious wasn't she? She was going to eat his pie and she was going to like it .

He was going to like her . Just this once , she really needed him to like her . Nobody else did.

"I like you ." she pouted to herself in the mirror upset with the direction her own thoughts were heading .

"Those slug suckers don't know what there missing out on ." she told herself firmly , breathing out contently as she swiped on her usual red lipstick , appreciating the new level of hot confidence that flowed through her veins from it .

She felt unstoppable .

That was until her dad was frowning back at her of course, looking over her dress disapprovingly with a shake of his head .

"When are you going to start dressing your own age June? you look like a child in those silly little dresses of yours."  he said .

Feeling the blood underneath her skin begin to boil at his careless insult. How dare he?

Smoothing a hand over her dress as she pursed her lips,  eyeing the scolding hot coffee in his hand as he blew gently on it to cool it down .

She wondered vaguely how badly it would burn him if said coffee happened to be thrown in his face , it would certainly wipe away that arrogant, judgemental look off his face wouldn't it?

Instead she took a deep breath and smiled faintly to herself .

"Would you prefer me to dress like one of the sluts you always brought home with you father? Or would you like it if I wore mommy's old black heels that you liked so much? Would that make you shut the fuck up?" she spoke quietly , never taking her eyes away from him .

Taking great pleasure in the way he spluttered on his mouthful of coffee , his eyes comically widening in size as he flushed in anger . Cheeks as red as her cherry lips .

"Do not talk to me like that June! I was only saying that you could look so much better if you didn't wear dresses that look like they belong on a doll!" he exclaimed , trying to still the sudden shaking in his hands as he avoided looking into her cold , pale eyes .

Too much like her mother , yet nothing like her at all . Molly would have never treated him this way . He lied to himself , again .

June laughed softly and tucked her hair behind her ear carefully , feeling the familiar tightening in her stomach that just demanded her to put him in his place.

She hated him . She really did . Who the fuck did he think he was to tell her how to dress? He spent most of his life walking around in washed out , mucky jeans that were either too big or way too tight on his hips .

His shirts were never clean and he never even bothered to brush his own hair in the morning , his lack of hygiene was sickening .

The thought of the very same , disgusting man telling her how to behave and how to dress made her want to blow a fuse .


she looked beautiful , she knew she did .

"hmmm . You'd like it if I was one wouldn't you? If I just sat there and looked pretty , never to speak and never to move . I wouldn't make a very good doll Leon . I have too many thoughts to be still and dumb . But you know that don't you?" her voice was as soft as silk as she used her fathers first name , watching the tension rise in his shoulders .

The air between them becoming clouded and tight .

He swallowed down the sudden dryness in his throat , looking back at his daughter silently . Taking in the open and honest way she was displaying herself , her face soft and earnest . She looked as sweet as cherry pie.

After a moment he allowed himself to slowly nod in agreement , knowing that nothing good would come out of this argument . He knew better than to scold her by now .

He regretted even saying anything at all as he watched her take a small step towards him , her lips titling up in amusement before she let out a single , light laugh .

"good morning daddy ." was all she murmured , smirking to herself before she turned away and smoothly walked out of the door.

Leon finally letting out the long breath he had been holding in as the door slammed closed , shakily wiping away the sweat that had gathered at his neck .

"shit." he chuckled weakly , picking up his paper and returning to his now cool coffee .

June scowled down at the watch on her wrist , upset .

Stepping over the twigs and sticks , thankfully having decided to go with the new pair of trainers she had gotten for her birthday a few months ago .

She didn't think her duck taped vans would have lasted this path this time.

She was late . A full ten minutes and thirty two seconds late. All because of her stupid father who thought he had any right to comment on the way she dressed .

Her heart was thudding deeply in her chest as she fought back the stinging in her eyes , not allowing the tears to spill and ruin her pretty eyeliner she had spent so much time on .

She had wanted so much to make the perfect impression on jett , she wanted to be the good girl . She wanted to be on time , she wanted him to want her .

What was he going to think of her tardiness now ?

The moment she spotted his large figure leaning casually against the tree where she had sat yesterday , she couldn't stop herself from exhaling loudly in relief .  He was still there . He hadn't abandoned her .

"I'm so sorry !" she called over to him loudly , her eyes wide as she rushed over to him .

He jumped slightly at her voice , quickly spinning around to face her . His eyes scanning over the pretty little dress she was wearing before meeting her frantic blue eyes.

"what for?" He chuckled , confused as he motioned for her to sit down on the checkered blanket he had set down for them .

Plopping her backside down carelessly on it , she threw her bag to the side harshly.

"I'm late! My stupid fucking fathers fault . He really knows how to ruin my days before they've even started." she whined , looking up at him beneath her lashes as he slowly sat down opposite her , bending his longs legs up slightly to get more comfortable.

He frowned at that , having not even noticed that she was late . He didn't care as long as she was here .

"It's alright." Was all he said , sniffling as he pulled out the foiled tin from his bag.

June sighed softly as she looked at him , smiling as she looked at his black jumper and jeans that made him look even paler than he already was .

"it's not but okay." she mumbled leaning her head on her knees as she watched him carefully peel back the foil , showing her the perfectly baked pie she had been waiting all night for .

He swallowed back any nervousness he was feeling as he cut her a slice , placing it on the paper plates he had brought with him . He had spent hours making sure that it turned out perfectly , having done a small sample one first just to make sure .

It had to be perfect . He wanted her to like his pie . He wanted her to like him . She had to.

"I er- it'd be better hot but hopefully it's still okay . I kept it warm in the oven before I left so..." he trailed off with a small shrug , feeling his cheeks flush as she grinned over at him widely exposing all her pearly white teeth .

Shuffling over to him , wanting to be closer . she ignored the hitching in his breath as she knocked her knee with his .

"it's smells amazing jett . I usually just eat a sandwich for lunch so this is great . It really is." she assured him , picking up the spoon and digging into it without any hesitation .

closing her eyes as she breathed in the delicious aroma of the pie , savouring the taste on her tongue as she chewed .

Unaware of Jett's gaze on her as he watched her lips close around his food in a daze , seeing the small crumbs stick to them before her tongue darted out to lick them away .

"So good." she groaned in amazement , finally looking back over to him with a smile as she swallowed down another bite .

He laughed breathlessly "yeah?" relieved he began to dig into his own , having missed out on having breakfast from his own doubt and worry .

He hadn't expected her to actually come back , why would she? He was just a strange man she had met in the woods while she draw a insanely detailed picture of a dead rabbit that they were now eating in his perfect pie .

What a weird turn of events .

"I'm serious!How did you learn to cook like this? My dad can't cook for shit and therefor neither can I ." she frowned , disappointed in her fathers skills and her own by default .

It was all his fault , she could have been eating this good for all her life if he would have actually learned how to cook ! Instead they lived on sandwiches and whatever food came in packages and freezer meals .

It was awful . He was awful .

Jett hesitated before finishing his bite of food.

"My mother actually . She loved to cook and made sure to teach me , good for the heart and soul she used to say . And it's true . releases all the negative energy into a wonderful pie so ..." he shrugged with a faint laugh , not being able to meet her eyes that were staring at him in wonderment .

Seeing the struggle he seemed to be having , she quickly guessed that something was wrong . He looked sad , his lips turned down and his eyes dim .

She decided didn't like it .

Putting down her now empty plate she leaned against his shoulder casually , titling her head up to look at him .

His skin hot and red as he looked down at her , feeling her body heat through his side , warming him up .

A look of softness settled on her face as she sighed contently .

"Well she must have been a wonderful woman if she taught you to make pie like that . I've never tasted something so good." she praised him , smiling coyly as he leaned into her without even realising . As though there bodies were two magnets that needed to be attached .

It was a wonderful feeling , especially when you have been alone for so long . To finally feel the warmth of another , it felt like heaven .

He smiled gently in agreement. "she  was." was all he said , barely a breath as they relaxed against each other in comfortable silence .

June allowed her eyes to close in contentment , having never felt so right before .

Feeling Jett's hand slowly begin to move and yet she felt no fear , he could kill her if he wanted to . She could stab the knife that was in her dress pocket into his thigh is she wished .

It was okay , it was perfect.

his palm carefully smoothed over the back of her head feeling the soft hair there , wrapping strands around his finger before letting go . Relishing in the soft sighs she made as she melted into his side even further .

Leaning his chin on top of her head as his fingers came to rest on the single red bow holding her braids together . Feeling the soft silk against his skin . It was soft and pretty . Just like June.

She didn't stop him from pulling the perfect bow from her hair , his hands lingering near her neck before finally pulling away .

"I live here ." he told her quietly after a long while of silence , the ribbon tucked away in his jean pocket safely .

Seeing her inquisitive and curious look he further explained . "In the woods . I built my own cabin , it's a few minutes from here . A little deeper into there." nodding to the endless trees behind them .

June only smiled and sprung to her feet , grabbing her bag from the side and swinging it over her shoulder .

"Well then ! what are you waiting for? show me your humble abode Jett!" she exclaimed grabbing his hand and tugging him up with all her strength .

Making him chuckle as she was barely able to move him , pulling himself up slowly and stretching his slightly aching back from being hunched over .

He was getting far too old to be sitting on muddy floors with pretty girls half his age .

But he wasn't going to complain . What kind of a fool would he be if he did?

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