Almost Honest

Oleh honeysympathy

1.3K 142 209

With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... Lebih Banyak

chapter one
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

chapter two

40 5 0
Oleh honeysympathy

June frowned to herself as she looked around her pale pink room , eyeing the newly changed sheets on the bed warily .

She couldn't say she was displeased , her new room was much larger than her box room back in London, but it was just lacking something.

After blue-tacking the few pictures she had kept onto the wall she had shoved her suitcases and bags into the closet , not bothering to sort through it yet .

There was only one thing on her mind as she grabbed her little leather sketchbook and worn down pencil , eyeing the darkening blue sky that was barely seen over the masses of trees that bordered around this town .

Feeling the usual itch she felt to scribble away , she had barely anytime to draw anything but clouds on the plane ride here and she could feel herself becoming miserable and restless .

She wanted to have everything down on paper so that someday she could look back at it and see things from a different angle than the one she was viewing things in now . Memories were so hard to keep and so few in-between . She wanted to remember it all.

Carelessly shrugging on one of her baggy jumpers , she hurriedly shoved her feet back into her mucky vans before pausing at the mirror resting against the wall .

Tilting her head as she looked at herself , widening her eyes and sticking out her tongue at her reflection before giggling under her breath at herself .

Her worn down levis jeans had a terrible hole in one of the knees , and the sole of her right shoe was gaping right off and was currently being held in place by some black tape she had wrapped around it until her feet no longer scraped against the floor .

Her messy blonde hair was almost white in the terrible yellow lighting , casting a dark shadow under her eyes . The dark blue silk ribbons were holding loosely onto her hair and she knew that with just one pull they would easily come undone .

But there was still something missing.

Digging her hand into her canvas bag she pulled out her favourite tube of lipstick , uncapping it and holding it in front of her with a pleased grin .

Leanjng closer to the mirror she let her lips gape open slightly as she smoothed the soft butter lipstick over them , watching with contentment as the dark red colour stained her lips .

"better." she sighed to herself, smacking her lips together happily  "so pretty ." she cooed to herself before hiking her canvas bag over her shoulder and skipping down the stairs , feeling better than she had only moments ago .

Her father was sat on the newly cleaned breakfast table shuffling through what looked to be important documents , tiredly raising his eyes as she came barrelling past him , hoping he would just let her leave without saying a word.

Of course she was never that lucky , pinching her eyebrows together as his grating voice carried over to her with a pinch of annoyance.

"Where are you going June?" he asked her warily , wondering what mood she was in this time around .

Too tired to be arguing with her again . It was exhausting and migraine inducing , he would rather not fall into a argument with her again that night.

Rolling her eyes to herself  while her back was still turned , she then slowly spinning back around to face him , trying  to keep her good spirits in tact .

Sh wasn't about to let him ruin this for her , not more than he already had at least .

"I'm going to take a look around this ghost town ." she decided to be honest with him , seeing the almost sad look on his face as he looked back at her.

He looked as though he had aged ten years just from stepping into this run down house , or perhaps it was from being around her . he always did say she had a way of exhausting him .

the feeling was always mutual of course .

He pursed his lips firmly together before slowly getting to his feet , wincing as he cracked his back . Still aching from having been hunched over the table for so long.

"I don't want you going anywhere near the woods though alright? you don't know what animals could be waiting for you with there jaws wide open ." he told her firmly , walking around the table and over to her quickly .

Leaning against the wall beside her and sternly looking at her once he saw the annoyed way she avoided his gaze , he knew what she was like but this time he was deadly serious .

"I mean it ." he said gripping her chin in his hand and bending slightly to look her in her eyes to convey  just how serious he was .

"the woods are a dangerous place for anyone , never mind pretty little girls like you alright?" he tapped her cheek lightly with a slight grin as she scowled irritably up at him .

Her nostrils flaring as she looked into the muddy brown eyes of her father , feeling that familiar fire burn in her chest with the need to lash out and do exactly the opposite of what he was telling her.

She wasn't a kid anymore . Despite how everyone liked to treat her , as though she was walking around without half a brain.

"I'm not a little girl , old man." she gritted up at him , crossing her arms over her chest and resisting the urge to knee him where the sun didn't shine.

she was nineteen years old , she was a young woman . She knew better than he did , she was a lot stronger than he gave her credit for .

grinning in her mind as she pictured the small pocket knife that was in her pocket , let someone try to attack her . she fucking dared them to .

Leon chuckled and shook his head at her , ruffling her hair playfully making her quickly swat his hands away like he was a annoying fly.

"you're always gonna be my little girl ." he sighed affectionately before titling his head to the side so that she was face to face with his stubbly cheek.

"now give your old man a kiss and be back soon okay?" he told her , grinning to himself at the exasperated look she shot him .

Not being able to stop the small smile from shining through as she leaned up and kissed him firmly on the cheek , leaving a bright red stain on his skin before pushing him away roughly  .

"don't wait up." was all she said before quickly leaving the house before he could change his mind , her mind set on going to only one place.

the woods. She wasn't going to let him tell her what she could and couldn't do . Not anymore .

She muttered to herself as she stepped over broken twigs and branches , wondering if her shoe was going to make it through this muddy trek .

she hadn't brought anymore duck tape with her to fix it either , perhaps that had been her first mistake of that night.

Humming a soft tune under her breath as she looked around at the tall trees that surrounded her , breathing in the cool crisp air .

Feeling her face flush from the cold wishing she had brought a scarf with her to shield her face from the bitterness , her pale skin would no doubt be pink by the time she arrived back home.

Rubbing her fingers over the rough bark of the tree , she allowed herself to completely lose herself to her surroundings having never seen so much green and so much nature in her life .

Growing up in there small little flat , they hadn't had a garden for her to play in and the only time that she ever saw anything of the sort was on her short walks home from school .

She was slightly resentful that she had missed out on natures beauty , instead she had spent her time  staring at pale walls for most of her life , friendless and empty .

She wondered if this really was going to be a new start for her .

She had made only one true friend back in London , a boy her own age who couldn't seem to look away from her if he tried , no matter how much his own friends were scared of her . Or how much they earned her to stay away.

He had cried when she had told him that she was leaving , he had told her he loved her too .

She hadn't told him what he wanted to hear of course , she had thought that he was pretty and that he was a quick way to pass time but that was it.

she was a curious teenager and just like every other girl she wanted to be touched , and she had let him touch her and he had let her touch him in return .

She had often wondered if there was something wrong with her , why she always s felt so empty inside even when she was so full . Even when her skin was hot and his tongue was heavy in her mouth .

She just couldn't find it in herself to care for anyone else ,  he was just a distraction . Just a simple fuck who had fallen in love with her without her having to do anything really.

She had barely interacted with him outside of his bed , she didn't do pillow talk . She didn't hold his hand , she didn't tell him about her day . She didn't tell him how she didn't care if he lived or died .

She didn't tell him anything , why would she? she didn't owe him anything at all .

He was just a silly little boy that had grasped onto any meaningless affection she had gave him and thought of it as love .

It was pathetic . Love would never be so easy .

It made her laugh to think about the way she had dried his tears , the way his touch had lingered as though he wanted her to remember the way he felt .

And she supposed he had succeeded in some way , she did remember him . Though she wasn't sure for how long she would continue to do so .

He was all hands and all tongue , messy and wet . It wasn't terrible but it didn't bring her to her knees either .

She'd had more fun with her own fingers , perhaps the only one who could truly satisfy her was herself .

She knew what she liked , she knew what she wanted . Or maybe she was lying to herself to push away any lingering loneliness she may have felt .

Either away , she didn't care enough to look seller inside herself and find out.

Her feet came to a pause by a large shaded tree , her eyes resting on what looked to be a dead rabbit that had been ripped apart by a fox . It laid lying in a small patch of wild daises , almost like it had its own death bed within it .

It was beautiful .

Exhaling softly , she felt a genuine smile tug at her lips as she sat with her back against the tree crossing her legs as she pulled the worn leather book from her back .

Tucking the pencil between her teeth as she looked for a fresh page to ruin .

She didn't know how much time had passed her by as she let her pencil brush the paper , the sketched out imagine of the pretty little rabbit looking back at her .

She was about to sign the date on her drawing when she heard a rustle and a twig snap under a foot , her head snapping up and over to the sound .

Seeing a quick flash of black behind the tree opposite her, her back tensing as she slowly slid her hand into her bag for her trusty knife.

Lowering her hand between her knees so it would be out of view , flicking it open carefully as she narrowed her eyes over at him.

"I can see you ." she almost sang , her lips twitching in suppressed amusement. Wondering if this was the part where she was supposed to run screaming .

Leaning comfortably against the tree behind her as a figure cautiously moved into her eyesight , her eyes widening at the sheer size of him .

The man that was blankly staring back at her looked more like the trees that surrounded her , thick and huge .

He must have been 6'4 ft at the least and he seemed to be all muscle , her eyes lingering on the thickness of his arms and thighs .

He could easily snap her in half if he wanted to , and she found herself fidgeting at the thought.

Then her eyes finally trailed to his face , her lips parting in amazement as she took in the man in front of her in awe .

Silky dark hair framed his wide angular face , he had a broad nose and large lips that would have looked awful on anyone else but him . His face was spotted with moles and his eyes looked honey in the light , his thick brows furrowed deeply as he stared back at her not making a move to say anything in response.

she smiled lightly at him , titling her head as he seemed to scan his eyes over her just like she had done to him . Copying her . Mimicking her own movements.

"well you're a funny looking bear aren't you?" she joked quietly , remembering how her father had warned her of animals that would happily eat her alive .

My , my , what a turn around this was turning out to be .

He blinked at her slowly before crossing his large arms over his chest , bringing her attention to the bulging muscle there , her own thighs clenching in return .

His eyes then trailed over to the dead rabbit that was beside her , his eyebrow raising in what seemed to be surprise as he then looked over to the book that was laid open in her lap clearly showing her very detailed drawing of the deceased animal .

Clearing his throat gruffly as he returned his eyes back up to her awaiting ones.

"Did you kill it?" he was blunt with his questioning , looking displeased as he shifted the worn duffel bag by his side .

She gasped mockingly , widening her eyes at him playfully , trying to contain her amused smile.

"Me ?oh no , I'm just a innocent little girl big bear . I would never do such a thing!" she was theatrical and dramatic with both her voice and her movements as she swiftly stood to her feet making him take a small step back out of surprise.

His own lips twitching slightly in response before settling back into his emotionless default it seemed.

"oh?" he said raising his brow curiously to her sketchbook which had fallen to the floor in her haste .

"And do all innocent little girls draw dead bloody rabbits in their free time?" he quipped back at her sarcastically , taking a small step forward towards the rabbit.

She watched him with a slight frown , feeling somewhat insulted by his lack of attention towards her as he bent down to pick up the rabbit by its feet.

Finding herself walking over to him , trying to peer over his large looking shoulder . Yet she couldn't see anything due to his bulking size .

Huffing to herself annoyed , not noticing the pout that threatened to take over her lips.

"And what are you doing?" she demanded to know , holding back a startled gasp as he suddenly turn to face her , causing her to stumble back so she didn't bump into his chest or fall flat onto her arse .

He looked at her silently for a moment seeming to ponder over something before shoving the rabbit into his large bag .

"Well , I was gonna make a pie tomorrow . And rabbits real tasty." he snapped his teeth at her like an animal  , hoping to scare the girl into leaving him alone .

Yet the strangest thing happened . She laughed , a full on girly giggle that had him rearing back in shock .

Watching in silent amazement as she threw her head back exposing the pale skin of her neck , her pretty blue eyes tearing up in amusement .

Looking closer at the odd girl in front of him , he eyed her taped up shoes and paint splattered jeans , as he wondered where the hell she had come from .

Was he dreaming? Was he dead? was she some kind of fucked up angel of his fantasies?

Eyeing her pouty red lips thoughtfully , no one had ever laughed at something he had done or said before .

No one had ever smiled at him the way she was . What the hell was going on?

Why wasn't she running away? Why wasn't she glaring at him in disgust as he wiped the rabbits blood away on his jeans?

She did neither of those things .

She only bared her teeth back at him in return , snapping them at him wildly . All the while still grinning widely at him as though she had just been told the greatest joke in the world.

"I like pie." she then told him casually . flicking her knife away into her jacket pocket , no longer deeming him a threat .

He slowly nodded and cleared his throat feeling uncomfortable .

"er... okay?" he didn't know what to say , suddenly feeling flushed as he looked away from her glittering eyes .

She hummed to herself , picking up her bag and shoving her book back into it , loosely swinging it in her hands as she walked back over to him .

"I've never had rabbit though . Is it good?" she asked him curiously , looking up at him patiently as she started rocking on the heels of her feet like a child.

Wordlessly nodding his head again as he looked back at her, getting a genuine smile in return .

"Can I have some? Tomorrow?" she put on her best innocent voice , even tilting her head for effect .

The disbelief was clear on his face , his mouth open and closing several times for a response and she only felt herself growing more excited as the minutes passed by .

Yes, this was just what she had been wanting . This was just what she needed . this really could be her new chance to start over . She thought gleefully.

Daddy was right , no one knew her here . She could be whoever she wanted to be.

"Erm , you want to have pie with me?" was all he could repeat , his head feeling light as though he was thousands of miles away . Unable to believe what he was hearing .

This young, pretty little girl with big blue eyes wanted him to share his pie with her? His heart was racing in his chest as he looked at her hopeful red smile.

"okay." he finally breathed out , chewing on his lip thoughtfully.

"I-I can meet you back here tomorrow at twelve?" he said , confused and wondering if he was still dreaming .

If he was , he never wanted to wake up .

She nodded happily , even clapping her hands lightly together . Straining back the girly little squeal that wanted to escape her at the thought of finally getting her own way .

"Okay then . Do i get to know the name of the man I'm sharing pie with tomorrow?" she teased leaning back on her feet as she got ready to leave .

He watched her intently , his stomach twisting pleasantly as thoughts ran wild in his head .

"Jett." he simply muttered , transfixed on her.

She smiled back at him gently "I'm June , it's nice to meet you jett . I'll see you tomorrow , I look forwards to tasting your pie!" she giggled with a wink and then  just like that she was gone.

Leaving Jett to stare at the place she was stood in bewilderment , the bag full of rabbits feeling heavy in his hands.

"June." he mumbled to himself , tasting the words on his tongue . Finally allowing the smile to stretch on his lips.

Chuckling deeply to himself as he turned back around to head home , with only one pretty thing in his mind .

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