Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.12 Cain
3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Vince Vincente
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
Alt. Sam and Alt. dean
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"


548 15 2
By Gerlithequeen

At the bunker. A few days later. in the control room. 

I was looking at my computer when Dean walked in with two cups of coffee. 

Dean "Morning, pretty girl."

I smiled as he handed me my coffee "morning, pretty boy"

Dean sat down across from me "What you looking at? Porn? Sex tapes? Nip slips?"

I shot him a look "The Internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right?"

Dean " Not my Internet."

I nodded "i know. that's why i am using my laptop and not yours"

Dean "baby, you are just as naughty as i am, okay? maybe even worse than me, okay?"

I glared at him " So, this girl -- her body was found just outside Big Creek State Park in Iowa. Uh, covered in bite marks. The police are saying it's an animal attack."

Dean " But...?"

Me "But I did some digging, and I found that there weren't a lot of bodies, but a lot of people do go missing in that park. Look at this. Park ranger back in '06. A poacher in '98. And on and on and on. I mean, I've only gone back to 1943, and I've already found 54 missing people."

Dean froze "Wow."

I nodded "Yeah."

Dean nodded " Yeah. Sounds like our kind of thing. You sure you're up for it? I mean, i am actually surprised you can walk after last night"

Me "i heal, Dean"

Dean nodded "i know "

Me "I'll go grab Cas"

Dean "Mm. He actually left."

I asked surprised "What?"

Dean "Early this morning."

I asked confused "Why?"

Dean shrugged " I don't know. Something about being cooped up in the bunker for a few weeks. We all need to stretch our legs. I get it. Try Sam"

I shook my head "on a case."

Dean nodded. 

Me "Then, Jack."

Dean grimaced, shaking his head " Uh... I don't want Jack on this."

I froze, confused " I thought you said Donatello gave him the all clear?""

He nodded "Yeah, he did. And I'm -- I'm sure he's good. But... Jack's got his mojo back. His powers have gotten us in trouble in the past -- the security guard. So I just want to make sure that, you know, he's right before we put him back out there."

I nodded "yeah, you're right. "

Dean "so, it's just you and me, baby"

I nodded "yes, handsome"

In the library. 

We walked over to Jack. 

Dean " Hey, uh...good reading?"

Jack "Yes. Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code officially makes it against the law to turn a human into a zombie?"

Dean nodded " Good."

Me "Jack, listen. Dean and I are heading out on a case."

Jack " don't want me to come?"

I sighed " Look, truth is --"

Dean "We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case, uh, Mom or... some of the other Hunters call and need help, so... And this place is long overdue for a restock. So, uh, your mission, should you choose to accept -- made you a list."

He handed Jack a list. 

Jack asked confused " My mission is shopping?  Beer, TP, eggs... beer again."

I asked confused " Twice?"

Dean nodded " Yeah."

Jack nodded "I'll do it."

Dean nodded "Great! We'll be in touch."

Polk City, IA. At the Sheriff's station. 

Sheriff Romero " I'm sorry. I just don't really see how this is an FBI thing."

Dean "Wildlife preserve is government property. We're the government."

Romero " Yeah, well, it is a large piece of land -- coyotes, rough terrain. We try to limit hikers to the trails, but some of them don't listen."

i nodded "Okay, but the girl who died, she wasn't a hiker."

Dean "Do you know what happened to her?"

Romero "Like I said, coyotes."

Me "You know, do you mind if we take a look at the body?"

Romero "Do I have a choice?"

Dean " Not really."

At the morgue. 

I pulled the drawer out. 

Suddenly Dean jumped back as her arm flopped off the table, hitting Dean. 

Dean "Whoa! Mo--"

I asked him amused "Seriously? How long you been doing this?"

Dean " Well, got catlike reflexes, okay? What can I say?"

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. 

Then i pulled the cover off of the body. 

There were very long and deep scratches on her neck and arm.

Dean " Said a coyote did this?"

I shook my head " Not even close."

Dean " Mnh-mnh."

Me " Look at the skin around the bite. It looks...burnt."

Dean "So, what the hell can do that?"

Night.  inside the Sheriff's Office

I was doing the online research while Dean was looking through the file. 

Me "Kohonta."

Dean " bless you, baby."

I shot him a look " No, not -- Kohonta. It's a -- It's a local Native American legend. I can't find much about it, but they're sort of... twisted monsters that roam the woods "driven to consume sweet mortal flesh.""

Dean " You think this is our Hot Lips?"

I nodded "Could be. I mean, according to the lore, Kohonta get so starving, they spit up stomach acid. Kinda like you when you are craving pie"

Dean shot me an annoyed look "mhmm"

Me"Yeah. If that is our monster, it's old... and... hungry."

At the woods. morning. 

Another body had been found dead. 

there was one survivor though. 

Sara was sitting in the back of the ambulance. 

She asked sadly "But did -- did they find him?"

Dean shook his head "No, not yet."

Me " Sara, what did you see out there?"

Sara "There was this guy. I was a guy. He looked like he was covered in something. And... he was whistling. I ran, but Fitz, he..."

Me "Can you tell us exactly where you were when this thing attacked you?"

Sara "I think... a few miles past the old Parker cabin."


Suddenly Romero showed up " Okay, wrap it up!"

Deputy "Sheriff, we've got a search party out there."

Romero shook his head " Not anymore. You're bringing everybody in. Now."

Dean asked confused " What's going on?"

Romero "What does it look like? We're done here. I'm not wasting time and money hunting for a rabid coyote."

i nodded "Okay, Sheriff, this wasn't an animal attack."

Romero "Then what was it?"

Dean "Look, if you want to pull your men out of there, that's fine. But we still need to get in there."

Romero shook his head " It's not happening. Look, I don't care if you guys are the FBI. Nobody goes in those woods without my say-so. Understood?"

Dean nodded " Mm-hmm."

I nodded, fake smiling. 

Romero " Good."

Then he walked away. 

Dean looked at me amused " Well, we should probably do what he says."

I nodded, amused "sure"

Night. in the woods. 

It was full moon. 

Dean "That sheriff was definitely hiding something."

I nodded "Yeah, either that or he's scared. Oh, by the way, uh, "Kohonta" means "whistler.""

Dean nodded "All right. How do we kill it?"

I grimaced  "Well, here's the thing. The lore doesn't really specify."

Dean " Great. Well, my vote? Shotgun, head, done."

Suddenly we heard a rustling nearby and stopped walking, there's distant whistling among other creepy sounds, including a coyote.

Romero yelled as he aimed a gun at Dean "Drop your weapons!"

Dean and i dropped our weapons. 

Romero " You guys don't listen, do you? Told you. Stay out of these woods! I don't care if you're FBI."

I nodded " All right. Sheriff. We're not FBI."

Dean "Does the word "Kohonta" mean anything to you?"

Romero " No."

Dean " You're lyin'."

Romero " I'm not. You're coming in with me. Move. Now!"

Dean grabbed the shotgun and aimed it at the Sheriff"Sorry, Sheriff. We hunt things. Fight things and kill things people don't understand. So... Kohonta. Talk."

Romero " Uh... I-I... I didn't think it was real. The Kohonta was a tribal legend, an old story. I haven't heard about it since I was a kid. But then I s-saw it the night Barbara was killed."

I froze "Wait a second. So that's why you've been trying to keep people out of the woods?"

Dean "So what the hell is this thing?"

Romero " It's not what. Who. The Parker family, they were some of the first white settlers around here. They set a homestead up in these woods -- the cabin."

Me "And then?"

Romero " Things went bad. There was a hard winter. Their oldest son, Henry, survived... but he did things."

Dean "What kind of things? Like Donner Party?"

Romero"Pretty much. They say that boy not only ate his family, they said he went... mad with hunger. He went after my people, and then when my tribe caught him, they... Killing him would have been too easy. They wanted that boy to suffer. For his crimes against our people, crimes against nature. They cursed him. He's doomed to roam the woods... always starving. And if he didn't feed... his body would eat itself. The Kohonta aren't born. They're made."

Dean " So they just let some flesh-eating freak loose?"

Romero "They bound him to this forest. They marked the trees to keep folks away. But that was a long time ago."

I nodded "Yeah, people forget."

Romero "Even me."

Dean " Well, it's a good thing. Like I said, we hunt these things."

Romero "What do you mean?"

Me "Kohonta, werewolves, demons."

Romero asked surprised " Those are real?"

Dean " Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we kill 'em."

Romero "You -- Just the two of you?"

Me "well, his brother is usually with us but not today. We know what we're doing."

Romero asked pissed off "Do you? Look, if those monsters are out there, why don't you tell people? Give them -- well, us -- a chance to fight back?"

Dean " Because telling people about this stuff -- they don't always believe. Your people tried to warn you about this whistling freak. Nobody bought it. Not even you."

Romero " So? Just record them, put it on YouTube."

Dean " Knowing about monsters and fighting 'em are two different things."

Romero "So you make that choice for everybody? Imagine telling them. Imagine the lives you could save."

I shook my head " No. No. It doesn't work like that. People die. Even when they know how to fight, people still die."

His phone rang and he pulled it out and answered it" Tom... Where are you?Tom! No! To--"

Romero hung up and looked at us shocked "He's alone out there. We gotta find him."

Dean "Okay, slow down."

Romero sighed "Look, I-I lied to him. I told him it was a coyote."

Dean "Listen. We're gonna help you protect your son, okay?"

I shook my head, grimacing "We're not entirely sure how to kill this thing."

Romero " I am. Look. The story says a silver blade through the heart."

I pulled a silver blade out "Silver blade. Can do."

hen we walked through the woods. 


Romero yelled as we ran through the woods " Thomas! Thomas!"

At the cabin.

The beast crawled over Thomas. 

Romero shoved it off of his son. 

Dean grabbed the boy and carried him out. 

I rushed inside

.The monster bit Romero. 

I shot the beast in the back but it grabbed me, making me drop the blade. 

The beast threw me against the wall, making me crash through it and falling outside into the grass. 

I coughed out. 


The guys were able to kill the beast. 

Tomy was alive and on his way to the hospital. 

Romero walked to us and winced a little. the beast had bitten him in the shoulder. 

Dean  "You want an ambulance for you?"

Romero " I didn't know what to tell him."

Me "How about the truth? He's your son. He deserves the truth."

In the car. night. 

Dean was driving us home. 

I looked out of the window. 

Dean "So, telling the kid -- you think that's the best idea?"

I asked confused " What? You don't?"

Dean " It doesn't make his life any better, you know? Do what we always do. When in doubt, lie."

I nodded "Yeah, right. Like we did with Jack?"

Dean " I took care of it, okay? We took care of it."

I shook my head "No, no, Dean. We did not take care of it. You did. And do you think you really took care of it the right way?"

Dean "Jack said he was fine."

I nodded "Yeah. He's a kid. And when we were kids, how many times did we tell our dads that we were fine just to make them happy? Kids are liars. you know that as good as i do"

At the bunker. 

We walked into the bunker. 

Jack was sitting there. 

Dean "Hey, kid. We're back. You still at it?"

Jack " Almost there. How was the Hunt?"

Dean " Oh. Uh...disgusting."

Jack " Oh. Well, I got the supplies. Except for the beer. I didn't have ID."

Dean "You have tons of IDs."

Jack " They're fake."

I chuckled before sitting down across from him "Jack... listen. Dean and I, we -- we want to talk to you about your powers."

Jack asked confused " W-What about them?"

Dean " This Hunt, we, uh... we didn't want you coming along because we didn't want you using them."

Jack looked confused. 

I shook my head "Not yet. Not for now. You know, you just got 'em back, Jack. We want to make sure you're comfortable with them again before you..."

Dean "Before you go all X-Men. It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth."

Me "You understand that? "

He looked at the table, not saying anything. 

 I asked worried "Jack?"

Jack nodded " I understand. I won't use my powers without permission. Promise."

Dean nodded "Great. And I guess I'll go get some beer."

Then he left.

Me "What about everything else? You good? I mean, anything happen while we were gone?"

Jack shook his head "No. Nothin'."

i smiled "Good"

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