The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcis...

By _Ruh-Roh_

120K 4.4K 2.6K

No description. This is just for me cause I had a dream of my blue exorcist oc crossing over to hunterxhunter... More

Chapter 2- Test x of x what?
Chapter 3- Rivals x in x survival
Chapter 4- Hope x and a x new friend
Chapter 5- What x the hell x happened?
Chapter 6- A x Surprising x challenge
Chapter 7- Showdown x on x the blimp
Chapter 8- What's x a x Majority rule?
Chapter 9- Beware x of x prisoners
Chapter 10- The trick x to x the trick?
Chapter 11- Trouble x with x uno
Chapter 12- Now x we x wait
Chapter 13- Final x Test of x Resolve
Chapter 14- Hit x the x target
For those who are confused.
Chapter 15- A x week of x waiting
Chapter 16- Can't win x and x can't lose
Chapter 17- Baffling turn x of x events
Chapter 18- Some x brother x trouble
Chapter 19- What x dangerous x watchdog?
Chapter 20- The x guard's x duty
Chapter 21- The x Zoldyck x family
Chapter 22- Can't see x if you're blind? x No shit-!
Chapter 23- Heavens x Arena? x Cool!
Chapter 24- Nen x and x Nen
N. E. w S.
Chapter 25- Awakening x and x potential
Chapter 26- Fierce x and x ferocious

Chapter 1 - The f*ck am I?

12.2K 292 263
By _Ruh-Roh_

Michael's POV

It's been a month since the whole 'Opening the Gate to Gehenna' happened and during that month, I've been resting and testing if I had any other potential (demon) powers I (unlocked) can use since I was kinda thrown into the gate by our 'grandfather'.

I can't remember exactly what happened or what it looked like on the other side of the gate. All I remember seeing was a dark void with a blue flame just randomly there. Then I was magically pulled out and woke up in Rin's arms.

I'm apparently I'm the only one, from what they're telling me, that went in and out of the gate, alive, and I felt like a fucken BEAST!

Anyways, so far, I was able to ignite my blue flames at will, but I much prefer my little blade, that can extend and become a sword, which so happens to be a piece of Rin's sword from when we practically almost burned an entire forest down!

At least now my flames won't ignite when he unsheathes his sword. That was always a problem but we worked and adapted to it pretty well before.


I am now able to make sizable portals, but I'm gonna have to work on that for a little while longer to get the hang of it.

That's what I mostly did while resting, which I only really needed a week, and now time for the present!

Since we've been exposed to things we weren't supposed to learn yet, they've decided to send all of us, Cram school members, somewhere confidential and test our capabilities and strengths.

Did I use those words right? Probably not..

Anyways that's where we're at now, on a bus, heading to our destination. I swear this is like some supernatural kinda stuff.

It basically is, the only difference is that they take down all kinds of monsters and we just do demons but like minus most of the emotional and physical trauma they went through.

Right now I was sitting next to one of my favorite human being and his little gang of friends in front of us, so it's like,

Yeah, I know, weird right? How did they tolerate me even before the whole 'Spawn of Satan' thing happened? The world may never know.

They are a little cautious and less, you know, open and or inviting as they usually were but they're still them so it's ok!

"So do any of you know where we're going or what we're gonna do?" I ask as I lifted my legs on the seat of the bus, so that I'm hugging them, and lay my head on the man beside me's shoulder.

He stiffens but soon relaxes, remembering my usual affection habits. Still having his arms crossed, looking down with his eyes closed, he responded,

"As far as I know, we are being taken to someplace that has been haunted or in need of some exorcism-" Bon, Suguro Ryūji, says in his cool serious voice, "and testing us on our abilities on taking care of demons that needs exorcising."

"Yeah, that's true but is there anything else about the location we're heading to besides it being a secluded area and located in a forest?" Asked the short and adorable Konekomaru Miwa while looking up from across me with a curious yet nervous expression.

"I just hope it's not like the last forest we went to with all those disgusting bugs. That was so traumatizing." Shima Renzō hoped from across Bon, shivering at the thought of having to deal with any possible insects.

"Well, I thought they were kinda cute, not gonna lie." I spoke, closing my eyes as a smile started to spread on my face. "Of course you'd say that, Michael." Koneko said, sighing as he shook his head, disappointed but not surprised that I would say something like that.

"Michael, sometimes I see you as a girl and other times I don't and that scares me." Shima said looking in my direction. I just shrug my shoulders with a 'MmMm'.

After 18 minutes of comfortable silence, the bus slows down and eventually stopped at our destination. We all get off and wait for further instructions.

"Alright, guys, listen up. For this assignment, we will need to head deep into the dense forest. Oh, and please try not to burn this one down." Yuki announces as he approached where we all were but turned his head to Rin and I towards the end of his sentence.

Thanks for calling us out, bro. I huff and poked the boys' right shoulder with my pinky, three times, signaling my goodbye and walked over to where Shiemi Moriyama is, letting go of Bon's hand that I didn't even know I was holding.

This time I did know and held onto her, Shiemi's, hand which were the same soft ones I've always liked to hold.

"Ok now follow me and be careful where you step. There are tree roots sticking out from the ground." Yuki said walking away with a wave of a hand, motioning us to follow, which we did.

It was quiet on the walk besides the occasional 'woahs' and 'ahhs' since mostly all of us were admiring the scenery.

We arrived at this old looking cabin, which I hope wasn't our destination, and Yuki turns to face us, "I know you all may be wondering what this is all about. So I will now explain what we're gonna do on this assignment."

Putting his hands on his hips, "We are here to investigate a demon that takes his victims, making them disappear and the school wants us to find that demon and save the lives of the disappeared victims." He says as I adjust my backpack straps. Jeez, no pressure.

Yup, this definitely is some supernatural type of thing. All we need is fake IDs and emotional trauma then we are good to go! I already got the trauma part down so all I need are the badges! Where's the nearest toy shop?

"Okay, you can leave your things inside and search the area for any clues. I would recommend working in groups of two or three." Yukio announces as he and the rest of the Cram school students head on inside to drop off their stuff.

I awaited outside wondering if lady boobs- I mean, Kirigakure Shura was gonna be with us on this assignment though knowing her, she would be annoying Yukio the entire time.

Hearing footsteps, my head shot up and saw Shiemi and Kamiki Izumo, also known as eyebrows, walking out of the cabin.

They seem to be discussing something as then look towards me and smiled, well, it was mostly Shiemi smiling and Eyebrows nodding in my direction, approaching me.

"Hey, do you guys wanna team up and explore—I mean, search the area?" I asked after greeting them, "We were just about to ask you that." Shiemi said with a giggle.

"Let's go then!" I shouting in excitement and grabbed their hands, running straight into the forest.

Not used to my hand grabbing and affection showing, Eyebrows blushes since I mostly do it with the boys and Shiemi minus Kamiki Izumo and his puppet cause I have mad respect for that dude and his personal space.

"So, why didn't you put your bag in the cabin. Isn't it heavy?" Eyebrows asked pointing her free hand to my backpack. "Oh, I just didn't feel like it, that's all." I shrugged and smiled at her.

Just then my ear twitched from hearing a noise, freezing in place, slightly scaring the two girls. I darted my head in different directions trying to hear the noise again and where it came from.

"What is it, Michael?" Shiemi asks, scared while hugging Nee, her familiar, close to her. "Sh! Sh! Shush! Sh!," There it is again! I zoomed to the right of us at full speed, officially scaring Eyebrows, Shiemi and Nee, letting them go in the process.

I ran against their many shouts and protests and dodged as many tree branches as possible, slightly getting small cuts on my face and arms.

I abruptly stopped at the sound of something crumbling or shaking from under me. I looked to my feet and saw the ground cracking then looked back to see that the girls and Nee were approaching me, and fast.

"Stop!" I yelled igniting my flames and making a line with my blue flames.

Startled, they both stopped to see me in a defensive stance with my hand outstretched in a stopping motion, looking at the ground. "Michael, are you ok?" Shiemi asked worriedly, approaching the blue flames slowly.

"I said STOP!" I yelled and that made my flames burn brighter and higher but just high enough for me to see them. Eyebrows was gonna argue back until she saw my terrified expression looking at them.

"Shiemi, I want you to call Mr. Okumura and tell him to get here ASAP!" Hesitating, she ran back shouting for the said man and Rin for help.


My head shot straight down at my feet and saw that the ground was breaking even more, thinking of what might happen if the girls had gotten any closer, making my flame flicker.

I tried to calm myself down by singing 'You are my sunshine'.

Noticing my distress, eyebrows spoke up asking me what's wrong and helping me distract myself, also trying to keep me calm. She hasn't seen me like this since the gate of Gehenna opening nor does she want to.

At this point, I was so scared that my flames were just barely coating the floor in front of Eyebrows, letting her see the situation I was in.

She turned around to the sound of people running, finding the rest of the group fast approaching. "AAAH!"

Upon hearing my scream, they ran faster, if they can, while Eyebrows turned to see that I'm crouching lower than before with my knee and hands slightly hovering above the now dented-cracked floor.

Everything stopped once the group arrived making me tense up even more.

"Michael! What's happening?! Are you okay?!" The oldest Okumura yelled out of fear for his younger sister.

"Stay-.. S-Stay back." My response was barely above a whisper but thankfully, they heard. The ground beneath my feet dented even more to where they couldn't see my ankles.

They were trying to keep me calm the best they can while Koneko was tied with a rope slowly making his way towards me.

Their plan was to send the person with the least amount of weight to get me and the rope was there in case the ground fell, making me fall in. The ground around me as like a small crater with me being the asteroid.

At this point, Koneko outstretched his hand for me. Just when I was about to grab it, the floor gave out and I jumped, out of instinct, into Koneko's arms.

We were now hang off the edge of a dark hole slowly being pulled up and I was clinging to Koneko for dear life, with my arms and legs wrapped around him and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

They pulled me up but then something grabbed my leg, making it a game of tug of war with me being the rope.

The whole group was fast approaching the edge and I mean fast. Panicking and not wanting them to fall in, I lit my flames, surrounding me, and this time I made it burn to the touch making the person who was grabbing me, which was Bon, burn a little, making him let go. Falling into complete darkness.

Third POV
Both Okumuras ran, out of instinct, to catch their youngest sibling but missed by a hair and watched them fall with a horrified expression on the youngest Okumura's face and heard their bloodcurdling cry echo in the hole and in their heads.

They've only seen and heard it two times and wish not to see or hear again for a third time.

This image haunting them for the rest of their lives. The group wanted to go in after her but stopped to see the ground seemingly rebuild itself to the point where there was no sign of any hole ever being there.

"Nee? Nee, where are you?!" Shimi yelled out of fear. Now the group was missing two people.

Michael's POV
I brace myself for impact but it never came and was blinded by white light for what felt like forever but it was probably a minute.

Still falling, I discovered that Nee was hiding in my hood and promised him that everything was gonna be fine. I spoke to soon.

I was then shot out of the white light, coming out of a wall in a hallway, landing on something. "Ow" I say cringing at my higher pitched voice, thinking of it as a voice crack.

I sat up and heard a groan from below me. The something was actually a somebody and I was now straddling them though I was more worried of the said stranger to notice the position we were in nor would I care.

Taking in their features. The stranger I landed on was a young male from what I can see. He had black upward hair with green highlights, and he was wearing green shorts with green shoes and a green jacket that completes it. Huh, that's interesting.

    "You ok there, buddy?" I asked as he sat up on his elbow with one arm and used his free hand to hold his head. Apparently I was a little to close because as soon as he looked up, our faces were just inches apart though he didn't seem to notice.

   "Yeah, I'm okay, but it still kinda hurts." He said rubbing his head. "Are you ok?" He asked tilting his head. This was so adorable that it caused me to blush and cover my face with my hands, "Just peachy." I got off his lap, that I was still straddling the entire time, and apologized.

     I stayed with him for awhile and learned that apparently Nee and I are on a boat that'll take us to this thing called a 'hunter exam' that'll make you become a hunter if you pass.

    He was taking it because he wanted to see why his dad left him to be a hunter and become one just like him. I admire this boy because most people don't want anything to do with their parent(s) if they left them.

    Gon, which I found out his name, was genuinely curious, and, from what I've learned, he's honest. That's when I decided to stick with him for the time being, until I find a way back home for both me and Nee. Shiemi must be worried sick and the others too. I hope they're ok..

    We enter a room where there was lots of people, maybe other participants, of different verities looking sickly dead that was caused by the storm that we're in.

    There were two other people that didn't look bothered from the boat's rocking and it was a male with blonde hair wearing traditional clothes and another male with black hair wearing glasses(?) and a blue suit.

    Gon and I were helping some people with their motion sickness when a man with a red cubed nose called for us and the other two males I mentioned.

    We are now in another room. "Right then. Go down the line, and tell me all your names."

     "My names Gon!" Gon said raising his hand, waving it a little.

   "I am called Kurapika." Said the blonde male in traditional clothing. Oh, isn't he pretty.

  "The name is Leorio." Said by the guy in the suit. Fuck! He hella tall. He looks intimidating as heCk. Look at them legs!

   "My name is Michael. Pleasure to meet you." I said, bowing , like we do in middle school for introductions on the first day. Cause I got manners!

    "Good, good. Now why do you boys want to become hunters?" Aah. He's one of those guys. The guys who think I'm a guy. "Woah! You're not an examiner, so what's with the third degree?" Leorio asked while pointing his pointer finger at the captain.

  "Just answer the question, dummy." Haha. Dummy. "I will, because my dad is a hunter!" Gon said with a smile.

   The captain gave a hum in confusion, "Being a hunter was the most important thing in the world to my dad, and I want to know why. That's why I left Whale Island!" He turned to me, I was standing next to him, and smiled and I gave one back.

    "Hey kid." Leorio called gaining our attention minus Kurapika, "You don't have to tell that old guy nothin'!"

    "But he asked why we're here. It's not a secret, and besides this is his boat. He can basically keep us here however long he wants and have us thrown overboard too." I said before Gon could reply, looking up at Leorio, irritating the tall male.

    "Look, get with the program. It us versus him, and I'm not telling him why I'm here." He said while his pointer fingers is on our foreheads.

   "I'm afraid I agree with Leorio." Kurapika said with his eyes closed gaining our attention. But like, why did he say it like that? Hold on he looks like a girl and the captain called him a 'guy'? Bruh.. I'm gonna be saltier than this ocean just watch.

    "That's Mr. Leorio to you, you brat! Show a little respect for your elders!" Apparently what Kurapika said ticked him off causing him to yell at him making him even more intimidating.

  Hey, tall people are intimidating to me ok..

    "But why not dodge the question by simply offering the man a plausible lie?" "Hey, are you even listening to me?!" Leorio yelled at Kurapika, leaning over me and Gon.

   Out of instinct, I ran behind the closet person to me, who was Gon, causing them to put a protective hand in front of me as I poke my head out from behind them.

   "However, it's quite shameful to rely upon deceit. As for me, I cannot reveal my reasons here. I have my share care of secrets, deep secrets which I do not intend to expose at this time. That is why I will not answer your question." Kurapika said while holding his hand over his chest. Damn, he can be a poet.

    "Hey, I was talking to you, punk!" Leorio said getting closer to Kurapika. He was now standing where I was but a little closer to Gon.

   "And what about you?" The captain asked looking at me. "I actually didn't have a reason until Gon told me all about it and got me genuinely curious of how this exam will go. I'm just hoping that I can at least get to where the exam is taking place." I said poking out from behind Gon, using his arm for support.

   The captain nodded at my response, "Both of you flat out refused to answer my question. Hey Katzo." The said man replied, "Yes, what is it, captain?" "Get ahold of the of the Exam Committee for me. Let 'em know we got two more dropouts."

    This caused everyone to gasp, even Nee who wasn't even involved with this. "Wait, what do you mean?" Leorio asked with a shocked expression, "still haven't figured it out, huh? You see, the hunter exam has already started." The captain replied in a  as-a-matter-of-fact kinda tone. Haha, I use that tone.

     "It has?" Both Leorio and Kurapika asked in unison. "There are as many hunter wannabes in this world as there are stars in the sky. And the examiners, well, fact is they don't have time nor the resources to go through 'em all. That's where people like me come in and pick up the slack, screen all of the applicants, and trim the fat."

    Damn, that's gotta be a lot of work and all for an exam? "I've already notified the committee about the rest of the lot. Not a one of 'em made the cut." "What?"

     "That was just a little storm, and look how they handled it. They'd never survive the later stages of the exam. In other words, the only way you four are moving on to the next portion of the exam is if I give you the go-ahead. So I'll ask you again, and think carefully before you answer." Once the captain finished, there was a small silence before Gon broke it causing Leorio to grunt.

    "You catch all that?" "Pffft!" I tried to hold my laugh back but couldn't since it was just so unexpected, and I think I spat on him arm. "You could've told us that sooner." Leorio said embarrassment evident in his voice.

   "I am the sole survivor of the Kurta Clan." Kurapika said hesitantly causing us to face at him with emotions I didn't bother learning.

   I was more confused on what that was. The 'Kurta Clan'. I've never heard of it before so maybe I'm in a different continent or state. I'll ask them later hopefully able to get home, but I have an odd feeling we won't.

   I zoned back in just in time to see Kurapika walk out the door looking angry. How long did I zone out for? Man, Yuki's right. I do need to get rid the habit of zoning out in serious situations. Ehh I'll work on it.. Most likely not but I'll say I tried.

   Just then, Gon grabbed my arm and dragged me to the outside. "Here, help me pull this rope." He said handing me the end of a rope. We kept tugging for a while and that's when I noticed there was a storm.


   That's when I heard the slapping sound of wood and rope together and whipped my head just in time to see mister Zatzo getting blown off the boat holding onto a rope for dear life.

   As if on instinct, my whole body ran toward the direction his body was headed, and he soon let go of the rope losing to the force of the wind being blown.

    I ran on all fours and jumped of the edge of the boat passing a shocked Kurapika and Leorio running after to catch us but missed by an inch.

   Just then, Gon came to save the day as he also jumped in after us. Kurapika and Leorio were holding onto the side of the boat and using their other hand to grab onto each of Gon's legs.

     Gon whas held upside down with his back to the ocean, his arms wrapped around my waist and my legs wrapped themselves around Gon's torso with me also upside down with my back agains the boat holding Mr. Zatzo under his arms with half of his body submerged in water.

     Soon people came and helped us on board, taking Mr. Zatzo to get checked. I was on the ground happy to not have fallen into the ocean and apologizing to Nee for the sudden and aggressive movements I had just did. Let's just say I got one of the most softest slap in history.

    "You idiot! If it hadn't been for us, you'd be shark bait! You owe me big time, kid, you too! And don't forget it!" Leorio scolded us  and I hid behind Gon from all the yelling.

    "Honestly, how reckless can you be?" Kurapika said in a more calming yet aggressive tone making me more scared of Kurapika than Leorio. "But it's fine." "Yeah, you caught us." Gon said with me following after with smiles on our faces shocking the two males.

    Gon and I looked at each other and smiled before facing the still shocked teens in front of us, "You both did. You both caught us together." We said in unison. "I guess you might have a point." Leorio said getting over his shock slowly.

    "Michael! Gon!" I looked to the side to see Zatzo running towards us looking much better than before. I had a smile on my face while waiting for him to reach us, panicking on the inside thinking if I did something wrong.

    "Hey, Mr. Zatzo." Gon greeted with a smile on his face, standing up. "Thanks Gon, Michael. You're both so incredible. You saved my life back there." Mr. Zatzo thanked us,"Yeah, well, we didn't do it alone." I nodded my head to what Gon said, getting up.

   "Hmhm. Those two over there helped res you, too." "She's right, Thank you both." Zatzo thanked them as he bows to show that he's grateful. Oh clip nuts! He said 'she'! Jdhdkfjshd! I knew I liked you Mr. Zatzo!

    "Please, no thanks necessary." Kurapika said a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, no prob." Leorio said, also embarrassed, with a blush. He continues, looking towards Mr. Zatzo, "We're just glad to see you made it ok."

    "Me, too." Mr. Zatzo said with a chuckle. "In fact I ought to get back to my post right away." He said leaving with one last bow then running to his assigned station.

    I was too busy waving at Mr. Zatzo to notice Leorio and Kurapika apologize, for what? I don't know.

    The captain started laughing, scaring me, as I jumped behind Gon, holding his hand.

   "You four are growing on me, so.." he said making me poke my head out from under Gon's arm, "I'll make sure all four of you get safely dropped off at the port closest to the exam site. How does that sound?"

    "You will?" Gon and I asked in unison with a smile plastered on our faces, we then gave a look of confusion, "but.." "what about the test?" Gon said, finishing my question.

     "It's like I said. I decide who goes on to take the exam." The captain said stoping his ascend up the stairs, looking at us, then smiled, "Congratulations! You're all moving on!"

   This caused me and Gon to yell in victory. "All right!" Both Gon and I jumped with our hands in the air and laughed when we landed on the ground.

   "Wait she?!" Leorio asked causing all of us to laugh. From here on out, was nothing but smooth sailing and getting to know my now little band of new found friends.

   I just hope our friends back home are doing ok..and if we can get home safe too..

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