Defenders of Central City, Bo...

By Firelily2111

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When a mysterious figure appears in Central City, dropping bodies, Team Flash must step up their game to find... More

Chapter 1 Where is He?
Chapter 2 Myrker
Chapter 3 Hiccup's Story
Chapter 4 Nasty Habits
Chapter 5 Home
Chapter 6 Not 2147
Chapter 7 Contacts
Chapter 9 Let's Finish This
Chapter 10 Back to Normal

Chapter 8 Failsafe

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By Firelily2111

Meanwhile, back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Shannon walked into the cortex.

Everyone was there, and Snart appeared to have just finished running the group through a plan in case they ran into Rohan, and how they could take him down, or at least how they could survive the encounter. Well, for the most part.

"So, what, that was plan B?" Emma asked. Snart shook his head.

"No, no, that's ah, that's plan M." Barry looked at him.

"Don't I die in plan M?" Snart shrugged.

"Yeah, usually." Barry blinked.

"What do you mean, 'usually'? How many plans do I die in?"

"C, F, and M through Q." Snart replied. Barry thought for a moment.

"C, that's a little close to home, man. You need to switch that up. How many plans do they die in?" Barry asked, gesturing to the rest of the group. Snart pointed at Shannon and Emma.

"None." Then he pointed to Hiccup.

"And none." And to then he pointed at Cisco.

"Nnehh. There is a plan where she comes out of it with a scar from the temple through the eye all the way down to her mouth." Snart finished, pointing at Frost. Shannon looked at Frost.

"You know, you'd look pretty cool with a scar like that." Frost opened her mouth to reply but Cisco stepped forward with a weird look in his eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait, go back, hold on, let's rewind--you skipped past me!"

"Well, I have one, there is a plan, but it's constantly changing." Cisco pointed at Snart accusingly.

"Okay, that's creepy. Don't you guys think that's creepy? He's planning my death."

"I wouldn't exactly call it a plan so much as a precaution." Snart spoke up. Cisco made a sort of spluttering sound.

Shannon leaned over to Emma.

"I wonder how long it'll take for Cisco to realize that he's just yanking on his chain?"

"Snart, now is not the time for this, so knock it off." Barry stated.

"And now we'll never now." Emma replied to her sister, who chuckled. Barry glared over at them.

"Same goes for you two. This is a serious matter." Shannon opened her mouth to retort, but was interrupted by her phone.

"Excuse me, I should take this." She said, walking out of the room, answering her phone once she got out into the hallway.


"You said you wanted my help, I can help you." Came a familiar voice. Shannon stopped walking.

"In all honesty, I didn't think I convinced you back there."

"You didn't. Not entirely." Paulson replied. "So, what changed your mind?" Shannon asked. "Rohan. You were right, he has no sense of honor. He needs to be stopped. How fast can you get to my office?" Shannon smirked. "In a flash." She replied.

At Concordance Research, Shannon was standing in Paulson's office while he placed a box on the desk, opening it up to show it was filled with books.

"Alright. These are all the spell books Rohan keeps here. I'm sure you might be able to find something useful in them." Shannon looked into the box and pulled one of the books, riffling through it.

"Woah. Some of these spells, I haven't seen anything like them. Not even in John Constantine's collection." Paulson nodded, looking down at the books.

"Yeah, I know. Rohan's used those spells and curses a lot. And I heard that he used one of those more high powered spells to take down the barriers of six islands in the archipelago that had magic so the Hunters could burn them all to the ground." He remarked, offhandedly. Shannon froze.

"I'm sorry, what?" Paulson looked up at her.

"Oh, twenty one years ago, there were these six islands in the archipelago-" Shannon cut him off.

"I know about the islands, Paulson! What did Rohan have to do with their destructions?" Paulson shrugged.

"Well, I don't know much, but from what I've heard, he spooked the Dragon Hunter chief into destroying them. Y'know, mainly because they had magic, and Rohan knew that magic can stop him. Probably why he has it out for you, because of your magic. He knows you can take him." Shannon wasn't listening to Paulson. She had a hand over her mouth. She couldn't believe it. Everything had just come together and fallen apart at the exact same time. Shannon gathered herself and picked up the box of books, tucking it under her arm.

"T-thank you, Paulson. This is a real big help. I'll get these back to you as soon as possible." Paulson nodded.

"Yes, of course. Are you alright?" Shannon gestured with her free hand.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine." She responded. She didn't look fine. But, Paulson didn't have time to question it before she hurriedly rushed out of the office.

Later that day, Shannon had retreated back to her workshop to get some work done. When she returned to that little island, she realized that's where Snart had been hiding with his gun, fixing it up.

The two sat in the workshop in silence, Snart taking a screw driver to his gun, and Shannon flipping through the books. Shannon let out a groan and closed the book in her hand.

"These books are useless. There's nothing in these that'll help us take down this stupid curse." Shannon sighed and threw the book down on the table. It landed on the small pile of books Shannon had started and flipped open. Snart glanced over at it for a moment before looking back at his gun. Shannon sat down beside him with a sigh.

"Leonard, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Snart replied, not looking up from his gun.

"Are you and Emma happy?" Snart dropped his screw driver in shock. He slowly turned to look at Shannon, who was looking at him with a blank expression.

"I'm gonna kill him." He muttered under his breath.

"No one told me, Leonard. I found out my own."

"How?" Snart asked.

"When you asked me for advice that day. You told me that you didn't want to hurt this girl's sibling. Now, how many of us have a sister?" Snart sighed and looked down.

"I guess you have a point. Are you mad?"

"Mad? Why on earth would I be mad?" Snart looked up at her.

"Because, I'm dating your sister."


"So, you don't care?" Snart cautioned. Shannon leaned forwards in her seat.

"Leonard Snart, I have said it before and I will gladly say it again: you are my brother. Even before you became a hero to the world you were always my brother. Nothing you could do in the world would make me hate you. Besides, if things work out between you and Emma, you really will be my brother."

Snart held up his hands.

"Okay, I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here." Shannon chuckled. She glanced absentmindedly down at the desk and noticed the page the book had landed on.

"Oh." She picked up the book and smiled.

"I think I've found it." She started to read the page. Her face fell as she read.

"What's wrong? Is it not about-"

"Oh, it is." Shannon interrupted him, closing the book with a sigh. "I know what I have to do."

"What do you have to do?" Snart questioned. Shannon shook her head and started to walk off.

"It doesn't matter." Snart grabbed Shannon's arm and wheeled her around to face him.

"It certainly does. What did the book say."

"It's not what it said, it's what it implied. Leonard, there's only one way this curse can be broke. Each curse like this has a fail safe. The fail safe depends on how the person who casts the curse wants it to be like." Shannon took a deep breath. "It was right under our noses the entire time, Leonard. Everything Rohan has done, has been leading up to this moment. He's been manipulating us from day one."

Snart looked at Shannon's eyes. They were filled with sadness.

"What's Rohan's failsafe?" Shannon shrugged, trying to keep a casual profile, but Snart saw right through it. "Shannon...."

"Rohan has this obsession. Like back in the day when you were obsessed with killing Barry. Only, for him it's to snuff out anyone with magic. That's why he went after the Legends."

"Behrad's totem." Snart spoke up, suddenly realizing what had happened all that time ago.

Shannon nodded grimly.

"That spell was meant for him, but it-"

"Missed and hit me." Snart finished. Shannon nodded again.

"Yes. That's why Rohan came to Berk. He could sense my magic growing stronger and he wanted it gone. But, I managed to overpower him that day and he's been trying to kill me ever since. And I think this is how he's finally gonna get it done."

"No." Shannon couldn't met Snart's eyes. She looked down.

"Shannon, I'm not gonna let you do this. I'm not gonna let you die, there has to be another way." Shannon looked up at him.

"But there isn't. It's the only way." Snart gripped her shoulder.

"Don't think like that. You dying isn't the only way. We'll find another way. I don't wanna lose anymore family." He pulled her in for a hug, holding her close. Shannon hugged him back, placing her chin on his shoulder.

"Leonard, can you do me a favour?" Shannon asked.

"What do you need?" Shannon pulled out of the hug.

"When you see him, tell Nox I love him."

"What?" Snart barely had time stay say this before something that resembled spider web wrapped around him, like a cocoon, up to his neck.

"Shannon..." Snart started but she cut him off.

"Silkspanners. They're nasty dragons. They kinda resemble giant spiders." Shannon stated, with a grimace, looking at Snart with great remorse.

"I'm sorry. But this is the only way."

"Shannon, I will hobble after you if I have to, I'm not gonna let you do this on...." Shannon waved a hand, sending Snart flying back into the desk. More webbing appeared around him, including around his mouth. Shannon looked at him for a moment. He was barely conscious.

"I really am sorry, Leonard. But this is the only way." Just as Snart lost consciousness, he watched Shannon teleport away.

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