amor na máfia

By JosieS11

731K 13.7K 1.5K

Book one in the Ricci Men. Lara is an innocent girl in his eyes but neither of them knew that she wasn't that... More

Part one: Chapter 1-Introductions
Chapter 2-sorvete
Chapter 3-festa
Chapter 4- Strano
Chapter 5-flores
Chapter 6-Jantar
Chapter 7- Parque
Chapter 8-Pior encontro
Chapter 9-Folga
Chapter 10-Encontro
Chapter 11-Controllo dei precedenti
Chapter 12- O sucesso
Chapter 13-Dramática
Chapter 14-Abuso
Chapter 15-Incazzata
Chapter 16-Dia das Bruxas
Chapter 17- Namorado
Chapter 18-Pranzo
Chapter 19-Doente
Chapter 20-Chamadas noturnas
Chapter 21-Melhor
Chapter 22-Tempestade
Chapter 23- Abraços
Chapter 24- Feira de diversões
Chapter 25- Pernoitar
Chapter 26- James
Chapter 27- Emozioni
Chapter 28- Ação de graças
Chapter 29- Forte
Chapter 30- Banho
Chapter 31- Tchau
Chapter 32- Os Pais
Chapter 33- Você Está?
Chapter 34- Dormire
Chapter 35- Primeira Vez
Chapter 36- Doccia
Chapter 37- Eu te amo
Chapter 38- Raiva
Chapter 39- Sexo
Chapter 40- Queda de energia
Chapter 41- Mentirosa?
Chapter 42- Rabbia
Chapter 43- Seis dias
Chapter 44- Depois de
Chapter 45- Natal
Chapter 46- Tchau Nova York
Part 2: Chapter 1- new characters
Chapter 2- Vida Nova
Chapter 3- Cresciuto
Chapter 4- Dia De Piscina
Chapter 5- Acessórios
Chapter 6- Preparação
Chapter 7- Baile
Chapter 8- O Incómodo
Chapter 9- A Direita
Chapter 10- Hurt
Chapter 11- Traidora
Chapter 12- Pavor
Chapter 13- Adoção
Chapter 14- Invasão
Chapter 15- De volta pra você
Chapter 16- Não se foi mais
Chapter 17- Estresse pós-traumático
Chapter 18- Pai
Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica
Chapter 21- Sequestrada
Chapter 22- A Descer
Chapter 23- Eu lembro
Chapter 24- Seguida
Chapter 25- Melhor amiga
Chapter 26- Juntos novamente
Chapter 27- A corrida em
Chapter 28- Armas
Chapter 29- Brasil caiu
Chapter 30- Uma forma de dor
Chapter 31- Diverso
Chapter 32- Guerra
Chapter 33- Casa segura
Chapter 34- O Acordo
Chapter 35- A Conversa
Chapter 36- Grata
Chapter 37- Preparando
Chapter 38- Tchau
Extra chapter 1
Extra chapter 2
Extra chapter 3
Extra chapter 4
Extra chapter 5

Chapter 19- O Pesadelo

5.2K 117 11
By JosieS11

When I had woken up it was about 5am. I didn't get much sleep last night I had about three hours sleep. But as soon as we leave in a few hours things will get better. The flight is about ten and a half hours long so I'm planning to leave around 11am.

I decide to get ready now as It will be easier in the long run. I quickly get in the shower.

Once I get out I get dressed into some comfy clothes. I out on some black nike leggins and a plain black crop top with an oversized chunky beige cardigan.

I do very light makeup so I look presentable enough whilst travelling.

I head back into my room to see Alannah starting to unsettle in her sleep. I make my way back to her side and hold her hand and she instantly starts to settle for me.

I check my phone to now see its 7am so it would be 6am in New York. So Jax would just be waking up and heading to the gym. I'll let Alannah ring him today as she was so upset when he left last night.

Once it was about 9:00am I woke Alannah up and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

We sat in the kitchen at the island, Alannah was eating some bacon with a bit of french toast whilst I was just eating a churro.

"Are you excited to go back to LA?" I ask and she nods.

"I don't really like it here." She says shyly but I nod.

"I know bub." I say and kiss her cheek.

After breakfast I take her upstairs where we brush our teeth and I clean her face.

I then get Alannah dressed and ready. I sat her at the window seat whilst she played with some of her toys.

I make my bed and straighten my room out before giving our luggage to my driver and making sure we got the last of our little things like my charger etc.

We head downstairs whilst Alannah squeezes my hand the entire way. We get to the bottom of the stairs and everyone was sort of stood there. Alannah shyly hid behind me slightly and didn't let go off of my hand.

"How long are you going to be away for?" Carter asks and I look down at Alannah.

"I don't know yet Carter." I say and he comes close and kisses my forehead before taking a step back.

Everyone bids their goodbyes but didn't come close enough to set Alannah off.

Once we got on the plane Alannah already didn't seem so tense. She was sat by the window just staring out the window as we took off. She was fascinated by it.

As we took if she held my hand as tightly as she could but once we were fully in the air she was perfectly fine.

"When we get back to LA we're gonna go food shopping and then we're going to chill all evening and have lots of fun." I say and she nods.

For most of the plane ride Alannah was asleep. But for the parts she wasn't asleep for she was watching YouTube on my phone or playing with some of her toys I brought in my bag.

When we landed in LA it was about 9pm in Brazil but here it was only 5pm.

We get off of the flight and a driver drives us to our apartment.

Once we got inside we already felt at home. Our apartment is extremely beautiful and we're so lucky to have it.

I moved our suitcases to my room before grabbing my car keys and changing a few of the things from my bag.

"Let's get this over with shall we?" I ask and she nods.

We get into my car and headed straight to trader Joe's. It felt nice to drive and not have people drive for me.

Don't get me wrong I love Brazil and spending time with my family and my new job. But I wasn't raised the way Jax or Carter or any of them were raised.

I brought up Alannah and I like cleaning after us and cooking. I love doing little things like driving around but I can't really do that in Brazil, in LA we have so much more freedom.

After our food shop we get some gas before heading home.

We get home and I take the bags of food in. Alannah runs around freely and goes straight to the living room. I put the bags on the floor in the kitchen and head into the living room to put the tv on.

After putting the tv on for Alannah I pack away some of the food but leave the ingredients for tonight's dinner out.

I made teriyaki chicken noodles for us for dinner and whilst cooking in the kitchen it was nice to hear Alannah returning to her old self. She was watching tv and giggling and it was as if the same little girl I knew and loved was returning to me which made me so happy.

We sat at the dinning table to eat our food and Alannah told me about all that was happening in her tv show. I had to remind her a few times to not talk with her mouth open but it was so amazing to see her so excited.

After dinner she went back to watching her tv show whilst I cleaned up all the mess from dinner. Once that was done I head to my closet and unpack all of my clothes from my suitcase before going to Alannah's room and doing the same.

I head into the living room finally feeling exhausted and sit next to Alannah who cuddles into me.

"Can I call dad before I go to bed?" She asks softly whilst watching her tv.

"Of course, I'll text him and see what he's doing." I say and she nods but doesn't remove her eyes from the tv. I pick my phone up and scroll through my contacts till I found his name.

Lara- Alannah wants to call you before she goes to bed tonight, she probably means facetime. I'm thinking of running her a bath around 8 so at about half past would you be free?

I put my phone down and play with Alannah's hair whilst watching doc mcstuffins with her.

I hear my phone ping and pick up my phone to see Jax's contact name. I click on the notification and read his text.

Jax- yeah sure that'll be fine. Are you enjoying LA? How is she?

I smile at his genuine concern before then texting him back.

Lara- she's amazing, it's like the little girl we had before has returned Jax. She's so happy and she isn't as clingy like she was back in Brazil.

I put my phone back down but it took seconds for a Jax to reply.

Jax- that's amazing, maybe you should stay there for a while. Maybe it's better for her.

Lara- I agree. She's happy here away from Brazil. As much as I love Brazil, I know it triggers her so I'll see how she is and talk to Marco and dad about it.

Jax- okay, keep me updated.

I put my phone back down and chill with Alannah until 8pm when I then ran her a bath.

Her bath was covered in bubbles which made her giggle and she really enjoyed. She was more excited about getting out of the bath and talking to Jax though.

Once I take Alannah out of the bath I get her in her pyjamas and brush her hair. I set her in her bed and begin to facetime Jax and hand her my phone.

"Dad." She squeals as his face pops up on the screen.

"Hey narna. I miss you." He says and my heart swoons.

"I miss you too." She says softly.

They continue their conversation whilst I get Alannah her stuffed animal that she tends to sleep with then straighten out her room a bit.

"Right say goodnight bub." I say when Alannah starts yawning.

"I don't want to." She says as her eyes begin to get heavy.

"Goodnight narna, I love you." Jax says but Alannah didn't really have the effort to answer.

I gently take the phone from her hands to see Jax sat there.

"Goodnight Jax." I say but he sits up straight.

"Wait Lara we need to talk." He says.

"About what?" I ask and he sighs.

"Quite a few things." He says and I nod. We do really need to talk.

"I'll ring you in the morning." I say and he nods.

"Goodnight Lara." He says and I smile.

"Goodnight Jax." I repeat and he smiles before I end the call.

I kiss Alannah forehead again and then head out of her room, closing the door behind me and making sure her night light was on.

I made sure the door was locked and cleaned up the slight bit of mess from today like Alannah's toys.

I sat on the sofa and watched an episode of Brooklyn nine-nine whilst thinking if I should text James or not. I miss him and it's been strange not talking to him. So that's what I decide to do.

Lara- Hey, it's been awhile. How are you? I know I owe you an explanation and I will give you one. Many things have gone on in my life these past weeks making my life turn up side down. Alannah was kidnapped. Me and Jax officially adopted Alannah. We found Alannah. I'm back in La. Oh and I became the right hand of my dad's mafia for when he resigns. So yeah I've been busy. I miss you and maybe tomorrow you can call me and we can catch up.

A scream interrupted me from Brooklyn nine-nine and constantly re writing my text to James that I never sent. 

I quickly rush into Alannah's room to see her clutching a stuffed animal Jax had given her before we left New York. She was crying so I quickly went and sat on the bed where I then brought her into a hug where I then held her.

Once she had calmed down I pulled back to look at her. She meets my eyes and sniffles.

"Bub talk to me. What's happened?" I ask and she sighs.

"Should I tell dad as well?" She asks and I smile softly at her.

"If you want to but I can tell him if you want." I say and she nods.

"Is he going to get angry?" She asks and I tuck the strands of hair out of her face.

"Maybe. But not at you. Never at you." I tell her and she nods.

"Will you tell him?" She asks and I nod.

"They had me somewhere cold and after the party I didn't have my necklace or my dress anymore. They used to hurt me. They used to hit me like how that lady used to but worse." She starts off and I could feel my blood boil but I kept it together for her.

"They then used to put things down here and it really really hurt." She says pointing down. Oh fucking hell, my baby.

I take a deep breath and keep listening, that what she needs.

"Did they do it lots of times?" I ask and she nods.

"They won't hurt you ever again I promise you that. Remember your dad saved you from that bad place and we will always be there for you bub. Me, your dad, Vovö, Marco, Carter, Gio we're all her for you bub. No one will ever hurt you in such a way ever again. Things are different now." I say and shs nods.

"But for in the future, that isn't okay. No one is allowed to touch you there and if they do you need to let daddy or I know, okay?" I tell her and she nods.

"I'm here for you baby and no one will ever hurt you again. I promise." I kiss her forehead.

"Can I sleep in with you?" She asks shyly making me smile. I pick her up and spin her around.

"Of course you can." I say kissing her cheek.

I take her to my room and lie her down in my bed where she falls back to sleep.

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