๐ถ๐‘…๐ธ๐‘†๐ถ๐ธ๐‘๐‘‡ | Sirius Bla...

By madasahatterr_

135K 2.9K 1.1K

Juliet Crescent loved nothing quite as much as she loved the stars, and when she gets invited to attend Hogwa... More

Face claims
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Prongs and Moony
The Hogwarts Express
Gryffindor goes hard
The study of the Universe
You read poetry and wear knit sweaters
Can't we just skip?
Fireworks and Festivals
The Slug-club gala
Departure to Grim-old-place.
Holiday Blues and the Broken
Christmas at the Potters.
Intrigue and mistakes
You're Compicated.
I didn't have a choice
Was i insane?
The lion and the serpent
Under the Stars
The last train ride.
We belong with eachother.
Thank you:)

Juliet Athena Crescent

11.9K 197 133
By madasahatterr_

There was this girl,
She was beautiful and bright, her eyes and smile so miraculous that together they could light up a room ten times over.

Juliet Crescent was her name and she always had quite the fascination with the Stars.

She would study constellations and planets until there was nothing else for her to learn and until her soul was satisfied with the knowledge astronomers dubbed to be true. To her, the sky was one of the most beautiful parts of our world, if not the most.

There was something about the stars that  intrigued her greatly, and her fascination was never to be compared to negative words like weird or crazy, despite what people had always said about her when she went on and on about how stars were born, how they lived, and how they died.

When her story began, she would never have imagined it would end with her so very in love with the brightest star in the night sky and the most mischievous boy she'd ever know.

Juliet had been born into a long line of magical blood, the Crescent family, rich and arrogant healers and a very well respected group of people, who even despite their unique daughter were never satisfied and always had something to say.

The only Daughter of Selene and Atticus Crescent attended Borealis School of magical learning in the Northwest Territories of Canada from the age of 11, but her life, as privileged and perfect as it was, like all things, fell apart when both of her parents were found dead.

Many would cry, break over and over again until no more of her soul to go on, but Juliet was not the type, she was taught to always get right back up, to stand tall and straight and take on your problems head on.

Juliet had always found her life boring, her parents were controlling work-a-holics, they never said so, but they might've just admitted to hating their daughter.

So when she was due to start her 6th year and a letter conveniently arrived at the doorstep of her families phantom of a manor embezzled with the Hogwarts crest.

She jumped at the opportunity the letter foretold.

Headmaster Dumbledore had inviting her to attend the school in September under the condition that she would return home in a years time.

Juliet didn't ask for details, she didn't want too, she dreaded her life now, she dreaded sitting alone in the kitchen, imagining her parents arguing just for some sense of noise, she dreaded going to sleep at night, seeing her half-sisters face full of anger as Juliet got blamed for their fathers death.

She wanted possibility and opportunity.

She wanted to thrill of life.

Reasonably so, as a intellectual, Juliet had read all about thrill and possibility, but the novels she read were only so satisfying, they weren't real, and she knew that and they weren't going to take away the pain she was trying to push deep down inside of her.

She needed to experience more, she needed to make more out of herself.

However, she was not excited for the catch, arrangements would be made for Juliet, with a wizarding family, because of course, she needed someone to stay with and Dumbledore had placed her with a family who bore children of her same age.

What was so displeasing about this to her is that she didn't believe that she needed a babysitter.


Dear Prongs

The minister sent an owl to my mother today, the news was enough to send Regulus into a dramatic fit, Dumbledore has requested our family to take in a transfer student for the year.

Isn't that utterly ridiculous?

mother was furious.

But Dumbledore insisted that this would be a fantastic and wise opportunity for our family image and he made sure to add that the girl was pureblooded and from a respected family, as if that put my mother anymore on board with the idea.

Quite mental if you ask me, the whole thing, I'm going to be stuck baby sitting some poor girl all year, so much for our pranking plans, perhaps we might be able to use them on her though, I suspect she will be none the wiser.

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it. I'll send more news as it arrives.

-Your dearest marauder, Padfoot

𝐽𝑈𝐿𝐼𝐸𝑇- (July 5th 1976)

I ran down the old wooden steps of our Victorian home to reach the door that had just rang.

Today,  I would be leaving for London England via port key, I'd always hated port keys, such a thing seemed to be a good idea in theory, but it always made me sick to my stomach.
When I opened the door, excited beyond anything, my eyes were met with an underwhelming rusty old bucket. Attached to which was a label that read "Port key #1275492, Ministry approved, departure at 11:00 am"

I looked down at the old gold watch id been wearing on my wrist since my parents final will and testament had been dispersed, my mother had left it to me, I don't think it was out of motherly love though, if anything, it was merely to keep up appearances.

The hand etched closer to 11:00 every moment I stood in that doorway, as of the moment, they had just reached half passed ten and I was not yet finished packing so I rushed back up the stairs, taking it two at a time and threw open the door to my bedroom where I stuffed the last of my belongings inside my school trunk and latched it shut.

I couldn't quite believe that I was leaving this dreary place. It didn't matter anymore that it had once been lively when my grandfather still lived and breathed, or that he was the light to my family, because there was no light left, and I wanted nothing more than to get out.

I looked around my room one last time, at the place I wouldn't see for another year and while examining the mostly empty room, a thought crossed my mind.

I wondered who I might be after going to Hogwarts, if I'd change in the next year.
There was the possibility that I'd be the same, but I wondered if I'd meet new people, discover something groundbreaking or maybe even fall in love.

I knew that was outlandish thinking.

I wasn't the falling type, nor was I going to trip at the feet of boys who break hearts and take innocence, truthfully, love was quite stupid in my opinion, always so messy and hard.

I frequently questioned why everything good in life was so pricy and difficult to keep, it was all so cruel and unfair.

So I shifted that idea into the back of my mind out of fear that I'd spend my last minutes here overthinking about silly pathetic concepts.

After that thought I ran down the stairs and said my goodbyes to my grandmother, the only person in my families circle willing to take me in.

I was never really all that liked, I suppose everyone thought that my families practice would crumple if I was the one to inherit it one day, I've been on the phone with lawyers for weeks trying to make sure they don't dare steal it out from under me.

If I'm anything, I'm proud.

My grandmother though, was the only person who had been there for me during my hardships even though she was dealing with the same grief and misery, she never made me feel like my problems were less than hers and as much as I would love to have my parents beside me, alive and well, I doubt they could relate to that sentiment.

I was and always would be forever thankful for her.

When my watch had ticked to 11:00am I grabbed hold of both the port key and my trunk and began to experience a new kind of dread, the world began to spin, becoming merely a blur around me, the wind strong and unyielding, during the confusion I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from, this was the part of it I always hated, if I wished to go on a rollercoaster I would have, because if anything, Port keys always reminded me of the zero gravity ride at the muggle fair or that cyclone from the wizard of oz movie.

Which, by the way is not an accurate representation of witches and Wizards.

As fast as I flew up into the air I was now falling down at impeccable speed towards the stone ground of my destination, this was new and I was panicking, I prepared myself as best I could for immense impact, after all, how could these people possibly think I could have time to pull out my wand.

I was sure that I was a goner until I heard someone shout.

I recognized the words, "arresto momentum" but that wasn't at all what I was focused on as my fall seized only a foot from the ground. It was the voice which it had come from.

The voice was deep, almost commanding, but I could tell this person was annoyed, how could they not be? A girl almost splattered their sidewalk with blood. But if anything, I was just thankful that they saved me from dying at the ripe age of 16.


I had been waiting outside the door of my home for the arrival of this girl with my unfortunate brother Regulus.

He was scoffing at the sky every five minutes, waiting for something to pop out of nothing and clearly still angry about having to be what I could only imagine would be my babysitter.

My mother did not trust me to greet our new guest, so of course, she had to send along my younger brother.

I was impatiently tapping my foot against the cobblestone walkway, actively annoying my brother when she began to fall.

The girl had come out of nowhere, as portkey travel usually does, I wondered how Incompetent this girl truly was if she didn't know how to properly land.

Oh for merlins sakes.

I pulled my wand out and acted purely on impulse because despite how fantastically that would be to fix the school year for me,  I would not be responsible for the death or major injuries of the girl that I'm supposed to be watching.

It isn't in my life plan to end up in Azkaban for manslaughter.

"ARRESTO MOMENTUM" I shouted, I imagine my brother hadn't yet even processed what was going on.

He was slow like that.

The girls body came to a halt as she slowly dropped to the ground.  Her trunk had landed right at my feet, and out of curiosity I looked down and read the letters "J A C" printed in gold lettering along the top.

The girl, whose face I had not yet gotten to see, got to her feet irritably blowing the wavy chocolate brown hair out of her eyes and wiping down the dirt off of her clothes.

When she looked up at me, she almost seemed shocked, I imagined that she hadn't anticipated to see someone of such dashing good looks.

She herself was quite good looking, as much of a burden as she was going to end up being, she was quite beautiful and I decided that if she turned out to be of the quiet sort I wouldn't really mind her trailing behind me all day.

The girl was clearly furious about the whole situation, maybe even more furious than my brother.

"Looking for this" I questioned, holding the trunk out for her to see.

Her gaze darkened, dark eyebrows furrowed as she looked me up and down a moment and where I would usually be flattered, I found the slight sense of judgement.

Then her gaze turned to my brother, she hardly even glossed over him before turning back to me, "Oh no, I'm just looking for my pet dragon" she answered sarcastically.

She was looking around frantically and I began to think I could be missing something, could she possibly have brought a dragon in that suitcase of hers?

"Yes, I'm looking for that, how dumb can you be?" She shouted out, to which Regulus chuckled.

She walked towards me with a angry face and a purpose, so intimidating that I almost stepped away from her.


I laughed, "So you don't have a pet dragon?" I joked.

"No you idiot, I don't have a dragon" she sneered at me, clearly in a retched mood.

"Woah, I expected a thank you" I told her, reminding the girl of my epic save of her fragile life.

holding out her trunk at a reasonable length. I had to admit, I was scared that if she got too close to me I'd be a dead man walking.

"I imagine someone like you expects a lot from women." She responded simply, prompting a stifled laugh from my brother, who at this point, was still standing behind me at the front door, his hands placed stiffly at his sides and his back straighter than Peter Pettigrews sexuality.

I noticed that she had striking eyes, they were oddly unsettling. They looked as if they held the knowledge of the whole world, but the pain of it too.

"I did just save your life, i didn't have too, I could be peeling you off the hot summer concrete by now" I declared.

She rolled her eyes, a motion I found I quite enjoyed. "Thank you." She mumbles.

"Say that again, I didn't quite hear it"

Messing with this angry girl seemed fun to me, she was short, around chest height on me and she had these piercing eyes. Hazel, but almost green.

I speculated that if I chose too, I could easily get lost in them.

She rolled those eyes at me once more grabbing her trunk from my hand angrily, sporting a disgusted expression as I faked a smiled at her.

I laughed at this firey girl, either she had exceeding amounts of confidence and passion or she was just a fool waiting to get ruined by me.

And I was certain that I could ruin her, if she only got on my nerves too much

I could tell all of that just by looking at her.


I looked to the two boys, the one who had caught my fall was obviously the protector of the two, likely the oldest, he was tall, lean but not lanky and had hair of the darkest night.

He was handsome I supposed, if I was being honest with myself he was ridiculously so.

The other one was handsome too, of the same height of his brother, but not quite built the same, if I had to explain it, he had more of a dancers body, with more grace than his brother.

He too, had black hair, but it was better kept and more styled than his brothers, I could tell easily that the one whom I had talked too was probably the troublemaker of the family.

The one boys stare though, it was unsettling, I felt as if he was looking straight into my soul so I instead decided to switch my gaze to the row of traditional English brick homes that lined the wall of the court i'd almost just face planted into.

"Are you two just going to stand there or are you going to tell me where I'm going to be staying"

"I don't even know your name, I'd assume that it begins with a J, or did you steal that trunk from an unsuspected host" the older one grinned.

"It's Juliet, Juliet Crescent"

"What's the A stand for?" The younger one asked, the first words he'd spoken to me, he seemed genuinely curious.

"Athena." I told him directly.

He regarded that, but did not speak again, I had to admit, I too was curious.

"Sirius Black the third" the older boy stated in return, he bowed jokingly and looked back up with a wide grin plastered on his perfectly sculpted pale face, he reminded me of a jester, always trying to entertain.

"Really? The third?" I asked.

"I suppose you could say my family isn't very creative with their names, unless you count the fact that constellations and stars seem to be the only ideas they can ever come up with" he shrugged

Sirius was the brightest star in the sky, this boy didn't seem to quite live up to that yet

"Reg, you'd do well to introduce yourself." Sirius told his brother, turning towards one of the brick houses.

The younger boy stalked forward, I say stalked, because he moved with fluid grace, unlike his brother who moved with all the arrogance in the world, like he owned the very air we breathed.

"Regulus." The quiet one told me, holding out a spindly hand.

"Regulus Arcturus Black." He finished and I took his hand in mine, shaking it quickly.

"Alright Darling Welcome to Grimmauld place, your new humble abode" the older one said, standing atop the steps, his arms outstretched wide, showing me the home.

"Don't call me that"
I hated the nickname, in fact I hated all nicknames.
"I am free to do as I wish, this is my house after all, and you are staying in it"
"Not with me you aren't."

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