As You Wish : Loki Fanfic

By totally-not-dead

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Sammee (Sammie) is a college student struggling to finish her art final. She decides to take a break and watc... More

Stark Tower
Rise and Shine
PR Nightmare
The Darkness
The Surprise
Welcome to Asgard
Love VS. in Love
Other Half
The Celebration 
Mistakes Were Made
Project Insight: Part 1
Bucky, Meet Loki
Dr. Raynor
Holloween: Part 1
The Doctor's In
Before It Starts
A Bit of Fun
Dinner Games
The Flight To Sokovia
Free Will
The Daughter
The Unexpected Guests
Serious Discussion
The Popped Question
It's the Little Things
The Bookgrove
Old Friends
The Brown's
Nothing but the Truth
Addictive Personality
Too Strong, Too Long
Creeping Doubts
Pepper Potts
Leaving Avengers Tower
Welcoming A New Home
Being Watched
Goddess of Marriage
Personal Superhero
A Phone Call
Mischief and Chaos
Physical Non-physical Being
Half Truths
Fight's and Spa Day's
An Emphasis on Genius
Andrew Davis
Comic Books
Tapped Out
Leave the Ring Out of It
Sarah Wilson Casper
Photo Album's
A Letter From Bucky
Tired Out
Time Crunch
Meeting Peter Parker
The First Day
To and From School
Mr. Smith, Sir
The Negative Pregnancy Test
 The Natural History Museum
Winter Break
Just a Fluke
A Night at the Club
An Old Enemy
Lagos, Nigeria
Secretary Ross
Only a Weapon
Peggy Carter
On the Run
Meeting Zemo
Re-introducing Ms. Smith
Lied To
A Talk with Tony
Now, We Fight
An Army Appears
Meeting the Grandmaster
Contest of Champions
A Jump, Skip, and a Long Sword Away
The Flash of a Memory
Split Personality
Panic Attack
Getting to the Grandmaster
A Perfect Dream
Two Months
The God of Thunder
Adopted Brother
Contenders Quarters
The Angered Beast
Thor vs. Hulk
Finding the Doctor
Fighting a Valkyrie
Making a Plan
Like Old Times
Devil's Anus
A Day in the Life of a Recovering Drug Addict
Lunch With Friends
The Search Party
The Test
My Valkyrie
The Gatekeepers Promise
Into the Lions Den
Princess of Asgard
Perfectly Regal
The Courta Dance
Valkyrie Awakens
A Plan in Motion
Seal it With a Kiss
The Space Stone
One Last Time
Saying Goodbye
Escaping Asgard
A Domestic Few Days
Mad Titan
Sammee's Ultimate Betrayal
Collecting Tony Stark
The Power Stone
Thanos is Coming
The Reality Stone
Earth is Closed
The Promise He Made
He Calls Her Pet
The Astral Plane
What Happens to Sammee
The Forced Torturer
Water of Sight
The Soul Stone
The Battle of Wakanda: Part 1
A Cold Wake-Up
The Battle of Wakanda: Part 2
The Battle of Titan: Part 1
The Battle Of Wakanda: Part 3
The Battle Of Titan: Part 2
The Battle of Wakanda: Part 4
Pity the Weak
Stark's Return
Stealing the Stones
Attacking the Build-A-Bear
A Flicker of Hope
A Message From Sammee
The Unknown Woman
How it Ends
The Time Stone
The Goddess Yri
My Baby, Hel
The Cabin
A Morning With Kids
Back to Asgard
Telling Amma
Into the Multiverse
Gratitude to a Goddess
The Promise He Broke
Meeting Peggy
A Long Road

To Germany

7.9K 285 216
By totally-not-dead

To Germany

I didn't want to die, but my brain still couldn't believe that this was real. That being said, stepping off the side of the Stark tower scared the shit out of me, real or not. I closed my eyes tight against the wind and waited for one of two things to happen, one, I would wake up, or two, Tony would catch me. Luckily, it was the second, because I was not ready to wake up yet. I felt his cold metal arms wrap around me and fly me back up to the flight deck.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He yelled when he landed.

"Yep." I said shakily.

"You just jumped off a fucking building!" He continued to yell. I nodded.

"I know, I was there."

"Don't give me a smart ass remark right now!" He growled and put me down, not so gently. He stood for a second and thought. He then cursed under his breath and groaned. "J.A.R.V.I.S., unlock suit #18." He said.

I couldn't hear what J.A.R.V.I.S. responded because it was in Tony's headset, but a few seconds later a silver Iron man suit flew in.

"Authorize Sammee as limited user." Tony told him. My eyes went wide and I smiled. "Keep the suit on autopilot. Make sure that the only thing it will do is follow me and protect Sammee, as needed." The suit opened and walked over to me. "Alright," Tony said and turned to me, "get in, we need to go. It takes a little over an hour to get to Germany from here." My smile grew as I quickly ran and hugged Tony, or tried to. His Ironman armor was in the way.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I bounced excitedly before running over to the open armor and stepping in. Tony was a few inches taller than me, but I fit into the suit nicely.

"Yeah, don't thank me. I'm only doing this to keep an eye on you." Tony told me as the suit closed around me. It was a weird feeling.

"Alright, let's go." Tony said and the suit automatically started following him. I had to take a second to refocus my eyes on the projected screen in front of me.

Flying through the air was also weird. I didn't feel like I was thousands of feet in the air. I didn't even feel like I was moving, but I was going about 2,800 mph.

"Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S., can you put on 'She's All That' while we fly?" I asked.

"Are you trying to watch a movie right now?" Tony asked me with a criticizing tone of voice.

"Absolutely," I told him, "I'm just following, so there is no real reason for me to pay attention."

Tony was silent for a second, thinking to himself. "Good point, JARVIS play it in both suits."

A second later a small window popped up with the movie opening.

"Wish we had popcorn..."

"Don't push it." Tony grumbled. We watched the movie with the occasional commented about certain scenes. We ranted on about how she was obviously always gorgeous and they'd have to be blind not to see. By the time the end credits rolled around, we were in Germany.

"Perfect timing." Tony announced as we approached our destination. "What song should we play as our entrance song?" Tony asked me.

"Something AC/DC, preferably from the back in black album." I said, knowing full well what he was going to pick.

"Hm, couldn't have chosen better myself." He said. "Wait, you already knew what I was going to choose, didn't you? I did choose it myself."

I laughed and saw the jet, I knew Nat was in, come into view. Loki and Captain America were battling, but Loki was obviously winning.

"Agent Romanoff," Tony said as 'Shoot to Thrill' played in the background, "you miss me?" Tony asked as he flew in fast, shooting Loki with his blasters when he landed.

"Oooh," I grimaced while my suit landed next to Tony's, "thats gotta hurt."

"Make your move, Reindeer games." Tony aimed every weapon he had at Loki and waited. Loki transformed out of his Asgardian armor and into his normal Asgardian attire. He then slowly raised his hands up in surrender. Tony saw this and sheathed his weapons. "Good move." He commented. I saw Cap stand up and move to stand next to Tony.

"Mr. Stark." He greeted with a small nod.

"Captain." Tony greeted back. Captain America then cocked his head and looked at me with a confused expression.

"You I don't know, yet." He said to me. I tried to respond, but Tony decided to cut in.

"Ignore her," he said, "she's unimportant." I tried to glare at him, but it was no use with the suit on, so I decided on a different route. I took a deep breath and teleported out of the suit.

"I can speak for myself, thanks." I told Tony and looked back at a wide eyed Captain America. "I'm Sammee." I said and held my hand out to him. He quickly recovered from his shock and took my hand.

"Steve Rogers." He told me before turning his attention back to the current problem.

"Sammee, get back in the suit." Tony commanded. "It can't do its job and protect you if you're not in it to protect."

"Uhm, no I think I'll stay out here." I told him. "I like being able to move my own body." I stretched my arms out for added emphasis.

"Let's get him back to base." I heard someone say from behind me. I quickly turned to see that the jet had landed and Natasha Romanoff was walking towards me. I swear, I forgot to breath for a minute.

"Holy Fuck, you're hotter in person!" I choked out. She raised a perfectly sculpted brow at me and looked me up and down.

"Breathe, Sammee." I heard Tony say with his attention still on Loki. I turned my head to look at him.

"Fuck off, Stark." I annoyedly said back and looked to see two S.H.E.I.L.D. agents cuffing Loki.

"Where'd you find her?" Nat asked Tony while still eyeing me.

"She's a stray I picked up and can't seem to get rid of." He sighed. "You know what they say, feed them once and they'll keep coming back for more." I narrowed my eyes and turned my head to look at him. I stuck my tongue out at him before looking back at Nat.

"I'm Sammee. Tony caught me when I mysteriously fell from the sky." I told her and realization washed over her face.

"You're that girl from the world where we're all comic book characters." She said. I smiled and nodded.

"What?" Cap asked and looked between Nat and Tony, hoping someone would give him answers.

"Fill you in later, right now, let's get going." Nat told us and turned to walk toward the jet with all of us following behind.

The Trip Back

      The inside of the jet was badass. I didn't know what all the buttons and switches did, but it sure did look cool. Everyone, but Tony, had to take a seat for takeoff. Once I assured Tony that I would not be getting back into the Ironman suit, he sent it home.

     Tony tried to get Loki to talk, but he wouldn't budge, he just stared straight ahead. Steve, Nat, and Tony were all talking about why he was so easy to take down. I stepped away since I already knew why and went to go talk to Loki.

"Uh, where do you think you're going, Skydive?" Tony put his arm out, so that I couldn't pass him.

"I'm going to go sit over there." I pointed to the spot across from Loki.

"Oh, no. You're not going anywhere near him." Tony shook his head. I sighed.

"Alright." I said and smiled sweetly before I teleported behind him.

"Wha- God, that power is a pain in the ass." Tony groaned and turned to face me again. "He is a wanted murderer." Tony said and pointed at Loki. I turned to look at Loki who was just watching us. I smiled and turned back to Tony.

"Mmhm." I nodded. Tony looked frustrated.

"He would not think twice about adding your name to his list of victims." He added. I shrugged.

"Yeah, probably, but he would definitely feel bad about it after." Tony closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Alright, you know what? I give up." He said and turned away from me. I laughed and walked to where Loki was.

     I took a seat directly across from him. I didn't say anything at first, I just smirked and looked at him knowingly. Loki looked me up and down, trying to figure me out. When I saw him quirk a brow slightly, my smirk tuned into an all out amused smile and I leaned forward, so my elbows were on my knees.

"You might want to prepare yourself." I told him. "Things are about to get a bit... electric." I winked at him and watched him nervously sit up straighter. Lightning suddenly cracked just outside the jet. I sat back up and buckled myself in.

"What's the matter?" Cap asked Loki. "Scared of a little lightning."

"No, no." I laughed. "It's what follows the lightning." At Steve's look of confusion, I continued. "You might want to hold on to something. Y'all are in for a real treat." I told them and turned back to Loki. He still looked a bit nervous.

     A loud bang could be heard and the whole jet shook with the force of Thor landing on top of us.

"Did someone piss off big brother?" I teased and fake pouted. Loki's jaw clenched and he narrowed his eyes at me. I saw Tony quickly put his mask on and open the hatch. Thor immediately dropped in. "Woah, speak of the devil." I said and unbuckled my straps just as Thor knocked Tony back and moved to grab Loki. "Guess this is bye for now." I waved as Thor ripped Loki from his seat and flew off.

"Another Asgardian?" Nat yelled back over the lightning.

"That guys a friendly?" Cap asked.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki, or kills him, the tesseract's lost." Tony said and moved to follow him.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!" Cap got up and told Tony, but Tony wasn't really listening.

"I have a plan, attack." He responded and jumped out of the jet. Cap shook his head before grabbing a parachute for himself.

"I'd sit this one out, Cap." Nat called back while trying to stabilize the jet.

"I don't see how I can." Cap was strapping his pack as quickly as he could.

"These guys come from legend. They're basically gods."

"I only believe in one God, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Cap told her as he jumped out of the plane after Tony.

     I looked at the parachutes. I probably shouldn't, but I really did want to see this fight. I looked out over the edge and saw just how dark and terrifying the weather looked.

"Ya know what, they'll be done in a minute." I said and went to sit my ass back down. Jumping from the Stark Tower was enough falling for me today. I was right, anyway. They were back within ten minutes. "Well look who decided to join the party." I smiled at Thor, who sat Loki down in a non-broken seat. "Aww Loki, did you miss me already?" I teased.

"I'm surprised you didn't jump after us." Tony said to me as he walked back into the jet with Cap.

"I was tempted." I told him honestly. The hatch of the jet finally closed and I was able to talk at a normal volume again. "I would have really loved to see that crater Capsicle and Goliath here made. I would have also liked to have been there for your Shakespeare joke. That shit was funny."

Thor stepped up to me with a confused look on his face. "How does the Lady know of what has happened?" He asked.

"I've been wondering the same thing." Loki muttered from behind Thor. I leaned over to get a look at him and smiled. Loki scoffed and turned his head to look away from me.

"Are you an Oracle, perhaps?" Thor asked as I turned my attention back to him.

"No, I'm not an Oracle." I told him and gave him a soft smile. "I'm not exactly from here." I started to explain. "Where I'm from this is all-"

"Whoa, wait a minute. Let's not talk about this while Dark n' Scary can hear, yeah?" Tony interrupted. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, father." I smiled at Tony and saw him press his mouth in a tight line.

"I made a mistake, I should have let you hit the ground."

"Hurtful!" I gasped dramatically and put a hand to my chest. "But, yeah, probably." I laughed. I looked back at Thor, who just looked lost and confused. "Oh, I'm Sammee, by the way." I told him and stuck my hand out for him to shake. He looked at it for a moment before taking it.

"Thor Odinson." My hand was so small compared to his large one.

"Pleasure to meet you, Thor." I said and smiled. Whenever I watched the movies, I would always think that, if they were real, I would be closest to Thor. Spider-Man, unfortunately, wasn't apart of the MCU for awhile, but him and Thor would be my best fucking friends. My favorite superhero was always Spider-Man growing up. I actually had a Spider-Man themed birthday party when I was four. Other girls my age were playing princess, while I played superhero.

"As it is you, Lady Sammee." Thor snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Just Sammee, or Sam is fine." I told him and sat back down. We sat and talked after that. He talked about what growing up in Asgard was like and I talked some about how I grew up.

We reached the helicarrier about thirty minutes later. When we landed, Loki was immediately surrounded by guards. Thor tried to go with him, but was assured he would be fine and was just going to a cell. I was amazed at the helicarrier. It was even bigger than I thought.

"This way." Nat said to all of us and expected us to follow. She really didn't have to tell me twice. I would have followed her anywhere.

The God of Mischief: Part 1

     We were led to the main command room. There were people working at stationed desks all around us. Each section had a computer screen. I took a seat while everyone else, except Nat, stood and looked around. Thor stood behind me. He looked seriously troubled.

"It'll be ok, Thor." I said, turning to him. He didn't answer me, he was to caught up in his own thoughts. I sighed and turned back around just as Bruce Banner walked through the door.

"So, we caught him? We caught Loki?" He asked even though he knew the answer.

"There's my favorite scientist." I said and leaned back in my chair, smiling. Bruce looked at me and scrunched his brow.

"Who are you?" He asked and pointed to me, not being rude, just a little confused.

"Wait, more importantly, he's your favorite scientist? What about me?" Tony asked, walking into the room. I shrugged.

"Eh," I told him and turned back to Bruce. "I'm Sammee, it's nice to meet you Dr. Banner." I smiled. Bruce gave a shy smile and nodded slightly.

"Can someone explain how Sammee can tell the future, now?" Cap asked.

"Yes, I would also like to know." Thor commented.  Bruce looked between the two.

"Future? What?" He asked.

"Alright," I said and stood up, "gather round, children. It's story time." Once I had their full attention, I continued. "Once upon a time, a young art student was having trouble finishing her final, so she put on a movie to help her relax. At some point, she fell asleep and was transported into that same movie." They all just stared at me with confused expressions until Tony sighed.

"She's not from our world. In her world, we are all comic book and movie characters." He explained. I smiled and nodded along. Before anyone could comment, Nat pulled up the video feed from Loki's, soon-to-be, cell. I sat back down and we watched as the guards put him in his cell. Fury then explained to Loki what would happen if he tried to escape. Let's just say, it would be an extremely long free fall. I looked around the room and saw Bruce grimace when Loki taunted the Hulk.

"He really grows on you doesn't he?" Bruce sarcastically said when the feed turned off.

"He's definitely a character." I mumbled to myself with a smirk.

"No," Tony said and looked at me like a disappointed parent, "don't tell me..." he groaned.

"Umm, what?" I asked.

"You have the hots for Tall, Dark, n' scary." He shook his head at me. I leaned back in my chair and kicked my feet up on the desk.

"And I thought I was being subtle." I said sarcastically and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ok, you've lost discussion privileges." Tony told me.

"You're being ridiculous, Tony." I chuckled.

"Quiet, the responsible adults are talking." Tony responded. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Ok, this isn't where I want to be right now anyway." I turned and started walking out of the room.

"Wait, no. I retract my statement, stay." Tony moved in front of me to block my path.

"You just don't want me visiting Loki." I smiled. I found the entire situation quite entertaining.

"You are 100% correct on that." Tony grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "So teleport your little ass back into the chair." And so I teleported, just not back into the chair. I teleported around Tony and inches from the door.

"Yeah know, I thought about it, but decided against that." I said and walked away.

"I really hate when you do that." Tony yelled after me.

"That's why I do it." I yelled back. Now to find Loki.

The ship was huge. There was so many hallways that ended in dead ends. I was starting to get frustrated when I finally found the room they were keeping Loki in. It was locked because... of course it was. I groaned in frustration and rested my forehead against the door. I didn't have a clear picture of the room, so I couldn't teleport... or could I? The first time I teleported I didn't have a clear picture in my head, all I did was move myself out of the way of the flying cup. There was no focused thought on that move, just instinct. I took a deep breath.

"Ok, ok, ok, ok." I mumbled and shook my hands out. "Just teleport two feet forward." I closed my eyes.

I tried to focus on the distance rather than the place. I tried to picture myself walking two steps forward. I must have done something right, because I felt my feet leave the ground and then, almost immediately, hit the ground again. When I opened my eyes, I was in a large room. In the center of the room was a large pod with Loki standing trapped inside. He had his back to me at first, but the noise I made from teleporting caused him to turn around.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise." Loki said when he looked at me. I smiled and walked closer to the cage.

"I'm glad you see me as pleasant." I giggled. "How are you?" I asked. Loki looked around his containment pod.

"Just, lovely." He sarcastically answered. I laughed again and sat down in the chair near the glass of the pod.

"Well, you did just kill, like, eighty people in a twenty four hour period."

Loki stepped closer to the glass and smirked at me evilly. "So they're afraid of me." He more commented than questioned, but I still answered.

"Ooh, yeah, terrified." I smiled and threw one of my arms over the back of the chair.

"Good." Loki narrowed his eyes at me and looked me up and down. "Are you afraid?" He asked and stepped so close to the glass, he was almost touching it. I tilted my head in question.

"Do I look afraid to you?"

"It's hard to be afraid of someone caged behind glass." He growled and knocked on the glass with a knuckle for emphasis.

"Hmm, you're right." I said and teleported to the chair inside his cell. "How 'bout now?" I smirked. Loki turned and looked down at me. He slowly strutted over to me.

"Well, that was a mistake." He smiled.

"How so?" I asked as I leaned back in the chair to look up at him. He really was tall.

"You put yourself in a cage with a very angry god. Are Midgardians really that hopeful that everything will turn out in their favor? Do they all willfully put there fragile little lives on the line to prove it, like you?" Loki stopped right in front of me and waited for a reply. I shrugged. "I could just as easily kill you."

"Angry god, or not, you won't." I knew he was just trying to intimidate me. Loki smiled wickedly as a dagger was suddenly placed at my neck from behind. The image in front of me disappearing with a green shimmer.

"And, what makes you so sure?" He asked lowly in my right ear. I shivered at how close he was, but still wasn't scared.

"Because, I haven't done anything to you." I almost whispered back. Loki chuckled.

"I've killed lots of people who hadn't done anything to me. They were just in my way, a means to an end."

I sighed and tilted my head a bit to look at him.

"You can kill me, if you want." I told him. "I'm not going to try and stop you."

"And why's that?" He asked.

"Well, I mean, there are worse ways to go." That made him visibly surprised. He removed the dagger from my neck and moved to stand in front of me again.

"Does that mean you'll kneel before me?" He questioned with a slight smile. A smile made its way to my face and I bit my lower lip.

"I don't submit outside of the bedroom." I said and winked at him. He tried to look annoyed, but I could see the amusement hidden in his eyes. My smile disappeared and I looked down as I realized who was about to show up. "Agent Romanoff's coming." I told him and quickly teleported out of the room as Natasha silently rounded the corner.

The God of Mischief: Part 2

     I waited outside of Loki's room while he and Nat conversed. She was currently tricking Loki into giving up his plans to release the Hulk. Anyone would have to be good in order for the god of mischief and lies to not suspect anything. She walked out with the information she needed not five minutes later. I kept myself hidden from her line of sight and teleported back into Loki's cell. He was shaking with anger and staring at the door Nat left through. I sighed and leaned my hip on the glass, crossing my arms over my chest as I did.

"Well, that wasn't very smart." I commented.

"Don't mock me." Loki growled and turned to face me. He moved so that he was two inches away from me. "Did you know what she planned? Is that why you're here? To trick me into revealing my plan?"

"That's rich coming from the god of mischief." I scoffed. In an instant, his hand was around my neck and he lowered his head to my ear. The pressure he applied to my neck was just enough to be a warning, but not enough to hinder my breathing.

"I could break you in half, mortal." He hissed. My hands automatically went to grip the leather of his shirt.

"It's Sammee, and please do." I said a bit breathlessly. His hand tightened slightly around my neck and I gasped,  pulling my body closer to his. He chuckled mischievously as I did, the anger slowly fading from his eyes.

"So this is what I have to do to get you to submit to me." He commented. My head went fuzzy as he stared at me.

"No, but it definitely helps." I whispered and looked between his eyes and his lips.

"I'll keep that in mind." He smirked and released me. He backed away from my grip and folded his hands behind his back.

"God, you're a jackass." I whined. "But, fuck, that was hot." I sank down the glass wall to sit and rested my head back. I looked up at the ceiling and took deep breaths to calm my heart rate. "I'm totally going to get you back for that."

"Really?" Loki asked. I nodded and looked at him. "And how exactly do you plan that?" I stood up and took a few steps toward him.

"I'm not sure, yet, but I'll figure out a way." I smiled playfully. Next thing I knew, there is a loud boom and the ship shook, knocking me over. Loki quickly caught me and pulled me into him. "I, uh, I think your rescuers have arrived." I shakily told him. He tilted his head and looked at me curiously.

"And, how would you know that, little one?" My breath caught at the nickname.

"Because, I already know how this ends." I whispered.

     He was still holding on to me and my brain was getting fuzzy again. I looked down to avoid his gaze and take a deep breath.

"How what ends?" He asked softly and brought one of his hands up and under my chin. He used a finger to tilt my head back up and look at him.

"Everything." I couldn't do anything but answer. My brain was too fuzzy to think of anything other than how close he was to me.

"Everything?" He asked. I answered with a nod. "And how did you see this?" Loki took his thumb and traced it over my jaw. His hand was cool to the touch. It felt nice against my skin. I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled sharply. The fucker knew what he was doing, too.

"I fell asleep one night watching a movie and woke up in the movie. Everyone in this world is a movie character." I said dreamily.

"How interesting." Loki said and dropped his hand. "You know of everything that's going to happen, and yet, you haven't alerted the agents." He noted and stepped away from me. I shook my head of the fuzziness and glared at Loki.

"Stop doing that!" I yelled. "I would have told you anyway. I can't think straight when you're that close to me!"

"That's the point, Darling." Loki's smooth voice said, causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Fuck you." I glared at him.

"Time and place." He smiled. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it quickly and bit my lower lip hard to keep me for saying something stupid. A loud roar was heard throughout the room and my head snapped to the door. Bruce had most definitely just turned into the Hulk.

"Well, someone doesn't sound happy." I mumbled and turned back to see Loki smiling wickedly. "You're gonna learn to regret that." I told him and his smile fell a bit.

"Why's that?" He asked and stepped toward me again. I stepped back and shook my head.

"Nope, you stay there." I pointed at the spot he was at.

"I don't take orders from you." He hissed. I rolled my eyes and laughed lightly.

"Of course not, my prince." I smiled at him. He immediately calmed back down into a more mischievous, playful mood.

"Now, that's more like it." He smiled and took another step forward as I moved another step back. I could hear loud bangs coming from somewhere on the ship. It was probably Hulk and Thor battling it out. For how much fighting I knew was going on, it was a lot quieter in this room than it should be.

"Loki." I said warningly.

"What is it, Sammee?" He asked while he moved forward again. Hearing him say my name made my stomach do happy flips.

"You know exactly what!" I scolded. I only had another foot before my back was against the wall. Of course the ship chose now to start falling out of the sky, and I fell forward, into Loki. I yelped and quickly teleported out of the cell. "Ya know what, this was fun, but I should go."

     The door opened and men wearing S.H.E.I.L.D. uniforms stormed in. I knew that they were working for Loki and were here to get him out. All under the influence of the mind stone. I froze for a second when they pointed their guns at me.

"Oh shit." I whispered and teleported back into Loki's cell as they fired at where I just was. "On second thought, imma stay here." I said with my back to him and stared at the men with guns. An arm wrapped around my body and a hand went around my neck to pull me backwards.

"Good choice."

Agent Coulson

     Loki had me pressed up against him. One of his hands was around my throat, pressing lightly, while the other held my hip. I sighed and laid my head back against his shoulder.

"Not that I don't enjoy this position, but I really do need to get going." I breathed and teleported out of his grip.

"Would you come with me?" Loki grabbed my arm and asked. He started rubbing small circles into my wrist and I took a shaky deep breath. He really knew how to manipulate me into doing what he wanted.

"I can't." I told him and pulled my wrist from his hand. "We've both got our own shit to do." I said as the pod door slid open. Guns were immediately pointed at me again. Loki stepped in front of me protectively and walked out of his cell with me following behind. One of the fake S.H.E.I.L.D. agents moved and handed Loki his scepter.

"I could always make you." Loki turned to me. He towered over me and looked at me with wild eyes. The scepter was affecting him greatly, and nobody knew it. I sighed sadly.

"Oh, my dear prince, what are you doing to yourself?" I whispered and reached for him. His hand quickly came up to catch my wrist.

"Never touch me." He growled and tightened his grip on my wrist. I whimpered at how tightly he held me. It would definitely cause a bruise. Loki seemed to notice how much pressure he held onto me with and dropped my wrist. My other hand came to cradle it to my chest.

"There is no need for the scepter, Loki. I'll see you again soon." Loki seemed to contemplate this for a moment before turning to his men and dismissing all but one.

"Leave then, before I change my mind." He told me without turning to face me. I was about to leave when I remembered a particular agent that met his demise here.

"Alright, but do me a favor?" I asked Loki. He didn't answer, so I continued. "Don't kill Agent Coulson. He'll be the one with the big gun." I told him before teleporting out of the room.

I turned down the right hallway and ran to where I knew Agent Coulson would be coming from the weapons room. I needed to be armed if I was going to help. I finally found the armory and teleported into the gated room. There were tons of guns, but I wasn't a gun type of person. I knew how to shoot, and I was good at it, but my weapon of choice is always some type of blade. My dad was the gun collector in our house, where I was the knife collector. I remember practicing for hours whenever I got a new blade, needing to be perfect at handling it.

I looked around the armory until I found a twin dagger set and three throwing knives. The daggers had a leather handle with a hard loop at the end to slip a finger into it and hold the blade parallel with the forearm. Knives like these were my favorite because I was the best at them. The only other one that I might be better at was a butterfly knife, but only because I practiced with that the most.

The sheath of daggers were attached to a leg harness that clipped around the waist and then each leg. One dagger was sheathed on the right while the other was on my left. I clipped the harness around myself and tightened the straps. The throwing knives fit into their own pouch and that pouch clipped onto a belt loop. I grabbed and quickly clipped it to the strap now around my waist since I didn't have belt loops.

After that was done, I left the armory and headed to the downed engine. I knew that Tony and Steve were going to be having a bit of trouble there and decided that it was the only place I would be most helpful. I ran to the far side of the helicarrier until I saw sunlight. I should not have seen sunlight on the inner floors of the carrier, but there was a giant hole blown into it, courtesy of Hawkeye and his amazing bow and arrow skills. Cap was trying to get back up the side of the carrier to reach the red lever while Tony was about to get sucked into the engine. Cap wasn't able to get to the lever due to one of Loki's men shooting at him. I took one of the throwing knives out and sent it into the base of his neck. He stoped moving and sank to the floor with a loud smack. I then teleported over to the lever and tried to pull it, but I wasn't strong enough to move it. I frustratedly groaned and turned to Cap as he struggled to get back up.

"Grab my hand." I yelled to him and stuck my hand out to help pull him up the rest of the way.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked as he grabbed my outstretched hand. Once he was up, he was able to pull the lever. Tony flew in and collapsed a second later. His suit was scratched to all hell from being sucked into the engine. He sat up after catching his breath and took off his mask.

"What part of 'stand by the lever and wait for the signal' was difficult?" He asked Cap.

"The part where armed men shot him off the ship." I glared at him. Tony's head snapped to me.

"And you, where did you run off to, huh? You knew this was going to happen and you didn't say one god damn word to warn us." He angrily told me and stood up. I clenched my jaw and stood taller.

"That's none of your business." I said through clenched teeth.

"None of my business?" Tony yelled and walked up to me. "People are dead because you kept your mouth shut." I stared at him wide eyed, but I was still half convinced that this was a dream.

"No one died." I told him and stood my ground. Tony turned around and pointed at the guy I stabbed.

"He doesn't count, right? Or, don't tell me, you still think you're in dream land." I stared at him and swallowed. I didn't really have anything to say to that because I did.


"So, what did you think when you went to sleep last night and still woke up here?" Tony interrupted and questioned. I didn't answer, I just bit my lip. I haven't been to sleep since I'd got here. I'd been too afraid to. Tony's face morphed into one of shock and anger. "No," he shook his head, "Sammee, have you been to sleep since you've been here?" His voice was calmer when he spoke this time. "Please do not tell me that you've been awake for almost seventy two hours." He put his hands on his hips and waited for me to answer.

"I don't want to wake up yet." I said quietly and looked down. "I like it here." I heard Tony take a deep breath and a step towards me, but was stopped by Steve.

"Tony, lay off for now." He said and put a hand on his shoulder. Tony pried his eyes off of me and looked at him before giving in and turning to walk away. Someone must have said something into their ear pieces, because they both froze and stiffened.

"Agent Coulson is in a coma." Tony said angrily without turning around. "Thought you should know." I looked down at my feet as they both walked away from me. I smiled to myself knowing that Loki, either subconsciously or not, let him live because of my request. I looked back up and started walking in the direction of the command room to watch what would happen next.

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