Revenge to Mr. Casanovas hear...

By waanjaimjora

264K 17.2K 1.6K

Destined Series #1 Q Twelve things to do for your revenge on the Casanova. 1. Make him notice you 2. Do a th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's Notes
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author Note - Not Ending
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Epilogue Version 1
Author's Note
Epilogue Version 2

Chapter 4

4.2K 290 16
By waanjaimjora

Type POV

I was about to enter my room when my mom stopped me.

"Son, We can talk now." She smilingly said to me.

"Ahh, yes, mom. Come, let's talk inside my room." I answered her. I'm never nervous whenever we do this, maybe because we are always like this.

We sat on my bed, and I started telling her what had happened today. She was just listening to me carefully without uttering any words. When I was done, that is when she finally asked me something. She is always like this. She always listens to me first, like she wants to know everything on my part, then she will tell her side or her opinion.

"So, how did you reply?" She asked me

"Of course I declined, Mom!! I'm not that desperate to agree with that stupid rules. And looked at me, do you think I'll be able to seduce that Casanova?? NO!" I said to her

"Why Not!! Have you seen yourself?? Like, look. You are very much handsome, my child. Any man will be lucky to have you in their life." She said to me.

"Mom!! You don't need to flatter me, you know." I shyly said to her

"It's true-your very much gorgeous same as your brothers. Do you know how many women fantasize about being their girlfriend, but it seems that your brothers are so picky that they don't see anyone who is enough to be their partners. But seriously, son. Your pretty, your intelligent and most especially you are a good person. Always remember that. For that rules that you just said. I can't say what you should have to do about that. It's always up to you, but this is what I can advise you. Always remember, Don't make any decision when you are at the height of your emotions. Emotions clouds our judgments. Think about it first many times before deciding on anything. You have to be wise about anything. You know how much I trust you. I know you know what to do about everything. right??" She said to me

"Yes, mom. I will remember that. " I said to her.

"That's good to hear, son. Oh, It's already bedtime. you need to go to sleep already."

"Thanks, mom. I appreciate you listening to me."

"No problem, son, anytime. Anytime." She said to me, then left.


I was about to go to my bed when my phone suddenly rang.


Auntie Mai Calling. (Puifai Mother)

I answered it.

"Hello, Auntie."

"Type. Please help me. I don't know what to do anymore. Please come here." She sounded like she was crying, which got me so worried instantly.

"Auntie?? Why ?? What happened! Did something happen to Puifai?" I worriedly asked her.

"Yes!! Type. It's Puifai!! She attempted to kill herself. We are currently here at the hospital. They are now trying to suction all the pills she took. Please help me. I'm alone here. I didn't want to call her dad cause he was in Singapore for business. Please help me Type. I don't know whom I should call now. You're the only friend of my fai that I know. Please come here!! We're here at the hospital."

"Oh, God!! Yes, Auntie. I will be there. Please wait for me."

"Thank you, Type! I will wait for you. huhuhu"

Then I hung up. I immediately go to my brother Zee's room. I can't leave the house alone, especially at this hour. They will surely be angry at me. Even if I'm in a hurry now, I still can't ignore our house rules and my manners.


We are here at the hospital. I can see that Auntie Mai has been crying so bad into the emergency room entrance. I immediately approached her.

"Auntie, what happened. How's Fai!!" I worriedly asked her.

"I don't know Type. All I know is I was busy making dinner for the both of us. I want to make her favorite dish because she went home looking so upset about something. It's the first time that I saw her act like that. I was shocked when I saw how swollen her eyes were. She cried so much. I tried asking her, but she just said it was nothing. She was so happy for the past few days. She's always excited to go to school every single day. I was so beyond shock when get home this evening looking like a corpse. She just went to her room without saying anything. When I got there to ask her to join me for dinner, that's when I saw her in her bathroom. She was... Under the water in her tab, and then I saw her holding the empty bottle of her sleeping pill. She overdoses and drowns herself. WHY? What happened!! How can my baby do this? I don't understand. How can she do this." Auntie Mai was just crying her lungs out. I feel so pity for her while worried because I don't know the status yet of Puifai.

How can she do this? Why?

I can't help but cry too.

After 2 hours, the doctor went outside the emergency room. He looks so down. I'm so nervous right now.

Please be alive.

Please be alive.

Please Fai!!

Don't leave us.

These are the words that are running into my mind right now. I want puifai to be alive. She's so young. She still has so many things that she can do with her life. We have so many things we still want to do and achieve in life. FAI!! Please do leave us.

We got up from our respected chairs and approached the doctor. I am currently holding Auntie because she almost lost her balance earlier when she tried to stand up

"Doctor, How's my daughter. Please tell me she is still alive! Please!" Auntie Mai was almost pleading with the doctor.

"Yes, Ma'am, We have successfully been able to revive your daughter..." The doctor said

We instantly felt so relieved, but it didn't last long because of the next thing that the doctor said to us.

Those words crumble our worlds, especially Auntie Mai.

"But I'm sorry to tell you that because of the severe damage that the drug caused to her body and the drowning that she did. There is a certain amount of time that her brain was in lack of enough supply of oxygen, which resulted in severe damage to her brain. I'm sorry to tell you this, but we are afraid your daughter is now in a state of coma. We can't tell when she'll be able to wake up, or she'll ever be able ever to wake up." the doctor told us.

"NO, NO, NO, NO!!! That's not true!! not my baby!! Not my Puifai!! Please tell me that this was not happening. My baby is okay!! She is just okay!!" Auntie Mai is now crying so hard on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we did everything that we could. All we can do now is pray for her and wait." The doctor said and left.

We are all crying right now. No!! Please tell me that this is not true!! This is not happening!!

Why Puifai!! Why did you do this? I can't understand. You're the strong one between the two of us. You are always the strong one! Why? How can you do this!!

Please tell me this is just a dream!! Please, someone, wake me up.

We are so devastated now!! My brother is just hugging me. He is just letting me cry in his arms.


I'm currently here at Puifai house. I volunteered to gather all the things that Auntie Mai will be needing cause she is now staying at the hospital to accompany Puifai. It's been hours since she's been there, and she hasn't been able to wake up.

I still remember how she looks like lying there in her hospital bed, so helpless. There are so many apparatus connected to her body to help her breathe cause now she can't breathe independently. There is also some machine that is beeping consecutively, monitoring her vital signs. It breaks my heart seeing my bestfriend lying in there so helpless.

The more hurtful thing about it was. I really can't do anything for her. I feel so useless as her friend.

I am now finished gathering all Auntie Mai things when I passed by Puifai's room. We have so many beautiful and happy memories in this room. These rooms witness so many things that Puifai and I did together. Our first fight. Our first sorry to each other. Our first thank you. So many memories that make me want to cry right now.

I can't believe this is happening. As I was roaming into her room, I saw a folded paper lying on her bed. I saw that it was addressed to me, so I decided to read it.

Hi Type,

If you are reading this letter, I think I already did the thing that most of you will be angry with me for doing, but I can't take this pain anymore, friend. I can't bear to continue to wake up tomorrow and see that all of this is true. I love him! Type! He is the only person that I finally love like this. You know how much I value my heart, right? my virginity. I thought he was the one. I thought he loved me too. But I guess I was just like those other girls that he used. Yes! We didn't do it, but the way he touched and kissed me for me, it's the same. It's like he took everything from me, Type. I feel so used and like garbage that he just used and threw away. He is my first love, Type. You know how I dreamed of having a relationship just like my mom and dad. I thought he was the one. He played me. He used me. I can't continue feeling this way. You know how much I value my virtue and my family's reputation if someone comes to know about it I'm sure they will talk to me and indeed my parents will be upset with me. I can't stain all those because of my stupidity!

I'm sorry for doing this. I'm so sorry, but I really can't continue anymore. Thank you for everything, Type. Thank you for being my bestfriend for 18 years. You're my twin. I love you like my real brother. We are born at the same time, and I thought we would die at the same time, but I guess I was wrong. I'm so sorry for leaving you like this. Promise me you'll forgive me for doing this. You know how much I value your love and trust.

For me, Please take care of my parents. You know how much they love you. I know you'll be able to love them as much as I do.

Again, I'm so sorry for doing this. I love you, Type. I will always love you, my twin.

Your bestfriend,



I was crying so hard when I read Puifai's letter!!


If only you didn't enter Puifai's life, she wouldn't have done this! She wouldn't have tried to kill herself!!

This is your fault!!!

And because of this!!!




What I did next was I got the calling card that I hid earlier in my bag. I called the number that was in it.


"Hello? Who is this? Why are you calling at this hour? It's 3 AM FOR GOD SAKE!!" Someone answers on the other line

"Let do it, Mild!!" I said to him firmly

"Let do what??" He sounded confused




Guy, I can't update tomorrow for the next chapter cause I have to attend work. I will be so busy. I will be back soon when I come back from my event.

This is the start, so be ready, guys. So many things will happen in the following chapters.

Comment and Vote are so welcome.


Waanjai MJORA


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