A trip to Florida (Gaege x Re...

By MiniJuicy

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Gaege x Reader Fanfic you take a trip to Florida and end up meeting Gaege Gibson, one of your favorite youtu... More

Chapter 1: the surprise trip
Chapter 2: The flight
Chapter 3: The arrival
Chapter 4: Shopping (The meet up)
Chapter 5: The Slip of paper
Chapter 6: The invite
Chapter 7: The song
Chapter 8: Cuddles
Chapter 9: Breakfast in bed
Chapter 10: The amusement park
Chapter 11: The Plan
✨Quick Note✨
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Sleeping over
Chapter 14: VR shenanigans
Chapter 15: The Question
Chapter 16: The decision
Chapter 18: The nightmare
Chapter 19: Grants arrival
Chapter 20: The tease
Chapter 21: The Boys catch up
Chapter 22: The boys get their spice
Chapter 23: The boys turn baby
Chapter 24: The planning
Chapter 25: The proposal
Chapter 26: The wedding
Chapter 27: A new journey

Chapter 17: Josh's arrival

3.2K 61 18
By MiniJuicy

After walking around at the park for a few hours you both decide that you're hungry.
"Im a bit hungry." he says to you.
"same" You look at him sincerely. "A nice, big, juicy burber sounds great right now." you suggest.
"Yhea it does-" He agrees.
"Where can we get a nice juicy burber around here?" You ask.
"I have a place in mind." he tells you.

You guys walk back to the house, holding hands. he runs inside and grabs his phone and car keys, he runs back out and locks the door then rushes to your side of the car to open the door for you. He is such a fucking gentleman! You think to yourself as you climb into the car, you get settled and buckle up, he closes your door. You watch him walk to the driver side of the car and get in. He starts the car and grabs your hand with his free hand, he backs out and drives to the restaurant, when he pulls in, you notice that the place is empty.
"Oh shoot! they're closed today-..." Gaege says, embarrassed. "Its ok, I can make a pretty good burber" He continues.
"ok!" you say excitedly.

*Half an hour later and in Gaeges POV*
I pull into the driveway and notice a car parked alongside the curb, Y/N is asleep in the passenger seat, I decide not to wake her and go to investigate the car. I walk up to the window and peer in, I see a familiar looking beanie, the beanie is pink with the supreme logo on the front. Josh..? I think to myself. I will just go in and check, just to be on the safe side, I don't want to put Y/N in danger, I think to myself. I go around the back and notice that the door is unlocked, Only the boys know about the key that I hid in the fake rock, so it must be either Josh or Eddie, since they both own the same beanie there really is no way to tell until i actually see the person. I go back around to the front and go to the car, I open the passenger door and shake her gently to wake her up.
"Wake up sweetie" I whisper in her ear. I see her squirm a bit, but she stays sound asleep. I want her to be awake so I can surprise her with whoever the fuck is in my house, I think to myself. I shake her a bit harder this time and she begins to wake up.

*Normal POV*
you wake up to Gaege shaking you, you sit up and look around, you guys are back at his place. you notice a strange car parked on the curbside, but you don't think much of it, you take his hand and he helps you in to the house, once inside you hear someone rummaging around upstairs, you nudge Gaege to get his attention but he doesn't seem to notice the noise, or maybe he just doesn't care, so you decide to go and check it out yourself, you find it strange that he doesn't bother coming with you, he just sits on the couch and picks up his guitar again. You slowly begin to walk up the stairs a bit scared. You hear someone shuffle around to find a hiding spot, you reach for your smiley in your pocket and you wrap the chain around your hand twice to keep it secure, you get upstairs and someone grabs you from behind and covers your mouth, you try to scream but its muffled, a voice shushes you and it sounds familiar. Josh..? No way... You think to yourself. You push the person back and turn around to look at them.
"shshsh" He shushes you "Not too loud" he warns.
You hear Gaege yelling out your name but Josh shakes his head, signaling to keep quiet. Eventually you hear Gaege running up the stairs.
"Y/N?!" Gaege yells. you accidentally bump your arm into the door.
"Y/N!" Josh whispers.
"Well your the idiot who decided to hide in the closet!" You whisper back at him. Gaege opens the closet door and falls on to the ground dying of laughter.

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