Metal Gear Solid Male Reader:...

KadenR24 által

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This story takes place in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid V, and "Metal Gear". You are a sold... Több

Story details
Chapter 1: Peace Walker
Chapter 2: Ground Zeroes
Chapter 3: Awakening
Chapter 4: Phantom Limbs
Chapter 5: Diamond Dogs
Chapter 6: A Hero's Way
Chapter 7: C2W
Chapter 8: DD
Chapter 9: Over The Fence
Chapter 10: Visiting DD
Chapter 11: Where Do The Bees Sleep?
Chapter 12: Red Brass
Chapter 13: Occupation Forces
Chapter 14: Backup, Back Down
Chapter 15: Angels With Broken Wings
Chapter 16: DD grown up
Chapter 17: Cloaked In Silence
Chapter 18: Hellbound
Chapter 19: Listening to the tape
Chapter 20: Pitch Dark
Chapter 21: Lingua Franca
Chapter 22: Footprints of Phantoms
Chapter 23: Traitors Caravan
Chapter 24: Visiting Quiet
Chapter 25: You want to head out with the Boss?
Chapter 26: Rescue the Intel Agents
Chapter 27: Blood Runs Deep
Chapter 28: On The Trail
Chapter 29: Battle Gear
Chapter 30: Another visit with Quiet
Chapter 31: Voices
Chapter 32: Analysis of the Voices in the Factory
Chapter 33: Battle Gear development
Chapter 34: The War Economy
Chapter 35: Retake The Platform
Chapter 36: Bringing Quiet
Chapter 37: The White Mamba
Chapter 38: Quiet tapes
Chapter 39: Close Contact
Chapter 40: Aim True, Ye Vengeful
Chapter 41: Quiet attacks
Chapter 42: After Quiet's attack
Chapter 43: Epidemic
Chapter 44: Hunting Down
Chapter 45: Root Cause
Chapter 46: Code Talker
Chapter 47: Metallic Archaea
Chapter 48: Skull Face
Chapter 49: Sahelanthropus
Chapter 50: To Know Too Much
Chapter 51: Remains of the Man On Fire
Chapter 52: Cursed Legacy
Chapter 53: Extraordinary
Chapter 54: Informants
Chapter 55: Proxy War Without End
Chapter 56: Skull Face's origin
Chapter 57: Ocelot Vs Eli
Chapter 58: Ralph
Chapter 59: Saving the children
Chapter 60: Eli's Interrogation
Chapter 61: Eli's DNA Test
Chapter 62: Ocelot training
Chapter 63: Battle Gear finished
Chapter 64: Extracting the AI Pod
Chapter 65: The body in the pod
Chapter 66: How Eli escaped
Chapter 67: Shining Lights, Even in Death
Chapter 68: Reasons for Wolbachia Mutation
Chapter 69: Exiling Huey
Chapter 70: Quiet interrogation
Chapter 71: Quiet's gone
Chapter 72: A Quiet Exit
Chapter 73: Familer face...
Chapter 74: Scar opened
Chapter 75: All in my head...
Chapter 76: Truth - The Man Who Sold The World
Chapter 77: The Truth Tapes
Chapter 78: Kingdom Of The Flies
Chapter 79: Whoever I am
Chapter 80: FOBs
Chapter 81: InfIltrating FOB
Chapter 82: FOB attacked
Chapter 83: Defending FOB
Chapter 84: Nuke
Chapter 85: Getting Quiet back
Chapter 86: Saving Quiet
Chapter 87: Speaking
Chapter 88: Ocelot vs FOB
Chapter 89: Quiet vs FOB
Chapter 90: Telling Quiet the truth
Chapter 91: Y/N & Quiet vs FOB
Chapter 92: Raining
Chapter 93: A Familer Yet Different Face
Chapter 94: Chico
Chapter 95: Y/N & Ocelot vs FOB
Chapter 96: Ocelot & Quiet vs FOB
Chapter 97: Chico In Action
Chapter 98: Y/N & Chico vs FOB
Chapter 99: Chico vs FOB
Chapter 100: Nukes decreasing
Chapter 101: Sending soldiers at FOBs
Chapter 102: Taking The Last Nuke
Chapter 103: War For Peace
Chapter 104: Nuclear Disarmament
Chapter 105: Long Awaited Return
Epilogue: Operation Intrude N313

Prologue: How Y/N met Big Boss

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KadenR24 által


My name is Y/N. I am a combat medic trained to fight and heal. My home was destroyed when I was a little kid by some very bad people. After that day. I wanted to fight and kill the people who murdered my family and friends, and help allies. But then the Soviets got me and forced me to fight and kill whatever they made me kill, even women, kids, and animals. I hated my life, even though I was the best soldier there. I couldn't just escape. The Soviets would just chase me down until they catch me. I heard stories about Militaires Sans Frontieres(Soldiers Without Borders). It was a private military that people abandoned their countries to serve all nations. And that Snake, also known as Big Boss owned it. One night, I was alone in my quarters. But something was wrong. There are supposed to be patrols, but it was quiet.

Y/N: I should probably see if something is wrong.

I got my knife and my assault rifle and went outside, no one was in sight. I sneaked to the main area of our outpost, everyone was out cold, which meant someone was here. As I was about to pull out my assault rifle, I heard a gun cocking behind me.

???: Freeze!

I put my hands up.

???: Good. Don't move. You don't have to end up like your friends over there.

Y/N: They aren't my friends.

???: Hmm? You're other soldier just forced to fight huh?

I was getting tired of this. I quickly turn around and disarm the person, he puts his hands up with no fear on his face. I couldn't believe who it was. It was Snake! Big Boss! The hero who killed his own mentor to get the title Big Boss!

Snake: Quick thinker.

Snake then disarmed me and then hip threw me to the ground. He aims his gun at me.

Snake: What exactly are you?

Y/N: I'm a combat medic.

Snake: Combat medic?

I quickly kick up off the ground. Snake continued to aim the gun at me. I get out my knife and attack him, Snake dodges and grabs my wrist, trying to disarm me, I back flip and sweep his legs from under him, making him fall on the floor. Snake quickly got up and looked at me, he was giving me an impressed look. He drops his gun.

Snake: You're pretty good.

Snake then got into a fighting stance.

Snake: Let's see how good you are.

I drop my weapons and get in a fighting stance. I go to punch Snake, but he grabs my punch and throws me on the ground, I quickly get up and go for a kick, Snake blocks and once again takes me to the ground, he goes for a punch, but I quickly roll out of the way and get back up, making him punch the ground.


Snake was using CQC, Close Quarters Combat. I studied some moves of it, maybe I should give it a shot.

Snake goes for a punch, but I grab it and throw him on the ground. He gets up and tries to grab me, but I counter, I knee him in the chest and take him to the ground, he then gets me in a headlock, but I kick him in the face , making him let go. We both get up.

Snake: You know CQC. I'm impressed.

Snake then tries to hit me with multiple strikes, but I block and counter all of them, I start to hit him with my moves. I finish it with and spin kick to the head. I then pick up Snake and throw him, slamming him on the ground. I wait for him to get up, but he doesn't.

Y/N's Thoughts: Did I get him?

I then slowly walk towards him, then he immediately grabs his gun and shoots me in the neck. It was a tranquilizer gun. I felt my vision fading as I fell to the ground.

Snake's POV

I watch the soldier fall to the ground, I get up and walk towards him. He is a very well trained soldier. I look in my uniform to look for some fultons.

Snake: Damn. I'm out.

I then pick the soldier up fireman's style and get my Idroid out.

Snake: Kaz, send in the chopper. I got someone that I want to take back to base.

Kaz's voice comes from my Idroid.

Kaz: A new recruit Boss?

Snake: Maybe, when I get back, take him to the brig. I want to see if he will join us.

Kaz: You got it Boss.

After a minute wait, a chopper arrives, I put the soldier in the chopper and get on. Then we fly away from the outpost and and towards MSF.

Short timeskip


My vision slowly came back, I was tied to a chair. It looks like I'm in a interrogation room. Someone enters the room.

???: Hello.

He walks over and sits down in a chair in front of me.

???: My name is Kaz. Kazuhira Miller.

Y/N: Okay, Kaz.

Kaz: Snake sent you here by chopper. We want to learn about you. What's your name?

Y/N: The name is Y/N.

Kaz: Okay Y/N, when were you born?

Y/N: I was born in California in (Birth month, Birth day) 1932.

Kaz: So you aren't a Russian. Snake was right. Why were you with the Soviets?

Y/N: I wasn't WITH them. They forced me to do their dirty work.

Kaz: And Snake told me you are a Combat medic. Where were you trained? What is your origin?

Y/N: I had a nice home in California, but then some bad people destroyed it and killed my family and friends. I wanted revenge, and hopefully stop something like that from ever happening again. I trained myself to be a combat medic.

Kaz: You trained yourself?

Y/N: I studied. Even your own boss's CQC

Kaz: Snake told me that as well. I think that's enough interrogating. I think you will make a good soldier for the MSF.

Kaz looked at the door.

Kaz: Boss!

Snake then comes in the room.

Kaz: We learned everything we need from him. The rest is up to you.

Kaz then walks out, leaving only me and Snake. Snake walks over to me.

Snake: I was listening the whole time. But there is one more thing I want to know. You are a very good soldier. How come the Soviets were able to get you?

Y/N: I surrendered. There were too many.

Snake: What did they make you do?

Y/N: They made me do terrible things. Killed so many innocent people. I can't go back to America. They probably know the things I've done and want to take me in and maybe even kill me. I'm probably already heading to the darkest pit of hell anyway. There is only two places I can go after my life ends. Heaven or Hell.

Snake felt bad.

Snake: No, there's another.

Snake then cuts me free from the chair.

Snake: I know you probably miss your country, but don't be loyal to your country, be loyal to yourself.

Snake then holds out his hand.

Snake: Join me. Redeem yourself. Become a soldier without a border.

I thought about it and then I made my decision. I then grab and shake Snakes hand.

Y/N: Okay... Boss.

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