Mrs Mikaelson

By ACourtOfStories

3.6M 62.2K 25K

Throughout the last thousand years of being a vampire, everyone always thought that Niklaus Mikaelson was mer... More

Damon Forgets That His Enemies Always Have A Backup Plan
Plan B - Stands For Breaking A Thousand-Year-Old Curse
You Gotta Love Mother Nature
Isa Gets A New Pet
Hunting Werewolves Is Rather Fun
Scratch That - Torturing Werewolves Is Even More Fun Than Hunting Them
Isa Makes Her Pet Play Fetch
A Hybrid Walks Into A Bar, Says To The Bartender...
Stefan Makes Liam Grant Drink His Wife
Rebekah Has A Dramatic Exit And Entrance
Lying To A Woman Is Already Stupid, But Lying To A Supernatural Woman...
Prank Night Party Crashers
Tick Tock Goes The Gym Clock
Oh Dear...Daddy's Dead
Old Men Fight Over A Coffin
Elijah Wakes Up To Get Beaten Up
Dinner And A Show - A Story, Actually - And Some Party Crashers
Give Me Love
Kol's Sister Is A Strumpet And His Brother Tries To Kill Him
The Ice Demon's Signature Party Trick
The Death Of A Boar/ A Boring Death
Desiccation for Dummies: A Step-by-Step Guide to Ruining Immortal Lives
Daffodil Drama
Nik Jumps And Dumps Bodies
Hunters, Hybrids and Hijinks
The Cure Quest - Because Vampires Are Clearly Into DIY Medical Solutions
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
The King and Queen of New Orleans
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Norway, 977 A.D
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Stefan Is Once Again On His Way To Murder Elena

39.4K 947 458
By ACourtOfStories

Isa had gone out shopping for a few things for their new house when Klaus called her about Stefan's visit, and she was home in an instant, but not before calling a little someone else to meet them there. "Darling, what happened?" she asked as she set her bags down and rushed to her husband who was drinking wine from the bottle now, stained glass abandoned.

"Not only does Stefan Salvatore steal my family, no! He now wants my hybrids to leave town."

She rested her hands on the napes of his neck, playing with the parts of his necklaces that were visible. "That's why I called him," she said spinning to reveal Tyler Lockwood who had just arrived.

"Why did you call?" he asked.

Isa smiled sarcastically. "Stefan issued an ultimatum, and I don't like being pressured. So you're going to help us send a little message," she said as she slowly approached Tyler, hands on the sides of his face as she leaned in, noses almost touching as she looked into his eyes. "I'm going to need you to bite Caroline," she compelled.

"What?!" Tyler asked in shock as he tried to move away from Isa but her grip was steel as she compelled him again.

"You are going to bite Caroline. And you are going to forget that we asked you to do this. As far as you know, you were never here today and I never called you. Do you understand me?" she asked and she received a silent nod. "Very good. You may go," she said releasing him.

Klaus who'd been watching all of this unfold with an absolutely delighted smirk on his face rushed up behind his wife and lifted her off the ground, Isa letting out a little yelp before he set her down and spun her to face him. "You are the most perfect," he placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Beautiful." Her other cheek. "Wickedly diabolical." Her forehead. "Woman I have ever met. And you don't know how thankful I am that you are mine," he said before finally planting his lips on hers.

"Nice to know you appreciate me," she laughed as they pulled away, her arms around his neck.

Klaus lifted her up, legs wrapping around him as he said with a suggestive smirk, "How about I show you just how much?"


Klaus stood with his arm wrapped around Isa who was in a wine-coloured cocktail dress as she held a glass of champagne and they conversed with Mayor Lockwood.

"What colour are your eyes?" Klaus asked in intrigue as he stared into them.

"Oh, love, is that the shade of blue you've been looking for, for your latest piece?" she asked as Carol answered, with a bashful smile, 

"They're blue."

Before Klaus could go on, the voice of Damon Salvatore interrupted, and Isa was forced to smile. "Look at what the cat dragged in," he said as he approached, looking from Klaus to Isa. "Now that is a dress," he said as his eyes trailed her up and down and Klaus's arm tightened around her.

"Sorry, mate, but she's taken, and you won't find another one like her. She's one of a kind," he said turning to his wife who turned to him and smiled, placing the quickest of kisses to his lips.

"Why, you two are so cute together, if you don't mind my saying," Carol said and Klaus smiled.

"Not at all. I thank you for the compliment," Klaus smiled before turning to Damon and his smile was just a little forced. "Carol, Isa and I were just discussing if you were tonight's other big benefactor?"

"What do you say, Damon?" Carol asked. "The Mikaelson's have made a very generous pledge. You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation."

"Carol," Damon started. "And don't take this the wrong way, but do you realise that you've been kissing the asses of a crazy Original vampire and immortal hybrid that ruined your son's life?"

Klaus's face darkened. "Watch how you talk about my wife," he warned lowly.

"And some might say that Nik even saved Tyler's life. The nasty pain that comes with turning every full moon," Isa said before sipping from her glass.

"And how would you know?" Damon asked incredulously

"That is none of your business. But I'd be more than happy to show you how much pain we've experienced," she said and would've taken a threatening step towards Damon if Klaus hadn't held her back, pressing a kiss to her cheek before moving his arm across her shoulders.

"Klaus and Isa have promised to protect Tyler, Damon. And our town," Carol explained.

"From who?" he asked. "His hybrids are the ones this town needs protection from," Damon pressed, eyes darkening.

"Well, I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family," Klaus countered.

"Not going to happen."

Isa's smile was cunning. "We expected as much which is why we've come to a little agreement with the mayor. You and the Council stay out of our hair and we stay out of yours," she explained.

"Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone, and everybody will be happy," Klaus finished. His eyes filled with anger as he moved forward towards Damon and said, "All you have to do is get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends."

"Please, Damon. Just get your brother under control or the Council will be forced to take action against him," Carol spoke.

"You've got to be kidding me," Damon said, annoyed.

"Oh, come on mate," Klaus smiled. "Give peace a chance." The hybrid then turned to his wife as he offered her his hand. "Do me the honour?" he asked and she gave him a giddy smile.

"My pleasure," she answered, and with that, they left the fuming older Salvatore as Klaus led his wife onto the dance floor.


"You better have a good reason for interrupting a dance with my lovely wife," Klaus said annoyed as he and Isa were led into a room by Damon, who closed the door.

"Stefan just grabbed Elena," he informed them.

"Well, he's getting desperate," Isa laughed.

"He's going to try and use her against you. Do what he says. Get rid of your hybrids," Damon implored.

Klaus looked unaffected by the news, which he was as his arm settled around Isa's shoulders. "See, I wanted hybrids for the sole reason of protecting my family from Mikael. And now that he's nothing more than ash, I have no need for more, and therefore no need for Elena."

"He also would never dream of killing her," Isa said.

"He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Council party. He's operating on crazy right now," Damon said.

"Firstly, that kind of love never dies, I should know," Klaus said and Isa turned to him with pure adoration in her eyes.

"Aww, darling," she cooed before kissing his soft pink lips quickly, leaving him with a big smile.

"And second, we don't need Elena. I mean, how many more ways can we say it," Klaus laughed.

"Please. I need you to get rid of the hybrids. I can't lose Elena. Please," Damon begged.

"You won't lose her. I've read Stefan. He will never be able to kill her. But he can turn her into a vampire," Isa said.

Damon's eyes widened. "She won't make it through her transition. She's seen me, and Stefan. She doesn't want the bloodlust. Being a vampire amplifies who you are. It'll only amplify her guilt, she'll never survive. So, please. As a man who loves a woman, I am asking you, I am begging you to please, help me save her life," Damon begged.

Isa glanced at Klaus, moved but still unsure. "Touching, really, and I'm almost tempted to help, but what do I get in return? Because you get Elena, Stefan gets a hybrid-free town and what do I get?" Klaus asked.

"I'll take you to your family," he said, and their faces darkened, Isa's specifically.

"You know where they are?" she snarled.

"Yes. And I won't take you to them unless you save Elena first. Please. You have my word."

Klaus looked to Isa who just reached into Klaus's jacket pocket and pulled out a flask, taking a long swig from it. "Do it," she said, and her husband nodded, Damon's body sagging with relief as Isa turned on him. "If I do not get all of those coffins back, I will show you kinds of pain you can't even imagine. And I am still going to kill your brother," she warned, and Damon gave her a nod.

"He dug his own grave," he agreed even though he was already cooking up a plan that would save his brother who really didn't want to be saved.

Isa finished her flask.


Isa knocked on the door to the Forbes' household. The call had long since taken place with Stefan over Elena, Klaus having agreed to save her. Now Isa was going to save Caroline. And it most certainly wasn't out of the kindness of her heart. It was just another strategic move on the chess board if they wanted to keep the Sheriff in their back pocket. She couldn't let them figure it out, however.

Matt answered, opening the door, Sheriff Forbes in the entryway behind him. "What are you doing here?" Matt asked bitterly.

"I heard what Tyler did. I came to save Caroline," she answered.

"You did this to Caroline in the first place! Tyler never would've done it if he hadn't been compelled," Matt pressed, his tone very superior and arrogant.

She spat at him through gritted teeth. "Stefan is holding my entire family hostage! I just want them back. But I'm not here to talk to you," she said and her eyes landed on Sheriff Forbes. "I am sorry about Caroline, I am. But I need my family back," she explained and the Sheriff, as much as she hated to admit it, she felt for the girl. She understood her motives. She didn't agree with her methods, but she understood why she was doing what she was doing.

"You can come in."

Isa gave her a small smile, ignoring Matt and walking straight past him towards the Sheriff. "You needn't have done that, but I thank you for your trust," she said kindly as she reached into her purse and pulled out a glass vial full of red liquid. "My husband's blood. Caroline downs that and with a night of rest, she'll be good as new in the morning," Isa explained as she handed it over.

The Sheriff smiled as she took it. "Thank you."

Isa gave her a shy smile in return. "I heard Caroline wasn't really feeling her birthday. I understand why," Isa admitted staring at the floor for a second. "But, as someone who's been in a similar position, there is a whole world waiting for her. A world of genuine beauty and the most exquisite people. A world that makes this life truly worth living. So, give her that choice. It's what she needs," Isa informed and the Sheriff nodded grimly. "Tell Caroline I said happy birthday," she asked, and the Sheriff nodded before Isa bid her goodnight and left, now one step closer in preparing this town for the reunion of her family.

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