F O R B I D D E N L O V E...

Από amberkanee

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"Daisy," he whispers into my ear, every student still staring at us, "do you forgive me?" His eyes are soft a... Περισσότερα

author's note


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Από amberkanee

pov of daisy diggory
I woke up my eyes still swollen from crying the night before. Looking back on my conversation with Draco last night, I'm embarrassed. Do I regret it though?


There is one part I do regret, pushing him out. But as a whole, I meant what I said.

I quickly realized Cedric isn't in his bed. Weird, he's typically the one to wake me. His wand was also missing from the bedside. Where could he have gone? Surely it's only 7:00...

Shit. It's 9:00!!

In the fastest manor ever, I scurry around the room throwing on my uniform, brushing my teeth, and throwing my hair into a messy bun. I grab my wand and phone from my bedside and run as fast as I can to potions.

Completely winded, I open the classroom door to potions and- no ones here? Before I have a second to think, I hear loud footsteps behind me, all in unison. I jump behind the door and crack it the slightest bit to watch in terror.

Moments later, tall, strong young men are hastily coming down the hallways. What the fuck? Not far behind them, ladies dressed in all blue come walking down as well, they're heading straight to the dining hall.

Oh what the fuck Dais, go follow them!

I leave my safe position and start creeping behind them. I keep my distance, hoping they won't notice. Once I enter the dining hall the whole school is sitting at their tables. Now everything's starting to come together.

I crouch over to the Hufflepuff table and slide in the seat next to Cedric, but he doesn't pay one bit of attention to me. He's too busy starring at the girls.

I slap his chest, "What the fuck is going on, and why didn't you wake me up!" I whisper shout. He just chuckles, not breaking his gaze from the girls.

"You looked too peaceful, besides, Dumbledore is making us skip our first two periods for an important announcement, I'll fill you in later," he laughs, finally looking over at me, but not for long.

The crazy looking strong, muscle men and the angelic ladies sit down at the front of our tables.

"Off to class students! Our competitors will be announced coming Friday evening!" Dumbledore shouts as growing chatter fills the room.

Cedric jolts up and heads straight to his friends, me not very far behind him. "Ced please explain to me what's going on!" I whine. He pauses and grabs my shoulders while students walk around us to get to their next classes.

Cedric gestures to space around him, "I think we should head back to the dorm before I tell you anything." I guess he's right. I roll my eyes as he drags me out of the dining hall.

The whole walk back to the Hufflepuff tower, all we hear is Are you entering? Do you know if you're entering? Those girls were gorgeous...

We finally reach the common room, and I have to push Cedric along due to his slow struts. "Could you walk any slower?" I imply. He then proceeds to walk as slow as a snail. "Ugh I hate you," I laugh, shoving him and causing him to trip forward.

We finally reach the dorm and I unlock the door. Once inside, I start gathering my items for my next few classes.

"So," Cedric starts, "every few years, I'm not sure I wasn't really paying attention, there's a competition held called the Triwizard Tournament."

"Cedric I'm not a baby, I know what the Triwizard Tournament is," I scoff. "Please don't tell me you're entering!"

"Of course I'm entering Dais! It can't be that bad," he says, sternly. He doesn't understand what could possibly happen to him.

"Cedric, people have died from these tasks!" I yell. "I don't have any friends and I cant-," I pause to collect my thoughts. "I can't loose you."

Cedric walks over to where I'm crouched by my nightstand, gathering my texts. "I'll think about it, okay?" he says as he cups my face with his hand. He rubs his hand on my cheek. I take my free hand and softly pat his wrist.




Once I reach Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I remember Draco's in this class as well.




I sit down next to Hermione with Harry and Neville behind us. Ron wasn't in this class. And to my surprise, Draco sits down in the open seat directly across from me. I try my hardest not to look at him, but everyone once in a while I give in.

Each time I looked at him, he was already starring.

I tried to continue my work, but it was hard when I could feel his ocean blue eyes watching my every move. Mad-eye Moody started down the classroom, and for some reason just left. Now that the professor had left the classroom, quiet chatter rings through the room.

Hermione and I continue to try and focus on our work when something hits me- softly- in the side of my face. Whatever it was floated to the ground by my feet. I lean over and find a small peace of paper folded to look like a crane. I slowly unfold the paper for it to reveal a little note from the one and only Draco Malfoy...

My Dearest Dayday,

If you couldn't already tell, I've been trying to make things better between us.

You see Dayday, I like you, and I have ever since you slapped me in the face on that Spring evening after I caused you to fail your Herbology project.

I know you hate me.

But that's not going to stop me from loving you.

Don't be surprised if I continue to come knocking on your door.

You're just too beautiful to leave be.

And I hope you liked the basket.

Yours truly,

Draco Lucius Malfoy x


I couldn't believe what I just read.

After all these years he expects me to fess up and just suddenly love him.

I just hate how no one understands what love is.

Not even me.

I took the piece of paper, starred him straight in the eyes, and crumbled it. After it was in the tightest ball possible, I threw it right at his face.

I had completely forgotten about the basket, though I'm assuming it's something cheesy. I glared over to Draco again, and his stare had broken. Finally.

Mad-eye moody soon came barging through the classroom doors looking suspicious as fuck. "Class dismissed. Harry, may I have a word," he announces. Harry nervously walked over to the front of the class while the rest of us gathered our supplies to leave the classroom.

"There's definitely something up between you and Malfoy," she says, slowly as if she's hesitant to ask.

"What makes you think that?" I ask, trying to sound innocent.

"Oh maybe it's just the fact that he gave you a paper crane with a letter, and as you read it you smiled like you were madly in love?" she jokes. I smiled? Shit.

"Yeah, then I crumbled it and threw it at him," I argue. "It was just him asking for um... more answers."

"Sure he was, I'll catch you later," she says walking backwards towards the Gryffindor tower. She continues to look at me and wave but then bumps into one of the men from the other school. She starts to fumble backwards until he catches her by her shoulders. This leaves them to stare straight at each other.

"H-hi I'm-," she stutters but he cuts her off.

"Hermione, I've heard. I'm Victor, Victor Krum," he says hoisting her to her feet, their gaze not breaking.

"Nice meeting you, V-Victor," Hermione says, then starts down the hallway to her common room. Oh boy, she's in love.




The rest of my day goes smoothly with the occasional shoving of some random Slytherin. Once I'm back headed to my dorm, Cedric's already there.

With Cho.

"Hi darling!" Cho exclaims with her high pitched voice. She comes and wraps me in a big bear hug.

Cedric glares at me, looking like he's about to chop my head off. "I'm assuming you didn't see my calls?" he huffs. I pull out my phone to see 11 missed calls from 'ass hole brother'

"Ced you know I pay no attention to my phone," I argue. He just grunts. "What was so important?"

"I'll explain later," he mouths while Cho's looking away from him.

Cho walks over to look at her phone. "Oh my goodness I have to get going! I was supposed to meet the girls almost an hour ago!" she shouts gathering her things around the room. Thank goodness she was leaving.

"I'll walk with you!" Cedric shouts as she starts out the door. Then he slams the door. Yeesh, they were finally gone.

I wait a few moments to make sure they're decently far from the dorm, then walk over to my bed.

I lift the sham on the side and pull out the basket.

Even the basket looked expensive.

It was a dark brown wood, without any excess wood splintering around the edges. There were two flaps that covered the inside of the basket.

I opened the flaps, and right on top sat a bright white envelope with a dark green, slytherin wax seal. I rip open the envelope and read...


I need to apologize for the other night. Everything that happened was my fault.

I'm also sorry for hurting you today. It's just I can't have people thinking I like... you.

I'm furious with my behavior in the past, and I'm trying to fix that.

But my family expects so much from me, especially right now.

I've always been mean because that's how I was raised.

It's in my blood.

But I'm trying to change. I'm trying to change for YOU.

So as a start, I got you something. Hopefully I guessed your favorite flower right. I try to pay attention to the little things.

Like when you're angry your mutter your words.

Or when you're sad, you stay silent.

It was also easy to figure out your favorite flower, for fucks sake, it's literally your name.

Best wishes,

Draco Lucius Malfoy x

I starred in shock of what the hell I just read. He really did love me. All this time...

I switch my focus back to the basket of which had a thin layer of soft packaging cotton. I started removing it when a shining gold container emerges from the fluff.

I reach in and take it out. Slowly, I remove the top to reveal a beautiful golden chain with a small daisy pendant hanging from the end.

It was beautiful.

I head over to the mirror above my dresser and put it on. The charm falls perfectly on my neck. It was stunning. Who knew how much a simple necklace could do...

"What are you doing?" I jump in horror of the unexpected voice behind me, then turn to see it's just Cedric.

"How long have you been standing there?!" I shriek.

"Not long, only a few seconds," he laughs. His eyes fall directly to my necklace. "Holy fuck Daisy, what is that?!" he shouts, walking towards me to get a closer look.

"It's... a necklace?" I say, trying to cover up the fact it was a gift.

"Dais that's not just any necklace, that's pure gold," he says, his eyes widening.

PURE GOLD?! Oh my god. I had to talk to Malfoy...

"Cedric I have to go," I spit, pulling out a blue high-waisted skirt and white button up blouse with small flower designs across it.

I quickly change while Cedric sits on his bed, confusion painted on his face. "I have no idea what's going on," he adds.

"Good," I say, giving him a soft smile while I grab the letter, the basket, and my wand.

"Daisy May Diggory what are you hi-," then I slammed the door in his face.

"Sorry," I whimper into the key hole, but I know there's no way he heard that.

I strut down the hallways with haste. It was only around 8:00, so many people were still awake and roaming.

I gained a few stares as people noticed how nicely dressed I was, walking straight towards the Slytherin commons.

When I reached the entrance to the common room I realized there's no way I could get it, not without a password.

I had two options. 1: Wait for god knows how long for someone to come and I sneak in behind them or 2: Call Blaise.

Damn it.

I pull my phone out of the basket where I had placed it in the scurry to leave my dorm.

3 missed calls from Blaise.

I take a deep breath and swipe to dial back.

"What the hell do you want," He grunts. He obviously wasn't happy.

"Um," I bite my lip, "is D-Draco there?" I finally ask.


Faintly from the other end of the phone I hear him say, "Aye Malfoy, she's asking for you?"

He lets out a laugh, "What the fuck, I wonder why," he snarls. Sure you do...

"What do you want," he grunts, faking being annoyed.

"I'm waiting for you outside of your common room," I say, shyly.

"Ridiculous! Are you hearing this Blaise?" he yells, and they both laugh. Then slam, I hear a door shut.

"Listen Dayday, you can't believe anything I say when I'm around him. He can't know about whatever- whatever this is," he whispers. "I'll meet you in 10," then the line cuts off.

I lean up against the wall and drop my phone to my side. This is going to be the longest 10 minutes of my life.

I decide it's probably best if I text Cedric, I'm assuming he's very confused.

Hey Ced, sry for barging out, there was something rlly important that i needed to take care of. too much to explain through text, but i promise i will when i'm back in thirty minutes or so.


Then just as the message goes through, the old Slytherin common room door creaks open.

"That surely wasn't 10 minutes," I joke, but Draco didn't seem very amused.

"We can't stay close to here, people will find us. Here follow me," he whispers, then grabs my wrist. His hands are icy cold, but so soft and gentle.

He pulls me around for forever into a place I don't even know of. Classic.

Soon where walking up steep stairs that lead to a tall look out, very far up from the ground. Draco walks to the ledge and smells the fresh fall air, then sits down and stares straight up at the stars.

He pats on the ground beside him, "Come sit," he says looking up to me. "You're beautiful," I hear him barely murmur to himself.

I take a seat next to him. "So," I start, "how come you gave me a gold necklace, like real gold. You know I could never except something that expensive..."

His eyes look right into mine. They sparkle in the moonlight, matching the stars surrounding him. "It's um... I wanted to show you I was trying to change," he says, in a low tone. "Or to show my affection."

"A gift isn't the only thing that shows affection," I argue.

"Then what does?" he asks. I couldn't believe he was that innocent and clueless.

"Like this," then I kissed him hard on his lips. Our kiss lasted for no longer than 10 seconds, making it sweet and true.

"Dayday," he sighs, looking back to the stars, "what are we?" He lays back onto his back, and I join him.

"I could ask you the same question," I say, still admiring the twinkling stars.

"Daisy I want to apologize for everything I've ever done to you, it's just, abuse is a form of love in my household," he exclaims, his voice becoming broken and and scraggly near the end.

"Hey, I'm not ready to forgive you, but I'll ease up eventually, trust me," I tease. "This is between us for now, okay?"

"Promise. You know what I also promise?" He sits up and peers down at me. Even in the dark of the night, I can see his every feature. "I promise from this day forward I will try my hardest to be kind and respectful to Daisy May Diggory," he says in a silly announcing voice with his right hand to his heart. This makes me giggle.

I liked this Draco, it was a side of him that no one would've seen coming. It was the real Draco Malfoy, not the young boy who everyone else thinks he was.

And I had the honored role of bringing that out of him.

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