My Skylander Academia

By Angrysonicbird

74.7K 1.1K 1.4K

(something i wanted to READ for a long time but no one did it, so i said screw it.) Izuku Midoriya may have b... More

Izuku's First Skylander
Spyro's Questions and the Portal
Izuku's Questions and the Arrival
The Power of Portal Magic
Elemental Training
Attack of the Singing Drill
Dreams that Shouldn't Come True
Interrogating Dreams
Maybe Good is the New Evil
Dreamcatcher's Chance
Pirates vs Dreams
the Golden Deal
the Fear of Izuku Midoriya
(New original story teaser)
Tree Rex joins the Battle!
The New Management of Aldera
Symbol of Pease
The Entrance Exam
Relic of the Past
Marry Christmas
The Grudge
Test of Nightmares
New Dorms and New Friends
First Day Jitters
Test of Quirks and Elements
Birth of the Swap Force
Combat Training
Portal Magic vs Explosions PT 1
A New Story has Appeared
Portal Magic vs Explosions PT 2
Nightmares can be Heroic Too
One for All

Meanwhile, at the Hall of Doom

2.5K 37 38
By Angrysonicbird

(Oh yeah, I went there 😈)

After the whole Drill-X situation our heroes returned to the beach to continue training in the Life Element. Drill-X himself was hald off to an unknown holding site mostly just to get him off the street. During this time, the Doom Raiders have been buying their time for their revenge on Earth. That doesn't mean they haven't been active, they've robbed multiple banks, stores, malls, and even a baby's lollipop.

Some heist were complete success while other were complete failures. It really depends on if they come back empty handed or make Earth's heroes look like fools. There base of operations was an old warehouse, one that even the city seemed to have forgotten about. In this warehouse, the seven villains were plotting their next move before the news came on.

[This is Hera Strilina reporting live from the scene where a giant drill robot attacked. The heroes who fought the mechanical monster were the underground hero Eraserhead, a the strength hero Death Arms, the natural hero Mother Nature, and an unknown magma hero. Oh, there they are now. 'Make her way over to them' excuse me, care to give me your opinion on this situation?]

Eraserhead: no. 'turns around and leaves'

[How rude, what about Mr uh, what's your hero name?]

Eruptor: the name's Eruptor, and what you just witnessed was a classic villain fight, Skylander style.

[So you are from the Portal as well? Do you know the villain's name?]

Eruptor: W-Well I can't confirm nor Deny that I came through the portal. But yeah, he goes by Drill-X.

[Are there more heroes like you where you're from?]

Eruptor: oh yeah, hundreds of heroes known as Skylanders I- 'Stealth Elf comes over and shuts him up'.

Stealth Elf: we will be leaving now, names Stealth Elf by the way.

[There you have it, it seems the world beyond the Portal isn't made up of villains but heroes as well. How these 'Skylanders' got here may still be a mystery, but we can rest easy knowing these other worldly villains won't be a threat for too long.]

The Raiders began to feel dread as they looked at Golden Queen now glowing, which was never a good sign. "How are they here, Krankcase?!" She yelled furiously. "I thought you said they couldn't follow us?!"

I-I-I I did and that still stands!" Dr Krankcase replied in a terrified manner. "According to my calculations, the Rift is a one way portal to Earth that can only transport evil beings!"

"Then why did I just see Skylanders fighting that useless drill?!" Golden Queen demanded

"Isn't it obvious?" Wolfgang replied sitting in a chair with his on the table. the Queen's attention now on him. "If there are Skylanders on Earth, that can mean one thing. There's a Portal Master on Earth."

The other Doom Raiders gasp in fear thinking there time on Earth won't last. "You think so?" The Queen asked in a menacing tune

"How else do you explain it?" Wolfgang snapped back. "They could even be reason behind the Rift!"

"Yeah that makes sense." Dr Krankcase added. "It been over 200  year here since Kaos closed the link between Earth and Skylands. That much portal magic stored up for so long would've made it unstable and cause the Rift the second this new portal master used it!"

"This trip, like, totally blows now." Said Dreamcatcher. "If we get caught again, I'm so blaming all of you."

"We won't be captured, Dreamcatcher." Golden Queen said with confidence. "All we need to do is hunt down this 'Portal Master' and kill them. Then no one will stand in our way. HAhahahahahhaa!!!"

So the Raiders started there search, they look for months with little luck. Only finding Skylanders fighting villain from both worlds a couple of times. Although, a certain head might have finally found something.

(Time-Skip brought to you by Chompy Mage getting his chompies to say "HAIL SATAN!")

A year past and Izuku was starting to learn how to control the Fire Element.

"Alright kid, now that you learned how to use the Life Element, lets see how you deal with Fire. Master this, and your spirit will become far stronger then it already is." Eruptor said with Elf and Midnight watching. Endeavor also showed up to watch due to being interested in the subject.

"Alright kid, fire can be pretty beautiful in a controlled environment." Eruptor said as he set a thrown out couch on fire. "But also very destructive if left unchecked. You need to contain the flames by dancing WITH them rather then against."

Izuku panicked a little when he saw Eruptor torch the couch, but understood at least a little bit of what he has to do. He attempted to mimic the flames' movements and 'danced' with them. The fire then started to mimic Izuku as he began to wave his arms around in a circle. the flames left the couch and followed his movement as if he was a fire bender. Izuku finished his fire dance by sending the flames into the ocean.

"You're a fast learner kid, usually most newbies ends up burning themselves on the first try." Eruptor congratulated Izuku on his first attempt. "But that's only the start of it. Fire is like a wild card, it's unpredictable, I've even seen Portal Master's create fire from nothing but air. You keep this up and you might be able to do that too."

Izuku was starstruck at this ability. He started muttering to himself only to get interrupted by Endeavor.

"Can't you teach him better things then 'dancing with fire'?" Endeavor asked unimpressed.

"Looks to me like it worked, so why don't you back off Firebeard?" Eruptor replied not caring who Endeavor is.

"You dare insult me, lava monster?" Endeavor said offended. "I'll have you know that I'm the Number 2 hero, so don't be surprised if you find yourself in court."

"Does it look like I care about your placement?" Eruptor countered with a 'I don't care' look on his face. "I don't think me or any other fire Skylander is going to like you any time soon."

As the two fire based heroes bickered, a floating head was watching from afar. She didn't expect him to be so young though. "Gotcha, now I know who you are Izuku Midoriya." She said with a grin. "Although I don't want to kill a kid, Goldie's not going to spare you. Tonight's going to be filled with nightmares."

(Done, seems like Izuku is going to need that quick learning with traps real soon. Otherwise Dreamcatcher will have her way)

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