From Two Different worlds [Re...

By KindaVibin

45K 1.7K 3.2K

All you could remember was running through the halls before losing consciousness. The next thing you know is... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

7.3K 180 486
By KindaVibin

This story contains S2 two spoiler so if you didn't finish that then fuck off, for your own good. Sorry <3

There are many things in this world that can give people serotonin. If that is what the happy brain chemical is called. I dunno, I never took science. Whatever, some people like nature, spending time with friends or pets. However, there are a few that enjoy screaming openings.

An out-of-tune voice sang loudly in the big empty house, a girl to be more specific. The question may be, what are they singing?

Fucking Shinzou wo Sasageyo, you fucking idiot.

Now, this is who you call (Y/N), our protagonist of the story. Now, I will not continue to describe what her appearance is, oh no-no. Who in the right mind would want another blonde-haired blue-eyed y/n who is 'not like other girls. I sure wouldn't, that's for sure.

Anyway, this is (Y/n). Currently, she is singing the opening of a very popular anime. Which one? I hear you ask.

Well, I hope you would be based on the fanfic you are reading at what could be ungodly hours, but I will still answer it for those who just clicked on something.

Attack on Titan. That's it.

A very good show, recommend it to those who don't know about it. Although some people may not be able to handle that death that is portrayed all over the show. Like me, now I'm just seen as some person who cries over the death of many nonimportant characters. But hey, that's how it is.

Everyone is fucked because they all die in the end.

Anyway, I'm kinda getting off-topic right now. Back to the story you sad lonely fucks.

Our protagonist, (Y/n), was watching the second season of Attack on titan. Enjoying what was left of her freedom before the school year began once again in the fall or late summer. August.

Oh, the torture of homework and responsibilities. Knowing that if you didn't get dat diploma you'd be in the streets. Or at least that's how teachers described it.

The (s/c) girl sat back down on her seat and continued to watch once the catchy opening ended. She is currently finishing the second season. It may have aired a long time ago, but her other anime enthusiast friends told her to wait until the whole series was out and for the hype to cool down a little. Since they didn't want her to get spoiled by the internet. And let's just say, spoilers are not cool man. However, she did get the go during summer break so might as well watch it.

Speaking of spoilers, if you have not finished season 2 then I'd recommend you get your ass out of here and move to another story.

Still here?

Alright, let's continue.

"Damn, can't believe that big tittied bitch just .... Wow," she commented. From what her friends have said about them was more hate when they reached this part of the series. However, our protagonist was a little bit more curious about why they had done it. First, the cool lesbian came out, as a titan but to the blonde chick too. Then after that just zero to a hundred in a matter of seconds. She had to rewind it a couple of times to see if they read it or heard it right. Things just kept escalating.

A yawn had then escaped their lips, "damn it really is 1.47 am. A bit early. Usually sleep is for the weak, but I'm kinda the weak right now." Just like that, she dropped her head on the desk in which she was watching the show.

The next morning they had surprisingly woken early with a big pain in their neck. Although it was easily ignored with thoughts on what it'd be like that there.

Many say that they would be the strongest or the most helpful person, but is it true though? I wouldn't do much, I'm just a fucking coward.

"(Y/n)! Why are you still in your room?" a sudden knocking was heard from the door. On the other side was your mother, a person who wasn't enthusiastic about anime or anything that is very different. "Do you even know what time it is?"

Looking down at the screen you saw the time, 12.09.

"Oh! I was just asking my friends some questions about schedules and school. Y'know high school stuff!" she shouted back while crawling off the chair that she surprisingly slept on.

It was silent for a few seconds before there was a reply, "If you say so. Anyway, I am going to work. I won't be back until much later today. 9 being the earliest. Now don't open the front door or you'll be murdered, right?" she asked.

"I'm probably not even going to leave my room."

"Alrighty then, I'm leaving." the woman stated before walking away from the door, each step getting quieter and quieter.

They waited quietly in their room until the entire house was filled with silence.

"FUCK YEAH! A whole day of not doing shit or contributing to society!" Their voice was full of glee.

Our protagonist was filled with happiness. It wasn't common for them to be home alone. Meaning that she had the living room to watch the third season of the show, watching it on a pc screen or phone screen is okay. But the big tv in the living room was the best.

Just like any other teen would she ran to the living as fast as she could, although this girl is a fool. An absolute buffoon.


She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Why does that matter? I hear you ask.

Well because our (Y/n) is fucking clumsy.

"Shit!" was all that she said before hitting the ground and biting the dust.

Usually, it is no big deal. People fall all the time and then get up, right?

Yeah, no. Not here. Not now.

Bitch fell down and didn't back up.

And (y/n) is technically you, the reader of the story.

Haha, can't believe you fell.

"I think she is sleeping," a soft voice spoke.

Then another scolded him, "don't wake her up."

Why the fuck are there kids in my house?

Both your hands reached up to your face to try and rub the sleepiness away. If that even makes sense. Once opening them you saw two faces hovering above yours.

"Hey, she's awake!" shouted the boy as he tilted his head, "are you okay? We found you here laying on the grass."

Ignoring the boy you sat up and took in the different surroundings. It was much brighter than it was before and windy. Your squinting eyes saw grassy fields, campanulas?

It all seemed familiar, but from where?

"Hey!" the boy shouted into your ear causing you to flinch slightly. "Are you okay?"

Then it clicked once you looked at the kids. A boy with brown hair and green eyes. The girl had grey eyes and long black hair.

Eren and Mikasa.

Okay, this has to be a dream! Right?

'Yeah, I'm good," you murmured quietly.

My voice!

I sound like a child!


Your hand slowly reaches to your neck, trying to process how you sound much younger. Then it moved up to your forehead.

God Damnit. Is it because I fell! Is this why we don't run in the halls!

This is why I'm a failure, I don't even listen to the simplest of rules.

"You sure? You seem to hurt," he motioned towards your red forehead.

Looking away you said feeling a bit confused, "I'm fine, just tripped and decided to take a nap."

"Why take a nap here?" The girl- no Mikasa asked.

"Oh I just, I uh-" you shrunk a little not knowing how to reply. It wasn't every day that you just woke up in hell or paradise. Whatever a fan may interpret it as.

"You are lost, aren't you?" she asked although the only thing you could do was bite the inside of your cheeks.

"How did you get lost?" asked Eren.

"I- I don't know, I can't really remember much..." you rubbed your head pretending like you are trying to remember some important thing, "I'm sorry."

The two young protagonists of the series stood up and looked at each other. Clearly not sure what to do with a girl who could 'possibly have amnesia'.

It was then the boy turned around and stretched out his hand, "You should come with us. My dad could help you and uh, you could stay with us for the night!"

"If it's no problem, yeah," you took his hand and he pulled you up.

"My name is Eren, and this is Mikasa!" He introduced me with a big warm smile. "What is your name? If you remember that is."

"(Y/n)," you said, still feeling uncomfortable about the whole voice thing.

You looked at your surroundings.

And I'm tiny, great. Just what I needed.

"Common, follow us," he said.

And you did, you walked a little behind the duo pondering on what actions to take here.

What the fuck is happening?

Should I act like a stupid kid? No.

Kids here are far different than those back at home. None of them would know what cocomelon is.

Also, it isn't too far off for kids to commit homicide or genocide.

Those two in front of me are a good example.

"Don't fall too far behind or you'll get lost again," commented Eren while looking back at you.

"Yeah, right." You replied.

The last thing that I need is for this to be like fanfiction. A world where the reader ends up attracting all of the boys? A harem?

What a joke!

How would that even be possible, then again I am here!!

God fuck damnint.

I'm just a kid, no way that is happening soon or ever.

The only problem is surviving the fall of Wall Maria, but how do i-

"You don't talk much do you?" asked Mikasa.

Eren had a small frown since you really weren't doing much to cooperate in a conversation.

Shaking your head lightly you responded, "no, not really."

The two young kids came to a halt, in front of them stood a tall blond that reeked of booze. Hannes. Such a shame, he was giving kids a bad example.

"Hey Mr. Hannes," greeted Eren.

"Who is this?" the intoxicated man asked while leaning down to the three of you. Almost immediately you covered your nose trying to avoid the smell of alcohol. "Got a new friend, Eren?"

The kid furrowed his brows, "Shut up Hannes! Why are you even drinking in the middle of work?"

The man simply smirked and held the bottle of booze slightly above your heads, "We have been here all day. Thirsty work."

Should I kick his knees?

"How are you supposed to fight under the influence?" you asked while tilting your head and raising a brow. "I may not be an expert on how the military works, but you really never know what could happen. There is a possibility of the wall failing and a new enemy walking in, yknow."

Hannes seemed to be taken back, "don't worry the adults-"

"Don't try to explain it, I understand very clearly. You just don't want to listen to a child. After all, no adult cares about what a kid says, huh? My suggestion is to stay on your toes, not everything stays perfect. It all eventually falls apart."

Eren held a surprised expression, perhaps he wasn't expecting you to speak or to believe what he did. Who knows.

"It's just as she said! What if they break?" He asked the adult.

The soldier no longer had the same smile as earlier, "Eren, use your inside voice." Hannes then scratched the back of his head. Then another garrison started walking his way towards you and chuckled at Eren's behavior.

"The Doc's kid has some fire in him. Listen, kid, the only thing that they have done for the past one hundred years was scratch at it. If anything happens, we'll be ready for them." His words were slightly slurred at the end.

You frowned at their actions, "have fun fighting then."

The little comment went unnoticed with Eren's words, "my dad says it is at times like these we need to stay sharp!"

Hannes then started talking about how they owed Doctor Jaeger. He saved everyone within the walls from a disease. Strange too how a random man knew everything about a newly discovered disease, he is a doctor so maybe that's why.

The conversation continued with titans etc.

"We live in a cage, all we do is eat and sleep. That's it, we have the mind of living livestock!" the green-eyed boy shouted.

Laughter filled the air, after that the three of you started walking again.

"Hey, where are you going?" You heard them yell from behind.

"Just ignore them," said Eren. After a few moments, he stated, "So you finally decided to talk back there."

You offered a confused expression.

"You talked back there, you sounded more confident."

"Oh, yeah," you replied feeling a bit awkward.

Why am I here?

I hope it's only a dream because I will die instantly. Probably.

"Is something wrong? You seem, tired," asked Mikasa.

You looked at her feeling a bit flustered, "I'm just thinking, nothing bad. Really." you replied a bit too quickly although she only hummed in response.

"Eren, are you sure your mom will let her come?" she asked him.

"It's just for today. I'm sure mom will let her. We can just say here that we made a friend or something," he turned around to face you, "we can call you a friend, right?"

"Of course, friends sound nice."

A few more minutes of the walk were silent until loud bells were heard from a distance.

"The scouts are here! C'mon, let's go!" Eren's voice was full of excitement. He ran down the path towards the gate with both Mikasa and you following close behind. A good portion of your time was spent watching the various soldiers walk in through the gates.

One of them that you noticed was a big blond man, with bushy eyebrows. You couldn't help but look in awe, although that little smile was wiped off when the man looked in your direction. His face only held the expression of disappointment.

Whilst all of the soldiers walked through the town there were many people complaining about how the scouting regiment could get anything. That it was a waste of tax money.

Of course, the big fanboy went ahead and hit a random dude with a stick. He then proceeded to insulate the man before Mikasa dragged him away.

It was then that the man glared at you. Although you only managed to squeak out a 'sorry'. You chased after the duo and saw Eren laying on the ground with all of the firewood he had collected.

"Tell me, are you still determined? To be one of the scouts?" asked the much stronger girl.

Eren simply looked away and started picking up the wood, "just help me with this."

Mikasa then turned to you, "what about you? Do you want to join too?"

Your face warmed up at the sudden question, "I- uhh...."

"Mikasa left this."

"I admire their work. The fight against the titan may seem futile, but they still try," you paused and stared at the ground, "they seem to hold on to that little bit of hope they have. Although I don't think I'm brave enough to join them."

The air was filled with an awkward silence.

"Anyway, we should get going," Eren piped up trying to change the topic and return to the route towards his home. The rest of the walk was silent. Upon arriving they instructed you to wait outside while they talked to their parents. So that's what you did.

You spent the time kicking the dirt and drawing little figures on the dirt. That was until you saw three boys chasing another one.

Damn, that poor kid is being bullied. Oh well, not my business.

Despite your thoughts against it you could not help yourself but walk to the scene. A familiar scene. Three boys standing big and tall whilst the fourth was trapped against a wall.

It was a blond boy with blue eyes. Wore ugly brown pants and some blue jacket thing.

The bangmaster- not wait..... Armin.

"You do know that bullying isn't nice, right?" you asked the group of boys.

The tallest of the three raised a brow and scoffed, "what are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm gonna fucking beat your ass bitch. That's what."

He then walked up to you and frowned, "oh really, do it-" and you did. You punched the kid right on the nose, he took a few steps back as he whined about the pain. Another slightly more round boy ran towards you with the intent of punching your face. Moving to the side you dodged it and grabbed his arm, you used his weight against him and spun him towards the body of water next to you. The kid who was still crying about his ugly nose was then used and thrown at the other kid. Of course with them both being on the ground you kicked dirt in their eyes and maybe their umm jewels, cause fuck them. And maybe you used more vulgar language but it's okay.
Grabbing the blond's arm you stated, "that was a great excuse to punch someone in the face." You started a bit too happily. Maybe it was because you were feeling a little stressed in the current situation you were found in, or because you hated children.

After turning the corner you let him go, "you good?" He simply nodded.


Congrats on finishing this shitty chapter. Surprised people enjoy this but you know, get it i guess.

Me waking up and deciding to not do homework and instead try to write fanfic:

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