Out of Time | Bts x OC |

By Alphathyx

276K 10.4K 1.6K

[Completed] 01/12/2020 Romance | Drama | Tragedy | Heartfelt A story about a girl named, Hana who has suffer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Art Update!
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
FINALE | Chapter 70
'Out of Time' Playlist
Alternate Ending
New Book!
'Highlight' - New Book!

Chapter 48

2.6K 130 15
By Alphathyx

The glimmering lights and sounds of the crowds get louder by second, she couldn't believe she was here. The numerous smells filled her lungs, the freshly popped popcorn, the cotton candy stands, street food lined the entranceway. Not to mention the fairy lights that illuminated the place, a giant Ferris wheel, much bigger than she thought from her window stood grand in the center of the fair. Screams, laughs, chatter, it was everything she ever thought coming to the Summer faire would be.

Hobi observed the girl's face as her eyes twinkled with the lights. A perpetual look of awe, like a kiss first visit to a candy store. He wheeled her slowly, to take in the sights, leaning in, next to her ear he spoke.

"First time?" He questioned.

She was still lost in a trance as she just nodded. Suddenly something caught her eye in one of the stands.

"What's that?" She pointed to a booth.

"Thats what you call a waste of money Hana, those vendors never let you win their games." He grimaced at the booth under his mask. It was one of those shooting booths where you had to topple all the cups with a single shot.

"I want to try it!" She gleamed up at him excited. How could he say no to a face like that.

"Alright, let's go" he chuckled and pushed her wheelchair there. Hobi was right, with her in her wheelchair and him covered up. No one bothered them, in fact people were kind and would make way for them.

"Hello there little miss! Willing to play a game?" The vendor spoke. "You can win any of these prizes if you manage to knock the cups down in one shot!" He leans closer to 'whisper', "but you can do it in three just for you young miss." He winked at her.

She looks up at Hobi, a wide smile plastered on her face. "You hear that Hobi! Oh I really want to try it, pleaseeeeee my purse is in the back of the chair."

Hobi just chuckled, taking his wallet from his back pocket and payed the man.

"Hobi! You didn't have to pay for it!" She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well I can't let you pay on your first faire visit?" He leans in close to her ear again whispering, "consider it a date." His voice was an octave lower.

She was screaming in her head, she only ever heard Hobi's voice like that when he rapped and that was too attractive for her to handle.

"Alright little miss, do you know how to shoot thi—"


She immediately knocked down all the cups with a single shot, surprising not just the vendor but Hobi too.

Unknown to Hobi she was still freaking out in her head about what he just said.

"Uh-wow! Congrats miss! You can pick anything you want here!" The vendor was trying to recover from his shock.

"Can I have that one please?" She pointed to a very familiar plush, it was large and the vendor placed it in her lap.

"Thank you for coming little miss and enjoy the faire!" He said.

She finally looked up at Hobi who was just amazed.

"Hana! What the—" he jumped up and down trying to express what just happened.
"Hana that was so cool!" He pat her shoulder a few times before giving her a big thumbs up. He looked at her in just pure admiration.

She couldn't help but laugh as he lifted up the plush toy to him. "When you get back to the dorm, could you give this to Yoongi for me?" She smiled from behind the big plush. It was a big Kumamon bear, though she loved it too, she knew Yoongi would love it more.

"Of course! Wow I just—" he huffed and started breaking out into his big heart smile behind his mask and laughed out loud. This girl was just full of surprises, he couldn't believe it.

As they continued to explore the faire, they tried other stalls, she soon realized it really was just a money sink as they tried different kinds and couldn't win any of them until they reached one last stall.

It was more of a competition, less of a typical fun faire game stall but it had rows of computers lined up for a one on one tournament with a few of the best players in Korea in Overwatch. There was a big crowd but the line to verse the players was practically empty. Hana's eyes gleamed and Hobi knew what that meant.

Only in Korea

As if reading her mind, Hobi was ready to wheel her to the line. "You sure you want to do this?" He leaned in and asked her as she enthusiastically nodded her head. He chuckled as they got to the front, for once all eyes were not on him but on her.

"Hello there Miss! Are you willing to go up against the top players of Korea?" The announcer held the mic towards her.

She was a little embarrassed so she just nodded in response, hobi observed from behind her.

"Alright! All you have to do is win a best of three in a one vs one with any of the players. If you manage to do so, you stand a chance to win this limited edition signed keyboard, mouse, headset and mousepad!" The announcer continued making the crowd muse at the prizes.

"You ready to play miss?" He turned back to her. She nodded furiously earning a chuckle from the MC.

"Looks like someone's very eager to win, a round of applause for—" he put the microphone towards her,


"Miss Hana!" He shouted and everyone applauded loudly. She blushed at the amount of attention and hugged the Kumamon plush even closer to her.

"Don't worry Hana, you'll do amazing" Hobi softly whispered in her ear as he gave her back her energy.

Wheeling her in front of the computer, Hobi held the plush for her. People really weren't paying attention to him which was a wonder and he was extremely happy to be able to enjoy his time with Hana like a normal person.

As the game started, the large screens broadcasted the game live to the audience, one screen in the pro players point of view, and the other on Hana's

"First game has started and both are Pharah, these games are character roulettes and you'll never know who you're going to get! Let's see how they do?" The MC spoke.

"Two of them are off in the air, both keeping themselves up just fine. That's one hit!"

"Two hits! And he's out! Hana wins first game!" The crowd applauded and cheers loudly, hobi cheers from the sidelines as she turns around and gives him a thumbs up and big smile.

"Alright here goes round two. Looks like it's a battle of two roadhogs!"

Hana clicked her tongue, she wasn't confident in winning this one, she hardly played this character but tried her best anyway. Sadly the outcome was to be expected.

"Ahh, that's unfortunate for Hana." The MC spoke as the crowd sighed cried in disappointment. Hobi squeezed Kumamon tightly.

"But now it's a tiebreaker between the two, of she wins this, she'd be able to take back some incredible prizes!"

The next game lights up on her screen and it was just as she was hoping for.


The edges of her mouth lifted into a smirk as her eyes gleamed.

The game started and it was intense, the first person to show themselves was 100% dead, she knew for a doubt this pro player would tap her head in a second. She took in a deep breath and listened for footsteps or the sound of widow makers grapple. And to her luck, she heard it.

"For Kookie." She whispered before aiming her crosshair right on the oppositions head, the pro player doing the same as they clicked at the same time.

The screen goes black for a moment as no one knew who did it first.

'Player 2 Wins!'

"HANA WINS! I can't believe it!' The MC shouts and the crowd goes wild, hobi runs towards her and hugs her from behind, Kumamon included of course.

"You did it!" The both squealed and laughed together.

The pro player from across her got up and kneeled beside her, "That was an incredible game, Hana." He held out his hand for her to shake as she graciously did, she smiled widely finding it amazing that she managed to actually beat an Overwatch league player in a fair game. "Guess I'll have to go back and practice more." He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled as she chuckled back. "Let's play sometime, I'll add you. What's your battle tag?" He smiled at her.

Hobi observed the interaction with the two and cocked his eyebrow up knowingly. It seems this boy has taken an interest in Hana and he wasn't too fond with it but he let it slide. They exchanged Battletags but she interrupted him before they parted.

"Uhm, one of my friends is a huge fan of yours. Is it alright if you add him too? He would be really happy!" She pleaded and he nodded agreeing immediately.

"Of course!"

Her eyes sparkled and quickly wrote down an extra battletag under hers and handed it back to him.

"Thank you again!" She waved at him as they left the place.

"Don't worry, I got our bodyguard to help carry your prizes back to the car. You ready to explore around again." He winked at her, she giggled and nodded.

"Let's go to the Ferris wheel!"

And off they went.

"Thank you for helping me in here, I didn't think for some reason that my wheelchair could fit." She laughed nervously.

Hobi just looked at her as he sat across from her, a sweet grin on his face "you never need to thank me little flower." He endearingly said.

The Ferris wheel was slowly moving up, but coming to abrupt stops when a cart below emptied its passengers and let in new ones. The silence grew between them, she thought maybe he was too tired and she forced him to be up here from his silence. Though she was wrong, his thoughts were swimming with other thoughts, thoughts about the young girl, thoughts about himself involving himself with the young girl. All of it was a mess in his head.

"Uhm, Thank you Hobi." She finally broke him out of his thoughts.

A smile made its way to his lips again, he leaned forward, their knees were pressed against each other due to the close proximity of the cart. Her knee was between his and vise versa to fit.

"You never have to thank me Hana, just as long as you're enjoying yourself, I'm happy." He pokes her nose cheekily, she scrunched it and giggled in reaction.

Oh how he wishes he could record that laugh of hers, it carried so much  happiness, he didn't want it to ever stop.

"Woah! Hobi look!" Her attention was now caught by the scenery around them as she took in the sights, it was a completely different view of the same city she saw every night from her window.

"Look! I can see where the hospital is." She started counting the floors to where her room would be located. The entire scenario made his heart tighten, in both happiness and sadness. He watched as those eyes sparkled, her lips would tug up in a large grin, and she wouldn't close her mouth as she gaped at the scenery.

She was the only one that existed for him in that moment so he took a picture of her.

"Hobi, this has been one of the best days of my life, you have no idea how happy I am right now—"

"Hana." He interrupted.

She looked at him, her smile slowly fading. "Is there everything alright?" She asked with concern.

"We don't want you to go Hana."

Her breath caught in her throat, now seeing his face on the verge of tears, his mask was pulled down as the lights finally illuminated it in their slow decent. She didn't know what to say, and instead she reached out to hold his hand tightly. She heaved out a breath, her eyes trained onto their intertwined fingers. He too looked down, as tears cascaded down his face.

"Hobi, I'm very lucky to have met you all, you have brought me more happiness than I ever thought I'd experience, and I hope that you continue to make people happy as you already do." She rubbed small circles on his hand.

"Promise me?" She looked up at him with a sad smile. His eyes caught something he never thought he'd ever see.

He saw her,

not the girl who was stuck in the hospital bed,

not the girl his members spoke of everyday,

not the strong girl everyone knew of,

he saw her.

A broken girl who knew she didn't have long left to live, a girl who was counting her days til time was up. A girl who was afraid and her eyes showed it all even if she was smiling.

He felt his hand slowly reach out towards her, but unfortunately the moment was cut short.

The door of the cart opened in a screech as he quickly pulled his mask back up and wiped his tears away.

"Hope you enjoyed the ride!" The quirky girl who ran the ride shouted.

He quickly helped Hana back into her wheelchair as they made their way out of the faire.

Hobi was quiet and never said anything the entire ride back, and Hana wasn't sure how to cheer him up til the driver pulled up at the hospital.

"Hobi, give the prizes I won to Kookie for me please. And of course the Kumamon to Yoongi." She spoke as they were parked at the back drop off. He just nodded in response no words.

She bit her lip nervously, wondering what to do before she suddenly turned to him and grabbed his hand surprising him.


She placed a little metal chain in his palm. A small bracelet with his little mang character and a flower pendant attached to it. He looked at it in awe.

"Where'd you have time to get this?" He asked.

She just chuckled while folding his fingers shut on it.

"It's a secret."

She leaned in and quickly pecked his cheek softly, his face went beet red in seconds.

"Have a goodnight Oppa, and thank you again! I had the best night." She grinned at him before the door open wide to reveal Sena and her wheelchair. She waved at him as he left.

In the back seat as the driver drove him home, he gripped the metal chain tightly before fastening it on his left wrist.

He was never taking it off.

A/N: I'm sorry! This chapter was so long but I got too into it and now it's like 2 am in the morning ! Aaaaaa

Sorry for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, this has to be one of my favorite chapters I've written!

Please don't be mad at me if you don't understand overwatch, I tried to make it as simple as possible!

Hope you enjoyed this lovely story with Hobi!

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