An unavoidable fate | Azur La...

Par Pongppx

66.5K 1K 607

It was only the beginning of your career in the Royal Navy, however it was unfortunately ending faster than a... Plus

Chapter 1 - New Realities Pt. 1/2
Chapter 2 - New Realities Pt. 2/2
Chapter 3 - The Few Pt. 1/4
Chapter 4 - The Few Pt. 2/4
Chapter 5 - The Few Pt. 3/4
Chapter 6 - The Few Pt. 4/4
Chapter 7 - The Music of Fortune Pt. 1/3
Chapter 8 - The Music of Fortune Pt. 2/3
Chapter 9 - The Music of Fortune Pt. 3/3
Chapter 10 - Secrets Pt. 1/4
Chapter 11 - Secrets Pt. 2/4
Chapter 13 - Secrets Pt. 4/4
Chapter 14 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 1/4
Chapter 15 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 2/4
Chapter 16 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 3/4
Chapter 17 - Homeward from Gibraltar Pt. 4/4
Chapter 18 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 1/6
Chapter 19 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 2/6
Chapter 20 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 3/6
Chapter 21 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 4/6
Chapter 22 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 5/6
Chapter 23 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 6/6
Chapter 24 - A Matter of Yesterday Pt. 1/3
Chapter 25 - A Matter of Yesterday Pt. 2/3
Chapter 26 - A Matter of Yesterday Pt. 3/3
Chapter 27 - Land of the Midnight Sun Pt. 1/3
Chapter 28 - Land of the Midnight Sun Pt. 2/3
Chapter 29 - Land of the Midnight Sun Pt. 3/3

Chapter 12 - Secrets Pt. 3/4

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Par Pongppx

Y/n P.O.V

     I was sitting in my office, trying to clear a massive pile of paperwork left on my desk that was left unchecked when someone knocked on the door.

Y/n: "You may come in."

Belfast: "Merry Christmas, Master."

Y/n: "Merry Christmas, Belfast."

     Belfast walked inside. She was holding a tray with a cup of tea on it, she served me the tea and took a few steps backward.

Belfast: "Would you like something else, Master?"

Y/n: "Thanks for the offer but no, Belfast."

Belfast: "Got it, Master."

     I looked at the remaining paperwork and that made me sleepy enough to fall asleep without me even realizing it...

An hour later...

     I was woken up by a phone call but I wasn't sleep on the was too soft to be the desk. I opened my eyes and found myself sleeping on Belfast's lap.

Belfast: "Are you awake, Master?"

Y/n: "Yeah..."

Belfast: "How did it feel, resting on my lap Master?"

Y/n: "We can talk about that later, but first let me go answer the call."

Belfast: "As you wish, Master."

     I got off the sofa and rushed to my desk to answer the phone call, turns out it was a call from the Admiralty.

Y/n: "Lieutenant Y/n L/n, how may I help you sir?"

Dudley: "Ah, so you're back. Congrats on that VC, Lieutenant Commander."

Y/n: "Lieutenant Commander, sir?"

Dudley: "Acting for now, Y/n. The Admiralty is considering promoting you to Lieutenant Commander. However since you're still very young, they will be giving you acting for now."

Y/n: "I see, sir."

Dudley: "Report to RNAS Hatston within an hour, Lieutenant Commander. You wouldn't want to be a bad example for your men as their commander, would you?"

Y/n: "Another surprise again, sir?"

Dudley: "Kind of. I have already sent your rank shoulder boards to Belfast since yesterday, you can ask her for it."

Y/n: "Got it, sir. Also Happy Christmas, sir."

Dudley: "You too, Lieutenant Commander."

     Sir Dudley then hung up from the call, I placed the phone down and prepared my bag. Before I go however I sat back down on the sofa with Belfast.

Y/n: "Did you carried me onto the sofa after I fall asleep?"

Belfast: "Yes, Master. So how did it feel, resting on my lap Master?"

Y/n: "It felt great."

Belfast: "I see, Master..."

     Belfast moved closer. She moved her face so close to me as if we were going to kiss each other, however I managed to softly push her away.

Y/n: "You'll have to wait for that kiss, Belfast."

Belfast: "Yes, Master..."

     Belfast pulled out my Lieutenant Commander rank shoulder boards and put it on my uniform for me. I thanked her and walked out of the office.

10 minutes later...

RNAS Hatston, Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland.

     I arrived at RNAS Hatston by driving the Austin 8AP Tourer I borrowed from Dr. Aiden. I parked it near the runway and walked into the squadron briefing room. Inside there were a total of nine pilots. I assumed they are 802 NAS pilots.

???: "Attention!"

     All of them stood up at attention and looked at me, most of them were probably surprised by how young I was. I walked in front of the First Lieutenant and greeted him.

Y/n: "Are you the first lieutenant?"

???: "Yes sir. My name's Lieutenant Cillian Hill."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you then, Hill."

Hill: "Please call me by my first name, sir."

Y/n: "My bad then, Cillian. The rest, relax."

     All the other pilots sat down while Hill walked beside me. I turned to them and looked at them. My guesses were right then.

Y/n: "Acting Lieutenant Commander Y/n L/n, your new commander from now on. Does anyone have any questions?"

802 Pilot 1: "I do, sir. Where were you posted to recently?"

Y/n: "I was seconded to No. 242 Squadron and I have just came back yesterday."

802 Pilot 2: "By any chance, sir. Have you ever heard of the Anchor Devil in the 242?"

Y/n: "I have heard of him, unfortunately I have never seen him."

???: "How many Germans have you shot down, sir?"

Y/n: "I won't-"

???: "He shot down nineteen Luftwaffe aircraft and you're talking to the Anchor Devil himself."

      A man dressed in RAF uniform walked into the room, I looked at him and instantly recognized the man. The man was none other than Sergeant Damian Wilkinson.

Y/n: "Glad to see you here, Damian."

Damian: "I would like to say the same, sir."

Y/n: "Flight Leaders, please stay here for a briefing. The rest, you may go."

     Only two remained of the twelve pilots as the others walked out of the room, Hill and Damian remained within the room with me.

Y/n: "Hill, how many aircraft do we have?"

Cillian: "We have ten Grumman Martlets I, sir."

Y/n: "The new US aircraft?"

Cillian: "Aye, sir."

Y/n: "I see. So, we have a total of three flights, three aircraft per flight."

C Leader: "Yes, sir."

Y/n: "However, I have a better idea."

     I picked up a chalk and starting drawing something up on the board. The pilots were also unfamiliar with it.

Y/n: "This is what the Germans called a "Schwarm". I encountered this formation firsthand during the Battle of Britain. The Germans were able to split into pairs or what they call "Rotteand attack us while we were to stick close to each other in a Vic."

Cillian: "Which gives them far greater flexibility, am I right sir?"

Y/n: "You're correct, Cillian."

C Leader: "But won't that reduce our flights from three to two, sir?"

Y/n: "That's right, however that doesn't matter since both the Flight Leader and the Element Leader have responsibility over their own pairs."

B Leader: "I see, sir."

Y/n: "We will have one element and two flights. That one element will be under my control. C Leader, are you willing to become an element leader within B Flight?"

C Leader: "As you wish, sir. Since we're best pals, I don't mind at all."

Y/n: "I see. Hill, please go select the element leader within your flight. The rest, inform your flight of the new formation. We'll be training tomorrow precisely at 11 am, dismissed."

Everyone: "Aye, sir."

     All of them stood up and walked out of the room while I and Damian remained within the room.

Y/n: "Welcome to 802 then, Damian."

Damian: "It's my pleasure, sir."

Y/n: "Are you ready to go work on the new US aircraft?"

Damian: "As always, sir."

Y/n: "Perfect."

     I kept the formation on the board just in case and walked out of the room along with Damian, to go meet my new aircraft, the Grumman Martlet I. (Or what you might know commonly as the F4F Wildcat.)

Damian: "There she is, sir."

     We stopped in front of the Martlet, it reminds me of the Hurricane somehow. I climbed onto the wings and opened its canopy.

Y/n: "Yep, she looks quite good. Don't you think so, Damian?"

Damian: "I would agree, sir."

Y/n: "Work on the victory marks for me, Damian. Also give that aircraft a "Anchor Devil" text below the black anchor."

Damian: "Right away, sir!"

Y/n: "Thanks. I owe you a lot, Damian."

Third P.O.V

Seven years earlier...

24th of December 1933

Yoshiwara Yūkaku, Tokyo.

      Y/n stopped in front of an Ochaya (Tea house) after the man he was following entered it. He wasted no time and followed the man into the Ochaya.

Mother: [J] "Ah, Y/n-san. Are you here for Sako?"

Y/n: [J] "Of course, Okaa-sama."

Mother: [J] "This way then, Y/n-san."

     The "Mother" of the Ochaya led Y/n into a room where there is a geisha party going on. Y/n sat down right next to his target. His target is a thin yet short man in his 40s who is also a Colonel in the Kenpeitai.

     Every geisha's in the room was surprised by the young and handsome Y/n. They have served many patrons, however Y/n was youngest out of all the patrons. They immediately tried to flirt with Y/n.

     Y/n acted accordingly while he still managed to divert some of the attention towards his target and the other patrons. He was still the center of attention. The girl "Sako" wasn't in the room.

     Y/n placed a note he has prepared beforehand into his target's pocket without the target even realizing it as he was drunk. Y/n excused himself and left the party.

Mother: [J] "You're done already, Y/n-san?!"

Y/n: [J] "Aye, Okaa-sama. Since Sako wasn't in the room, I decided to leave early."

Mother: [J] "See you soon then, Y/n-san."

Y/n: [J] "See you, Okaa-sama."

25th of December 1933

The British Embassy, Tokyo.

     Y/n found himself sitting face to face to the Passport Control Officer in the latter office. The reality is he's Y/n spymaster in Japan, despite both of them not knowing each other's real names, they seems to trust each other.

Y/n: "The reason you didn't want me to steal the Japanese "Red Book" naval code was because you've already obtained a copy of it ten years ago."

???: "Have you just realized that fact?"

Y/n: "Of course not."

???: "I suggest you to take care of that Colonel before his investigation reaches you."

Y/n: "You don't need to tell me to do that."

???: "We'll see."

     He passed Y/n a letter. The letter contains a note from the SIS and several 200 yen notes. The note indicates that Y/n should leave Japan by early 1934.

Y/n: "That's all then."

???: "Happy Christmas."

Y/n: "Only for you."

     Y/n stood up and walked out of the room. He put on his fedora, put on his white gloves and walked out of the embassy into an alley behind the embassy. The Colonel was waiting for him in the alley.

Colonel: "So you're the one who placed that note inside my pocket?!"

Y/n: "We can talk somewhere else, Colonel. Please follow me."

Colonel: "Don't think of even wasting my time."

Y/n: "Of course, Colonel."

     Y/n led the Colonel by the footpath and grabbed a list in the Colonel's pocket. However before the Colonel could react to what's happening, he was pushed into the road by Y/n. 

Y/n: "I owe you a lot, Colonel."

      He was crushed by a car and died instantly to the horror of the bystanders who only focused on the Colonel, allowing Y/n to walk back into the alley unnoticed.

      Y/n entered the embassy through its backdoor and walked into the Passport Control Officer office yet again.

???: "I'll assume that's an accident."

Y/n: "Up to you."

     Y/n passed his spymaster the mysterious list. The list contains the names of all "Kokuryūkai" (Black Dragon Society) agents throughout Southeast Asia and Europe.

Y/n: "They've already conducted several successful operations in China, Manchuria, Siberia and even the Muslim world. Originally only against the Russians, I never thought that they would've been targeting us too."

???: "Cabinet Ministers, high-ranking military officers, professional secret name it."

Y/n: "They're quite influential, aren't they?"

???: "Correct. However, your task is already accomplished."

Y/n: "I know the SIS is not done with me yet."

???: "Of course, the SIS's considering sending you to Germany."

Y/n: "I don't have any other choice anyways, do I?"

???: "I hope you know that you're a valuable asset to all of us in the SIS."

Y/n: "Even if you don't tell me, I know."

     Y/n walked out of the office and out of the embassy. He walked by the scene he made and prayed for the Colonel as he thought to himself: "Nothing personal, Colonel. We're all just fighting for different causes." and walked away from the scene.


54 Broadway, Broadway, London.

     The Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service Stewart Menzies is sitting in his office with his Deputy, Claude Dansey.

Menzies: "Those amateurs managed to snatch one of our agents."

Dansey: "Are you talking about the SOE, sir?"

Menzies: "Yes."

Dansey: "For Agent Z5, it's unfortunate sir. He is one of the best if not the best agent I've ever worked with."

Menzies: "So what are you going to do?"

Dansey: "Well, sir. Ever since the Venlo Incident, our entire spy network in West and Central Europe were practically useless."

Menzies: "I am asking you what are you going to do about it, Dansey."

Dansey: "We will see where his true loyalty lies, after all he's still our asset sir."

Menzies: "Are you saying that he is still loyal to us after we haven't used him for four years, Dansey?!"

Dansey: "Calm down, sir."

     A phone on Menzies's desk then rang, Menzies calmed himself down and answered the phone. To his surprise, it was Major General Philip Y/n.

Menzies: "I know you're here to talk about your son, so get right to the point."

Philip: "He will give you his letter of resignation himself."

Menzies: "What a good news to hear on Christmas Day. Don't you think so, Philip?"

Philip: "You treated my son as merely an expendable asset. Didn't you, Menzies?"

Menzies: "What are you saying, Philips? He's our best agent, why should I even treat him like that?"

Philip: "Sir Hugh Sinclair sure treated him like that, but you. Did you think I don't know what you've done back in Japan, Menzies? Y/n was almost killed because of your stupid orders."

Menzies: "I thought infiltrating the Kokuryūkai would've been an easy task for him, Philip."

Philip: "You knew it would've been suicidal yet you gave him the order."

Menzies: "That's not my fault."

Philip: "You know what, Menzies? Happy Christmas, you bastard."

     Philip hung up on the call while Menzies was clearly provoked and slammed his hand on the desk in clear anger. Dansey looked on, amused.

Menzies: "What's so funny, Dansey?"

Dansey: "Don't mind me, sir."

Meanwhile at 64 Baker Street, London.

     Philip slammed his phone onto the rotary dial in clear displeasure as Menw watched on, he seemed to understand Philip's feelings.

Menw: "It's fine sir. At least he's safe with us now."

Philip: "I wish that was true, Menw."

To be continued...


What was the "order" that almost caused you to die? How did Menzies and Philip get to know each other? Well, we'll find out together in the next chapter. (this chapter highlights the rivalry between the SOE and the SIS which existed irl if you were wondering.)

By the way, I uploaded this chapter a day early as an apology for uploading Chapter 10 late. I hope all of you enjoy reading the story!

As always if you have any suggestions or ideas on how to improve the story. Don't be afraid to write it down in the comment section down below, I will be sure to read it!

See you in the next chapters!

Continuer la Lecture

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