Bride of the Dark Lord

By EdithAnyakee

443K 28.3K 3K

Soon, I was thrusting my chest out to him, as I moaned. Moaned out loud. Trying to give him unhindered passag... More

#1 The Sacrifice
#2 The First Meeting
#3 The Man in the Cloak
#4 The Wraiths
#5 The First Kiss
#6 His Favourite Horse
#7 Hunter's Death
#8 The Lady, the Dark Lord and the Dragon
#9 Meet His Friends
#10 The Bride Meets The Scarred
#11 An Answer From The Gods
#12 Death by a Thousand Burns
#13 Knights in Shining Armour
#14 The Untamed Ones
#15 The Untamed Ones II
#16 Our First Joining
#17 The Magicless Lake
#18 Forever and Always?
#19 A Trip in the North
#20 A Trip in the North II
#21 The Collar of Death
#22 The Gladiators' Arena
#23 Boundaries
#24 As Much as Them
#25 Duncan and the Bush Fires
#26 His Return
#27 Xemein's Whipping
#28 The Mage Bane
#29 The Mage Bane II
#30 The Mage Bane III
#32 The Prince is Angry
#33 No Better Blessing Than This
#34 The Bride Dreams
#35 The Bride & The Great Beyond
#36 The Bride is Warned
#37 The Conspiracy
#38 The Conspiracy II
#39 The Truthseeker
#40 Xemein's Vision
#41 Xemein's Vision II
#42 Irving vs. The Bride
#43 The Midlands
#44 Eleanor and the Midlands
#45 Let This Battle Be Worth It
#46 Friendship Rebuilt
#47 A Love Reborn
#48 A Love Reborn II
#49 The Collar of Death II
#50 Nightmare Devil
#51 Xemein Awakens
#52 Death From the Capital
#53 The Discovery
#54 The Discovery II
#55 The North Central Camp
#56 Xemein's Confession
#57 Pains & Losses
#58 Pains & Losses II
#59 Broken
#60 Completely Broken?
#61 Completely Broken? II
#62 Live in Chains
#63 Return of the Truthseekers
#64 Run Away
#65 The Road to the Capital
#66 The Road to the Capital II
#67 The Town Before the Capital
#68 Regalis and the Imbecile
#69 The Bestower's Gift
#70 Last Night Together
#71 The Blood Moon
#72 Xemein Awakens II
#73 The Separation
#74 The First Meeting II
#75 Last Preparation
#76 Samhain Night
#77 Samhain Night II
#78 The Death Pain
#79 The Collar of Death III
#80 SoulFire Magic
#81 How Does it Feel to Die?
#82 Rise of the Dragon Lord
#83 Death of Eternal Ruler
#84 Death of Eternal Ruler II
#85 Freedom / Wedded Again

#31 The Prince is Sad

3.9K 304 8
By EdithAnyakee


I sat by Xemein's bedside for two days. Two whole days, without eating or drinking, as my heart pounded with fright within my chest.

Will Xemein live?

Will I lose her?

Never, have I felt as scared as I was, two days ago. I was a decorated god of war. Feared and respected. That, coupled with my Gift and formidable skill with swords in battle, very few things filled me with fear. Even the wraiths we encountered at the magicless land didn't frighten me, as much as the moment I saw Xemein collapse, right as the soldier's skin got healed.

That was fear!

Dread creeping round me and tightening like a noose.

I remember that particular day vividly. The second I arrived at camp, Griffin informed me that Xemein was at the Danger Zone. As soon as I heard that, I thought I would go crazy. Attempting to cure mage bane?

Next to stories of how the Dark Lord would use his lightning to strike naughty children down, the other stories that put fear in the minds of kids, were those of the mage bane.

Everyone knew what to do once you heard that someone had mage bane. You run! Distance yourself from the individual. The malady wasn't called, the death of healers, for nothing!

Without thought of getting infected, I marched to the Danger Zone. With Ashton by my side, trying to calm me down, but I couldn't be calmed. My woman was about to end her life and someone wants me to be calm? I have to get in there and drag her out. Grip her shoulders and scream some sense into her.

However, sadly, I was too late. And now, currently, Xemein was now the ill one, still in bed while her mage bane patient has fully recovered, and reunited with his family.

I held her hand and pressed it to my chest. Had it not been for Cederic, Ashton and Brayton who held me back, holding me by my clothed body parts, despite threats of striking them down with lightning, I would have marched to that mage bane soldier, where he and his family was, and struck him down, showing him, that the pain from death by lightning, was far worse than the pain he would have felt, if he had just let the mage bane take his life.

I sighed as I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder, "go and take a bath, Regalis" Nadia said.

"No" I answered. I will remain seated here, until she wakes up. And opens her eyes for me to gaze into her beautiful grey-coloured pupils.

Nadia moved and sat beside me, "you know who Xemein is. She cares about others. The last thing she'd want from you, is for you to starve to death".

She continued, "the unGifted physician has checked her and she'll wake up soon, so, trust him".

"But what if..." My heart ached. It felt like, someone was shoving something dull into my heart, crushing it slowly, rather than slicing it cleanly.

"No more discussion, Regalis" Nadia said. "Have a bath, shave, eat and walk around to clear your head. Then, you return, I'll be waiting here for you".

I closed my eyes. "You'll spend every second here? I don't want Xemein to be..."

"She won't be alone. I'll be here with her every second"  Nadia promised.

I nodded. And stood up. Stared back at my wife again. As I hoped I'd return to find her still breathing, and not, dead.

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