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By xcapsicle

500K 11.2K 11.7K

!!! CURRENTLY REVAMPING STORY !!! #2 in johnny lawrence on 12/30/20 #1 in boyfriend on 1/11/21 #1 in vintage... More

Moving Day
The Beach Party
First Impressions
The A-Hole in the Hills
Golf N Stuff
Late Nights
Halloween Terror
VIII. Something He Wanted
IX. Double Date
X. Chores
XI. Sensei Johnny
XII. Invite
XIII. New Student
XIV. The Country Club
XV. The Country Club Part 2
XVI. Balance
XVII. The Whole Truth
XVIII. All Valley Tournament
XIX. All Valley Tournament Part 2
XX. Meltdown
XXI. True Love..
Cast Part 2
XXII. 33 Years Later
XXIII. Back to Where it all Began
XXIV. Good Accidents
XXV. Back in the Game
XXVI. Hurt
XXVII. The LaRusso's
XXIX. Breakfast at Johnnys
XXXI. Changes
XXXII. Uncertain Cituation
XXXIII. Just Like Old Times
XXXIV. The Truth
XXXV. Lies
XXXVI. The Way of the Fist
XXXVII. Desires
XXXVIII. Nostalgia
XXXIX. Lunch Party
XL. Second First Date
XLI. Sense of Balance
XLII. A Rollercoaster
XLIII. No Mercy
XLIV. The Tournament
XLV. Bad Surprises
XLVI. Demons from the Past
XLVII. Little Projects
XVLIII. New Teacher, Old Habbits
XLIX. The Future
L. Fighting Back
LI. Fire and Ice
LII. Warning Signs
LIII. Quiver
LIV. A Night to Remember
LV. A New Leaf
LVI. Still Have Time
LVII. A Man With No Plan
LVIII. The Plan of Action
LIX. Exciting Appearances
LX. An Unknown Fright
LXI. Moonlight Memories
LXII. Things Couldn't Have Gone Worse
LXIII. Hell Breaking Loose
LXIV. Constant Worry
LXV. Confessions Lead To Relief
LVXI. New Worries
LVXII. Our Kid

XXX. Turning the Page

4.8K 121 194
By xcapsicle

The Same Day

It was now around 3 pm. I haven't heard from Johnny so hopefully he's doing alright. For the past hour I've been shopping at a mall for some household items.

I made my way into Macy's because I know they have some good kitchen supplies. I started to look at some plates and bowls until I heard a familiar, warm voice.

"Hello Serena." The voice said. I turned around and smiled when I saw Thomas.

"Oh, hi Thomas!" I say. He smiled and waved. "What are you looking for?" He said as he came up beside me.

I sighed and shifted my weight to my left leg. "I'm looking for some household items because I'm moving into my new apartment really soon." I explained.

He nodded and picked up a cool looking coffee maker. I was in awe of how complex it looked. "Wow, that's a good one!" I say looking at the coffee maker. I have an obsession with coffee.

He smiled and looked at me. "Great! It will look great in your apartment." He said as he put it in his cart. My eyes widened, "Oh no, no you don't have to." I said sheepishly.

He shook his head and began to stroll away. "Don't worry darling, it's a present from me now!" He said with a smile. I laughed softly and nodded.

He motioned his head, telling me to walk with him. This was a true gentleman.

We walked around Macy's and a few other stores together for another hour. He helped me pick out the right stuff for my apartment, which was very helpful.

I actually had a lot of fun with him today. We kept joking around at some of the items we found in stores. And plus he bought me that coffee maker.

We started to walk out of the mall with a ton of mags in our hands. "Thank you for the coffee maker, and for your help." I said to Thomas.

He smiled and nodded, "It was my pleasure." He said. I smiled and looked away from his emerald green eyes, that literally sparked like real emeralds.

"How can I pay you back?" I asked. I felt guilty for letting him buy me that coffee machine.

He smirked and looked at me. "How about another date?" He offered. I smiled and chuckled softly. "Sure." I said.

He nodded, "When are you free?" He asked. "I'm free now." I replied.

He smiled, "Alright then, how about you meet me at the bar on the corner of the street next to that one sandwich shop?" He asked.

"Sounds good." I say with a smile. He smirked and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

I got nervous for a second but then relaxed. I haven't been kissed, on the cheeks or lips, since my last ex who left me on our wedding day.

He smirked and walked away to his car. I waved and smiled. I thought maybe it was a little too early for a new relationship, but honestly I really like Thomas, he seems like a really good guy.

I got my bags in the car and closed the trunk. That's another thing I need to get, my own car. Hopefully Daniel could help me find one.

I got into my car and began to drive to this bar, which took about 10 minutes.

As soon as I got to this bar, I saw Thomas waiting out front for me. I parked my car and got out.

He smiled when he saw me, which made me smile too. "Hi again." I said with a little laugh.

He smiled and waved. He and I then walked into this bar, it was actually very nice. We got a seat at a small table and ordered some drinks.

I just got a Shirley temple because I didn't want to drink and drive. He decided to get a little wine, so he could still drive.

We chatted about stuff and I told him about my new apartment and showed him some pictures. He thought it looked really nice.

"So yeah, I'm supposed to move into it on Wednesday so that will be fun." I say with a laugh. He laughed and nodded, "Well if you need any help, Just give me a call." He said.

I smiled and nodded, "Ok." I say. He and I were just silently staring at each other, it was less awkward then last time.

All of the sudden I felt two strong hands softly squeezed my shoulders. I jumped at the contact, I didn't know who it was.

I saw Thomas scowl at the guy behind me. I turned around to see who it was, but I immediately relaxed when I saw those familiar beautiful, blonde locks.

"Johnny! Hi!" I say to him breathlessly with wide eyes. He smirked down at me and winked. I forgot about how powerful that wink was, I felt my cheeks get hot - It's like his superpower.

"Hi angel, you guys seem like your having a lot of fun." He said sarcastically. Thomas didn't laugh, "Well were just having a date." Thomas said.

I heard Johnny chuckle softly, "Date? I don't know if you've been on a real date or not, but me and Serena's dates were a lot more exciting than this." Johnny said back with a smirk. I laughed softly and looked back to Thomas.

"Thomas, this is my ex Johnny. And Johnny this is my date, Thomas." I introduced them both.

Thomas threw a fake smile and nodded. Johnny didn't really make a facial expression, he had his game face on.

Oh dear, more jealousy. "Uh- Well, Johnny what are you doing here?" I asked. He looked back to me.

"Just finishing some business." He said with no emotion. I nodded, he must've been just finished with figuring out the Robby situation. I could tell he hasn't had the best day today.

I looked back to Thomas who was getting his wallet out. "Uh Serena, I just forgot I have to work to do in 30 minutes so I'm going to have to cut this date short." He said as he put cash on the table.

I smiled and nodded, "Ok, thank you again." I said. He smiled and nodded. Then he got up from the table and left.

I heard Johnny scoff. I turned around to look at him. "What an asshole." He said while shaking his head. I laughed, "What?" I said.

"He just ditched you during your date!" He explained with another scoff. I shook my head and smiled, "I think you might've scared him off." I smiled explained.

He smirked and proudly nodded. I playfully rolled my eyes and stood up. He smiled when our faces met.

"So, what are you doing now?" I asked him as I grabbed my purse. He shrugged.

"I don't even know." He said with no hope in his voice. I nodded slightly and rubbed his arm comfortingly.

"Why don't why go get something to eat." I say with a small smile. He looked at the arm that I was rubbing and smiled.

I lowered my arm and laughed nervously. "Sure." He said with my favorite smile of his. I felt a pit in my stomach, then smiled.

"Alright, uh you could follow me to my moms house first, if you want. I need to drop some things off." I said as we began to walk out of the bar.

He nodded, "Ok, I'll see you at your house." He said with a smile. I smiled and waved.

I got into the car and then started to drive back to my moms house, which was actually only 5 minutes away.

Once I arrived at the house, I parked my car in the drive way and I saw Johnny park his red car on the side. I turned the car off and got out of it.

I opened my trunk and started to get some bags, there was a lot. Johnny came up beside me and grabbed the rest.

I was shocked since there's were like 8 bags filled with very heavy items.

I smiled at him, "Thanks, Mr. Incredible." I say sarcastically. I backed up and closed the trunk with my foot, thanks to karate I can lift my leg that high.

Johnny looked at me in shock. I smirked as the trunk closed.

"Ok Elastic Girl, let's get these put away quickly 'cause I'm starving." He said mocking my statement that I had said to him before.

I laughed and began to walk to the front door. I led us to the guest room and I dropped the bags on my bed. Johnny came in behind me and set the bags down as well.

I started to unpack some of the items to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything.

I turned around and saw Johnny picking up that blue bunny that he won for me 30 years ago. I smiled and walked up behind him.

"So you actually kept it. I thought you were maybe just saying that to make me feel good." He said with a cute smile.

I laughed softly, "Yeah, I actually kept it." I said. He looked at me and smiled even more.

"Ok, well are you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed a jacket before walking out of the room.

We walked out and saw my mom sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

"Hi honey! Did you get some stuff your apartment?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

Johnny came up behind me, coming into my moms sight. She immediately smiled and jumped in her seat.

She gasped, "Johnny! Oh dear, it's so lovely to see you." She said as she stood up and walked over to us. I laughed softly at her reaction.

Johnny smiled as my mom hugged him. She let go and looked at me. "So you told him? Are you guys a thing again?" She asked.

My eyes widened and I chuckled nervously. "No mom- Uh, he's just my friend now.." I say quickly. Johnny glanced at me with a smirk and then back to my mom.

My mom sighed and frowned, "Aw, damn. You guys made a cute couple, I would've had super cute grandchildren too." She said disappointedly.

My mom needs to hurry up and be quiet, oh god. I felt my cheeks grow red, I saw that so was Johnnys.

"Well, I'm sorry mom." I say with a fake laugh. Thanks a lot mom. I saw Johnny smile down at his feet. I couldn't help but smile a little too.

"Well, we're gonna go eat dinner. Bye mom." I say as I grabbed Johnnys arm and pulled him out of my moms house before she reveals anything else. That was very awkward.

"Bye sweetie!!" She said with a little laugh, I can tell she did that to embarrass me a little. I laughed softly as we got outside of the house. I heard Johnny chuckle a little.

"Well, that was interesting." He said with a smile. I laughed again, "Yeah, sorry about that." I said.

He smiled and nodded his head, "It's ok." He said.

"So what car do you wanna take?" I asked, trying to quickly change the subject. I was trying to avoid him asking about what my mom had meant when she said "Did you tell him".

He smirked and led me to his red car. Obviously he wants his car.

"Angel, is that even a question." He said with a laugh. I smiled and shook my head. "Right, of course you want your car rather than Daniels car." I say with a laugh.

He nodded dramatically and smiled. We got into his car. It reminded me of when he'd pick me up when we'd go on dates, same with his motorcycle.

He began to drive away. "-You still ride a motorcycle?" I asked. He shook his head, "Not really." He said.

I nodded, "You always looked super cool whenever you rode those, it was like your signature thing back then." I say, reminiscing the past.

He smirked and looked at me. "I did huh, I think I looked even cooler with my beautiful girlfriend on the back of it." He said. I smiled and nodded.

He smiled and looked back to the street. We talked for another 10 minutes before we got to a little diner.

We walked into the diner after Johnny parked his car. There were families eating their dinner happily. Me and Johnny took a seat at a table.

He ordered a sandwich and I ordered a few cheeseburger. After ordering, I noticed that he looked lost and sad.

"What are thinking about?" I asked him. He looked down at the table.

"I screwed everything up." He said sadly. I felt really bad for Johnny.

"No, you di-" I was about to say but he cut me off. "I did Serena." He said sternly. I jumped at his sudden attitude change.

"I'm sorry." He said in a more calmer voice. I nodded and smiled comfortingly, "It's ok, I understand how you feel." I say. He nodded and looked back down.

Our food came pretty quickly and we began to eat. "If you just keep giving up.. your not going to fix anything." I said to him.

He took a bite of his sandwich and looked at me. I took a sip of my water.

"If you want something you have to fight for it, don't just give up. Remember, no mercy." I say with a little smile. He smiled and chuckled softly.

He kept looking at me, it was like his eyes were trying to tell me something. I just don't know what.

We heard a child laughung from next to us. He looked over there to see a father and his son sharing a sundae.

I looked at Johnny who was smiling at the two. I know how hard he is on himself for giving up on Robby, and now he is forced to give up on Miguel. I just hope he won't give up just yet.

He smiled even more and looked back at me. I took a bite of my burger as he began to smirk at me.

"So, what were you going to tell me?" He asked as he took another bite of his sandwich. I felt myself freeze. Shit.

"Uhm.. What do you mean?" I asked nonchalantly. He smiled and laughed softly.

"Your mom asked you if you told me, what did she mean?" He asked. I felt my cheeks get hot, why did my mom have to say that.

"It was nothing." I said quickly. He squinted his eyes but then nodded. I smiled and took a sip of my drink.

"So what are you gonna do next?" I asked. He leaned back in his seat and stroked his hair.

"I'm gonna show no mercy." He said with a smile. I smiled and nodded happily.

It was the next morning, Johnny dropped me off after eating dinner to go try one last time to get Miguel back.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I groaned as I slowly sat up. It was already 10 am, man I never sleep in that late.

I checked my phone, I had one text from Johnny. I opened my phone to see what he said:

Johnny😎: Guess what angel, we're back!! Miguel is allowed to train with us! Get ready for Thursday morning because your gonna be his other sensei.

Me: Yay!! Good work, I knew you could do it. I'll see ya then. 👊🏻💖

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