Owned By The Alpha ā€¢Completedāœ“


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I wrote this book a while ago, I don't like most of what's written here. So if you're here to criticize, plea... More

Just a suggestion


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I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself closely expecting to see a little difference, but I saw none. I was just glowing. That's all.

I smiled to myself like a creep and even stuck out my tongue. I'm just so happy. Extraordinarily happy.

Jasmine and Bethany's explanation of... of mating is really different from what happened last night. Theirs was an underrated version. I didn't even know someone could feel that much... that much, you know.

I smiled more at myself and even started humming. Last night, if possible brought me and Jason closer than we were before. I feel this type of connection, a strong connection with him. And yesterday made me realize fully that I love him. Yes! I love Jason so much I could run on a burning  coal for him.

The bathroom door opened and Jason came in. My smile got wider (if that was possible) as I saw him.

He came close to me and hugged me from behind,burying his face into my neck where my newly placed mark was.

''Morning love'' His deep hoarse voice said. I shudder at his voice and hugged him closer to myself.

Fudge! I love this man. I fudging love this man.

If Jason froze,I didn't notice because I was thinking of how I'd go to a mountain top and scream 'I love you Jason' for hours. Nonstop.

''Good morning'' I replied with a blush,turning to look at him. Why are you blushing girl. Pull yourself together.

Jason removed himself from me and moved back a little,holding my shoulders. He tucked a start curl behind my ear and gave me a look if astonishment.

''I still can't believe that me and you mated yesterday. To be honest, I never expected it. I thought I'd still have to wait. I planned to wait for you till you were ready, but I didn't think it'd happen this soon. I just...I just. Fuck! Why can't I just say it''

He looked frustrated as he ran his hand through his hair multiple times. I did my usual thing by rearranging or trying to rearrange the hair.

''I didn't think it will happen yesterday too,though I've been thinking of it. I just didn't know it what gift to get you,so-so I decided to do that and I'm happy I did'' I said while looking into his eyes.

I tried removing my hand from his hair,but he placed his on mine and gave me a look that screams Continue.

''I'm happy you did just that too and how the hell did you guys think you could pull a surprise with me? You weren't being discreet at all. Or you were trying to be discreet,but you suck at it'' He said with amusement.

Glad we are making you laugh,Jay. I'm glad.

I glared at him and swatted his shoulder,finally removing my hand from his hair.

''It's not our fault. I'm not allowed out of the house –'' He gave me a look that said 'its not true',so I corrected myself and continued. '' Okay I'm not allowed to go out of the house for my own Safety. So how do you want us to plan a surprise. I text slow and you can hear what I say when we call. So How? O! Wise one'' I concluded. Jason looked like someone that was about to burst into laughter,but I think my glare is doing a good job at keeping it in.

''But I didn't ruin the surprise love. I even acted surprised'' He retorted.

''Yeah, you acted surprise all right. We all shouted 'Surprise' and you just opened your eyes wide,that's all. You didn't even say 'Oh my gosh. I'm so happy. I can't believe that you guys planned a surprise for me, I-I can't,I'm overwhelmed guys' and maybe cry a little. But you just opened your eyes wide and said 'thanks', thanks,that's all'' I said mimicking his voice.

''First, I don't sound like that and Second, I can't say all, all that you just said and Last, I think I acted my part good,even perfect'' He said with a smug look.

''You totally sound Like that and you also sound  like this too,listen'' I cleared my throat and started,trying to make my voice deeper and like Jason's. '' Hey love, I don't like when you call me Jason,my name is Jay. Only Jay,okay?'' I grunted a little like how Jason would do it, but from the way Jason has been laughing since,I'm getting it all wrong.

He tried holding his laughter to speak and wiping tears off his eyes. ''I do NOT sound like that. Ever. But I know you sound this way. 'For the hundredth time Jay,pick up your jacket' and another one. 'You put your clothes into the hamper and not on the floor''' He said,making his voice squeaky as if to mimic me.

I totally do not and never sound like that.

I was laughing  so bad when he finished and Jason joined in the laughter. I like this 'playful version' of me and Jason.

We finally stopped laughing and Jason pulled me closer to him.

''On a serious note, I'm grateful that you planned or tried to plan a surprise for me. I'm happy love. Very happy, you made me a happy man. Before, I was very angry at everything, even myself. I couldn't even associate with my pack. Then you came along and,and brightened everywhere. I don't even know how and when you made my relationship with the pack stronger. The kids play with me these days without looking like I'd scream at them. Pack members talk to me freely,all because of you. I'm grateful,love'' Jason concluded.


I didn't know I was crying till Jason wiped it away with a paranoid look on his face.

''I didn't say anything mean,did I?''

I swatted him gently '' Of course you didn't. You were just so-so sweet'' I said laughing gently.

Jason grimaced when I called him sweet and mumbled 'not sweet but manly'. He hugged me deeper and I buried my face into his chest,content.


I walked with a skip as I greeted people I passed by. Hmm! Wonderful day,beautiful weather! Not really,it was raining, but at this moment 'I don't care'. Even if an earthquake wants to happen right now, it won't spoil my happy mood.

I finally mated with Jason. Yaaaaaay!

I hummed and tried whistling,but it sounded so awful so I stopped. I didn't know the tune I was humming,but it was sure a happy one.

Nothing and I mean nothing will spoil my mood today.

''Ow'' I shouted as I bumped into someone and fell on the ground. I spoke too soon. I looked up to see the person and met with an unfamiliar face. I've been in this pack for more than five months and I haven't seen this face before.

''I'm sorry,Luna'' The guy said,helping me up. I winced as he gripped me hard,but no problem it was not intentional. He was just helping me up.

I removed myself from his grip and moved back.

''No problem. Sorry,who are you?'' I  asked, tilting my head to the side.

''Um, I'm Sean. Sharon's brother. I came to visit my family'' His eyes glinting.

Uh! Is it only me or is how he said 'family' unusual?

I moved back a little and bumped into Derek. Trust Jason not to let me go without guards. I was even surprised he allowed me to leave with what has been going on.

''Sorry Sean,we have to go. See ya around'' Derek said in a not so friendly tone.

He didn't wait for me to say anything,he just led me out of there.

''Um what just happened?'' I asked, not sure.

''There's something shady about that guy. Maybe you should stay indoors for now,Luna'' Derek said,looking around as if someone was supposed to attack any minute from now.

''You noticed it too? His eyes were glinting weirdly'' I replied.

It was quiet after that till I got back home,but I can't seem to shake off that weird encounter with Sean out of my mind.

I decided to take my mind off it and continue my activities. Like I said earlier, nothing will spoil my happy mood today.

I was about to sit down when Jason barged in and came straight to me,pulling me to his chest. He pulled out of the big and looked at me all over as if to make sire I'm okay. When he was satisfied,he pulled me back into a hug.

''Don't scare me like that again. Derek said you ran into Sean and he pushed you off the ground'' He said and hugged me tighter.


''No it wasn't like that. I just bumped into him and fell. It wasn't that bad. He even pulled me up'' I said into his chest. Derek is overreacting.

''I don't care. He also said that Sean acted weird to you. So from now on,no more people except family...'' He pulled back and looked at my face clearly,with that soft glare that's meant for me. I sighed dreamily ''... Blah blah blah never ever again,okay?'' Jason said.

Okay! What did he just say? I need to know what I'm answering too. I looked at him for a long time and just settled for what I think is the best answer.

''I don't think so''

What? That's the best answer. To me.

Jason sighed and rubbed his face,frustrated.

''You don't understand love. Some things have been happening in this pack. You are not the only one staying indoors,almost everyone is. Well everyone except the warriors,so you have to listen to me. Don't argue with me on this one,please'' He sounded almost tired and I felt bad.

Look at you Kenzie, daydreaming whilst there's trouble. Hmm!

''Sorry. I'll stay indoors. You know you can tell me what's happening right. No need to put me in the dark. I need to be prepared for anything that what's to happen''  I said,hoping that Jason would tell me. I'm really tired of not knowing.

Jason began shaking his head and was about to speak,when I cut him off.

''Please Jay''

He sighed and looked away. That was his weak point.

''Um The bastard is trying really hard to take you away from me,but you know it's not possible'' Jason assured.

I thought as much,but wasn't sure.

I felt weak in the knees and even wobbled a little. Jason noticed and led me to the couch to sit.

''How bad is it?'' I asked him as I sat down.

From how Jason was delaying to reply,I know it must be pretty bad. Fudge!

''From uh,the reports,he's been speaking to rogues. So its possible that he's bringing them. I'm not sure''

Is it not bad that I escaped from there just to endanger other peoples life? Only heaven knows what the pack is thinking of me now. They would be blaming me for sure. After all I'm the one that 'the bastard' is related too. Fudge Kenzie!

Maybe I should have stayed there and this wouldn't happen,but I wouldn't have met Jason and BFG,Jasmine,Jordan and all these wonderful people. I wouldn't have made all these wonderful memories and I...I deserve to be happy. Jason made me believe that. He made me believe that I deserve happiness because I'm human.

I must've been crying because Jason was panicking and was cleaning the tears before they dropped.

''Can you stop it woman,it's not your fault and I sure hope as hell that you aren't regretting why you escaped'' Jaosn said,shaking my shoulders.

I looked at his tired face and wondered why he hasn't gotten tired of me or even hated me for bringing all these burden to him. He's still looking at me like I'm the only thing that matters and that...that just makes me love him so much.

''It's just that... that the pack is now in danger because of me and I don't want anything to happen to them" I sniffled and wiped my tears.

"No love. Don't blame yourself don't ever blame yourself. We are your family now and we'll protect you okay. I'm your family'' Jason said. He's words just made me sob harder.

''I,I...'' What are you doing Kenzie! I shook my head rapidly. I'm not sure this is the time to proclaim my love for Jason. I want to to it in a,in a romantic way. When we are happy and not when we are faced with problems here and there. I'll have to try the 'I love you part' later.

I wiped my face and looked at Jason, determined.

''I want to help'' I stated bluntly. Jason's face turned sour as if I farted in his food. I'm sure you don't want that Jay. Your food is important to you.

''Nope. No way. End of discussion. Let's move on to a new topic. Do you want to sleep? We can work out or watch TV. You love watching TV,right?'' He was just saying everything that came to his head and he was looking at everywhere but me.

I understand his fear. I don't even want to think about Jason fighting rogues or any lack members fighting.

''It's not how you mean Jay. I mean I can tell you the things I know about the pack and what I remember. Maybe that will help?''

Jason looked at me for some seconds before his worried expression became calm.

''You almost gave me heart attack,love'' He said while rubbing  his chest.

''Sorry. You just misunderstood me''

''I think we could use your suggestion. We need to know many things. I know its been long you left there,but the little you remember will be enough. You can tell me how often they train? How many they are and so on.''

I nodded my head to that and started answering.

''I don't know if they've improved,but the pack was lazy as fudge. They don't train often and most of the warriors are aged'' I replied.

We spent the remainder of the day gathering stuff about the pack and what to do with them. I hope our efforts are not in vain. I hope it works.


It been a week since and there have been no changes. Most pack members including me are still indoors. I think we've been receiving threats from my uncle,but I'm not sure. Jason won't tell me anything.

I was reading a novel and Jason was doing pack work when a message was sent to Jason's phone. He picked it up and was staring at it. I paid no attention to him and continued my reading.

''Hey Love'' Jaosn called and I  looked up.

''Derek says this woman is at the pack borders and she claim she knows you,do you know her?'' He  asked while giving me his phone for me to look at the picture.

I froze when I saw the person on the screen.

Amber? What the hell is she doing here?

''Who is she? Is she from the bastard's pack?'' Jason asked,his voice angry. He must have seen the expression on my face.

I nodded my head. I don't know what to feel right now. I know I'm not scared because Jason is here. I'm just wary. I don't know what to expect.

''She's his daughter''

Jason's face got angrier as he stood up almost knocking over his chair.

''What the fuck is she doing here?''

Word count: 2722

Hey guys. Long time.

Thank you so much for all your votes and comments. I'm so so so so grateful.

What do you think of the chapter and  most especially, what do you think of Sean? What do you think are his motives?

And what do you think is Amber's reason for visiting Jason's pack.

Comment your thoughts and please vote. Thank you.

#22nd November,2020.

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