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By xcapsicle

500K 11.2K 11.7K

!!! CURRENTLY REVAMPING STORY !!! #2 in johnny lawrence on 12/30/20 #1 in boyfriend on 1/11/21 #1 in vintage... More

Moving Day
The Beach Party
First Impressions
The A-Hole in the Hills
Golf N Stuff
Late Nights
Halloween Terror
VIII. Something He Wanted
IX. Double Date
X. Chores
XI. Sensei Johnny
XII. Invite
XIII. New Student
XIV. The Country Club
XV. The Country Club Part 2
XVI. Balance
XVII. The Whole Truth
XVIII. All Valley Tournament
XIX. All Valley Tournament Part 2
XX. Meltdown
XXI. True Love..
Cast Part 2
XXII. 33 Years Later
XXIII. Back to Where it all Began
XXIV. Good Accidents
XXV. Back in the Game
XXVI. Hurt
XXVII. The LaRusso's
XXIX. Breakfast at Johnnys
XXX. Turning the Page
XXXI. Changes
XXXII. Uncertain Cituation
XXXIII. Just Like Old Times
XXXIV. The Truth
XXXV. Lies
XXXVI. The Way of the Fist
XXXVII. Desires
XXXVIII. Nostalgia
XXXIX. Lunch Party
XL. Second First Date
XLI. Sense of Balance
XLII. A Rollercoaster
XLIII. No Mercy
XLIV. The Tournament
XLVI. Demons from the Past
XLVII. Little Projects
XVLIII. New Teacher, Old Habbits
XLIX. The Future
L. Fighting Back
LI. Fire and Ice
LII. Warning Signs
LIII. Quiver
LIV. A Night to Remember
LV. A New Leaf
LVI. Still Have Time
LVII. A Man With No Plan
LVIII. The Plan of Action
LIX. Exciting Appearances
LX. An Unknown Fright
LXI. Moonlight Memories
LXII. Things Couldn't Have Gone Worse
LXIII. Hell Breaking Loose
LXIV. Constant Worry
LXV. Confessions Lead To Relief
LVXI. New Worries
LVXII. Our Kid

XLV. Bad Surprises

2.9K 80 87
By xcapsicle

The Same Night

After making sure all the kids got a ride, me and Johnny headed back to his apartment.

We just pulled up to his apartment when Johnny hit his hand on his wheel.

"Shit, I forgot my phone at the dojo." He said. I chuckled and nodded.

"Here, why don't you just go into my apartment while I go back and get it. I won't be long." He said.

I smiled, "Ok, I'll order a pizza?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Sure." He said and leaned in to kiss me. I held one side of his face and then got out of his car.

He waved and then left to go back to the dojo. I walked up to his apartment and got the key he gave me to open his door.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, it was a mess again-So I couldn't help myself.

I picked up some beer cans off the floor and put them in the trash. I straightened up his living room and then once I was done I went into his room.

I was just going to borrow some of his clothes for pajamas because I was tired of wearing my normal clothes.

I saw the little dog in the corner of his room, which made me smile.

I went to his drawer and got a shirt and some sweats. I got changed into them and walked back to the living room and got my phone out.

I then dialed a near by pizza place, I ordered one cheese pizza-They told me it'd take 10 minutes so that should be enough time.

I'm assuming Johnny should be back soon, since the dojo is pretty close by.


It's been almost 15 minutes, someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer it.

"Hi, pizza delivery for Serena?" The pizza man asked. I nodded and got some money out.

"Yeah, thank you." I said with a smile. He gave me the pizza as I handed him my money.

He nodded and left, I closed the door and set it down on the table. There was still no sign of Johnny.

It's almost been 20 minutes, I'm starting to get worried. It doesn't take someone 20 minutes to get a phone from a place that's 5 minutes away.

I gave it another 5 minutes and then if he doesn't show up I'm going to call him.

And then another 5 minutes passed, I was getting more and more anxious. He's probably ok, I'm just worried about him.

I tried to dial his number but it went to voicemail. "What the hell?" I said to myself as I looked at my phone.

I then jumped at the sound of the door opening. It was Johnny, he looked tired.

"Dude, what too-" I began to say but then I saw his hand. It was bruised and red. I also noticed he had some glass in his hair.

"What the hell happened." I asked him with concern. I got up from the couch and walked up to him.

He shook his head, I picked up his hand to get a better look at it.

"Let me get you ice for this." I said and then walked to his kitchen.

He walked over to the couch and didn't say anything, he just sat down.

I got a bowl and put ice in it, it should help with swelling. I walked back over to him and put the bowl on the coffee table in front of him.

I sat down next to him as he looked at the bowl. "What happened?" I asked him.

"I don't think you wanna know." He said as he looked at me.".

I raised my eyebrows and scoffed, "You're hurt, I'd like to know what happened to you." I said.

He sighed and stroked his hair, causing some glass to fall out. I brushed some of the glass out as well.

"Kreese isn't dead." He said as I brushed the glass out. I then froze.

He's kidding.

"You're joking, right?" I asked him as I lowered my hand. He didn't smile, he shook his head.

I felt my ears get red, that son of a bitch.

"He did this to you." I said sternly. He could tell my anger level was getting high, so he put his hand on my lap.

"He did, but I'm ok." He said comfortingly. I took a deep breath and got the bowl and put it on his lap.

He didn't put his hand in, so I took his hand and put it in the bowl for him. "It'll help." I said.

He nodded and continued to put it in the bowl.

"I swear I'll get a restraining order on that monster for you." I said to him.

He chuckled softly, "No, it's ok. I'm sure he won't reach me again." He said.

"If he does, that'll be it for him." I said as I crossed my arms.

Johnny smiled, I could tell he was amused by my anger. I smiled a little since he was smiling at me.

"Let's just not worry about it right now, ok?" He said as he traced his finger on my cheek.

I nodded and leaned up to open the pizza box, I got two slices-I handed one to Johnny and kept the other for me.

He smirked, "To Cobra Kai.. and us." He said as he rose his pizza for me to cheers with him.

I smiled and kissed him, then leaned back. "Pretty sure you were supposed to cheers me with your slice of pizza, but that works too." He said with a smirk.

I laughed and cheers him with my pizza, then I took a bite-He did too.

We ate some more pizza and chatted for a while. Once we were done he turned the tv onto Iron Eagle, obviously.

He moved the bowl of ice and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his lap. I smiled as he cuddled me close-This felt exactly like the night of the tournament in high school.

I had my arms wrapped around him as we watched this movie, I don't know how he could watch this over and over.

It didn't really matter because I was so comfortable being with him that I didn't even notice the movie.

He looked at me and smiled, I felt my eyes start to get heavy.

He laughed softly, "Am I boring you?" He asked as he paused the tv.

I laughed, "No, it's just getting late." I said. He smirked and put his hands on my cheeks, giving me a passionate and tender kiss.

We continued to kiss each other for about 4 more minutes, but was interrupted by the phone ring. We both looked over to his phone.

"The only person I know who can call me is you, but your here.." He said as he gave me a confused look.

I shrugged as I yawned. "Just answer it real quick, I'm gonna get settled in bed." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He nodded as I got off of his lap and walked into his bedroom. He walked to the phone and answered it.

I immediately got right into his bed and pulled the covers over me. I didn't hear him say anything.

He then walked into the room and closed the door behind him, locking it.

I gave him a weird look, "What now?" I asked as he got to his side of the bed.

He sighed as he got in and pulled the covers over him. He looked at me as he laid on his side.

"He wants me to meet him tomorrow for lunch, just to talk." He said.

I shook my head, "Babe, your not going, right?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go, but I want you to come with me." He asked. I cocked one eyebrow up.

"No, I'm not gonna talk to the asshole who tried to kill you." I said.

"Please. We're just gonna tell him that we have no interest in him." He told me.

I bit my lip. "..Fine." I said. He smiled slightly and kissed me once more.

"Thank you, angel." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"We're not making a deal with him, got it?" I said sternly. He nodded.

I just stared up to the ceiling, I started to worry about Kreese and his nonsense becoming a part of his life again.

"Angel, you don't need to worry. Ok?" Johnny said into my ear softly-It sent shivers down my spine.

Suddenly I was immediately comforted, I turned my head to face him again.

He smiled and scooted closer to me since I didn't scoot near him. He wrapped his arms around me underneath the sheets, putting his head in between my shoulder and head.

I smiled as he cuddled me, I shifted my body a little to get more comfortable. I wrapped one arm around him and I held his arm with my other hand.

I kissed his head and smiled, I felt him smile into my shoulder-Which made me get goosebumps.

"I love you." I whispered.

He kissed my shoulder as he began to go to sleep, "I love you, angel." He said softly.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Everything is so good right now.

I just really hope Kreese doesn't make Johnnys life hell.

a/n: heyyy ok this is a little shorter than the last chapter soo yeah lmaoo. i hope y'all enjoyed this one haha <33

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