Monkey Wrench

By MAXnature

189 5 1

A hidden life and a hidden past cross paths. Will these friends be able to stay together? Will life tear them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

10 0 0
By MAXnature

I hear my concerned father from behind, "How is he?" If I was strong before, I'm not anymore. My dad actually sounds caring right now, and that completely undid me. Just at the sound of him, my head drops, and my hand goes to my mouth, and I just start crying. I slowly turn around to face my dad.

I barely make out audible sounds through my silent sobbing, "He's not good. He's not conscious. As soon as we got here, they told me I couldn't go any further." My dad just wraps me into a hug and lets me continue to cry in his chest. Oliver has definitely made my dad softer or my dad has a soft spot for Oliver. Either way, I'm glad my dad's here with me right now. My dad ushers us over to the waiting room, and we sit in a corner where we can see everything. It's surprisingly not crowded for a hospital waiting room.

After I regain my composure, it's time to start talking business. I ask weakly, "Did you bring Oakley?"

Dad responds cautiously, "He's outside if we need anything. So, what's the deal with Sky?"

I stare at the ground as I retell the story in a shorter version. Dad starts, "Dakota, Oliver is one of us whether he knows this or not. We're not going to let anything happen to him. I'll check in with Devon while Wren is questioning." All I can do is nod. There's too many emotions inside of me. I'm the one who helps others with their emotions and problems. I should be able to help myself. But the knowledge is out there, I'm technically also in a traumatic experience even though Oliver has it worse doesn't invalidate my experience. I'm also suffering just in a different way. It's not physical trauma, it's emotional.

And damn, is that true.

Watching him get worse before my eyes, having him dragged into this world by Sky, having him be a pawn in this world that I tried so hard to protect him from. No amount of training and education will prepare me to experience this level of emotional trauma. I know what I'm supposed to do, but putting it into reality for myself is not the same. It's not like dissecting someone else's life and telling them how all the pieces interconnect and analyze that information with them and see what they want to do with it that's helpful to them. This is a matter of life and death. And, I quite frankly don't know which side is winning.

Dad interrupts my thinking, "Devon says the chick's name is Charlie. She's definitely one of Sky's girls."

That was all the fuel I needed for this fire already growing inside of me. I launch to my feet and storm out of the hospital. As soon as I get outside, I dial Sky's number. I pulled my phone out while I was walking out of the hospital.

Sky doesn't take long to pick up, "Dakota, what can I do for you?"

I snap at him, "Cut the crap Sky. Your plan backfired. I didn't get injected. Your girl, Charlie, fucked up."

Sky doesn't seem phased at all, "What do you know?"

I go off, training be damned, "That you threatened Oliver with something, and he has to make a decision by this afternoon for you about something, and it could come between us. What I don't know is why you got him involved to begin with or why you think you could come between us."

Sky laughs, "1) That's not of your concern. 2) Clearly, I can get between the two of you. Where are you right now?"

Oh... yeah. Crap.

Sky continues, "Right, that's what I thought."

I bounce back, "You think this over. Two can play this game. We'll get information out of Charlie.

"She fucked up. Do what you want to her," he throws her in.

He doesn't seem the least bit concerned about us getting information or contacts from her, "Got it."

Then I hang up. Any more talk would have been useless, unproductive.

Sky was gonna use me to help Oliver make whatever decision he had to. I literally cannot think anymore. I sit on the curb outside and soak in the night air. It's not hot but it's not cold either. It's not windy; it's not dry, but it's not humid. It's the perfect balance without precipitation. I'm so lost in the weather, everything else gets tuned out. I am completely spooked when I finally feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Oakley standing over me.

"What's going on Oakley?"

"Pops wanted me to check in with you. But after I saw you storm out, it felt best to give you your space."

I turn away and stare blankly at what's in front of me, "It's all Sky. Sky had a plan. It backfired. Who knows if he has a plan b." I can't standby anymore. I have to go see how he's doing. I walk back into the hospital and straight up to the information desk. I interrupt what the receptionist is doing, "What's the status on Oliver Vasi?"

"And you are?" the receptionist doesn't even look up.

"His brother," I calmly say. The receptionist does something on the computer.

"Oliver is stable. ICU Room 2." That's good news. I breathe out a sigh of relief. I walk over to Oliver's room and just stand in the doorway looking at him. Sky's gonna pay for this.

Someone in a white lab coat starts walking up to me. The lab coat has their name embedded on it; it says Dr. Greyson Ripley with some letters after the name. The doctor catches up to me, "I was just coming to talk to the family of Oliver. Looks like you beat me to it."

I don't even think before responding, "Got tired of waiting. They directed me this way."

"Well, perfect timing. I'm Dr. Ripley," the doctor calmly says.

"Dakota." I know that we're technically doing introductions, but this is way past me. I just want to know if Oliver is okay.

Dr. Ripley can sense that I just want to get to the point. "Oliver was injected with Frost Growth."

My brain starts racing, "What is that: a drug or a poison? Will he be okay?" I need hardcore facts. What does this mean?

Dr. Ripley looks concerned, "We're not exactly sure what it is. We've only had a few cases at this hospital. And, those people were trying to get high off it. In Oliver's case, we don't know how long it's been since he was injected. He could get better if he got here quick enough. Depending on how Oliver responds to treatment over the next 24 hours will determine if he's going to be fine."

I slump against the doorframe and look longingly at Oliver. We're in a waiting game now. I don't even try to pull myself together to acknowledge the doctor, "Thanks Doctor."

"If you need anything, let me or my nurses know," Dr. Ripley adds before looking at a clipboard to get ready to leave. I just nod, then he walks away. What am I going to tell your mom? I am not looking forward to that. But, I guess I better get it over with. I should have dad do it. This is business too, and I'm too emotional for this shit. I leave the room and walk back to the waiting room and find Oakley sitting next to my dad.

I look everywhere but at them. I start stuttering at first, "Umm, so, Oliver was injected with Frost Growth. We won't know if he's out of harm's way until tomorrow like after another night tomorrow. They have him on some kind of treatment plan, but he's still unconscious." Now I look at my dad, "Can you call Momma Vasi to update her that he's here?"

Dad looks at me for direction, "You're in charge of this one. What do you want me to tell her?"

Shit. I didn't realize I was top gun on this, but I guess I have been calling all the shots since shit went down. I guess I am big game now. Fuck. I didn't want this. Too late now. Oliver's life is on the line.

"You can tell her that he was drugged at the club, and we're at the hospital. He's in ICU and stable for now but not in the clear yet. We'll tell her the rest when she gets here."

I can't handle this anymore. I may be naturally strong or that came with years of education and living this life, but right now I feel like shattered glass. I told Ollie that I would be with him as much as I can, and that's what I'm gonna do. I turn back towards Oliver's room and leave Oakley and my dad there. I can't be in boss mode right now. I didn't sign up for this. Not this early. I can't deal with any questions. For once, I actually need to take care of myself, and that means being with Ollie.

I stand in the doorway again. It's so hard seeing him like this, but I have to go in there. He needs me, and I need him. It's like he can sense my presence or there's something else going on in that brain of his. His fingers are twitching. If that wasn't a cue for me to get my ass in there, I don't know what was.

I walk in and place a chair by his bed and grab his hand and say, "I'm so sorry Oliver."

I'm surprised that I actually get a response from him. Granted he could have just recognized my voice.

Oliver mumbles, "Dakota."

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