Garmadon's Spy | Ninjago x Re...

By ZTA1692

132K 4.4K 7.4K

Imagine yourself trained and raised by Garmadon, homeschooled and isolated from everyone outside the volcano... More

Author Note
NovelHD Stole My Books
Ch.1 "Ignore The Rules"
Ch.3 "Moving Out"
Ch.4 "Biological Trouble"
Ch.5 "Cheerleaders"
Ch.6 "I Want Food"
Ch.7 "Shopping With A Stranger"
Ch.8 "I Won't Hurt You"
Ch.9 "Spishar"
Ch.10 "Yeet"
Ch.11 "Potato Lisa"
Ch.12 "History"
Ch.13 "I Need A Job"
Ch.14 "Candy"
Ch.15 "Tea Forever"
Ch.16 "A Very Miserable Birthday"
Ch.17 "Awkward"
Ch.18 "How To Get Someone's Phone Number"
Ch.19 "The Terrible Loss At The Arcade"
Ch.20 "They're Gone"
Ch.21 "Prom News"
Ch.22 "I Yeeted Someone"
Ch.23 "Dumb Green Apple"
Ch.24 "Trapped"
Ch.25 "Wolves"
Ch.26 "I'm Sorry"
Ch.27 "Opening Up To Lloyd Garmadon"
Ch.28 "Does La-loyd Have Teeth?"
Ch.29 "Fool"
Ch.30 "Texting Blondie"
Ch.31 "New Student"
Ch.32 "Brandon's Sister"
Ch.33 "Advice"
Ch.34 "Fanfics"
Ch.35 "Cinderella"
Ch.36 "A Date With Green Boy"
Ch.37 "Jinx"
Ch.38 "Staying With The Garmadons"
Ch.39 "Sneaking Out"
Ch.40 "A Blind Date"
Ch.41 "Sam And Amy"
Ch.42 "Caught...Almost"
Ch.43 "Stop Murdering People"
Ch.44 "Two 'Enemies' Chatting At The Park, Eating Candy"
Ch.45 "Back To School"
Ch.46 "I Did Something Terrible'
Ch.47 "A Letter For S/n"
Ch.48 "I Did Something Good"
Ch.49 "The Letter"
Ch.50 "Tomorrow"
Ch.51 "The Dance Before The Storm"
Ch.52 "Why Did You Lie To Me?"
Ch.53 "Did I Get Stabbed Again? Of Course, I Did"
Ch.54 "Bloody Chapter"
Ch.55 "Yeet The Heels"
Ch.56 "Octoshar Had Enough Of Everybody's Bullshit"
Ch.57 "Smoke And Ruins"
Ch.58 "That Moment When You Wake Up And You're All Scarred Up And Can't Move."
Ch.59 "Pride And Prejudice And My Sleepy Cousin"
Ch.60 "Cindergreen And The Bookworm"
The End
Story Explanations

Ch.2 "A Mission"

3.6K 118 321
By ZTA1692

I didn't hit the ground. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Green eyes stared at me. I stared back in surprise. A green and black mask and a ninja gi. A green dragon mech. That couldn't be anyone but Garmadon's worst enemy.

"Are you okay, miss?" the Green Ninja asked.

I tried to speak "Y-yeah, thank you for catching me," I said.

"Anytime," he said and dropped me off next to my motorcycle and went after Garmadon.

I stared at him as he went after Garmadon's mech. I turned to my motorcycle, staring at the damage the fall had caused. There was no way it could take me home in its condition.

I still wanted to stay. But without my motorcycle, I'd have to what? Run around the city? I just wanted to watch the attack with my own eyes and not on TV in the volcano with Garmadon complaining that the ninjas are too strong or whatever every time he watches the old attacks' records.

I stared at my motorcycle in disappointment and sighed. I heard someone calling me, so I turned around and saw a shark general land next to me. He was one of the new ones, general number thirteen, almost twenty years old and his shark outfit wasn't as humiliating as the others.

He spoke "Garmadon wants you to go back to the volcano immediately."

"What? How did he know I'm here?" I asked.

He answered "I informed him after I destroyed the bridge."

I stared at him and said "You are the one who destroyed the bridge?" he nodded so I continued "You destroyed it when you knew I was on it? You almost killed me! My motorcycle is ruined now too, look at it!"

"Sorry, I didn't see you on the bridge until you fell."

I sighed and glanced at my motorcycle again and said "Fine, I'll go home. But I can't on my motorcycle."

"I was ordered to take you in my jet. The others will take care of your motorcycle. Now come on."

We got on the fighter jet and went straight to the volcano. General thirteen was silent the whole ride and focused on arriving at our destination. I didn't say anything as well. My mind was too busy coming up with excuses and explanations to tell Garmadon when he comes home.


I lied on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was almost killed today because I didn't listen to the orders and left the volcano. Maybe Garmadon's right, maybe I was not ready to go on a mission yet. Maybe that's why he didn't trust me enough to send me out of the volcano on my own.

My mind played scenes from my absolute failure in my head for the fifth time. Me leaving the volcano, going on the bridge, the bridge getting blown up and me falling and screaming until the Green Ninja caught me and saved my life.

Just like Garmadon, I was curious about the Secret Ninja Force's identities. Who were they? And how did they become this skilled in fighting? How do they always succeed in saving the city? Why did they even bother to save Ninjago?

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. "Garmadon wants to see you in the fireplace room," general thirteen said.

I responded to him "Okay. Give me a minute to get ready."

I heard his footsteps get quiet, he left. I got up and changed my clothes. I left my room and made my way to where Garmadon was waiting for me.

With every step I took, I was getting more worried. I knew he wanted to scold me for leaving the volcano for the second time today. I should've waited until tomorrow to escape so I wouldn't get two lectures about leaving the volcano in one day. But no, my arrogance got over me.

I arrived in front the fireplace room and took a deep breath before grabbing the doorknob and slowly opening the door.

There he was, Lord Garmadon facing the fire again with a serious aura around him. I quietly closed the door and approached him. I waited for him to speak, to say he's disappointed in me, to tell me that I'd never go on missions and would stay home for the rest of my life as a punishment for my actions.

But instead of turning around and glaring at me, he kept facing the fire and spoke in a calm voice "You want to go on a mission so bad that you left the volcano without permission two times a day?"

I answered calmly with my head hanging low "Yes."

He turned to face me with the same serious expression he had often. He spoke "pack your things, you'll be leaving tomorrow."

My eyes went wide open. I didn't expect this. I asked in shock "You're kicking me 0ut??"

"No, idiot. It's part of your mission," he said.

After my brain processed what he said, a mission. I was given a mission just now?! A grin made its way to my face and I asked almost instantly "A mission? Really??"


"What is it?" I asked excited. This was the best news I've heard in my life.

"I want you to keep an eye on La-loyd."

"You mean Lloyd."

"L.L.O.Y.D. I named him," he said.

"But that's not how-" he gave me a glare, "-nevermind. So why do you want me to keep an eye on him?"

"To see if he's qualified to become my general number one."

My smile slowly turned to a frown. "What?" I asked, with the letters hardly leaving my lips.

"Yes, go and watch him to-"

"But you told me that I'm going to be your general number one."

"Yes, but I changed my mind. You can be my general number two if you want-"

"You told me that I'd become your right-hand-woman and that I'll lead the shark generals," I reminded him, feeling betrayed as if I just got stabbed in the back by a friend, and Garmadon wasn't a friend. "You told me that years ago when I was a kid. I've been practicing for years waiting for that moment...and now you want Lloyd who's ashamed to be your son to become your general number one?"

"La-loyd is not ashamed to be my son."

"Yeah, said nobody ever."


I interrupted him and said in an angry tone "I don't want to practice and work just for you to leave me on the side. I want to lead. I'm more than qualified to be a conquering warlord like you."

"No, you're not. You're still not ready." He gave me a glare that was enough to shut me up "And don't speak to me in that tone again or I'll fire you out of the volcano like my old general number ones."

I found myself silently staring at him. Telling me that I would not become his general number one and now threatening to fire me out of the volcano? What in the world happened to him?

He sighed and said "just go pack your things."

He started walking towards the door, and before he could even grab the doorknob, I blurted out without thinking "I can find out the ninjas identities."

"What?" he looked at me waiting for me to explain.

I spoke "I can find out the ninjas identities. I can do more than just watching your son. I can prove to you that I'm ready to become one of the generals and lead them when you attack Ninjago."

He stared at me for a bit. Then he asked "are you sure of what you're saying? It would be harder than you think."

"I'm sure," I said with such confidence that even my anxiety was scared of me.

"All right then. You'd go to Ninjago as a spy."

I smirked with pride, after all, I finally convinced Garmadon to let me do something I wanted. For a moment, I felt pretty sure that I'd succeed.

He added "But you'd need a spy name because you can't just go there like a school girl following the ninjas."

Nah, only yanderes would do that, I thought. "I know. I would disguise myself when needed," I said. Then noticed the school part. I'd have go to school like other teenagers when I start the mission....crap.

"So? What will be your secret agent's name?" he asked.


He looked at me and said "all right, S/n. Go and figure out who these ninjas are."

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