A Woman Scorned

By corlenessssssss

107K 6.8K 176

They said marriage was for better and for worse but what can she do when her husband dumps her for a mistress... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Author's note


1.3K 84 0
By corlenessssssss

Sibusiso's POV

When he said that he was done chasing after his mother's affection  he meant it. He had finally started connecting with his father and they were finally in a good place. His mother, a cold woman that she was never bothered to talk to him after their last confrontation. Even after the caper that she pulled, the woman remained presumptuous and never admitted to her mistakes. Sibusiso was not disconcerted though, he was used to her termagant personality. He just felt sorry for his father who was utterly and totally in love with her.

His sister came to visit him, she was in the city to attend the career counselling session in Fairgrounds. She had written her senior school exams and was looking into universities to apply to. Sibusiso loved having his sister with him, he loved even more how Kayla and his sister got quickly acquitted.

Rati was an adorable teenage girl, she loved spending time with her head buried in a book. She loved reading to Ayanna even though Sibusiso doubted that Ayanna understood a thing because Rati mostly read history books. Though Rati was shy and nerdy which was the complete opposite of him, she still was very much like him in other ways. She was beautiful, a feature running in the Ngwane family and she was humble and respectful. Unlike the children her age she wasn't interested in dating and partying. Sibusiso was thankful for that because he didn't feel like kicking any teenagers butt for dating his beloved sister.

Sibusiso quickly dismissed his flash backs and thoughts. He looked around his art gallery and his work decorating the walls. At last he had managed to buy his own art gallery. It was an authentic place and he had a great time doing it's interiors. His father have tried to offer him financial aid to buy the gallery but he politely declined. This was something that he wanted to do on his own. He had used the royalties he earned from his novels to buy the gallery. The fact was despite the trust fund his father set for him, he had money of his own. Money he earned from his novels and art.

He didn't use the money from his trust fund because he wanted to have his own identity. He wanted a to build a name for himself and he wanted to be his own person besides his family name.

The preparations for his first art exhibition had come along nicely. Kayla had helped sent the invitations for the art exhibition and she had helped him organize the whole event. She had found a catering company that he could use. It was to provide snacks and drinks for the night. She helped him hire ushers and auction masters and assistants.

Now looking at his exhibition he felt proud. The exhibition was about his drawings, paintings and sculpture. However he wanted to expand and showcase other local artist's work in his gallery as time went on. His gallery had a little studio at the back that would allow upcoming artists to paint or draw in a conducive environment. He wanted to provide a safe and secure environment for struggling artists out there to nurture their talents. A waitress passed by and he grabbed a glass of champagne.

The first of the guests were making their appearance and he went over to great them. He showed them around the gallery before letting them explore on their own.

He was impatient for Kayla to make an appearance. He had wanted to surprise her with some of his paintings that's why he didn't want her help with assembling his art. She had called to let him know that she was riding with Mekyla and she was bringing Ayanna and Rati along.

After welcoming the stream of guests that were beginning to fill the gallery, he gestured for them to enjoy. He occasionally glanced at his watch, getting impetuous for her arrival. He wanted her to arrive already, wanted to see her beautiful face as she took her first glimpse at his work. He wanted the night to be a success and he wanted her to be proud of him. He knew he might sound sappy and mushy but he didn't care, he wanted the woman he loved to look at him like he was the best thing since jumbo pie.

Sibusiso saw her the moment she made an entrance. He was stricken by her beauty, her perfect glorious body was claded in a splendour knee length white dress. The dress did her body justice, it clung to her curves and became puffy around the arms before it slit into a deep v-slit down her bosom. He couldn't tear his eyes of her, her beauty took on a detached, seraphic quality. Her face light up as a smile illuminated her heart shaped face upon spotting him.

He was in a fog and didn't hear the words that people around him were saying. He broke from his trance and he politely excused himself from a group of guests he was about to welcome. He stalked towards her with a predatory look on his face. He frowned when he saw men around eying her up and down. He wanted to tear their eyes out for looking at her with so much lust. He flushed her his signature charming smile before he crashed his lips against hers, marking his territory. He heard Mekyla clear her throat and he pulled back from his assault. Kayla was blushing as they pulled away. Her feminine scent filled his nostrils, making it hard for him to concentrate.

He greated Mekyla and placed a soft kiss on his sister's cheek, his sister gagged playfully at his kiss. Ayanna made an annoyed noise at the lack of attention, probing a smile from Sibusiso. He took her from Rati and kissed her all over the face, making her giggle happily. Ayanna was wearing a beautiful pink princess dress with wings. She looked as beautiful as her mother.

His eyes trailed to the deep v-slit down her breast, he admired how the tiny white pearls decorated her cleavage. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm his raging hormones. He wanted nothing more than to bury his face in her squashy bosom. He felt her tremble with desire as he stole another kiss.

Kayla's outfit

He excused himself from his sister and Mekyla and he took Kayla around the gallery, showing and explaining his paintings to her. He watched her face contour and a little crease form in her beautiful face as her eyes drank on his paintings. Ayanna on the other hand was playing with his collar, totally bored with the events around her. Sibusiso observed as Kayla occasionally looked at his work with a sadden look, as if she could understand what he was going through when he painted them.

They made a turn down the last corridor of the gallery and he scrutinized her face as she took in his last paintings. She had a soft doleful expression on her face, she looked like she was about to cry but she smiled. A lone tears trickled down her face as she looked at Ayanna's pictures. She looked at him with incredulous surprise. She gave him a look he wanted to see, she looked at him like he was the best thing in this world.

She looked over at her own face in his drawings and painting and she ran her hand against them.

"How....when..... I mean I didn't even know you had the pictures." The disbelief, the flabergast and the ingenious in her voice was real. She was genuinely impressed by his work.

"I took the pictures from your house and did copies. I replaced the pictures before you noticed. I wanted to do something special for you, something that will show you how much I love, adore and appreciate you." He proudly announced, earning a snorted cry in return.

"This is amazing. This is the best thing anybody has ever done for me. I love you so much Sbu." She threw her hands around him and kissed him passionately.

"I love you too Kayla." He responded when they separated to breath.

Someone approached Sibusiso, telling him that there was a couple interested in one of his paintings. He excused himself and went over to a fancy looking man and woman. He had a brief conversation with them. He was surprised that the couple didn't wait for the auction to buy his painting but still he was happy that they bought at a great price.

When he was done with the couple he spotted Kayla with Rati, her friends, Thando and Kitso. The group were laughing at something Kitso said. He watched with a satisfied grin. Ayanna cooed in his arms and he placed a soft kiss on her head. She was getting sleepy and her arms were lazingly draped around his neck. He was about to go over to Kayla and propose they lay her down at his office when his parents came over to him. He didn't know when they arrived but he was nevertheless happy that they graced him with their presence.

Anessa as was wearing a tedium, dull expression as she took a look around. Ngubane on the other hand was smiling delightfully at him. His father greeted him with a hug while his mother placed a brief kiss on his cheek. After talking for a few minutes Anessa excused herself. She had looked at little Ayanna who was clinging to Sibusiso with disdain.

"My son you have done an amazing job. I'm quite ashamed as a father that I just got to see your work. You are truly a talented artist." His father genuinely said, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Thank you father, it means a lot to have you here." Sibusiso nearly choked on his emotions.

"When are you planning to make one of those? That baby looks good on you and I'm getting old. I need grandbabies." Ngubane asked as he looked at Ayanna. Sibusiso had to admit that he looked good with a baby and truth was he wanted one with Kayla.

"As soon as Kayla agrees to be my wife then we are having another baby."

"It better be soon son. You can't let a woman like Kayla pass you by. She is an amazing woman and she would make a good wife for you."

"She truly is amazing. Don't worry Dad I'm going to marry that woman."

Just like that the evening got amazing. The auction for the paintings began and though he didn't want to sell Ayanna's pictures, Michael convinced him to let him buy one. He and Michael had made a truce, Michael finally accepted that he was a part of Ayanna and Kayla's life so there was nothing he could do. His father also bought several of his work. By the time the night ended he had sold almost all of his work. As a reward for his good job Kayla gave him the ride of his life.

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