2. Resident Evil: Original Ap...

By Brianna170402

51.5K 1.5K 113

Alice and Hope thought the horror was over but little did they know it was just beginning. Hope is g!p. Secon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

1.7K 57 3
By Brianna170402

No Ones POV:
3 weeks before Alice woke up....

"Get her in the medic room B," the man ordered two nurses who has a hold of a girl's gurney. "On the other side of the building?"

The man gave her the stink eye, "yes Nurse Daniels. I want the girl away from her mom." She apologized and with the other nurses help started pushing the gurney out of the elevator and down a hall.

The man put a hand a hand out stopping the elevator doors from closing. He shook his head out and called out to them, "ladies, read her file before addressing her wounds," he went back in the elevator.

The nurses looked at each other confused but shrugged and continued on. They pushed her through two set of doors going into the medic room.

"Okay let's look at her file," Nurse Daniels said grabbing the girls file. She opened it. The other nurse went to her and looked as well.

    "That's why she still alive. She triggered her curse, poor girl," Nurse Daniels said sadly. She felt sorry for Hope because her brother triggered his by accident and he told her how it felt.

    That's why she's always extra careful on who she operates on. The other nurse frowned sadly remembering what her friend told her about it.

   A woman wearing a doctor's coat came in. "Okay who do we have?" Nurse Daniels handed the file to her. "Hope Abernathy 15 years old. She was in the plane crash. Dr. Isaacs said to bring her to this room."

     The doctor nodded and hummed looking through the file. "Okay, before we continue do either of you have a problem with the way she's born?"

    Nurse Daniels shook her head no. The doctor raised an eyebrow at the other nurse, "what about you Nurse Barton?"

    "No ma'am I don't." She nodded satisfied and clapped her hands together. "Great! Let's get to it." They all got gloves on moving towards Hope.

   "We need to get her clothes off but leave her undergarments on for now, okay?" The nurses nodded. They got Hope's clothes off and immediately went to checking her wounds.

    The nurses started wiping her wounds gently getting her blood off. The doctor shined her light in Hope's eyes to see her reaction to it.

   She noticed a gash on the side of Hope's head so she grabbed a gauze pad and dabbed the wound. The wound stopped bleeding so she grabbed an alcohol wipe and started cleaning the wound.

   When she finished she checked her pulse. It was beating slow but getting stronger with each beat. She looked at Hope's cleaned wounds seeing them heal slowly.

    "Doctor, we're done for the most part but we need to take a look at her personals to check them as well," Nurse Barton told her while gesturing to Hope.

   "Alright. Nurse Barton would you go get a hospital gown while Nurse Daniels and I check and wrap her wounds," Doctor Jenny told her grabbing some scissors from the side table.

   Nurse Barton nodded and walked out of the room. They made quick work of checking, cleaning and wrapping her wounds. When they were done Nurse Barton came in with the gown.

    They all quickly got Hope in the gown. They all froze when Hope made a noise. They stared at her but she didn't do anything else so Nurse Barton finished tying the gown in the front.

    "Is she done?" A new voice came from behind them. They turned to see a blue eyed blonde man at the door. "Yes sir. We cleaned her wounds and checked them. She's already healing."

     He raised an eyebrow, "why isn't she waking up?", moving towards Hope's unconscious body. Doctor Jenny moved quickly showing the healing gash on Hope's head.

   "From the looks of this gash I think she hit her head hard enough that she's unconscious. With the speed  she's healing at I expect her to wake up in a couple of days."

    He hummed and brushed Hope's hair out of her face then nodded. "Great. Let's move Hope to her room so she can heal in there."

     "Yes, sir." the nurses started pushing Hope's burning out and followed the man to Hope's assigned room with Doctor Jenny behind them.

   He stopped in front of a door pulling out his keycard and swiped it on the card pad. The door opened and the man let them go in first then followed.

    "Do you ladies need any help," he asked them. They looked at him and nodded. He went over and picked up Hope and put her on the bed.

   "Um how are we going to monitor her?," Nurse Barton asked. He looked at her, "don't worry we got that covered."

Hope's POV:

A few days later....

    I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to blink away the blurriness. I sat up with a groan and looked around the room I am in. 'Where am I?" I thought looking around confused.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I reached up to rub my eyes when I felt something rough on my hand. I looked at it and noticed my hand and arm is wrapped up.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I looked down at my body seeing it completely covered in bandages and a hospital gown. I stood up on shaky legs and went towards the sink that's in here.

I turned it on and leaned down to drink the water since my mouth felt dry. I sighed in relief and kept drinking then turned it off and wiped my mouth.

I walked towards the door and tried opening it but it was locked. I tried forcing it open with my werewolf strength but it wouldn't budge. I growled in annoyance.

I backed up a little and was gonna ram my shoulder against it when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, Hope," a mans voice said.

I turned around quickly but nobody was there. I looked up at the corners for any cameras but found none. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" I demanded.

"My name is Dr. Isaacs. As for how I know your name, well I know a lot about you, miss Abernathy,"the man named Dr. Isaacs told me. I tensed.

If I wasn't on edge before I am now. "Where are you?" I sneered looking around. Suddenly half of the wall glitched and became clear showing three men. One was on the computer and the other two are standing watching me.

The man in the lab coat took a step forward. "I'm Dr. Isaacs," he pointed at the blonde man wearing glasses," and this is chairman Wesker." The man Wesker nodded at me in greeting.

Dr. Isaacs kept talking but I wasn't listening. I was to busy staring at the Umbrella symbol embedded in the guard's uniform. My eyes hardened and I looked at the two men.

"Your Umbrella," I glared at them. Dr.Isaacs stopped talking and briefly closed his eyes sighing. "Yes we are Umbrella. We got you from the crash site barely alive so we brought you here to help you."

    "Let. Me. Go," I slammed my hand on the glass wall. Dr. Isaacs shook his head, "I'm sorry but we can't let you go. You're to important to us to just let you go."

That made me angry. I'm not their toy they can use whenever they want. "I'm not your weapon that you can use whenever you feel like! Let me out now!" I yelled at them.

I started punching the glass wall trying to break it. I growled in frustration and grabbed a chair that's in the room and slammed it against the wall breaking the chair.

"Where's my mom! What did you do with her! Let me out! I want my mom!" I continued hitting the wall trying to get out. I distinctly heard Dr. Isaacs say to get the guards.

I kept hitting the wall. I heard the door open and 5 guards came in with tasers aimed at me. I flicked my hands feeling my claws come out and roared at them getting in a fighting stance.

     "Stop! Stand down Hope!" Wesker said firmly. I looked at them with a growl. "Where's my mom! Where is she!" I roared out. "You don't remember?" Dr. Isaacs asked me.

"Remember what," I spat at them. "Your mom. She um didn't make it from the plane crash," he sympathetically told me. I stared at them with a blank face.

"W-what no. N-no your lying," I said not wanting to believe it. "Think back to the plane crash," Dr. Isaacs said. I furrowed my eyebrows. I grunted and held my head. I squeezed my eyes shut.


I grabbed the first aid kit from L.J with a grateful smile. I got out the gauze pad and ripped it open. I tapped on moms arm, she turned to me, "we have to stop the bleeding maybe it'll help with your healing."

   She nodded and grabbed it and put it on her wound on her head. I felt the plane shake roughly. "Hang on to something!" Carlos yelled and ran to sit down.

I grabbed onto a belt that was hanging attached to the plane. I felt a small hand grab onto mine tightly and looked down to see Angie holding onto me. I squeezed her hand gently.

I heard her gasp and looked up to see a metal pipe had come loose and was heading towards her. I didn't even give a second thought and let go of her hand and unbuckled.

I moved in front of her closing my eyes preparing to take the blow. Instead of feeling the pipe hit me I felt somebody land on top of me.

I opened my eyes and looked down gasping at seeing my mom had taken the blow for me. I held onto her, "no,mom! No no no," I cried out.

Blood came out of her mouth making me sob. "We're going down!" The plane started spinning and jerking. I got thrown off my seat with my mom. We got separated from the jerking of the plane. I hit my head hard on the side of the plane.

End of flashback

    I opened my eyes and looked at them with my eyes watering. I shook my head, "no, no no no," I fell on my knees crying into my hands. I can't believe it. My mom's gone, my best friend. I started crying harder. I'm alone, I have nobody left.

      "I'm sorry for your loss miss Abernathy, truly. She was a great loss to us as well," Dr. Isaacs said. My sadness quickly mixed with anger. Umbrella did this, they're the one's responsible for my mom's death.

My mom didn't belong to them and I don't either. I started breathing heavily and got up glaring at them with tears going down my face.

    "You're not sorry for me. You're sorry that you guys lost your weapon for Umbrella. You think showing sympathy towards me is gonna make me work for? No, I will never work for you," I told them with angry tears going down my face.

    I turned to the guards who tensed and tightened their hold on their taser's. I felt so much anger and sadness that I didn't know what to do so I started crying more. I roughly wiped my eyes.

   "Don't hold it in. Let it out. Scream!" A man's voice in my head yelled. I looked straight at the guards and screamed loudly. The guards started grunting in pain.

    Their eyes, ears, and nose started bleeding. They all fell to the floor dead. I stopped, breathing heavily I looked at the three men. Dr.Isaacs and the guard stared at me with wide eyes while Wesker just looked at me.

   I glowed my eyes at them, "I'm gonna keep my mom's promise to destroy you even if it kills me!," my wolf came out at the end. My bones started breaking and changing, my clothes ripped off. I changed into my wolf.

I shook out my fur and looked at the men and snarled at them.

        ( this is what Hope's wolf looks like. Just picture that in the back is the dead guards)

   I ran out of the door one of the guards left open and down the hall. People ran out of my way when they saw me. I snarled at them and continued running trying to find an exit.

   A alarm went off sending more people in a panic. I yelped feeling shocks go through my body. I turned to see a guard holding the trigger on the his taser.

  I growled at him and lunged at him making the guard fall to the floor with me on top of him. I bit and clawed at him. He screamed out in pain.

   I locked my jaw around his throat and ripped it out making blood splatter everywhere. Some got on me. Screams of terror rang out at the sight of me.

   I spit out the mans throat and blood on the floor and continued on trying to find an exit. A very familiar scent wafted across my snout making me stop dead in my tracks and sniff the air.

  'Mom' I was confused on why I could smell my moms scent. I decided to follow the scent. "No! Stop her!" I ran in the direction the scent is coming from.

  I felt a pinch on my side so I stopped and looked at my side seeing a dart sticking out. I growled and kept going. Another pinch came slowing me down a little but I kept going.

  I felt two more pinches making me whine out. I fell to the floor with a whine and looked towards the direction I was going then closed my eyes falling asleep.

No One POV:

New Orleans....

Three women and Four men are sitting down on couches and chairs talking. Two more women walked towards them. "Okay, so we figured out a spe-." They stopped walking feeling dizzy and stumbled back.

Two men sped to them and caught them. "What's wrong?" They helped them to a couch and sat them down. A woman moved to one of the girls and held her, " what's wrong Freya?"

    "Davina, love what's wrong?" The man pushed hair out of her face. Freya looked at Davina, "you felt that too?" Davina nodded.

   "Will somebody tell us what the bloody hell is going on," a man with blonde hair asked. They looked at him. "We felt a powerful magic go through us that made us feel dizzy."

  Everybody looked at them confused. Freya squeezed her girlfriend's hand and took a deep breath. "It felt familiar to us. That means it could only mean it's from um," she stopped and looked at her brother and his baby mama.

    "What is it," the woman asked. "It's from Hope, Hayley,Klaus," Davina said causing everybody to stay silent.

To be continued...

Sorry for any mistakes
Hope you enjoy
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Peace ✌🏽

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