Let Us Help You

By Descendantsfan03

11K 310 320

April Dibrina has finally accepted her new life as being not just a dancer herself, but being a dance teacher... More

What's Going On With Mal?
More Suspicion
Let Us Help!
Is She Going To Be Okay?
Should We Do This?
Going Home
The Start Of A Better Life
A Pretty Bad Night
Is That A Yes Or No?
Another Hospital Trip And A Big Question
Upgraded To Mommy And Daddy
Passing Time While Stuck In A Hospital
She's What!
Going Backwards
Revealing The Real Truth
Separation Issues
A Family Of Three Gets A Little Bit Bigger
Accidents Happen
Waiting Room Troubles

Shocking Explanations And Fighting

486 13 8
By Descendantsfan03

"I sowy! I sowy! I sowy!" The small four year old cried out while April was just cleaning up the throw up and trying not to get frustrated at Mal not for throwing up, but because Mal wouldn't stop crying and screaming every time she threw up.

    "Mal for the last time. Stop apologizing for throwing up," April told the small girl making the four year old nod as she stopped crying, but was still upset. "Aw you ma at me," the small girl asked innocently, making April sigh as she finished cleaning up the throw up.

     "No Mal I'm not mad at you," April told the small girl, making the four year old look at her still not entirely believing her. "Sure?" Mal asked April, making her sigh again.

       "Yes Mal for like the hundredth time. I am not mad at you for throwing up. Now please just try and get some more sleep okay. Sleeping can help when you're sick. I'll be right back. I just have to take care of something," April told the small girl who just nodded as she got back into bed and fell asleep with her new toy that she got from the hospital.

        Once April was sure Mal was situated she went back out to talk to Sarah. "Okay seriously what's going on," Sarah asked April once April got back from helping Mal. April just sighed as she looked at the young girl.

    "Sarah you really don't need to worry about anything. What is going on with me and your brother is our business and really doesn't affect you," April told Sarah, making Sarah get upset as she thought she and April were back to how it was before, but it seems that clearly wasn't the case.

      "If it's only your and Nick's business then why is Mal here! You trust a little kid that you just met a few weeks ago more than you trust me! I've known you my whole life literally! You know what I really thought we could be back to how it was before, but you still clearly don't even care about me!" Sarah screamed out as she was hurting and she was jealous.

       April had always been like a big sister figure to her and it had hurt when April had left and it took a little bit, but things had finally seemed to go back to the way they were before. However now her brother and April were keeping secrets and the only person that seemed to know anything was another little girl.

       Sarah knew it was wrong to feel jealous of a preschooler, but she couldn't help it. Mal seemed to be replacing her. "Sarah, wait! I do care about you! This is just a really complicated situation," April told the young girl as she really did care for Sarah.

        Sarah was like her little sister. "You're lying if you really cared about me you would tell me the truth! I'm not a little girl anymore! April just tell me what you're hiding! It has to do with my brother which means it has to do with me too! And why is Mal here right now!" Sarah screamed out making April get more frustrated as she was dealing with so much right now.

        She was in the process of trying to adopt her half sister that she had literally just found out was her half sister, she was also dealing with the fact that her half sister was completely traumatized after being abused and neglected for four years, and now Sarah was making things worse.

       "Okay fine! You want the truth! Here's the truth! Mal's mom is in jail!" April screamed out making Sarah look at her in shock. "Wait what! What happened!" Sarah asked in shock as she wasn't expecting April to say that.

        "She is in jail for child abuse and neglect," April told Sarah making Sarah feel horrible as she had no clue what was going on and now that she knew she felt even worse for being jealous of the younger girl.

    "Wait her mom hurt her! Why would her mom do something like that to her. And how did they find out," Sarah asked April, making April sigh as she started relieving some of the stuff she had witnessed a few weeks ago.

      "I wouldn't call that monster a mother. She doesn't deserve to even be called a mother after what she did to Mal. And they found out because that monster kicked her four year old out of her house and Nick and I caught her trying to sleep in a barn. It was horrible she was covered in injuries, shaking, and starving. We tried to help her, but she freaked out and wouldn't tell us anything," April told Sarah as tears began to fall as she remembered that awful night.

     "Wait is that why Nick came home upset and why you were so frantic and looking for Mal a few weeks ago," Sarah asked April as she began to put the pieces together. Her brother was upset because he had witnessed a child getting hurt and April was so frantic about finding Mal that day because she wanted to help her.

     April just sighed as she nodded. "Yeah after Nick left I managed to get some more information out of her and she admitted to me what that monster would do to her and that's when I had enough. I couldn't let that monster keep hurting her, so I immediately reported it, but Mal got upset and took off running which is why I asked you about her that day," April told Sarah who nodded still trying to take in the information.

     "Wait so is that what you and Nick have been hiding about," Sarah asked April who nodded. "There's more though and this one is kinda big. Nick and I are in the process of adopting her," April told Sarah who looked at her in shock.

       "Wait what!" Sarah screamed out in shock as she couldn't believe her own brother wouldn't tell her something as huge as that. "You mean my brother is going to adopt Mal! How could he not tell me and Michelle!" Sarah screamed out as she felt so betrayed by this information.

        "I don't know why he wouldn't tell you, but it's true. Me and Nick are in the process of adopting her. Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention about Mal. She's not just some random kid she's um she's kinda my half sister," April told Sarah, making her look at April in even more shock.

       "Okay what the! Mal is your sister too!" Sara screamed out as she couldn't believe everything she was hearing. Sarah's screaming immediately caused the small girl who had just woken up to hear as she came out and looked at April feeling betrayed.

      "Shh keep quiet Mal is sleeping in the other room and she's not feeling well," April told Sarah who couldn't control herself anymore. April and her own brother had been keeping so many things from her.

      "I don't care! How could you not tell me this! You say this doesn't affect me, but it does! Nick is basically raising me and Michelle! If you two adopt Mal that makes her like my sister! And I can't believe you never told anyone Mal was your sister!" Sarah screamed out, making April get upset as Sarah just didn't understand how hard this whole thing had been for her and Nick.

       "Okay well I understand you are upset about this, but what did you want us to do! We were distracted! We just found out a sweet little four year old was getting beat and starved by her own mother! And then to make things worse I find out that only is that innocent child getting beaten and starved by her mother, but that child who was treated that way was my half sister and has the same dad as me! So forgive me for not telling you every single thing that goes on in my life!" April screamed out as she couldn't help it. All of her stress and frustration just came pouring out.

         "You know who my daddy is an you tew me," the small girl that had gotten up to ask for some water asked April in a mixture of sadness and betrayal making April freeze as she hadn't noticed that Mal wasn't sleeping anymore.

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