By Cee_Lov

104K 3.5K 339

"Love don't love nobody." After experiencing heartbreak in an abusive relationship at only eighteen, Stephani... More

Copyright Notice
Characters (Immediate)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Author's Note
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven (Part II)
Part II
Chapter 11 Follow-Up
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
The Truth About All For You
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Are You There?
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
For You I Will
Coming Soon
Private Chapters
Keep Up

Chapter Ten

2.4K 114 4
By Cee_Lov

Jay pictured above.

I took advantage of Quanni and Skye being out to catch up on a little work from home. I really wanna spend as much time with her as I can to witness her pregnancy progress. I mean it's not like I didn't get to see Trice carry Skye, but this is different because I know for a fact that this child is mine. I read up on a few cases, then called my assistant Rhea.

"Yes?" She answered after the first ring.

"Hey, has Mrs. Johnson called in confirm her appointment yet?"


"What do you mean uh...?"

"Mrs. Johnson was rushed to the emergency room at about 4 o'clock this morning and..."

"And!?" I shouted into the phone. I really needed her to stop beating round the bush.

"She's been givin a week..."

"Damn, what hospital?" I asked rubbing my forehead


"Alright thanks Rhea. I'm sorry for yelling"

"No problem, I understand. Take care"

See that's why she's the perfect assistant. She never breaks under pressure. Rhea has been a friend of mine since I was fifteen; she was by my side the whole time while I got over my mother's death. She's seen me at my worse, so I thought it only right for her to be by my side at my best. We never tried to be more than friends or even brought up the discussion. She's just my BestFriend.

I took a quick shower, then threw on some khakis, a dark purple dress shirt, and my brown loafers. Since I let Quanni drive my Camaro today, I just drove my Range Rover to the hospital. I didn't rush to get there because I wanted to be in the right head space when I went in. To be honest the thought of losing Mrs. Johnson tore me apart; she's clearly more than just a client to me. She's family. I always look to her for encouragement and wisdom. When I introduced her to my daughter they became inseparable, and now she was getting ready to leave us. I had so much to tell her about my life with Quanni, and now I may not even have time. Sure she's my client, but she's been more help to me than she'll ever know.

It wasn't until I pulled up in front of the hospital and looked in the mirror, that I realized I had tears in my eyes. I took a deep breath, got out and walked in. I stopped at the front desk to find out what room she was in, and they told me the 6th floor. I stepped off the elevator and there was a name tag right there identifying her room- Rose Johnson.

I paused one last second before going in, to get myself together. I wanted to be as strong as possible just in case she wasn't able to anymore.

"Knock knock," I said as I pushed the door open. I looked over at the bed and there she was. She was not a big person anyway, but in a matter of weeks her weight and stature had decreased. She didn't look terrible but she definitely looked sick.

"Well would you look'a here," her face brightened up when our eyes made contact.

"Come on in and give me some love boy"

"Mama Johnson, I heard you were trying to leave me. Now that's no way to break things off is it?" I said making light of the situation

" Ohhh, I know baby. But when God is ready... There ain't no questions asked; and I think it's time we finally met" she said smiling as we let go from the hug.

Every bit of what she was saying is true but it's breaking my heart.

"Yea, I guess you're right" I said looking off at all the flowers that she'd received.

"Look at me baby"

I did as she said

"It's time" she looked into my eyes, and I just knew that by the end of this week Mrs. Johnson wouldn't be here with me anymore.

"I guess I didn't expect it so soon" I laughed nervously

"Who am I gonna talk to now? Get good wisdom from," I pouted like a big kid

"You mean after all this time you haven't learned a thing"

I looked at her in confusion

"God. He's listening, and he's waiting for you to notice him"

She was right. I know exactly who to turn to when I'm in need. He right here, and he had been all along. It's time for me to act like I know him.

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright" she nodded.

"There's someone I want you to meet. I really do love her." I finally changed the subject.

"So there is another woman," she giggled and winked her eye at me.

"Her name?"

"Quannique. Quannique Cartwright."

"Oh, Pastor Cartwright's daughter?"

I nodded yes in response.

"My Lord, you got your heart stolen by the Preacher's Daughter. How cute is that? Ooo that chile got the voice of an angel" she held her hands to get chest

"That she does"

"Well I'm so happy for you. Don't yalk be tryna act grown though. Bein grown makes babies" she laughed.

Oh but little did she know... It's just a little too late for that speech. I guess she caught the hint when I didn't respond away.

"Richard Reynolds you didn't" she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I didn't mean to. It kind of just happened." I shrugged my shoulders

"What yall was jumpin in the bed and fell?" She crossed her arms.

"Well if that's how you wanna put it, yes" I laughed, but stopped immediately because she didn't look all too pleased.

"Boy, you just changed her life forever, and yours too. I'm not saying that's good or bad but you better act right. Clearly she sees something in you cause from what I know she wouldn't give these other big head fools the time of day. You better be there to support her, or I'll come back and tear your ass up- excuse me Lord," she looked up with praying hands

"Yes ma'am. Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about. It's been 7 months and I really am falling deeper in love with her. I want to marry her but I don't wanna rush it" I said looking up

"You know what's best; I have no doubt about it."

She and I talked for hours before I told her she should get some rest. When I left I felt at ease about her situation, and I had some answers to questions that had been on my mind. There were definitely about to be some major moves happening for me and my family.


I made it back to the house, and saw that Quanni and Skye were home. I quickly stepped out of my truck and jogged to the door. I missed my babies; all three of them. As soon as I turned the corner to the living room, I saw Skye sitting in Quanni's lap singing along to Dora while she twisted her hair. I don't know what man wouldn't want to come home to this everyday.
Leaning over the couch, I kissed them both in the cheek, and Quanni's stomach. She blushed hard, but I decided not to tease her this time.

"Hey daddy"

"Hi baby"

"How was y'all's day?" I asked as I walked as I came around and sat down on the couch, pulling them both into my arms.

"Great, you?" Quanni asked looking up from Skye's hair

"Okay." That's all I said, thinking back to my bittersweet visit with Mrs. Johnson.

"That's it?"


"Mmm... Well I guess we'll talk later" she eyed me.

I love when she acts like she's running me. Well, truth be told she is. She may be young and little, but she ain't no joke; my big ass be kinda scared.

"Go get your daddy's gift from the room for me mama" she instructed Skye.

She came back with an MK bag, and I got real confused. I mean, it wasn't my birthday and we've already celebrated six months so, I'm just like...

"What's this? Thank you baby," I asked taking the bag from Skye.

"We just wanted to surprise you with a little something." Quanni said waiting for me to open up the bag.

I looked inside and smiled. It was the Lexington Goldtone watch that I'd been talking about for the past couple of weeks. Her buying it for me caught me completely off guard; I'm supposed to be the one showering her with gifts. She gives me a new reason everyday to love her.

"Wow.. Sweets you didn't have to do this" I said looking into her eyes.

"I know. I wanted to" she smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek

"I love you Rich"

"I love you too Quanni"

Next thing I know she was up putting on her shoes and grabbing her keys. I know good and well she's not leaving, I just got here. I'm tryna spend some time with my babies- all of them. Yea I like sayin that.

"Where you goin?"


"For what?"

"Because... That's where I live?" She said looking confused.

"But I thought you were staying with me..." I poked my lips out for emphasis.

"Awwww how cute. No Rich, I can't stay."

"See how you do me?" I said pulling her into me.

I looked into her eyes for a moment, then kissed her softly. Just when she was about to get into I lifted my head.

"What was that?" She asked looking crazy at me

"Should've stayed" I laughed and walked her out to her car.

As soon as her car was out of sight I jogged into the house to get on my laptop. This would be one of the last times that Quanni would be leaving me to go home; I'm ready for her and I to make our own home together. I told Skye to put on her shoes as I put on mine and we headed out to the car. I had major business to handle. I called up my realtor and asked for him to show me some nice houses that are fit for a growing family. I was gonna meet him at two, but for now I had to go talk to my right hand Justin. He and I met in our freshman year of college, and that's been my boy ever since. We used to get into a world of trouble together back then, but we always said we'd be high powered businessmen together and that's what we did. We started the Reynolds&Wright law firm four years ago, and have been moving nonstop ever since. J specializes in criminal law, while I work in legal writing as well as criminal law. A few short months after our launch I decided to renew my barber's license and open up a couple of shops in the area. "Rich Cuts." The two are doing extremely well; actually better than I had even imagined. Last year I was recognized as one of Chicago's most Wealthy Black Entrepreneurs. Man I know my mama would be so proud. I pulled up at the shop and went inside.

"Richie Rich."

"Yo what's happenin boss man?

"What's up?"

I try my best to make the customers feel like family, so for that reason I come on Saturday to get my cuts. That's when the shop's the busiest and I can interact with everyone.

"What's up fellas? Everybody good?" I said greeting them all as I went to sit down."

"Good man."

"What you waitin for? You the owner." Steve a middle aged guy said to me as I sat down.

"Nah I'm good." I laughed

"No go head... Take my spot. I told the Mrs. I'd be busy today anyway," He said.

"Ah don't be that way, thanks man." I dapped him as I got up and headed over to the chair.

Just as I was finishing up approving my cut, J walked in.

"Rich, what's up?"

"Aye man, let's go to my office." I said leading him to the back of the shop. I stepped inside and took a seat behind my glass desk.

"Alright, what's on your mind?"

"Quanni" I answered truthfully

"Wow, so you really are serious..." He said studying my face.

J got married last year to his personal assistant and has insisted nonstop that I settle down and do the same. Unlike him I wasn't rushing anything; not that he's not happy, but ever since the bull that went down with Trice, I just like to make sure everything is right. Well, everything about Quanni is right.

"Well you better be, 'cause she's young. You can't play with her heart man, if you hurt her she'll never forgive you- or any other man for that matter. Don't make her a bitter woman" he warned

"Man, why you tryna play me?"

"I'm just saying man, you know after Trice you were kind of heartless."

"True. But not this time; man it's something about her that just makes me wanna love again. She's genuine, for real I know she cares. I think about that girl every second that I'm away from her; and just the thought of her makes me fall in love all over again. To top it off Skye adores her. Now you know she doesn't open up to hardly anybody."

"Dang man, I never heard you talk like this," he said. He looked surprised.

"She sounds like a keeper."

"She is," I smiled

"Well good. Now you can settle down and make some more Skye's for uncle Justin" he joked.

"How does 6 and a half more months sound?"

I studied his reaction. He scrunched up his face a little before he caught on and jumped out of his chair.

"Daaaaamn, no lie?" He said with both his hands in the air.

"No lie"

"I know her daddy wanna beat yo ass huh? "

"Pretty much," I laughed.

I talked to Quanni's dad the day we found out for sure that she was pregnant but she doesn't know. He got into my ass, but then he just talked to me- man to man. I told him how serious I was about her, and I'm not into playing games. I wouldn't say we were the best of friends now, but we came to a mutual agreement, which is that we both love Quanni. Since we do, we'll try our best to get along.

"But it's all good," I assured him.

"Well now we have a reason to expand" he smirked at me.

He's been talking for a while about opening some branches in major cities, and Texas was his first choice. I considered it for awhile but now that would mean I'd have to leave Quanni for awhile to get things settled- I'm not havin that. But then again, more locations meant more clients, and more clients meant more money.

I wrapped up my conversation with J so I could be on time to meet my realtor. He showed me some nice houses but I wasn't necessarily feeling any of them. None of them really feel or look like home to me; I called up my homeboy Chance in Dallas to see what he was working with. He's one of the best architects of his city, and Dallas sounds real good right now.

"Rich, hey man."

"Chance, what's up man? I need a huge favor."

"Anything man, I owe you one anyway. What is it?"

"I need you to build me a home..."

What happens next? Follow for the next update ☕️

& Be sure to check out my new book being written with my bestie ARAYAIK

-Vacant Hearts

Thanks for reading



I appreciate feedback- it helps me update faster 😏

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