Repaired Love

By ZaMahj

12.2K 278 94

Mercedes Kaestner is a recently divorced Woman. she and her husband Sarath got a divorce over cheating on her... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New cover

Chapter One

1.3K 29 11
By ZaMahj

Joe's Pov

I walk in my house after a long flight from Ohio. It is 1am right now. My flight was supposed to land at 9pm but it was delayed. Which sucks. I drop my house keys in the bowl on the counter. Turning on the light in the hallway I see my wife Sitting on the couch. She has a glass of red wine in her left hand. She brings the glass to her lips,taking a sip before placing it on the automan in front of her. 

"where have you been?" She asks quietly. I can tell by the sound of her voice that she is upset. Why would she be upset? I wonder and i take my shoes off and throw them in the closet. 

"what do you mean,G?" I say walking over to her. I place my hands on her waist but she quicky pushes them off. "Whats wrong with you?" I say a bit aggrevated.

"You told me that you would be home at 9pm. It's 1am Leati!" I cliched my jaw and bawl my hands into fists. She really took it there. 

"I told you to never call me that." I say pointing my finger in her face. I hate being called Leati so much. The only people who are allowed to call me that are my parents. There the only ones that call me that actully. I hate being called that because thats my fathers name. And growing up thats what people always saw me as. Sika son. Well now that I'm a grown ass man I won't let him define me. I'm my own person. 

"Oh please Joe! I know you were with some other girl. Someone who is younger,thinner,and prettier than me. So we can stop with this dog and pony show,alright!" She yells. As I'm about to say something back I hear JoJo's bedroom door open. Galina just glares at me. I hear floorboards creaks. I turn my head to see the source of the sound.

"daddy!" I hear JoJo yell. She runs over to me and jumps into my arms. I lift her up and hug her. She wraps her tiny 4-year old arms around my neck. Galina huffs and walks out of the room. I'll deal with her later. 

"what are you doing up sweet heart?" I ask her walking over to the couch. I place her on my lap,still holding her up with my right arm. 

"I heard mommy yell and it scared me." I press my lips together.  "Were you guys fighting again?" she asks. No. is what I want to say but it's not the truth. 

"no baby we were having a disagreement. It's not important." I say ruffling her hair making her giggle. "how about a glass a milk before you go back to bed?" She smiles and nods her head up and down. I lift her up and take her to the kitchen. I place her in the chair closest to the kitchen entrence. I grab the milk from the fridge and 2 glasses from the cabinet. I also grab Chocolte and strawberry sause. I cut up some strawberries and put some dark chocolte in the shake. 

I sit next to Jojo and begin to drink the shakes I made. 

"daddy?" she asks. 

"yes?" I answer. 

"are you and mommy getting a divorce." I nearly choke on my drink. My eyes almost pop out of mead. 

"why would you think that?" I ask trying not to cough?

"My friend Hannahs parents said that her parents are and when I asked her why she said because they are fighting  alot and you and mommy are fighting alot." I sigh. I'd be lying if I said the idea hasn't crossed my mind. Galina has been thinking I've been cheating on her with someone from work. Ive been telling her that I hasn't been beliveing me. And that pisses me off. We've together for 10+ years but all she wants to think about is me going down on some other girl. Like are you kidding me? 

"are you done with your milk?" I ask avoiding the question she just asked me. She nods her head up and down. I scoop her up and take her to her room. I lay her down in her bed. I kiss her forehead as her eyelids slowly flutter close. I walk towards the door and shut the door slowly. I walk to my bed room. Galina is facing the wall away from the door. I sigh. 

"I know your not sleep, G." I say standing in the doorway. She turns around and sits up.

"How did you know?" She says. 

"You can't fall asleep on your say. You sleep on your stomach." She sighs. 

"I don't want to argue right now Joe." 

"then don't start one." I say walking over to the bed. 

Even though I told her not to she did. It ended up with me sleeping in another room because I couldn't even look her in the eyes. She constantly picks fights with me. She tells me that I'm cheating on her. Yeah Tells me. I'm not cheating on her. I love her so much but If she keeps this up then maybe divorce doesn't sound so bad. 

Mercades's pov

"$1,000,000! Are you fucking crazy!" I yell at the top my lungs. I'm at meeting with my divorce lawyer and my future ex-husband. 

"Seriously Mercades. Your Worth more that 1 mil. You'll live." I roll my eyes at his slide comments. I don't understand how I didn't see this side of him before. Before he was so funny and sweet. I got him a job at wwe making gear. I really loved him and I believe he loved me too. But that all changed when he started fucking some ugly blonde white bitch named Danielle Moinet commenly known as Summer Rae.  Heres the long story short of it. He went out with his boys for a boys night out which I didn't mind. So that night he slept with her. But heres where the story gets good. He never metioned it to me. Honestly if he did I would have forgave him. But what I didn't know what that they were sleeping togther fequently. It wasn't just a one night stand. How did I find out? Well heres how it goes. It all started at a WWE Live. 


As I'm walking down the hall I see a familair face I haven't seen since 2016. Danielle. What was she doing here. Then I see her walk over to my husband. Who the hell does she think she is. She lightly taps him on the shoulder. A look of concern covers his face. He grabs her arm and they walk down the hall. I follow them and hide behind these empty wooden crates. 

"what the hell are you doing here?!" Sarath asks very snappy. "Someone could see you and try to put 2 and 2 together." He looks really jumpy. He looks behind and around him alot. What is he so damn afraid of? 

"I needed to see you." He practically begs. Ew. What why does she need to see him? Why does she need to see MY husband. 

"baby you know if Mercades sees you she'll think something is up." B-baby? Why did he call her baby? I can feel tears swell up in my eyes. I have to bit my bottom lip to avoid sobs slipping out of my mouth. "And honestly I don't feel like hearing her bitchin' today"  My heart is beating a million miles per hour. What is going on. What am I hearing? This isn't happening. I coutinue to watch the scene. Sarath Looks around before pressing his lips to hers. The lips he uses to kiss me with. I can't take it anymore. I stand up from behind the crate and run down the hall with tears falling down my face. 

"Mercades!" I hear him yell after me but I keep running. I ryn until I get to the womans locker room. Naomi,Ashley and Becks are in there. They all notice me crying. The rush over to me. They hug me and rub my back. 

"whats wrong M?" Rebecca asks.  I didn't see who asked but I knew it was her because of her accaent. 

"I saw Sarath with another woman. Th-they were kissing and he called her baby and-"  I can't even keep talking. 

"that son of a bitch!"Trin says. "Oh hell no! What the fuck is wrong with him." Trin says really mad. 

"Do you want us to get Colby, Maunal and Jon on him?" Rebecca says which makes me laugh. 

"They are going to scare the living hell out of him."  I say still laughing. "lets do it."  They all laugh. We had to tell Hunter and Vince that I couldn't perform tonight. I wasn't in the right head space to wrestle. We all left the arena after they were done with there matches. Lexi had the idea of us ordering pizza and staying in her room. I had to go to my hotel room and get my stuff. I was going to be staying with Lexi and Driving with Lexi. So thats fun. I am the luckiest person in the world. 

Flashback over

"I am not giving this prick 1 million dollars. I work hard for my money. I go out there every single night and put my body on the line and all he did was sit down with a fucking  needle and thread. Like honesly. All that deserves 1 mil?" 

"we have to come to an agreement." His lawyer said. That dick. I hate him. 

"Fine then how about $500,000 and rybu." My eyes go wide. 

"No. Your not getting my dog." I say. "he's mine. I bought him with me check. With my money." 

"Then just give me $1million and you can keep the little shit!" He says getting angered. 

"Fine mother fucker. You can have the money but I want your ass out of my house by the time I get back from the European tour. And my parents are going to be there the whole time your there so you don't rob me." And with that I get up and leave the room. After calling 5 people no body was able to pic me up. My phone rings and it's Jon (jimmy uso). I answer the call. 

"Hey J. Whats up?" I ask. 

"So check it. Joe is like 15 minutes from you and said if you want he can take you home. And if you can't find a way to go to the next town he'd be more than happy to tale you." I smile.

"really oh Jonny your the best." I say. He laughs. 

"No problem M. I'll text him and let him know the deal." We hang up. 

Joe and I have been friends for a while. Ever since we tagged together in 2016. But we were friends before then.He's always there to help me train and get better at my job. 

After 10 minutes of waiting i see a black suv pull up. The windows are tented so I'm not able to see who's in the car.  

I turn around and seee sarath come out the building.  

"Look at you waiting for me." He says. 

"Your such a prick. I can't believe you."

"you just naive. Your a little girl and I'm a grown ass man." He says sneary. You'll never find a man thats going to love you or respect you. And you want to know why. Because your a little girl." I'm on the verge of tears. But i won't let him see me cry or upset. Not right now. 

"Hey babygirl you ready." I hear a famialir voice say. I turn around and see Joe standing behind me. I swear I see Sarath go a shade lighter. He's always been a bit intimdated by Joe. And I mean look at the man! Why wouldn't you. 

Joe glares at him with piercing eyes. Sarath Swallows a lump. smirk a little bit before biting my lip so I don't burst out into laughter. He soon walks away. Once he's out of sight,I look at joe. He looks at me. We both start to burst into laughter. 

"Did you see his face!" I say. He laughs and nods. 

"Okay we should go. I'm sure you don't want him to be at your house when you get home." I nod. He places his hand on my lower back letting me walk in front of him. Joe has always been a gentleman. He constantly is opening the door for woman or holding there bags if they need help. He opens the door for me. I thank him and get in the car. 


Once we get to my house i see Sarath's car outside. Damn. Joe notices my change my mood. He can read me like a book. I swear it's creepy. 

"You okay?" He asks placing his hand on my arm. I suck in a breath and nod. 

"Could you come in with me?" I say. Hoping he doesn't ask why. He nods his head. He takes his keys out of the ignition and we get out the car. Once we get in the house I see him sitting on the couch. He sneers in my direction but his faces changes when he sees Joe walk in the house. I motion for Joe to follow me to our bed room. He does. Once in our room I see Ryu on the bed. His head lifts up once he see's me. I run in his direction. 

"Hi baby." He licks my face and basically attacks me. He looks over my shoulder at Joe. I turn my head and see Joe chuckling, I roll my eyes. I go to the bathroom to get dog slobber off my face. Once I come back I start to pack. Joe kneeling next to Ryu and petting him. Occasionally letting him lick his face. I'm kind of shocked Joe let him lick his face for some reason. 

"J?" I ask. He looks up. "Do you mind if we bring him with us. Sarath said some things during our meeting that makes me think he isn't going to take care of him while I'm gone." I say sadly. 

"Yeah of course." He says patting his head. Once I'm done packing,Joe takes my suitcase downstairs. I pack a bookbage or important stuff. Like my charger,my phone,pads,and other minor things that I need that I don't feel the need to put in my suitcase. I get another bookbag and walk to the kitchen completly ignoring Sarath's presence. I go in the pantry and get some snacks. I get some rice krispies treats, the whole bag of pretzels, cheddar cheese popcorn,honey buns,cinnoman rolls and some other snacks. This is a long trip. It's from Boston to Columbus Ohio. I also pack some doggie treats for Ryu. 

"So your seeing Joe now huh?" He says walking and taking a bite of an apple. 

" whats it to you? " I ask rolling my eyes. "don't you have pregant woman to worry about?" Oh right I forgot to mention that danielle is pregant. He found out 2 weeks later.It's so gross. 

"Thats low and you know it." He says taking a step towards me. 

"You redy M?" Joes voice booms in the kitchen. It scared me a little bit. It sounded like a police officer, 

"Yeah, Could you go get ryu?" I ask not breaking eye contact with Sarath.  I push back and grab both bags and wait for Joe. He walks down the stairs with Ryu on a leash. I walk out the house. Joe pushes both sets of seat down. Then he allows ryu to get in the car. He stands for  seconds before sitting down. Then we begin the 11hr drive. Here we go

Hi guys

Here is my new book!

I hope you guys like it. I tried to be as decriptive as possibable. 

Please tell me what you guys think of this book!

Your feed back weather good or bad is helpful

If you have any ideas for the  books comments below or PM me.

I didn't edit or proof read this chapter

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