Thorns Of The Past.

By Marie_Curia

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It is said that our past determines who we are but what if this is not absolute? What happens when we decide... More

Author's Note: Welcome!
"You Killed Me!"
'Red' First Meeting!
Their Story!
Dirt VS Purity!
Not So Fragile!
Family 'Fights'!
Pain, Feelings, Regrets.
In The 'Dark'...
Regrets, Apologies, Chances.
Reunions And Decisions!
Love And 'War'.
Wild Instincts.
Purity, Humility, Virtue.
Unexpected Turn!
Gabriel's Rough Side.
Unions, Pain, Fights, Warnings.
'Peace' After Storm.
Thoughts, Memories, Guilt.
Unbearable Thoughts And Feelings.
Decisions And Discussions. Part I.
Relantionships' Changes.
Jealousy, Heartbreaks, Decisions...
'Showing' Her Teeth...
Time For Changes.
Intense Night.
Brave Decisions.
Last Chance!

Decisions And Discussions. Part II.

305 13 6
By Marie_Curia

If you want to succeed, make decisions out of love, not fear, or any other reason.

~few hours later, late at night, far away~

Michelle's pov

I take my seat opposite of him, with only two meters and his desk separating us and then rub my knees nervously.

Damian keeps on glaring at me nonstop with a scary, quite angry expression and his eyes look like they are black from huff. He hasn't calmed down completely yet and it has been hours since afternoon, when he broke everything in his room, got locked in it for more than three hours and threatened us to leave him.

I don't want to imagine what would have happened, if he had been anywhere else and not in his room. He would have killed many in order to satisfy his thirst for blood and death, nobody would make it unharmed and this truly terrifies me.

I still can't explain how I took the decision to ask from him to talk alone in his office. I mean that I was never so brave and now I can't believe it, but I had no other choice, because I know that it has to do with my Hayley. His Beta told me that we had news for her. Well, to be more specific Damian had the news, as his sources informed him and nobody else, not even me, and his reaction was not just scary, it was horrifying.

I was too close to pass out when the Beta whispered to me the reason he exploded, but gave me no more information. I lost the ground under my feet from worry and fear, I sat quickly and my personal maid had to bring me a strong perfume to smell in order to feel better. When I gained my composure, I begged the Beta to tell me what was what Damian was informed about, but he didn't know any detail. He said that the news was confidential and only Damian could tell me more, so I was left completely in the dark for some hours, until I had enough and found the courage to ask from him to meet privately.

I died all these hours, they seemed like years to me and I made countless scenarios in my mind with all of them being bad. I have a weird feeling, a God knows how did it come and I am still here, since I was ready to leave and go back to Blue River Pack, but Damian's agreement to see me made me calm down somehow, at least for now...

I swear that if Gabriel has done anything to my daughter, I will kill him with my own hands, but with the slowest, sickest, cruelest and most painful way there is. If anything has happened to my daughter, I will change my plans and make sure that he dies, but only after I kill his dear mate and their kids in front of his eyes.

I don't trust him, I know him, he hates her...

Maybe I was wrong for leaving her there, with him. Jack and Ruth are kind, but Gabriel isn't someone predictable. One thing I know for sure about him is that he is a strong player and he can be ruthless when his buttons get pressed.

What if he hurt Hayley, if he got tired of having her living with him?

What if instead of punishing him and protecting Hayley, I gave him the pleasure to hurt her and I failed to keep my baby safe?

I press my lips together with force, trying to not scream, and hold my knees tightly, doing anything I can to control my intense rage. I don't know for how long I'll be able to do so, but I mustn't explode in front of Damian and trust his patience. I already know that I asked too much from him, because I can see that he is struggling to stay 'calm' and I need to show my respect and appreciation to him, now more than ever.

My wolf growls, showing me her teeth for not speaking up, as Damian stays silent, and I take a long, slow breath, getting ready to get straight to the point, but then he prevents me. He groans, clearing his throat typically, and raises his eyebrows, with a quite hard expression making her appearance on his pale, but still handsome face.

It's one of the very few times that he hasn't taken care of his appearance. I mean that his shirt is crumpled, half of its buttons are open, his hair is very messy, he smells alcohol and his lips are dry, he is a wreck.

"The damn bastard is HER MATE! THE SHAME OF WEREWOLVES!" he states through his teeth, leaning forward, ready to kill me with his furious gaze and I blink my eyes confused.

I move a little bit on my seat and start rubbing my knees again. I try to understand whom he means, but I can't. Hayley's sweet face comes in my mind and I am incapable of thinking, but not for too long.

I remember the one person Damian calls 'bastard' and 'shame', mostly because I hate him for who he is, and I jump up, not wanting to believe it. I leave out a very loud roar and slam my hands on his desk, not caring if I break it, if he does the same, or if I challenge my fate and risk my life.

This can't be true...

Her son... My daughter's mate!? Gabriel's clone? The young rat?

"KILL HIM! KILL HIM NOW!" I roar demandingly, not able of stopping even for a second, and continue crashing my fists on the hard desk again and again, wishing that it was his empty head.

There is no worse curse than this one. There is no way that he touches my daughter, marks her and... I don't even want to say it, this is unacceptable. I would prefer her to die than become his forever.

His parents destroyed my life, they took everything from me, each of them in a different way, but the result is the same and it will never change. I hate them with all my heart, I want them dead, my life's purpose is to see them dead in front of me, and now this tragedy...

"I want Hayley here and him dead, now! RIGHT NOW!" I scream wildly while my wolf howls outraged and tries to shift despite my will.

I had never imagined that I would want Hayley so much here, but I do. This news leaves me no choice, no time to think. Anything else would be better than allowing to that dog to have my child, anywhere else would be better than that pack, anyone else would be better mate for Hayley than him.

Anyone else, but him!

"You want her, she is yours! Kill him and bring her here, Damian! Do it!" I scream when I see no reaction from him yet, and it works, because he narrows his eyes, raises his hands and points my seat.

Yes, this is it!

Damian is the one for her, although I had my doubts until now. I raised him, I'm like a mother for him, I stood next to him and his family, I supported him and I regret doubting him few weeks ago, when he told me his plans about getting Hayley.

Back then I thought that he wanted her only for her power and rare nature. I believed that he just wanted to use her in order to take revenge from Edgar and take over his pack by using Hayley. Also, I thought that he would hurt her and wouldn't be gentle and caring with her, but now I distinguish honestly.

It makes sense why he reacted that way before. It's because he said the truth, he truly wants her. I was an idiot for having many second thoughts about him, but I am her mother, I had to do so. I don't want her to get hurt, I need her to be happy and safe, and she will be both of these, but with Damian, not with the fuckers' son.

"It took you too long to give me your permission and blessings, not that I need them anyway, but better late than never, right 'mom'?" he asks me ironically, with bitterness and frustration, warning me in a way to not cross the limits of his, and I sit down abruptly.

I sigh in frustration, feeling my lungs taking fire, just like my heart, and run both of my hands through my hair, still not believing it. I will never accept it, it's impossible, a joke.

Why did the Goddess punish me in this way? Why Hayley? She is an angel.

"We need to hurry up." I say under my breath and look deep into his eyes, just to find a small sign of every emotion in them.

This is... Strange!

He is angry, relieved, happy, disappointed... I don't get it.

"Don't worry. I have arranged everything already and there are few important things you must know." he says quickly, not that nervy cross anymore and I shake my head troubled.

My heart skips a beat from agony, my wolf freezes, my skin shivers and I try to convince myself that he has everything in control, but it's hard for me. The last thing I ever wanted and could bear was this, but yet, it happened.

"He doesn't want her, in fact he attacked her when they met and he realized that she is his mate. Hayley got overwhelmed, passed out and they found her unconscious in her room, bleeding, with bruises, cuts and marks all over her body. Some from the pack and her school were abusing her and she had told nobody about it, but now they all know." he explains, fighting to maintain his temper and I...

I... I die, I really do!

"My spies told me that Gabriel Jones took care of everyone. I think he cares about her... There is no other explanation for what he did. The pack is heavily punished, it's a miracle that the school's previous principal is still alive, and her abusers are even dead or too close to die. Hayley is better, she'll start going to school again from next Monday." He continues, but I don't move or try to react.

I am lost, pain has overflowed me, he is everywhere.

It's my fault, he was suffering because of me. I know it, just because she is mine.

"Do you listen to me? She is alright." Damian repeats I don't know how much time later and I come back on real time, realize that I have been crying loudly, almost sobbing, and hold back a scream.

"He won't touch her, he won't, okay? I promise you! He hates her and everything will be over in less than a week from now." He assures me, softer than the usual, reminding me of the old, sweet, caring Damian, and I wipe my tears, sniffle and clear my throat.

"But all the others... She..." I begin to say doddering, but my voice betrays me.

I can't stand it, it is just a true nightmare. I wish I could take her place, I would do anything to ease her pain.

"They paid it, believe me. I know even the slightest detail, I am not lying. And she is very well, they assured me about it. In less than a week she is going to be here, I have arranged it, but I need to perfect everything and look at some important details. Leave it on me. All I want from you is to calm down and start the necessary preparations." He says gently, with a timid smile and satisfaction, and stands up, tall and imposing.

He begins to prove to me more and more that he loves Hayley and cares. I see potentials, he can be the best for her, if he becomes again the young, expressive boy he was. I don't know what he saw in Hayley, although I am her mother and she is perfect in my eyes, but I'm glad this happened. He is a strong Alpha, a clever, handsome man, capable of anything he gets in mind, a very promising man.

"We won't fail this time." He states imposingly, with deep, husky and clear voice and I stiffen nervously from concern.

His eyes aren't dark anymore, they are shining from excitement and desire, he is confident, but I am not, not yet. I need to know more than these with details.

"What necessary preparations? When will you bring her here? How?" I ask him quickly and he smiles, reassuring me that he has everything under control.

He places both of his hands on the empty desk and I get hypnotized from the confident aura of his. Something dark from inside me steps back and I start having my hopes up again. Damian exudes me great trust and safety, he always did, but now it's more intense.

"I will tell you my plan in one of the next days. She will be here on Monday and you can come with me. Now, as for the preparations... I want you to take care of our new bedroom and the entire pack house. Everything must be ready, but there is something more I need from you to take care of." He replies and I stand up, feeling the most important thing he needs from me coming and not having time to get happy as I should about Hayley's arrival.

"And this is?" I mutter scared and he smirks satisfied.

"You are responsible for our marking ceremony. It'll take place in front of the entire pack."


"I'm marking Hayley on Monday night. It's final!"

~next day, early noon, Ancient Moon Stone Pack~

Nash's pov

He storms into his room like a truly catastrophic tornado and leaves the door widely open for me to follow.

I sigh, relieved for not having the door slammed on my face due to his rage, and look at both sides of the corridor to make sure that nobody is around. Thankfully, I can smell absolutely nothing, so we are completely alone and not seen.

I snap my head to him when he growls warningly, and find him standing in front of his desk, only few meters away, with his usual green eyes much darker and I get inside in hurry, since I don't want him to get even angrier.

I close the door as carefully as I can and decide not to lock it. When I turn again to him, he finally 'relaxes', moves abruptly and takes a big, beige envelope from his desk. I have the opportunity to look inquisitively his body, face and their language, and I make a small, timid step forward, but don't move on.

He is angry, well... No!

I'm too lenient for calling him just angry. The truth is that he is furious and it is just the beginning of it. His hands are shaking as he is opening, almost ripping the envelope, his board chest is going quickly up and down and I can hear his heartbeat echoing in my head. The blood in his veins is boiling and his jaw is clenching, his wolf is trying to make his presence more intense and I try to hold mine under control.

It doesn't come as a surprise to me that my wolf reacts, because this happens almost all the time since I turned sixteen and got him. He communicates with Kaden's, just like I do with him, we complete each other and so do our wolves. The only difference is that my wolf can't control his temper when Kaden and his wolf are angry, but I do, at least I try to. I always want to be calmer and more logical in order to keep balances and save our asses from problems caused from Kaden's often rebellions.

This time has nothing to do with the others though, because the reason he is so outraged is very important for us, and I would say that I'm extremely scared of losing my composure too. It's the first time that I support him so much, even though I always take his side in front of the others and have his back all the time. What I am trying to say is that I have never left Kaden alone, despite the fact that sometimes I don't agree completely with him or his ways, behavior and reactions. I can't leave him or turn my back on him, as he is my other half, my 'brother' and not just my cousin and I feel incomplete without him. I excuse him to everybody every time he does or says something 'crazy or not acceptable' despite the fact that I sometimes don't agree with him, but I can't do otherwise.


As I was saying, this time I totally support him, in fact we are together in this, and how could we not be?

Neither of us can forget of her, we can't abandon her, we don't want to and we won't bear it. We live in a nightmare from the moment that hers and our grandpa's deer made their appearance, revealing her existence, and our grandma saw her helping her deer and passing the test through their eyes. The mini fight that followed between our grandpa and our grandma, fathers and us doesn't help us as well, as our strong bonds broke somehow and we are cold and distant with each other.

And it's not only that we stay away from our grandpa what makes me talk like this. Kaden and I have pulled away from everyone, because we have great anger and many complaints inside us. We blame them all for the turn things took between our grandpa and our uncle, and this is the reason we don't feel ready to talk to them again yet.

We believe that the biggest part of the blame falls on our grandpa's shoulders for easily understandable reasons, but he isn't the only one to be blamed. I mean... Our grandma should have stood in the middle for our uncle. We respect that she was in a very difficult place, because she had to 'choose' between her mate and Alpha and her own son, but what she did wasn't a good choice either. In addition, we don't agree with our fathers for not helping our uncle, who always was their protector. They should have taken his side, he needed them, but they were afraid of our grandpa and did nothing, they betrayed their own blood, and it's something we hate. Our mothers, from the other side, couldn't talk and disagree, because our fathers didn't allow them to and we were too young, so they preferred to not interfere, although they... It seemed like our uncle's absence hurt them deeply and it took them years to accept it and find back their strength and confidence without him. They are the only two, who always talk secretly to Kaden, Tanner and me about him and want ask for his return. They proved to be more disobedient than our fathers and grandma, but they never stop 'respecting' our grandpa... And then we have Tanner, the youngest of the family, Alpha Edgar White's favorite one.

I honestly don't know what to say about him. I mean that his behavior is something that Kaden and I don't understand. We already knew that he is the one closest to our grandpa, but in our private discussions with Kaden, Tanner was always saying that he didn't support what he did to our uncle and now he behaves like he takes his side, so Kaden and I are frustrated about it and avoid him.

As you understand, both Kaden and I have grown up and we have formed our own views about this matter. We want our uncle back, we always did, but the last years we want him more intensively and now things have gotten in a new level, because of her...

Our cousin, our little and precious one, our rightful Alpha, Hayley!

All Kaden and I think about is her, we can't stop discussing about her and we feel extremely guilty for being unaware of her existence, even though it isn't our fault. We already love her, we miss her despite the fact that we have never met. We don't even know how she looks like, because our grandma is too hurt to talk about it and she got overwhelmed the few times we tried to ask her and also, we don't want or accept to ask our grandpa for the well-known reasons.

This is why Kaden, the devil himself, came up with an idea, which shocked me at first place and I wasn't sure as to what to say about it, but the clever rebel convinced me in the end and I gave him my approval to begin the whole process.

His idea was to trust a very specific person, you could call him detective. We have heard many things about him, we have common acquaintances and we know that he is one of the best, so Kaden thought about asking him to work for us and give us any information he can get about Hayley. We know her stepfather's name and the name of the pack of his from before, from some conversations about the whole story from our mothers, and Kaden contacted him secretly five days ago and exactly five days after the night we found out about Hayley. The man promised to make our case his priority, because we told him that we would pay him very well and he also gave us his word that nobody will ever find out about it. I'm sure that you already know to whom he referred to, to our grandpa.

Things went unexpectedly well for us, because he called Kaden this morning, telling him that he had extremely important information for us and they arranged a meeting which took place a while ago. To be more specific, Kaden came back some minutes ago, since I stayed here in order to have his back in case anyone would ask about him, and the first thing he did was to leave this envelope in his room and then come to find me. We don't want anybody finding out about the envelope, so he had to leave it in here and protect it from anyone's possibly accidental noticing. I realized that something was extremely wrong from the way he broke into my room, because this is one thing he doesn't usually do, and I followed him without questions.

My bad sentiment builds up the more I observe him and I put efforts to take a breath before Kaden strikes me with his 'thunderbolts'. I have never seen him like this and I hate how worried I begin to feel about the outcome of it. If Kaden is so angry, I won't be able to control him soon enough and we risk a lot... The last thing we need is anyone else suspecting something.

"Den... What did he say?" I ask breathless, not able of approaching him and he lifts his head up, raises his right hand with which he is holding some photos and his eyes get filled from tears.

"She is like her, Nash... And him. Look!" he says trembling and my skin shivers as I understand what he means.

I narrow my eyes, lock them on the photos and walk to him instinctually. I feel weaker in every step I make and when I finally reach him, I raise my hands in order to take the photos in my hands and press my lips with power.

My heartbeat fires up and my eyes widen instantly, my wolf starts howling and I stumble, dizzy from the unbearable feeling. I don't know what to do, I just know how I feel for what I see.

I feel... Guilty, broken.

She is like our grandma! She has taken everything from our uncle, who has taken my grandma's eyes, hair, lips, skin, face structure and expressions. It's like she is our grandma, but much younger and the look of hers is so piercing, expressive and mesmerizing. She looks like an angel, so humble, pure and special...

"She is unbelievably beautiful, she..."

"She needs to come here the sooner, Nash! You have no idea what the detective said." Kaden cuts me off harshly, ready to break everything in the room and I step backwards panicked.

I manage to take my eyes from the photos and look into his, but I regret it immediately.

His eyes are about to become pure black, his exhales are burning my skin horrifyingly and his hands are shaking so much that confirms my previous fears about his wolf, he wants to set himself free... He wants to get out!

I swear that he is about to shift and my wolf starts pushing me, demanding restlessly for full control.

No, no, this is wrong!

"What do you mean? What did he tell you?" I ask terrified and a low, deep growl leaves from his throat, reaches to my ears and I begin to sweat.

My heart can't beat anymore, pain has overwhelmed her and there is nothing I can do to change this, I hardly think, I am petrified.

"They had been abusing her. For three, fucking whole years!" he states deadly and the photos slip from my hands, fall and get scattered everywhere around us on the floor.

My eyes and mouth open widely, my wolf seems not as shocked as I am, since he puts even more pressure now, and my blood freezes in my veins, but only for a brief moment. The next thing I know is that I growl loudly without caring if anyone listens to me or not, and my bones begin to tremble.




"And you don't know the worst yet...Her mate is Ryker Jones, her stepfather's unknown son. And the bastard attacked her when they met, he doesn't want her. He is the reason that Gabriel found out what was happening to her and he punished absolutely everyone." Kaden continues raged and I narrow my eyes while analyzing every single word of his.

The last sentence eases my anger somehow, but not for too long. I replay twice the part where he said that the useless dog attacked her and doesn't want her, obviously because of what that Michelle has done, and all I see is red.

The puzzle's pieces get matched perfectly, since I know the whole story of Michelle, Gabriel Jone, his mate and my uncle from my mother and aunt, and the hatred and rage drown me. The rumors were true about Michelle and the 'achievements' of hers, but Hayley...

How could somebody hate Hayley?

I mean, she has done nothing and Michelle abandoned her, so she is a victim of Michelle's as well, maybe the greatest victim of all. Kaden and I sat and took everything we knew one by one, we put it in queue and realized that Hayley grew up without Michelle. Our grandpa had tried to find her, about six months after he had banished our uncle, for unknown to us reasons, but he got informed that she was nowhere to be found, because she had left Gabriel Jones for good. He never heard anything about her since then and this means that Hayley never met her, because I am sure that Michelle wasn't so stupid to go back or even try to approach Gabriel again.

Now, as for this asshole, Ryker, I guess that Gabriel's true mate was pregnant when he marked Michelle and this is why he knew nothing. He probably found it out quite recently and that's the reason my cousin met him.

Goddess... I am getting dizzy!

"The detective approached a student from Hayley's school today. The boy was too stupid or hungry for money and he told him everything about Hayley. The whole school got shook yesterday. Gabriel went there and almost killed the principal and Hayley's bullies. He threatened everyone, nobody tried to stand opposite of him and today every kid was talking about Hayley's topic. Some kids from her pack spread what happened between her and Ryker on last Friday, just four days ago. She... Had a crisis, Nash. When he explained to me everything he knew, I realized..."

"That her wolf wants to come to the surface sooner! Her instincts have woken up, her transformation has officially begun." I end his phrase and he nods, but this time he is scared, not angry.

Damn! This is a disaster!

What happens to Hayley, I mean about her and her wolf transforming from so soon is something rare and extremely serious. I know only two people who have been through this and are still alive, our grandpa and uncle Arthur. Nobody else has ever survived and now with Hayley...


"We have to bring her here the sooner, she can't make it on her own. Nobody can explain what happened to her, but we can, because we know about it. Only we can help her in order to get stronger and learn how to keep her wolf under full control. One mistake and she dies!" he says next and I exhale heavily, denying even imagining the possibility of losing her.

Kaden is right, I mean... First of all, she will be safe here with us, nobody will touch her again without first passing above our dead bodies, secondly she is one of us and this is her home, we are her family and her place is here on our side, thirdly she needs one very specific person's guidance and supervision, our grandpa's. With my uncle nowhere to be found, our grandpa is the only one who can help Hayley. He has been through this, but he is here, strong and alive. He can train her, understand her, support her, but...

"He won't accept her, Den. He will kill her immediately, or he will try it, just like he tried with uncle. Hayley is not Arthur and we aren't so strong. There is only one who can win grandpa, our uncle!" I say panicked, realizing that we will put her life in more danger, and Kaden growls while making a step to me, but the door opens with no warning or knock and Tanner storms inside.

Screw it!

I bet he suspected that we were up to something and he is here in order to know. He may be the younger, but he is very clever, not to mention that he knows us better than anybody else.

He closes the door silently behind him, although he is upset and opens his mouth, ready to talk while his dark blue eyes shine dangerously, but his gaze falls on Hayley's scattered photos and he immediately freezes up shocked.

The awkward silence that follows sends chills all over my skin and my anger steps backwards, just like my wolf's. I observe Tanner's displeasingly blank and empty from emotions expression and my heart tightens from wrath and annoyance. I can't understand how he does it, he has already understood that the girl in the photos is Hayley, but he doesn't look like he cares like Kaden and I. He isn't happy, excited or even hurt, but I would say frustrated.

What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he serious?

I snap my head to Kaden when he groans threateningly, and rush to stand between him and Tanner as a wall, reading Kaden's body language. After being with Kaden for my entire life, I can say what he thinks, feels or he is up to at any time and right now I am certain that he doesn't have patience or peaceful intentions from Tanner's reaction. In fact, Kaden would love to kill Tanner for many reasons...

He believes that Tanner is a 'traitor' for being so close with our grandpa, never taking our side, not asking our uncle back, supporting grandpa even after the reveal about Hayley and not joining us now that we want to bring her here, home. Moreover, one last reason, a new one, is how Tanner behaves now that he is aware of our strange behavior lately, he saw Hayley's photos and understood what we did.

"I can't believe you kept me out of it!" Tanner is the first who talks, preventing Kaden, and he takes his gaze from the photos and looks at us.

"Why?" he asks harshly with a dose of bitterness and complaint.

Huh? What did he say?

"Because we don't trust you, clearly!" Kaden replies coldly and tries to pass by me and approach Tanner, but I block his way with determination.

He is going to release his anger on him and Tanner will fight back, so I'll have to stop them, but I prefer to put an end from now.

These two always fight, this is something I am used to, but hate to death, because I have to get in the middle constantly. I don't like interfering, but I can't stay out of it either, as it's dangerous for them. Honestly, if it wasn't me, they would kill each other. They are completely different personalities with opposite ideas and way of thinking, so having them fighting is not something new for me and everybody else.

Kaden is our family's rebel, this is how grandpa calls him, because he is not as obedient and silent as we are. He challenges grandpa, states his disagreement, doesn't apologize and goes against almost everyone, but nobody can 'punish' him, since he'll be the Alpha and grandpa needs him, but this is another story, as things change a lot now that we know about Hayley, so I won't talk to you about it right away.

Tanner, from the other hand, is the most logical one, the silent and serious type. He never disrespects our grandpa and you could call him Alpha Edgar's loyal tail. He says that Kaden should change for our family and pack's sake, he never supports us or tries to get in our place and understand us when we do childish things.

I guess that now you can see my general point about these two fighting and me taking the firefighter's role.

"She is my cousin too and I have the right to know whatever you do!" Tanner states confidently, surprising me in the best way, but from Kaden's look there is no doubt that he isn't satisfied, he doesn't believe him.

"Prove it, then! Enough talking." He hisses challengingly and Tanner narrows his eyes quite confused.

"Take our side and help us bring Hayley back home! Stop supporting Edgar, that's enough." He continues, throwing the bomb the next moment, and I groan in agreement with him.

I couldn't say it better than he did. This time I am totally with him, although I am scared of bringing Hayley here with us. I still think that she won't be safe, because I know our grandpa, he won't accept it, he'll react badly. I just believe that Tanner needs to finally help us. Maybe he could talk to our grandpa, tell him what we found out and ask from him to think about us taking Hayley from Gabriel Jones and keeping her safe. It is more likely for him to convince him, he has his ways with him.

"Have you lost your mind? Hayley must never come here!" Tanner speaks up a while later, after he has taken few seconds to think about it and both Kaden and I jump up, not believing what he dared to say.

No, I just imagined it, he can't be such a fucking loser, it is impossible!

"Excuse me?" I mutter troubled and Tanner clears his throat, running his right hand through his dark, dirty blonde hair.

"If she comes, uncle will return, and he'll kill grandpa! He won't like the idea of him so close to his daughter and he..." he begins to explain with trembling voice, but Kaden has truly enough and manages to pass by me and attack him.

He grabs Tanner from his shirt's collar, catching him and me off guard and pins him on the closest wall, not caring for the noise. I think that it takes me a while to come back to reality and move in order to separate them, while Tanner puts great efforts to push Kaden away from him, but it is pointless.

Kaden is the oldest and most powerful from the three of us. He can win us both, if he wants to, and let's not forget that Tanner hasn't shifted yet, he hasn't experience of fighting. Even I look like a pathetic loser in front of Kaden, and imagine that we get trained together every day. Grandpa focuses more on him, because he is the 'chosen', and this has made him better than me, even though he has still way too many things to be taught.

"You, fucking snitch... You shame of a brother, pathetic traitor!" Kaden curses through his teeth furiously and tightens his hold more around Tanner, who coughs.

"Cut it out! They will listen to us, stop it!" I whisper while struggling to pull him back with difficulty.

If anyone, especially our grandpa listens to us, we are dead! We won't be able to approach Hayley, we will end up completely ripped from each other and there will be no hope for us to do the right thing.

"Did you hear the loser? All he thinks and cares about is his fucking grandpa and his fat ass! He doesn't give a shit about his uncle and only cousin!" Kaden protests when I make it and pull him few meters away from Tanner, who rubs his throat and tries to find back his breath.

"He deserves to be killed from Arthur! HE. DESEREVS. IT!" he continues, fortunately not yelling, screaming or shouting and I lose my breath from pain.

I don't like listening to him talking like this about our grandpa, despite the fact that I don't agree with what he did to Arthur. Okay, banishing and trying to kill his own son for just sleeping with his 'mate' was too much and not what we have been taught about what a family means, but I won't bear his lose. Arthur is alone for years and my heart breaks for him, because I know that my uncle is the best man our pack has ever had since its beginning, but I want them both.

Kaden is so furious with the whole matter that says too heavy words and I excuse him a little bit, but I can't accept it. You see, he was uncle's favorite, he spent more time than I and Tanner did with him, because he is older. He can remember almost nothing from Arthur, but he always loved listening about him. He never blamed our uncle for his 'wrong' action, in fact he took his side and never changed his opinion. Arthur is his personal hero, he admires him, he wants to become like him one day, he follows his steps and his dream is to bring him back one day. This is why he says and does all these, because he wants him to return, and also, this is one more reason he has become so obsessed with Hayley. It's not only that she is our only cousin, our little one and our rightful Alpha, but also that she is what we have from Arthur. Kaden is the older one of us and he feels responsible for keeping us safe.

I guess that many don't like him for the way he behaves and they would call him an arrogant jerk, but he isn't. He is very sensitive when it comes to his family, especially grandma, Tanner, me (it is hard to believe, but he is our greatest shield when we need him) and now Hayley. He is protective and possessive.

"He didn't just turn his back on his own blood! He wanted to annihilate it! And you stand on him, you are just like him and I'm done with you!" Kaden states wildly and pushes me off of him, but locks his eyes on me and I freeze from fear.

The look of his is an intensively rough one, it's like he is warning me, because he'll ask from me to choose one of them. The fact that I haven't made my intentions clear by now has pissed him off. Maybe he senses that I am not so sure about what to do, I need more time, the three of us do, we must discuss with calm and clear minds.

Also, Tanner has to know everything the detective said to Kaden. If we tell him, he will certainly agree with us. I know that he loves Hayley, but he is just trying to keep everybody safe. I am aware of the fact that his behavior gives mixed signals and leans towards the 'bad' side, but he is very kind and full of love for our family.

Maybe if we sat together, just the three of us like old times, we would find a solution. We can make it, if we want to, but we have to try and be united until the end, because this is our power and we can't deny or ignore it.

"Uncle certainly wants Hayley, but he has decided to wait for his own reasons. He has his eyes on her, the three deer help him. He will appear, if we take Hayley. He didn't kill grandpa back then, even though he could, but he will kill him for approaching Hayley. He has lost his trust on him. Don't you understand?" Tanner says hurt, before I speak and both Kaden and I look at him instantly.

I can't deny that what he says is true. This is something we won't be able to avoid, if we do bring Hayley home. My mother once told me that our uncle can kill anyone for those he loves deeply. We can't take for granted how he will react, if he meets with our grandpa and Hayley is somewhere close.

"And... Grandpa doesn't want her. He made it more than clear. It hurts a lot, Den, I know, but we should think of something else. Bringing her here will be the beginning of the end." I murmur heartbroken, doing my best not to cry, and Tanner bites his lower lip.

"He does love her, guys. And he also loves uncle, but he isn't ready to admit it, you know him... Anyway, let's stick to the point. Nobody will be able to stop uncle from killing grandpa. They are the strongest, they will scatter death around them. Just think about it..." Tanner says next, but I shake my head in confusion.

I am losing it, I don't know what to say. We are walking on a stretched rope, on a knife.

"And what about Hayley, huh? She suffers, she is in danger, we must help her!" Kaden shouts immediately with pain, anger and complaint and I stiffen nervously, give Tanner a look to let him know that there are things he is unaware about and then press my lips in despair.

Kaden is determined to help Hayley at any cost. He doesn't care about what will come next, he can't yet, because this is his role. He will think about the consequences only when Hayley sets her foot on the pack, but then it'll be late, because if Arthur comes back, some of us will die.

SHIT! This is pure madness!

"Do you know what?" Kaden states with confidence and no sign of emotion, mad at us for our intense hesitations, and walks to the door.

I have the sentiment that I won't like the outcome. When he is so 'calm' and doesn't scream or yell, he builds up thick walls, he gets closed in himself and he wants absolutely nobody. He fights against his demons on his own, like the strong, young man he is, but he suffers a lot, and I feel extremely guilty. Every time Kaden is in pain, a part of me mourns with him and for him, but this time will be worse, since there is Hayley, who suffers as well, and Tanner, who will feel awful for making Kaden to get isolated and stay alone.

"I want nothing to do with you from now on. You won, Hayley won't come, but I'll go to take her, and together we'll try to find Arthur. You won't see me again and all of us will be satisfied, because I deny turning my back on my blood, unlike you and the others." He says while opening the door, and a sudden pain strikes my heart, my wolf curses me for my cowardice and I make a step forward, but Kaden raises his hand.

He means it, he really does, he is capable of leaving us forever. He always makes true what he says. He will go with them, because he misses them desperately and he prefers to leave us and go with them than bring them here and lose any of us during uncle and grandpa's inevitable fight.

"My decision is final! Do anything you want, but I am not changing my mind. Stay away from me until I leave, don't challenge me." he warns us strictly, making it clear that he won't accept any 'game' of ours in order to change his mind and gets out, closing the door, before I or Tanner try to stop him.

I stay motionless, staring at the door in silence and my heartbeat echoes in my head. The pain makes me tremble, realization strikes me, my stomach gets ripped from honor and tears build up. The disgust and pain I saw in Kaden's eyes will hunt me until I die, just like my guilt for not being as brave and caring as he is.

Screw logic when your family needs you!

What am I doing now?

"We did exactly what grandpa did to uncle, but in a gentle and hypocritical way..." I whisper instinctually while I turn to Tanner, who is extremely pale, and my vision gets immediately blurred from tears.

Yes, we did the same, we become like him, only Kaden takes the opposite path. We made him chose between family and 'death', when we could unite our powers with him and man up in order to make the impossible possible to happen.

Our grandpa forced Arthur to chose between family and 'death', because agreeing to fight him and kill him would be 'death' for Arthur, but he chose the family, even though he knew that he would stay alone.

Now we made nothing different to Kaden. He chooses to leave in order to make sure that Hayley will be alright and they will find Arthur together, although it will break his heart to live without us, because we didn't agree to support his will.

What hurts me the most is that we stepped back, we didn't even want to try, we are true losers. There is always a way, we would find a solution and we would stop Arthur from killing our grandpa, but...

We aren't that strong or pure, sensitive rebels like Kaden!

"Nash, I'm done doing nothing. Our family deserves happy ending." Tanner says firmly and I blink my eyes unprepared.

I wipe my tears in hurry and I give a quick look at Hayley's photos, my heart hovers affected from her view even through some papers, and then I lock my eyes on Tanner's. His gaze brings me upheaval and I gulp, impatient to hear something from his lips, because I don't know what to say or how to behave anymore, and he seems to read my mind, because he walks to me, places both of his hands on my shoulders and shakes his head imposingly.

"We have lots of work to do, cousin. I need you to tell me everything you know about Hayley, and then we will make our plan, but before we start, I want us to promise that we won't stop until our family gets completed again. It's our duty to make it happen, Kaden was right!" he says and I shake my head in agreement, with my lost hope and composure coming again back to me.

I want to believe that we will make it, before it's too late and we lose anyone, it's hard though, but we must try first. We owe it to our family and I have the feeling that Hayley will be the main key in this.

She is our precious one, she is the reason we came at this point and we will never disappoint her!

"I promise you, cousin! We'll never stop until we succeed and we are all together!"


Hello my friends!

This is the second part of the chapter 24 and we have Michelle's point of view and a new one, this time from Nash, Hayley's second older cousin!

I am sure that Damian' statements about his plans made you worried, but what about Nash? By the way, I think I will fall in love with Kaden in the end (don't bite me, I know I am responsible for the heroes, but some things are just above me). Who is with me? Do I have to get ready for competition?

I am looking forward to know your opinion about this chapter, did you like it?

How do you feel about Michelle? What do you think about Damian's reveals and her reaction? What about his reaction and plan? How do you feel about his last statement about kidnapping and marking Hayley so soon? And let's continue with the opposite side, what about the two young men of ours, Nash and Kaden? How do you feel about Kaden? What about Nash and everything he said, we learnd more about the Whites, right? By the way, do you like Tanner? And last but not least, what about Kaden's final decision and the ending between Nash and Tanner? What is going to happen next? 

I am waiting for your predictions... Please, tell me!

I am very curious to know your opinions and thoughts and I need to thank you for everything. I hope you liked this chapter. Plese if you want to help me, you like the book and you are looking forward for more:

1) Vote,

2) Commend and let me know your opinion and thoughts, or

3) Share the story.

I will see you again in the next chapter (unless you are reading my other books). Until then stay safe, smile and have fun!

Love you all very much,


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