Incipient >[OikawaxReader]

By AppleRuby13

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❝𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱❞ . . . → Y/N, an... More

▪︎Break Up▪︎
▪︎Trouble Maker▪︎
▪︎Uh Oh▪︎
▪︎The Third Player▪︎
▪︎Plan C or Plan don't see▪︎
▪︎Your Side▪︎
▪︎Stuck Together▪︎
▪︎A Little Bit▪︎
▪︎Dinner First?▪︎
▪︎Good Luck▪︎
▪︎Creepy Dude▪︎
▪︎Rivalry Reunion▪︎
▪︎A Break▪︎
▪︎Friendly Friends▪︎
▪︎A Match of Two Friends▪︎
▪︎Day off▪︎
▪︎Important Fight▪︎
▪︎Fight for Victory▪︎
▪︎Major Crush▪︎
▪︎Not a Date▪︎
▪︎Slay it▪︎
▪︎Party All Night▪︎
▪︎Get Drunk▪︎
▪︎Art Class▪︎
▪︎Couple Massage?▪︎
▪︎University Event▪︎
▪︎Girls Only▪︎
▪︎The Gown▪︎
▪︎Show Time▪︎
▪︎The Real Party▪︎
▪︎The Man Behind It All▪︎
▪︎In The Shower▪︎
▪︎The Shallow▪︎
▪︎The New Life▪︎
▪︎Please Stay▪︎
▪︎Nobody Knows▪︎
▪︎Taking A Break▪︎
▪︎Tryouts and Watch Out!▪︎
▪︎Baby Shower▪︎
▪︎Guessing Games▪︎
▪︎Meeting the Nephew▪︎
▪︎Sister and Brother in Law▪︎
▪︎Cooking Classes▪︎
▪︎Me, You, Together▪︎
▪︎Worrying too Much▪︎
▪︎An Important Day▪︎
▪︎Preparing Desserts▪︎
▪︎Time for Dinner▪︎
▪︎Getting it Done▪︎
▪︎Say Goodbye▪︎
▪︎Lonely Monster▪︎
▪︎Phone Call▪︎
▪︎Doing Just Fine▪︎
▪︎Seeing you again▪︎
▪︎Drowning in Love▪︎
▪︎A Tour In The House▪︎
▪︎A New Chapter▪︎
▪︎The Magic Room▪︎
▪︎One More!▪︎
▪︎A Huge One▪︎
▪︎A Fairy Tale▪︎
▪︎Author's Note▪︎


180 8 0
By AppleRuby13

*Slight trigger warning*
Apparently I was forced to listen to Ethan's explanation which I'm surprised he still has one. He took me somewhere away from the garden that is occupied by the couple, he ended up taking me to the outdoor theater where students can spend their night watching movies there. I would really like this place if Ethan wasn't here.

"Y/N...My feelings for you are real and theres nobody else I would spend my time with" Spend your time with? Bitch please, you've been spending your time with someone else.

"I'm doing this for your own good. I don't know how I'll feel if you hooked up with another stranger" I roll my eyes as he said that. Oh I get it now, you just don't want me to get over you and find someone that's not you.

"For fuck sake. How many times do I have to repeat myself. We're never getting back together, its difficult having to be with someone who keeps pushing me away" I tried walking away but Ethan suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. Anger was the only thing he could see on my face right now.

"Let go before I make you" My voice was scarier than anything you could think of, I could feel my head about to pop off by the amount of rage I'm feeling at the moment.

"No, I need to give you a good reason to stay with me" Before I could open my mouth to say anything, he started to plant kissss on my neck, causing me to rage even more. If he wasn't grabbing my wrists then I would have punched him square in the face.

"Stop!" I shouted but it's so late at night that I bet nobody nearby would hear. I'm doom...I'm so doom...I don't want to be with this guy nor have him touch my body...quick think of something Y/N....

"Hey!" I snap out of my head when I heard someone shouting at us, Ethan raised an eyebrow at the person standing behind me. I quickly move my hands out of his grip when he was distracted.

"Who told you you were allowed to make out at my spot?" My eyes widened when I saw it was Oikawa, his friends standing right behind him. he wasn't concerned that I was gonna get rape?

"Your spot? Well I guess we'll go then" Ethan reached for my wrist but I managed to take a step back, making him miss it.

"We? There is no we" He glares at me before putting on a cheeky smile to hide his annoyance.

"We wouldn't wanna bother the freshman right?" He grabs my wrist but this time more forceful, he was practically dragging me like I'm some kind of wild animal. Tears were building up in my eyes when I notice his grip was leaving a red hand mark on my wrist.

"Hey, when the fuck did I say you could take her away?" I look at Oikawa, my vision blurry because of the unshed tears covering my eyes. Ethan scoffs.

"Shes my girlfriend so you should mind your own fucking business" Ethan was gonna drag me away until Oikawa stood between us, shielding me from him.

"Your girlfriend? From what I know, I don't think that's how you treat your girlfriend" Oikawa said while I was busy looking at my injured wrist that is now red like a cherry. It hurts even when I move it.

"We're just having a fight. Come on Y/N, let's go" Ethan looked past Oikawa so he could look at me, I sigh as I step out of Oikawa's back. Oikawa was definitely startled to see me obey him but that's not quite what I was doing.

I threw a punch to Ethan's face and that made him stumble a few steps backwards, he looks at me with his hand holding on to his jaw. Oikawa's friends all let out an impressed noise while I glare at Ethan with pure anger. I can't wait to go back to my dorm and clean my neck that is covered by your dirty kisses. He growls with a defeated look.

"You're so naive" Ethan walked away, finally leaving me alone. Finally that's over. I let out a relieved sigh...

"You okay?" Oikawa said and I turn around to face him, I didn't say anything but just look down at my wrist.

"We don't have much so use this" He grabs some ice cubes from the bucket he and his friends brought here, he then put it in a towel before handing it to me.

"Thank you" I gently rub my wrist with the ice cubes. I can't see his face but I could hear him trying to say something to me, when we made eye contact. I felt my heart start to flutter like flower petals.

"Hey! We gonna watch a film or what?" His friends called for him and he looked at them then back at me. I bow my head.

"Again, thank you for helping me out. I'll leave you and your friends now" I look up and see him trying to hide his cheeks that are turning pink, I turn around and start to head back to my dorm.

When I made it back, I just now remembered the book I was reading earlier wasn't with me anymore. Fuck! Where did I drop it? I can't remember a thing. Ugh I'm seriously screwed...I lay down on my bed with my eyes staring at the towel Oikawa gave me. I couldn't help but smile as I touch it, he was nice enough to help me out...I slowly fell asleep with the towel in my hand.

I woke up the next day to find parts of my bed wet, the ice cubes must have melted while I was asleep. It'll dry so I should focus on getting dress instead, if you're wondering about what Akiko is doing, she's still busy finishing her drama. I came out of the bathroom wearing one of the clothes I chose for the day. Today is the first day of classes...I hope I do well...

Me and Akiko are not in the same classroom which I am glad, she wouldn't stop telling me how angry she was at that drama shes watching. I open the door to find some freshman already there, to my surprise Oikawa was in the same class as me. I gulp nervously and tried to avoid eye contact with him. I ended up sitting at the far corner from everyone else.

Classes actually went well for me, I managed to learn a lot of things too. It was now recess and oh boy am I starving. I grab my food from the cafeteria and decided to sit at the table outside, just right in front of the open field. I then took out the form the seniors handed out to us freshman, apparently we have to choose a club to join but I don't know which to choose.

A ball suddenly hit my table and that made me tense up, I watch the ball roll towards me and stop. A volleyball? Well I'm glad it didn't fall into my food. I lift my head to see some seniors headed towards me. What are they doing practising outside and not in the gym? I pick up the ball and hand it to the senior that seems to be one of the members in the volleyball team. Wait...I think I saw him with Oikawa the other day!

"Oh it's you again. Did Ethan bother you today?" The boy asks and I shake my head. He smiles while I blankly stare at him. He's really attractive.

*Tan anime boys make my legs weak*

"I'm Harper, a friend of Oikawa's big brother" Oikawa has a brother? That's something new, though he would seem like the little brother type. It's all thanks to his attitude.

"Are you busy choosing clubs? Why don't you be a manager at the boy's volleyball club? It would be nice to have an extra hand around" I raised an eyebrow. Before I had the chance to say anything, he went back to his friends. I pout.

Is becoming a manager of the boy's volleyball team a good idea? I shrug my shoulder and just filled in my form, heading in after I was done with eating my food. Classes continued but it's not even worth mentioning. I handed my form to the professor and hopefully I made a good choice. Clubs will start for us freshman next week so we have enough time to prepare.

It's now the afternoon and I'm walking around the garden while trying to find the book I dropped that night. Please don't be gone. I pray as I check under the bench, inside the bushes and everywhere else but I didn't get any luck on finding the book. Oh god, how am I gonna return that book now? I sigh as I run my hands through my hair, this is the worse thing that could happen to me today. I dont have the money to pay for this lost book...And it was so good! Fuck my luck!

When everything seemed so hopeless. I then remember the outdoor theater I also went to the other night, maybe I dropped the book there! I got rid of all the negative thoughts and quickly head to the place, the sun was already setting when I made it there. I hurry up the stairs to see Oikawa sitting on a bean bag, he didn't saw me because he was busy reading a book. My book!

"Um...Excuse me" Oikawa lift his head up so his eyes were focused on me instead. He grins as he close the book shut.

"Is this yours? I noticed a book laying on the ground when I was watching a film" He got up and start to take a few steps towards me, stopping when we were close enough.

"Yes so can I have it back now?" I tried grabbing back my book but he just move it out of my reach. I scoff. Is this guy being real right now?

"Not until you explain this whole drama between you and that senior Ethan" What the hell? We just shared a one night stand together and now you want to know about my personal life? I harden my expression and that made him grin.

"Or should I keep this book to myself?" He was gonna walk past me until I stopped him by grabbing his wrist, he made a surprised squeak before looking at me. I took a deep breath.

"I'll tell you but promise you won't say it to anyone else" He nod and we both sat down on the bean bags, he laughs at my reaction when I felt my body slowly sinking into the bean bag, I roll my eyes even though I'm a little embarrassed.

We kind of talked until the sun had disappeared into the horizon and when the moon started to appear, I rest my entire body on the bean bag as I look at the round bright moon. It really feels nice being able to talk to someone about this, even though it's with someone I find annoying. I look to my left to catch Oikawa staring at me, he quickly look away but it was already too late, I could see his face turning pink no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

"This ex of yours. He's seriously a pain in the ass" I chuckle, that's one description for it.

"Yeah...But after what you did to help me the other day, I don't think he will bother me again" I couldn't help but sigh when I looked back at the moon. Of course I'm glad Ethan is out of my life but now I feel like I'll never be able to love nor trust anyone anymore...

"I think you meant you, he's probably scared after getting punched by you. It sure looks and feel painful. Ouch" He said and we both laugh. Oikawa is actually not bad to hang around with once you get to know him better...I'm as surprised as you are.

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