▪︎One More!▪︎

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Oikawa parked the car and inside was a complete mess. I was looking through Rowan's bag and making sure he has everything he needs. Today is his first day at school and even though hes just starting preschool. I can't help it, it's just natural I guess. Oikawa was actually more nervous than I am, he has all the documents in his hands for Rowan to get him started on his first day. We got out of the car and I went to the back seat to free Rowan from his baby seat. I carry him inside the school with Oikawa walking ahead of us.

"You must be Misses and Mister Oikawa. And this must be Rowan" The woman greeted us with a smile. Yes he sure is.

"Here's the form you told us to fill in that day" Oikawa handed it to her and we followed her into the...guestroom? It looks so magical in here.

"Oh look who do we have here" A man with black hair and beautiful cat like eyes said. Not to mention how tall and muscular he is. Oh wait hes that dude we competed against at Hirakata, Japan! Wait what was his name again? Oh right Kuroo!

"You again...what are you even doing at a place like here?" Oikawa crosses his arm.

"I work here. Can't you tell by my clothes" Kuroo straighten his back. Yeah that definitely looks like a uniform.

"Babe, can you help me with this?" The woman said. Babe? So that means they're dating...

"Are you two...?" I point at the woman then the man.

"Yes we're engaged and currently have twins" The woman smiles as she wrap her arm around his husband.

"Twins?" Oikawa seems surprised.

"It was painful but sometimes you'll have to experience pain in order to feel the joy" The woman smiles.

"Um...Kuroo. Kaji needs the pacifier. Where did you put them?" A boy with blond hair and black roots said from another room. Hey you were also the guy we competed against!

"Does everyone that we know just surprisingly chose this school?" I was trying my best not to freak out when I saw someone familiar.

"Where are the towels?" Ushijima?! Oikawa's face was slowly turning red like a kettle being overheated.

"Okay, okay, everyone get back to the classroom. I'll get you what you need" Kuroo smiles as he wave Ushijima and Kenma into the classroom that is probably down the hall.

"Sorry about that. Here's his locker key and keep it safe because we don't want him to mistaken it as food" Kuroo's wife said. Will do.

"Alright. I think that's everything filled in. Before you two drop him off, may I ask if Rowan knows how to walk? Kuroo sometimes like to teach the babies how to play volleyball even at this age. He thinks it's cute" You said what now.

"Yes he can walk. It's just he gets crazy when we let him be" I put Rowan down and before you know it, he was exploring the room as if it's a rainforest.

"We'll keep that in mind. I'll go introduce him to the other babies and Kuroo will show you the way out" I turn around to find that Kuroo guy waving at us. Oh okay...

"Don't worry, we'll take very good care of him. You can stay if you have the time but I assume by the way you two are dressed, I guess that's for another day" This woman sure knows how to read people.

"Bye Rowan" I lift him up to place a kiss on his cheek. Oikawa then placing a kiss but on his other cheek.

"Let's go make some friends" The woman carried Rowan in her arms and took him to the classroom. Oooooooh...no...

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