▪︎The Man Behind It All▪︎

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The title though...the man behind the slaughter—

We made it to the mall and it wasn't as crowded as the day me and Akiko came here. Oikawa slip his hand into mine before we went in together. This place still looks beautiful. I look around and my eyes stopped at an escape room. Oooh...that looks interesting. I look back at Oikawa who was taken back by the way I was looking at him. I smirk and ended up dragging poor him to the escape room. He looks around with a slightly frightened look. I went to the counter to see the selections.

"Should we even do this?" He was looking around nervously. I chuckle.

"Yeah it'll be fun" I look at him to find his imaginary dog ears dropping.

"If you follow me" The man started to lead us in a dark room or perhaps should I say. The escape room!

"Ah!" Oikawa jumped when he heard noises. He wrapped his arm around mine and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I smile and place my other hand on his arm to make sure he doesn't bump into anything when following my footsteps.

"Good luck" The man said before leaving. Oikawa looks at him with a 'No come back!' look. I laugh when I saw his body jump just by hearing the door close.

"Its not gonna be that hard" I comforted him and he finally looked at me. He pouts.

"Why'd you have to choose a scary one? You just like to mess with me Y/N-chan" His pouting voice was gone when he heard another noise, I laugh hearing his tiny scream. He swallows hard as he looked down the dark hallway.

"Stay close. I'll protect you" I said and it was almost like something snapped in his mind. He strengthened his back after letting go of my arm.

"Its okay, don't be scared Y/N-chan. Your boyfriend is here" He stood in front of me and shield me with his arm. Um...I wasn't really scared...

"H-Hold my hand" He reached for my hand and I grin. Is that an excuse? I didn't bother teasing him and just hold his hand like he wanted it.

"Let's be careful. Something could jump out—" Just as he said that, a scary clown appeared and we both screamed. Except his scream was louder than mine. I laugh once the clown ran away. That was fun!

"I hate clowns..." He sighs. We then went down the hallway until we encountered four rooms. Each one had a different symbol on it. Hm...

"I think we should go in the one with the heart symbol. Because you know how much I love you" He grab the doorknob while I roll my eyes. He went in first and I followed him. He gulps.

"Is this a nursery? I-Its so..." He didn't finish because he was busy looking around.

"Boo!" I scared him from behind and it actually scared him. He screams but once he realised it was just me, he turns around with an angry look. He was about to shout at me until a ghost lady crawled out from under the table.

"Ahhhhh!" We both scream as we ran outside the room so the ghost didn't chase us anymore. I chuckle softly. Oh my stomach!

"We're on the same team! Don't scare me! M-My heart..." He rest his hand on his chest and I just ignore his dramatic act. There was nothing in the heart door room so let's check the star door room.

"Y/N-chan, I think my heart hurts" I turn around to see Oikawa still having his hand on his chest. Did the ghost scare him so hard that he's starting to die? I approach him to check on him but he suddenly wrap me in his arms. Ah I see what he's doing...

"My heart hurts. Check if it's still beating" He said but I could hear him grinning. It's not like I have a choice. I rest my ear on his chest to hear his heart beating very fast.

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