▪︎Meeting the Nephew▪︎

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Dinner was delicious and don't worry, Oikawa ate too. He just wanted to make sure I ate a lot since being pregnant takes a lot of my strength. We didn't do anything for the night except just sleep together on the bed, snuggling with each other as we fall asleep. It was soon the morning and I woke up to see Oikawa still sleeping beside me. You know what a sucker I am, I wrap my arm around his arm, as if I was using his bicep as my own hugging pillow. I rest on the bed for another few minutes until I felt Oikawa slowly starting to wake up.

"So adorable..." He mumbles and I could hear how flustered he was through his voice. I tried to hide my smile since I was pretending to be asleep.

"I have to get to practice. Forgive me honey" He place a kiss on my forehead before gently remove my arm from his bicep. Aw man...

I didn't open my eyes but I could hear him head inside the bathroom. He really changed ever since we dated, now he wakes up on his own without needing me to beat him with the pillow. Not to mention hes gotten much more mature. Character development everyone! Hm...Oikawa mentioned how his older sister and brother in law will be coming over to drop off their nephew. Gosh...isn't it embarrassing? I mean me and Oikawa are living in a apartment that's for one. I hope the nephew can cope with small spaces. It's not big but liveable.

"Y/N? Honey? Are you awake?" He asked after walking out of the bathroom...still not using the towel to cover up his body.

"I'm awake" I yawned into my hand. Suddenly I felt my stomach acting weird, I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Oikawa was concern to see me act that way. He was even more worried when he saw me throw up into the toilet. He quickly put on his boxers and pants before coming in to check on me.

"Let it out" He crouched down beside me and gently pat my back to help the vomiting end quicker.

"I'l go get a glass" He hurry his way to the kitchen to get an empty glass to fill it with water when he saw me done with vomiting. Ugh...morning sickness...I thought I was lucky for not having to deal with it...guess I'm wrong...

"Rinse" He handed me the glass and I did what he said. I spit the water into the toilet when I was done rinsing my mouth with it.

"Oh no my poor baby is experiencing morning sickness" Oikawa pouts at me like a dog. I chuckle even though I hate it.

He then flushed the toilet before taking me to the living room. I thank him when he gave me a tissue to wipe my mouth with. Oh I don't feel so good...When Oikawa was done putting on a shirt, he was nice enough to pour me a glass of water. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, I panicked knowing it was his older sister and brother in law. They can't see me wearing this! I grab my clothes and ran in the bathroom to shower and change. Oikawa just watch me with a confuse look before answering the door.

"Well isn't this place beautiful. Maybe learn to pick up your things Tooru" I gulp nervously when I could Oikawa's older sister talking.

"Did you miss your favourite uncle, Takeru?" Oikawa asked.

"Not really" Takeru said, which I bet is the nephew.

"We'll be busy for the day so I hope you and your girlfriend can look after Takeru for us" That must be the brother in law.

"Be nice now to your uncle Tooru. Mommy and daddy will be back to pick you up after the business meeting is over" It was quiet for a while until I heard the front door close. Phew...Ugh idiot Y/N! You didn't keep your promise. You're suppose to tell the older sister and brother in law you're married with Oikawa and carrying his baby.

"Y/N? You can stop hiding now" Oikawa gently knocked on the bathroom door. I blush feeling exposed.

"G-Give me a minute. I need to shower" I hang my clothes and towel before taking off my clothes. Wow...my baby bump really grew bigger...

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