▪︎Sister and Brother in Law▪︎

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My mood right now. I feel so high after getting the best idea for this book's plot

I followed Takeru from behind as he happily leap his way to the playground. While at the same time making sure I was able to catch up with him, I could feel a warm feeling coming from my heart when he started to climb up the playground castle. He sure is an energetic one. I saw a bench not far and sat there. You know...it feels really nice to be out in the open after I don't know, 4 months in my apartment? It just feels really nice. I relax my back on the bench as I enjoy the scenery and also checking back on Takeru every minute.

"Hm?" I was looking around but my eyes then stopped at a weird looking figure. They were wearing all black and sunglasses. What made them look suspicious was that they kept looking around their surroundings.

"Auntie Y/N, can we go back now? I'm really tired" Takeru stood in front of me and I look at him instead of the mysterious person. I nod as I got up from the bench.

"Sorry for telling you to come to the playground with me. I didn't wanted to waste the chance to play here" He apologised but I just smile.

"Its fine. I don't mind a little fresh air" I was practically screaming internally when I felt him holding my hand. Ah! His hand is so small! So cute!

We made it back to the apartment and I was practically a hungry lion. Takeru went and sat on the living room sofa while I decided to cook myself some noodles. Don't worry, I made sure to cut some fruits so that Takeru had something to eat as well. So that's what we did for the afternoon, just sitting on the sofa eating fruits and noodles. When we were finished eating, I went to the sink to wash the dishes. The sun is almost setting so his parents will be here to pick him up soon.

"Auntie Y/N, how did you and uncle Tooru meet?" Takeru ask when he saw me approaching him on the sofa. Oh...how do I say this...its a really odd question...

"We met...at a bar" I said with a shy smile. It's best I don't tell him about everything.

"You're a lot nicer than uncle Tooru's ex. She was nice but...very fake" Takeru mumbled as he was fidgeting with his fingers.

"Really? You met her before?" I laid back on the sofa and he did the same.

"It was when uncle Tooru was taking me to volleyball class. He brought his girlfriend with him and she wouldn't stop babying me" Takeru admitted. With that cute face of yours, it'd make sense to baby you.

"Did anything happened?" I tried my best not to sound...I don't know. Jealous?

"Nothing extraordinary happened. Uncle Tooru just kept taking pictures of me and telling me to put up peace signs. What I'm sure is he took a lot of selfies of him and his girlfriend" Takeru looked at me when he realised I was busy picturing the image he had put in my mind.

"Are you worried they'll get back together?" Takeru asked me and it made me snap out of my thoughts. I shake my head with an embarrassed smile.

"I'm just imagining how you'll look throwing up peace signs" He blushes when he heard me say that.

"Yahoo! I'm home!" Oikawa opened the door and both me and Takeru looked at him.

"Come here my baby" Oikawa spread his arm open as he approached me. I was struggling to break free when he finally got me in his arms, Takeru watches as Oikawa showered me with kisses.

"S-Stop your nephew is watching" I said and Oikawa actually stopped. He looked at Takeru with a smirk.

"How was your time with auntie Y/N? Fun?" Oikawa let go of me and shoo Takeru aside so that he could sit between us.

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